Photonic crystals (New York; London, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPhotonic crystals: physics, fabrication, and applications / ed. by Inoue K., Ohtaka K. - New York; London: Springer, 2004. - xii, 320 p.: ill. - (Springer series in optical sciences; 94) - ISBN 3-540-20559-4; ISSN 0342-4111

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Оглавление / Contents
1.  Introduction 
    К.Inoue ...................................................... 1
    1.1. History of Research on Photonic Crystals ................ 1
    1.2. Types of Photonic Crystals .............................. 3
    1.3. Light States in a Photonic Crystal ...................... 5
         1.3.1. Description of Light State in Vacuum ............. 5
         1.3.2. Light State and Its Density for a Photonic 
                Crystal .......................................... 6
    References ................................................... 7

2.  Survey of Fundamental Features of Photonic Crystals
    K.Inoue, K.Ohtaka ............................................ 9
    2.1. One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal: Band Calculation ...... 9
         2.1.1. Bloch Theorem .................................... 9
         2.1.2. Scaling Property of Photonic Band Structure ..... 14
    2.2. One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal: Various Concepts
         and Characteristic Features of Photonic Bands .......... 15
         2.2.1. First Band at k ≈ 0 ............................. 15
         2.2.2. Photonic Bands for k near the BZ Boundary ....... 15
         2.2.3. Tendency of Photon Localization: Dielectric 
                and Air Bands ................................... 16
         2.2.4. Slow Group Velocity ............................. 17
         2.2.5. Density of States ............................... 17
    2.3. Concept of the Light Cone and Example of One-
         Dimensional Off-Axis Band .............................. 19
    2.4. Band Structures of Two- and Three-Dimensional 
         Photonic Crystals ...................................... 23
         2.4.1. Examples of Two-Dimensional Photonic Band ....... 23
         2.4.2. Example of Three-Dimensional Photonic Band ...... 26
    2.5. How to Experimentally Explore the Band Structure ....... 26
    2.6. Defect Modes ........................................... 27
    2.7. Common and Fundamental Features of Photonic Band 
         Structure .............................................. 29
         2.7.1. Existence of Photonic Band Gap .................. 29
         2.7.2. Existence of Defect or Local Modes .............. 31
         2.7.3. Anomalous Group Velocity ........................ 32
         2.7.4. Remarkable Polarization Dependence .............. 33
         2.7.5. Manifestation of Peculiar Bands ................. 34
    2.8. Application of Photonic Crystals ....................... 35
References ...................................................... 37

3.  Theory I: Basic Aspects of Photonic Bands
    K.Ohtaka .................................................... 39
    3.1. 2D or 3D Photonic Band Structure ....................... 39
         3.1.1. Full Maxwell's Equations ........................ 39
         3.1.2. Plane-Wave Expansion Method ..................... 42
    3.2. Parity of Mirror Reflection of 2D PBS .................. 44
    3.3. Light Transmission and Reflection ...................... 47
         3.3.1. Transmission through a ID Photonic Crystal ...... 47
         3.3.2. Transmission through a 2D or 3D Photonic 
                Crystal ......................................... 49
         3.3.3. Diffraction ..................................... 51
         3.3.4. Transmittance and Reflectance versus PBS ........ 52
    3.4. Photonic Crystals of Finite Thickness .................. 54
         3.4.1. Light Cone Dividing Leaky and Nonleaky 
                regions ......................................... 54
         3.4.2. Formation of Photonic Band Structure in a 
                Slab ............................................ 55
         3.4.3. Thick Slab of Photonic Crystal .................. 58
    3.5. Whispering Gallery Modes and Mie Resonances ............ 58
    3.6. Concept of Heavy Photons and Tight-Binding Bands ....... 62
References ...................................................... 63

4.  Theory II: Advanced Topics of Photonic Crystals
    K.Ohtaka .................................................... 65
    4.1. Methods not Based on Plane-Wave Expansion .............. 65
         4.1.1. Vector Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) Method ...... 66
         4.1.2. Monolayer Scattering and Bloch Theorem .......... 70
    4.2. Group Theory of Photonic Crystals ...................... 74
         4.2.1. Invariance agaist Lattice Symmetry 
                Operations ...................................... 74
         4.2.2. Group of к and Basic Group-Theoretical 
                Properties ...................................... 77
         4.2.3. Symmetry-Related Polarizations of Plane 
                Waves ........................................... 79
         4.2.4. Application of Group Theory ..................... 81
    4.3. Leaky Modes of Slab-Type Photonic Crystals ............. 84
         4.3.1. DOS Formula for a Homogeneous Dielectric 
                Slab ............................................ 85
         4.3.2. DOS Formula for a Spherical Scatterer ........... 90
         4.3.3. DOS Formula for a Slab Photonic Crystal ......... 90
         4.3.4. Application of DOS Formula to a PC Slab ......... 92
    4.4. Layer-Doubling Method .................................. 94
         4.4.1. Procedures of Layer Doubling in Light 
                Propagation ..................................... 94
         4.4.2. Applications of Layer-Doubling Method ........... 97
    4.5. Origin of Band Gap Modes ............................... 99
         4.5.1. Completeness of Photonic Band Solutions ........ 100
         4.5.2. Formal Treatment of a Single Defect ............ 101
         4.5.3. Practical Treatment of Defect Modes ............ 104
    4.6. Inhomogeneous Maxwell Equations ....................... 107
         4.6.1. Green's Function and Inhomogeneous Maxwell 
                Equations ...................................... 107
         4.6.2. Applications of the Derived Formula ............ 110
    4.7. Optics of Photonic Crystals ........................... 112
References ..................................................... 116

5.  Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
    K.Inoue .................................................... 119
    5.1. 2D Photonic Crystal of Arrayed Fiber Type ............. 119
    5.2. 2D Photonic Crystals Fabricated Based on Anodic 
         Porous Alumina ........................................ 122
    5.3. Other Methods and 2D Photonic Crystals with a 2D 
         Band Gap .............................................. 125
    5.4. Photonic Crystal Fibers ............................... 127
References ..................................................... 129

6.  Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Slabs 
    K.Inoue, K.Asakawa, K.Ohtaka ............................... 131
    6.1. The Guided Mode and the Photonic Band Gap ............. 131
    6.2. Three Types of PC Slabs ............................... 133
    6.3. Fabrication of Samples ................................ 136
    6.4. Optical Properties .................................... 141
    6.5. Non-Bulk PC Slabs ..................................... 144
    6.6. Q-values of Leaky Photonic Band Modes ................. 145
    6.7. Dispersion Relation and Lifetime ...................... 147
References ..................................................... 149

7.  Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
    S.Noda, T.Kawashima, S.Kawakami ............................ 151
    7.1. 3D Photonic Crystal by Wafer Fusion and Alignment 
         and its Band Structure ................................ 152
    7.2. 3D Photonic Crystals at Infrared Wavelengths .......... 155
    7.3. 3D Photonic Crystals at Near-Infrared Wavelengths ..... 158
    7.4. Autocloning Technology ................................ 161
    7.5. Mechanisms of Autocloning ............................. 162
    7.6. Features of Autocloning ............................... 165
         7.6.1. Self-healing Effect ............................ 165
         7.6.2. Productivity ................................... 166
         7.6.3. Flexibility of Materials ....................... 166
         7.6.4. Flexibility of Lattice Type .................... 166
         7.6.5. Scaling Law .................................... 166
         7.6.6. Lattice Modulation ............................. 167
    7.7. Concept of Lattice Modulation of Photonic Crystals
         and its Application ................................... 168
         7.7.1. Channel Waveguide by Using Lattice 
                Modulation ..................................... 168
         7.7.2. Optical Resonator .............................. 169
    7.8. Expansion of Band Gaps ................................ 171
         7.8.1. Introducing Reactive Ion Etching ............... 171
         7.8.2. Autocloned Structures Supporting FBG ........... 171
References ..................................................... 172

8.  Other Types of Photonic Crystals
    Y.Segawa, K.Ohtaka ......................................... 175
    8.1. Double-Periodic Photonic Crystals ..................... 175
    8.2. Quantum-Well Photonic Crystals ........................ 178
    8.3. Isotropic Band Photonic Crystals ...................... 183
    8.4. Metallic Photonic Crystals ............................ 186
         8.4.1. Band Structure of a Metallic Photonic 
                Crystal ........................................ 186
         8.4.2. Transmittance and Local Field Enhancement ...... 190
         8.4.3. Effect of Absorption on the Local Field 
                Enhancement .................................... 191
References ..................................................... 192

9.  Spectroscopic Methods for Characterization
    K.Inoue .................................................... 195
    9.1. How to Characterize a Sample .......................... 195
    9.2. Spectroscopy in the General Case ...................... 196
    9.3. Spectroscopy of a PC Slab ............................. 197
         9.3.1. Transmission and Reflection Spectroscopy ....... 197
         9.3.2. Near-Field Spectroscopy ........................ 204
         9.3.3. Resonant-Mode Spectroscopy ..................... 204
    9.4. Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy Using an Ultrafast 
         Pulse ................................................. 205
References ..................................................... 208

10. Interaction Between Light and Matter in Photonic 
    K.Inoue, K.Ohtaka, S.Noda .................................. 211
    10.1.Suppression and Enhancement of Emission ............... 211
    10.2.Extraction of Light from a Slab with High 
         Efficiency ............................................ 214
    10.3.Direct Observation of Small Group Velocity ............ 215
    10.4.Laser Action: Experimental Aspects .................... 217
         10.4.1. Band-Edge Laser ............................... 217
         10.4.2. Vertically-Emitting Laser ..................... 219
         10.4.3. Defect Laser .................................. 222
         10.4.4. Other PC Lasers ............................... 222
    10.5.Laser Action: Numerical Aspects ....................... 222
         10.5.1. Treatment of the Onset of Lasing .............. 222
         10.5.2. Lasing Involving Group-Velocity Anomaly ....... 224
    10.6.Nonlinear Optical Phenomena ........................... 226
    10.7.Emission of Light from a Traveling Electron ........... 228
         10.7.1. SPR Spectrum and PBS .......................... 232
         10.7.2. Photon Yield of PC versus Diffraction 
                 Grating ....................................... 234
References ..................................................... 235

11. Photonic Crystal Devices
    T.Baba ..................................................... 237
    11.1.How to Use Photonic Crystal Properties ................ 237
    11.2.Light Emitters ........................................ 239
         11.2.1. Point-Defect Laser ............................ 239
         11.2.2. Band-Edge Laser ............................... 242
         11.2.3. VCSEL ......................................... 243
         11.2.4. High Extraction Efficiency LED ................ 243
    11.3.Optical Waveguides .................................... 245
         11.3.1. Line-Defect Waveguide in a Photonic 
                 Crystal Slab .................................. 245
         11.3.2. Other Types of Waveguide ...................... 250
    11.4.Optical Fibers ........................................ 251
         11.4.1. Holey Fiber ................................... 251
         11.4.2. Photonic Band-Gap Fiber ....................... 252
         11.4.3. Bragg Fiber ................................... 252
    11.5.Wavelength Filters .................................... 253
         11.5.1. Resonant Type Filter .......................... 253
         11.5.2. Diffraction Type Filter ....................... 254
    11.6.Polarization Filters .................................. 256
    11.7.Dispersion Compensators ............................... 256
    11.8.Light Control Devices ................................. 256
    11.9.Harmonic Generation ................................... 258
References ..................................................... 258

12. Application to Ultrafast Optical Planar Integrated
    K.Asakawa, K.Inoue ......................................... 261
    12.1.Introduction .......................................... 261
    12.2.Why Photonic Crystal-Based Ultrafast All-Optical 
         Switches, PC-SMZ? ..................................... 263
    12.3.Fundamental Structures of 2D PC Slab Waveguides ....... 265
         12.3.1. 2D PC Slab and Defect Waveguide Structure ..... 265
         12.3.2. Simulation of Band Structure .................. 266
    12.4.Nanofabrication Technologies for 2D PC Slab 
         Waveguides ............................................ 267
         12.4.1. Fine EB Lithography ........................... 267
         12.4.2. Fine Dry Etching .............................. 269
    12.5.Fabrication and Characterization of 2D PC Slab 
         Defect Waveguides ..................................... 270
         12.5.1. Straight and Bend Waveguides .................. 270
         12.5.2. Y-branch Waveguide ............................ 272
         12.5.3. Directional Coupler ........................... 273
         12.5.4. Compact and Flat-Band Delay Element ........... 277
    12.6.Fabrication and Characterization of Long 
         Waveguides ............................................ 279
    12.7.Summary ............................................... 282
References ..................................................... 282

13. Photonic Crystals in the Terahertz Region
    M.W.Takeda ................................................. 285
    13.1.Dispersion Relation of Terahertz Waves in Photonic 
         Crystals............................................... 285
    13.2.Direct Excitation of Localized Planar Defect Modes .... 289
    13.3.Dual-Periodic Photonic Crystals ....................... 292
    13.4.Control of Microwave Emission from Photonic 
         Crystal ............................................... 294
References ..................................................... 297

14. Perspective
    S.Noda, K.Ohtaka ........................................... 299

Appendix A.
Reciprocal Lattice Vector and Discretized Wavevector
    K. Ohtaka and K. Inoue ..................................... 303
1. Reciprocal Lattice Vectors and First Brillouin Zone ......... 303
2. Density of States ........................................... 305

Appendix B.
Phase Shift of Light and Density of States
    K.Ohtaka ................................................... 309

Index .......................................................... 315

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