Probabilistic fracture mechanics and reliability (Dordrecht, 1987). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаProbabilistic fracture mechanics and reliability / ed. by Provan J.W. - Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1987. - xv, 467 p.; ill. - (Engineering applications of fracture mechanics; 6) - ISBN 90-247-3334-0

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... XIII
List of Contributors ........................................... XV

Chapter 1. Probabilistic approaches to the material-related
           reliability of fracture-sensitive structures
1.1. Introduction. .............................................. 1
     1.1.1. Introductory remarks ................................ 1
     1.1.2. Reliability: general considerations ................. 3
     1.1.3. Review of fatigue reliability models ................ 4
   The exponential distribution ............... 4
   The normal of Gaussian distribution ........ 5
   The log-normal distribution ................ 6
   The gamma distribution ..................... 7
   The Weibull distribution ................... 8
   The Gumbel (extreme-value)
                     distributions ............................. 10
   The Birnbaum-Saunders distribution ........ 12
   Other reliability distributions ........... 14
     1.1.4. The hazard rate concept ............................ 14
1.2. P-S-N Analysis ............................................ 15
     1.1.2 Introductory remarks ................................ 15
     1.2.2. P-S-N diagram ...................................... 15
     1.2.3. Reliability when the cycles-to-failure
            are dependent on the initial strength
            of the component ................................... 17
     1.2.4. Time dependent stress-strength ..................... 19
     1.2.5. Further considerations ............................. 19
1.3. Stochastic crack growth ................................... 22
     1.3.1. Introduction ....................................... 22
     1.3.2. Stochastic crack propagation ....................... 22
     1.3.3. Significantly weaker spot stochastic crack
            growth ............................................. 26
1.4. The micromechanics approach to fatigue failure ............ 27
     1.4.1. Introduction ....................................... 27
     1.4.2. The foundation of micromechanics ................... 27
   The micromechanic axioms pertaining
                     to fatigue failure ........................ 27
   Experimental and theoretical studies
                     on the elastic response of metals ......... 29
     1.4.3. Fatigue crack initiation ........................... 31
     1.4.4. Fatigue crack propagation .......................... 32
     1.4.5. Fatigue crack experimental investigations .......... 35
     1.4.6. Comparison of theoretical and experimental
            results ............................................ 36

1.5. A fatigue reliability law based on probabilistic
     micromechanics ............................................ 37
     1.5.1. Introductory remarks ............................... 37
     1.5.2. The micromechanics fatigue reliability
            relation ........................................... 38
     1.5.3. An experimental investigation of fatigue
            reliability laws ................................... 39
1.6. Concluding remarks ........................................ 44

Chapter 2. Probabilistic damage tolerance analysis of
           aircraft structures
              B.Palmberg, A.F.Blom and S.Eggwertz

2.1. Introduction .............................................. 47
2.2. Basic assumptions ......................................... 48
2.3. Load spectra .............................................. 49
     2.3.1. Specification of loads and environment ............. 49
     2.3.2. Acquisition of load spectra in service ............. 50
     2.3.3. Load sequences, truncations ........................ 52
     2.3.4. Scatter considerations ............................. 53
2.4. Stress and stress intensity analysis ...................... 54
     2.4.1. Structural models .................................. 54
     2.4.2. Available handbook and literature results .......... 58
     2.4.3. Disturbances such as residual stresses,
            contact stresses, friction ......................... 60
2.5. Imperfections ............................................. 62
     2.5.1. Classification of imperfections .................... 62
     2.5.2. Quality control .................................... 62
     2.5.3. Equivalent initial flaw sizes ...................... 63
     2.5.4. US military damage tolerance requirements .......... 67
2.6. Crack growth .............................................. 68
     2.6.1. Constant amplitude crack growth rate ............... 68
     2.6.2. Variable amplitude crack growth rate ............... 70
     2.6.3. Variability in crack growth rate ................... 72
     2.6.4. Predicting fatigue crack growth .................... 73
     2.6.5. Stochastic modelling of crack growth ............... 77
2.7. Fracture mechanics and residual strength .................. 86
     2.7.1 Material behaviour .................................. 86
     2.7.2 Linear elastic fracture mechanics ................... 89
     2.7.3 Nonlinear fracture mechanics ........................ 92
     2.7.4 Scatter in fracture toughness ....................... 95
     2.7.5 Probability of failure .............................. 96
            Inspection during service life .................... 102
     2.8.1 Damage sources and inspection procedures ........... 102
     2.8.2 Probability of crack detection by NDI methods ...... 102
     2.8.3 Length of intervals ................................ 106
     2.8.4 US military damage tolerance requirements .......... 107
     2.8.5 Crack size distribution after multiple
           inspections ........................................ 108
2.9. Structural safety ........................................ 113
     2.9.1 Discussion of USAF damage tolerance requirements ... 113
     2.9.2 Residual strength of structures .................... 115
     2.9.3 Safety analysis .................................... 116
     2.9.4 Numerical example .................................. 118
     Concluding remarks ....................................... 128

Chapter 3. Aircraft structural reliability and risk analysis

3.1. Introduction ............................................. 132
     3.1.1 The reliability concept ............................ 133
3.2. Basic reliability and risk mathematics ................... 135
     3.2.1 Mixed population with different risks .............. 137
3.3. Physical aspects of structural failure ................... 139
     3.3.1. Loading actions ................................... 139
     3.3.2. Structural behaviour .............................. 140
3.4. Mathematical-statistical model representing a real
     structural situation ..................................... 142
3.5. Reliability without inspections - the safe life
     situation ................................................ 146
     3.5.1. Risk of static ultimate load failure .............. 147
     3.5.2. Risk of failure with deteriorating strength ....... 148
     3.5.3. Partitioning the risk ............................. 149
     3.5.4. Averaging the instantaneous risk .................. 152
     3.5.5. Truncation of the strength - time curve ........... 152
     3.5.6. Structures with initial cracks .................... 154
     3.5.7. Structures with multiple failure modes and
            locations ......................................... 155

     3.6. Risk of failure with inspectable structures ......... 156
     3.7. Illustrative examples ............................... 158

     3.7.1. Safe life situation - ultra high strength
            material .......................................... 167
     3.7.2. Safety-by-inspection situation: typical
            aluminium alloy material .......................... 160
   Distribution of strength with virgin
                     strength preserved ....................... 160
   Change of strength distribution with
                     time-deteriorating strength .............. 161
   Safety by inspection ..................... 162
3.8. Acceptable risk .......................................... 164
3.9. Reliability of reliability estimates ..................... 165
     3.9.1. Confidence intervals related to the sampling
            of H .............................................. 166
     3.9.2. Confidence regions related to the sampling
            of δlogH ........................................... 166
     3.9.3. Confidence intervals related to the sampling
            of U0 ............................................. 167
     3.9.4. Confidence in relation to extrapolation of
            the spectrum ...................................... 167
     3.9.5. Confidence related to safe-by-inspection
            structures ........................................ 168
3.10. General discussion ...................................... 168

Chapter 4. Stochastic crack growth models for applications
           to aircraft structures
              V.J.N.Yang, W.H.Hsi, S.D.Manning,
              and J.L.Rudd

4.1. Introduction ............................................. 171
4.2. Stochastic models for fatigue crack propagation .......... 173
     4.2.1. Stochastic crack propagation model ................ 173
     4.2.2. Fatigue crack growth data in fastener holes ....... 174
     4.2.3. Lognormal crack growth rate model and
            analysis procedures ............................... 176
     4.2.4. Lognormal random process model .................... 181
     4.2.5. Lognormal white noise model ....................... 182
     4.2.6. Lognormal random variable model ................... 183
     4.2.7. Correlation with experimental test results ........ 186
   General lognormal random process
                     model .................................... 186
   Lognormal random variable model .......... 189
4.3. Second moment approximation .............................. 191
     4.3.1. Mean and standard deviation of W{t) ............... 194
     4.3.2. Weibull approximation ............................. 195
     4.3.3. Gamma and other approximations .................... 196
     4.3.4. Correlation between second moment
            approximations and experimental test results ...... 197
4.4. Fatigue crack propagation in center-cracked specimens .... 198
     4.4.1. Synergistic sine hyperbolic crack growth
            rate function ..................................... 201
     4.4.2. Stochastic models and second moment
            approximations .................................... 202
     4.4.3. Correlations with experimental test results ....... 203
4.5. Factors affecting probabilistic prediction of fatigue
     crack propagation ........................................ 206
     4.5.1. Fatigue crack growth analysis procedures .......... 206
     4.5.2. Equal number of data points for each specimen ..... 207
     4.5.3. Data processing procedures ........................ 208
4.6. Conclusions and discussions .............................. 209

Chapter 5. Durability of aircraft structures
              S.D.Manning, J.N.Yang, and J.L.Rudd

5.1. Introduction ............................................. 213
5.2. Durability design requirements ........................... 214
     5.2.1. Analytical requirements ........................... 215
     5.2.2. Experimental requirements ......................... 216
5.3. Durability analysis criteria ............................. 216
     5.3.1. Durability critical parts criteria ................ 216
     5.3.2. Economic life criteria/guidelines ................. 217
5.4. Durability analysis methodology .......................... 219
     5.4.1. General description ............................... 220
     5.4.2. Assumptions and limitations ....................... 220
     5.4.3. Initial fatigue quality (IFQ) model ............... 221
   IFQ model equations for Case I (b > 1) ... 224
   IFQ model equations for Case
                     II (b = 1) ............................... 225
     5.4.4. Durability analysis procedures .................... 226
5.5. Durability analysis details .............................. 227
     5.5.1. EIFS distribution ................................. 228
     5.5.2. Test/fractographic guidelines ..................... 229
   Test guidelines .......................... 230
   Guidelines for fractographic data ........ 232
     5.5.3. Fractographic data pooling concepts ............... 232
     5.5.4. Determination of EIFSD parameters ................. 234
   General concepts and guidelines .......... 235
   Estimation of Qi* ......................... 236
   Estimation of ai, βi, and ei .............. 237
   Determination of a and Qβ ................ 238
   Estimation of EIFSD parameters
                     and evaluation of goodness-of-fit ........ 239
     5.5.5. Statistical scaling of ft parameter ............... 245
     5.5.6. Probability of crack exceedance ................... 247
   Service crack growth master curve ........ 247
   Crack exceedance predictions ............. 249
     5.5.7. Formats for presenting durability analysis
            results ........................................... 251
5.6. Durability analysis demonstration ........................ 251
     5.6.1. Fighter lower wing skins .......................... 251
     5.6.2. Complex-splice specimens subjected to bomber
            load spectrum ..................................... 259
5.7. Comparison of deterministic and probabilistic
     approaches for durability analysis ....................... 263
     5.7.1. Deterministic crack growth approach ............... 263
     5.7.2. Probabilistic approach ............................ 264
     5.7.3. Conceptual comparisons ............................ 264
   Durability analysis based on DCGA ........ 265
   Durability analysis based on
                     probabilistic approach ................... 265
     5.7.4. Conclusions ....................................... 266
5.8. Summary and concluding remarks ........................... 267

Chapter 6. The reliability of pressurized water reactor vessek
              R.F.Cameron, G.O.Johnston, and A.B.Lidiard

6.1    Introduction ........................................... 269
6.2. Statistics of pressure vessel failure .................... 272
     6.2.1. Nuclear primary circuit ........................... 274
     6.2.2. Non-nuclear vessels ............................... 275
6.3. General physical aspects ................................. 277
     6.3.1. Cracks - their causes, detection and repair ....... 281
   Causes and incidence of cracks ........... 282
   Detection of cracks by non-destructive
                     examination .............................. 283
   Repair of cracks ......................... 283
     6.3.2. Material toughness and failure mechanisms ......... 283
     6.3.3. Crack growth by fatigue ........................... 287
     6.3.4. Transient loadings ................................ 290
6.4. Mathematical formulation ................................. 291
     6.4.1. General expressions for the failure integral ...... 293
     6.4.2. Deterministic crack growth ........................ 296
     6.4.3. Effect of previous loading: the
            'cold hydrotest' .................................. 298
6.5. The distribution functions of physical quantities ........ 299
     6.5.1. The initial crack-size distribution function ...... 299
   Cracks arising in manufacture ............ 300
   Efficiency of the detection of cracks .... 302
     6.5.2. Fracture toughness and flow stress ................ 304
     6.5.3. Fatigue crack growth and the transfer function .... 306
6.6. Applications ............................................. 307
     6.6.1. U.S. and European L.W.R. pressure vessel
            calculations ...................................... 308
     6.6.2. Survey of results and conclusions ................. 309
   Absolute failure rates ................... 309
   Dependence of failure rate upon time
                     in service ............................... 311
   Sensitivity to the crack incidence
                     function ................................. 312
   Sensitivity to fracture toughness ........ 314
   Sensitivity to stress-intensity
                     function and failure condition ........... 315
   Sensitivity to crack growth rates ........ 316
   Relative effects of different
                     transients ............................... 317
   Relative contributions of different
                     regions of the vessel .................... 317
   In-service inspection .................... 318
6.7. Conclusion ............................................... 318

Appendix 6.1 .................................................. 320
Appendix 6.2 .................................................. 320
Appendix 6.3 .................................................. 321

Chapter 7. Applications of PFM in the nuclear industry to
           reactor pressure vessel, main coolant piping
           and steel containment

7.1 Introduction .............................................. 325
7.2. Reactor pressure vessel .................................. 326
     7.2.1. Brittle fracture of the RPV ....................... 327
     7.2.2. Defect distributions .............................. 327
     7.2.3. Influence of inspections and tests ................ 330
     7.2.4. Results ........................................... 330
7.3. Main coolant piping ...................................... 332
     7.3.1. Leakage of the MCP ................................ 332
     7.3.2. Model of the defect distribution in welds ......... 333
     7.3.3. Influence of vibrations ........................... 336
7.4. Steel containment ........................................ 337
     7.4.1. Two-criteria-approach ............................. 337
     7.4.2. Distributions of material properties .............. 338
     7.4.3. Distributions of defect dimensions ................ 342
     7.4.4. Results ........................................... 346
7.5. Conclusions .............................................. 350

Chapter 8. Numerical methods in probabilistic fracture

8.1. Introduction ............................................. 351
8.2. Processing of input data ................................. 352
     8.2.1. Curve fitting ..................................... 352
   Classical statistics ..................... 352
   Bayesian methods ......................... 355
     8.2.2. Extrapolation from incomplete data ................ 359
     8.2.3. Model calculations ................................ 361
   Model of crack formation in welds ........ 361
   Extreme value theory ..................... 361
8.3. Numerical methods for the calculation of failure
     probabilities ............................................ 364
     8.3.1. Monte Carlo methods ............................... 364
   Simulation ............................... 364
   Random number generators ................. 365
     8.3.2. Variance reduction ................................ 365
   Crude Monte Carlo ........................ 365
   Stratified sampling ...................... 367
   Importance sampling ...................... 369
     8.3.3. Applications to probabilistic fracture
            mechanics ......................................... 372
   Applications of stratified sampling ...... 372
   Applications of importance sampling ...... 372
8.4. Approximation methods .................................... 375
     8.4.1. Basic ideas ....................................... 375
   Linear problems with normal
                     distributions ............................ 377
   Non-linear problems with normal
                     distributions ............................ 378
     8.4.2. Non-linear functions g and non-normal
            distributions ..................................... 380
   Normal tail approximation ................. 380
   Alternative iteration schemes ............. 381
     8.4.3 Applications to probabilistic fracture mechanics ... 382

Chapter 9. Probabilistic fracture mechanics
9.1. Introduction ............................................. 387
9.2. General discussion ....................................... 390
     9.2.1. Background ........................................ 390
     9.2.2. Deterministic foundations ......................... 390
9.3. Statistical basis for PFM ................................ 391
9.4. Engineering models and PFM ............................... 393
9.5. Numerical methods ........................................ 394
     9.5.1. Discussion ........................................ 394
     9.5.2. Monte-Carlo methodology ........................... 395
   Outline of analysis procedures ........... 396
   Using the MC program ..................... 398
   The basic Monte-Carlo simulation
                     method ................................... 399
   Minimum requirements to improve the MC
                     computer program ......................... 400
9.6. PFM application examples ................................. 401
     9.6.1. Optimization of safety factors with pure PFM ...... 401
     9.6.2. A failure rate prediction with pure PFM ........... 405
   The deterministic fracture mechanics
                     problem .................................. 408
   Distribution of the input random
                     variables C, Δδ, Ai ...................... 408
   The probabilistic analysis ............... 410
   A dependence effect on the
                     N distribution ........................... 412
   Probabilistic addition of crack
                     initiation cycles ........................ 413
     9.6.3. RFC of inspectable hardware with calibrated PFM ... 415
   General discussion of turbine disk
                     problem .................................. 415
   Simulation of stress uncertainty ......... 417
   Simulation of inspection uncertainty ..... 419
   Simulation of analyses uncertainties ..... 419
   Results of cost analysis ................. 421
   New developments in calibrated PFM/RFC ... 423

     9.6.4. CPFM for hard-to-inspect turbine shaft bores ...... 423
     9.6.5. Advanced computer application for general
            calibrated PFM .................................... 427
   Discussion of baseline RFC procedure
                     simulation ............................... 430
9.7. Concluding remarks ....................................... 432
     9.7.1. Summary ........................................... 432
     9.7.2. Future considerations ............................. 434
     9.7.3. Conclusion ........................................ 436

References .................................................... 437
Index ......................................................... 461

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