Ohtsubo J. Semiconductor (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOhtsubo J. Semiconductor: stability, instability and chaos. - 2nd ed. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. - xvii, 476 p. - (Springer series in optical sciences; 111). - ISBN 978-3-540-72647-0; ISSN 0342-4111

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Оглавление / Contents
1.  Introduction ................................................ 1
    1.1. Chaos and Lasers ....................................... 1
    1.2. Historical Perspectives of Chaos in Semiconductor 
         Lasers ................................................. 3
    1.3. Outline of This Book ................................... 6

2.  Chaos in Laser Systems ..................................... 11
    2.1. Laser Model and Bloch Equations ....................... 11
         2.1.1. Laser Model in a Ring Resonator ................ 11
         2.1.2. Light Emission and Absorption in Two-Level 
                Atoms .......................................... 13
         2.1.3. Maxwell-Bloch Equations ........................ 14
    2.2. Lorenz-Haken Equations ................................ 15
         2.2.1. Lorenz-Haken Equations ......................... 15
         2.2.2. First Laser Threshold .......................... 16
         2.2.3. Second Laser Threshold ......................... 18
    2.3. Classifications of Lasers ............................. 20
         2.3.1. Classes of Lasers .............................. 20
         2.3.2. Class С Lasers ................................. 30
         2.3.3. Class В Lasers ................................. 23
         2.3.4. Class A Lasers ................................. 24

3.  Semiconductor Lasers and Theory ............................ 25
    3.1. Semiconductor Lasers .................................. 25
    3.2. Oscillation Conditions of Semiconductor Lasers ........ 26
         3.2.1. Laser Oscillation Conditions ................... 26
         3.2.2. Laser Oscillation Frequency .................... 28
         3.2.3. Dependence of Oscillation Frequency on 
                Carrier Density ................................ 29
    3.3. Derivation of Rate Equations .......................... 29
         3.3.1. Gain at Laser Oscillation ...................... 29
         3.3.2. Rate Equation for the Field .................... 30
         3.3.3. Linewidth Enhancement Factor ................... 32
         3.3.4. Laser Rate Equations ........................... 33
    3.4. Linear Stability Analysis and Relaxation 
         Oscillation ........................................... 37
         3.4.1. Linear Stability Analysis ...................... 37
         3.4.2. Relaxation Oscillation ......................... 38
    3.5. Langevin Noises ....................................... 40
         3.5.1. Rate Equations Including Langevin Noises ....... 40
         3.5.2. Langevin Noises ................................ 41
         3.5.3. Noise Spectrum ................................. 43
         3.5.4. Relative Intensity Noise (RIN) ................. 43
         3.5.5. Phase Noise and Spectral Linewidth ............. 44
    3.6. Modulation Characteristics ............................ 47
         3.6.1. Injection Current Modulation ................... 47
         3.6.2. Intensity Modulation Characteristics ........... 48
         3.6.3. Phase Modulation Characteristics ............... 50
    3.7. Waveguide Models of Semiconductor Lasers .............. 51
         3.7.1. Index- and Gain-Guided Structures .............. 51
         3.7.2. Waveguide Models ............................... 53
         3.7.3. Spatial Modes of Gain- and Index-Guided 
                Lasers ......................................... 54
         3.7.4. Effects of Spontaneous Emission in Gain- and 
                Index-Guided Lasers ............................ 56
         3.7.5. Laser Types .................................... 58

4.  Theory of Optical Feedback in Semiconductor Lasers ......... 63
    4.1. Theory of Optical Feedback ............................ 63
         4.1.1. Optical Feedback Effects and Classifications 
                of Optical Feedback Phenomena .................. 63
         4.1.2. Theoretical Model .............................. 66
    4.2. Linear Stability Analysis for Optical Feedback 
         Systems ............................................... 68
         4.2.1. Linear Stability Analysis ...................... 68
         4.2.2. Linear Mode, and Stability and Instability
                in Semiconductor Lasers ........................ 73
         4.2.3. Gain Reduction Due to Optical Feedback ......... 75
         4.2.4. Linewidth in the Presence of Optical 
                Feedback ....................................... 76
    4.3. Feedback from a Grating Mirror ........................ 77
    4.4. Phase-Conjugate Feedback .............................. 79
    4.5. Incoherent Feedback and Polarization-Rotated Optical 
         Feedback .............................................. 82
         4.5.1. Incoherent Feedback ............................ 82
         4.5.2. Polarization-Rotated Optical Feedback .......... 83
    4.6. Filtered Feedback ..................................... 85

5.  Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers with Optical Feedback ..... 87
    5.1. Optical Feedback from a Conventional Reflector ........ 87
         5.1.1. Optical Feedback Effects ....................... 87
         5.1.2. Potential Model in Feedback Induced 
                Instability .................................... 88
         5.1.3. Optical Spectrum in Stable and Unstable 
                Feedback Regimes ............................... 90
         5.1.4. Chaos in Semiconductor Lasers with Optical 
                Feedback ....................................... 93
         5.1.5. Chaotic Bifurcations ........................... 95
         5.1.6. Dynamics for Injection Current Variations ...... 96
    5.2. Dependence of Chaotic Dynamics on the External 
         Mirror Position ...................................... 101
         5.2.1. Periodic Stability Enhancement for 
                Variations of the External Cavity Length ...... 101
         5.2.2. Origin of Periodic Stability Enhancement ...... 103
         5.2.3. Effects of Linewidth Enhancement Factor ....... 105
         5.2.4. Sensitivity of the Optical Phase .............. 107
         5.2.5. Chaotic Dynamics for a Small Change of the 
                External Cavity Length ........................ 109
    5.3. Low-Frequency Fluctuations (LFFs) .................... 112
         5.3.1. Low-Frequency Fluctuation Phenomena ........... 112
         5.3.2. LFF Characteristics ........................... 115
         5.3.3. Origin of LFFs ................................ 117
    5.4. Chaotic Dynamics in Short External Cavity Limit ...... 120
         5.4.1. Stable and Unstable Conditions in Short
                External Cavity ............................... 120
         5.4.2. Regular Pulse Package Oscillations in Short 
                External Cavity ............................... 122
         5.4.3. Bifurcations of Regular Pulse Package ......... 124
    5.5. Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers with Grating 
         Mirror Feedback ...................................... 126
    5.6. Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers with Phase-
         Conjugate Mirror Feedback ............................ 129
         5.6.1. Linear Stability Analysis ..................... 129
         5.6.2. Dynamics Induced by Phase-Conjugate 
                Feedback ...................................... 131
         5.6.3. Dynamics in the Presence of Frequency 
                Detuning ...................................... 132
         5.6.4. Finite and Slow Response Phase-Conjugate 
                Feedback ...................................... 132
    5.7. Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers with Incoherent 
         Optical Feedback ..................................... 134
         5.7.1. Dynamics of Incoherent Optical Feedback ....... 134
         5.7.2. Dynamics of Polarization-Rotated Optical 
                Feedback ...................................... 138
    5.8. Dynamics of Filtered Optical Feedback ................ 140
         5.8.1. Filtered Optical Feedback ..................... 140
         5.8.2. External Cavity Modes ......................... 142
         5.8.3. Frequency Oscillations and Chaotic Dynamics ... 144

6.  Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers with Optical Injection ... 147
    6.1. Optical Injection .................................... 147
         6.1.1. Optical Injection Locking ..................... 147
         6.1.2. Injection Locking Condition ................... 150
    6.2. Stability and Instability in Optical Injection 
         Systems .............................................. 152
         6.2.1. Rate Equations ................................ 152
         6.2.2. Chaotic Bifurcations by Optical Injection ..... 153
         6.2.3. Chaos Map in the Phase Space of Frequency 
                Detuning and Injection ........................ 157
         6.2.4. Coexistence of Chaotic Attractors in 
                Optically Injected Semiconductor Lasers ....... 161
    6.3. Enhancement of Modulation Bandwidth and Generation 
         of High Frequency Chaotic Oscillation by Strong 
         Optical Injection .................................... 164
         6.3.1. Enhancement of Modulation Bandwidth by 
                Strong Optical Injection ...................... 164
         6.3.2. Origin of Modulation Bandwidth Enhancement .... 168
         6.3.3. Modulation Response by Strong Optical 
                Injection ..................................... 170
         6.3.4. Suppression of Frequency Chirping by Strong 
                Optical Injection ............................. 172
         6.3.5. Generation of High Frequency Chaotic 
                Oscillation by Strong Optical Injection ....... 174

7.  Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers with Optoelectronic 
    Feedback and Modulation ................................... 177
    7.1. Theory of Optoelectronic Feedback .................... 177
         7.1.1. Optoelectronic Feedback Systems ............... 177
         7.1.2. Pulsation Oscillations in Optoelectronic 
                Feedback Systems .............................. 179
    7.2. Linear Stability Analysis for Optoelectronic 
         Feedback Systems ..................................... 182
         7.2.1. Linear Stability Analysis ..................... 182
         7.2.2. Characteristics of Semiconductor Lasers with
                Optoelectronic Feedback ....................... 185
    7.3. Dynamics and Chaos in Semiconductor Lasers with 
         Optoelectronic Feedback .............................. 187
         7.3.1. Chaotic Dynamics in Negative Optoelectronic 
                Feedback ...................................... 187
         7.3.2. Chaotic Dynamics in Positive Optoelectronic 
                Feedback ...................................... 189
    7.4. Optoelectronic Feedback with Wavelength Filter ....... 193
         7.4.1. System of Optoelectronic Feedback with 
                Wavelength Filter ............................. 193
         7.4.2. Dynamics of Optoelectronic Feedback with 
                Wavelength Filter ............................. 195
    7.5. Chaotic Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers Induced 
         by Injection Current Modulation ...................... 198
         7.5.1. Instabilities of a Modulated Semiconductor 
                Laser ......................................... 198
         7.5.2. Linear Stability Analysis ..................... 200
         7.5.3. Chaotic Dynamics in Modulated Semiconductor 
                Lasers ........................................ 204
    7.6. Nonlinear Dynamics of Various Combinations of 
         External Perturbations ............................... 206
         7.6.1. Optically Injected Semiconductor Laser 
                Subject to Optoelectronic Feedback ............ 206
         7.6.2. Semiconductor Lasers with Optical Feedback 
                and Modulation ................................ 209

8.  Instability and Chaos in Various Laser Structures ......... 213

    8.1. Multimode Lasers ..................................... 213
         8.1.1. Multimode Operation of Semiconductor Lasers ... 213
         8.1.2. Theoretical Model of Multimode Lasers ......... 214
         8.1.3. Dynamics of Multimode Semiconductor Lasers
                with Optical Feedback ......................... 217
    8.2. Self-Pulsating Lasers ................................ 220
         8.2.1. Theory of Self-Pulsating Lasers ............... 220
         8.2.2. Instabilities at Solitary Oscillations ........ 223
         8.2.3. Instability and Chaos by Optical Feedback ..... 227
         8.2.4. Instability and Chaos by Injection Current
                Modulation .................................... 230
    8.3. Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) ..... 232
         8.3.1. Theoretical Model of Vertical-Cavity 
                Surface-Emitting Lasers ....................... 232
         8.3.2. Spin-Flip Model ............................... 235
         8.3.3. Characteristics of VCSELs in Solitary 
                Oscillations .................................. 239
         8.3.4. Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in VCSELs ............ 242
         8.3.5. Feedback Effects in VCSELs .................... 245
         8.3.6. Short Optical Feedback in VCSELs .............. 250
         8.3.7. Orthogonal Optical Injection Dynamics in 
                VCSEL ......................................... 252
    8.4. Broad Area Lasers .................................... 255
         8.4.1. Theoretical Model of Broad Area Lasers ........ 255
         8.4.2. Dynamics of Broad Area Semiconductor Lasers 
                at Solitary Oscillations ...................... 258
         8.4.3. Feedback Effects in Broad Area Semiconductor 
                Lasers ........................................ 264
    8.5. Laser Arrays ......................................... 266

9.  Chaos Control and Applications ............................ 269
    9.1. General Methods of Chaos Control ..................... 269
         9.1.1. OGY Method .................................... 269
         9.1.2. Continuous Control Method ..................... 270
         9.1.3. Occasional Proportional Method ................ 271
         9.1.4. Sinusoidal Modulation Method .................. 272
    9.2. Chaos Control in Semiconductor Lasers ................ 273
         9.2.1. Continuous Control ............................ 273
         9.2.2. Occasional Proportional Feedback Control ...... 275
         9.2.3. Sinusoidal Modulation Control ................. 276
         9.2.4. Optical Control ............................... 279
    9.3. Controlling Chaos and Noise Suppression .............. 282
         9.3.1. Noise Suppression by Sinusoidal Modulation .... 282
         9.3.2. Stability and Instability of LFFs by 
                Injection Current Modulation .................. 286
         9.3.3. Chaos Targeting ............................... 288

10. Stabilization of Semiconductor Lasers ..................... 291
    10.1.Linewidth Narrowing by Optical Feedback .............. 291
         10.1.1. Linewidth Narrowing by Strong Optical 
                 Feedback ..................................... 291
         10.1.2. Linewidth Narrowing by Grating Feedback ...... 294
         10.1.3. Linewidth Narrowing by Phase-Conjugate 
                 Optical Feedback ............................. 295
         10.1.4. Linewidth Narrowing by Resonant Optical 
                 Feedback ..................................... 299
    10.2.Linewidth Narrowing by Optoelectronic Feedback ....... 301
    10.3.Stabilization in Lasers with Various Structures ...... 304
         10.3.1. Noise Suppression in Self-Pulsation 
                 Semiconductor Laser .......................... 304
         10.3.2. Stabilization of VCSELs ...................... 305
         10.3.3. Stabilization of Broad-Area Semiconductor 
                 Lasers ....................................... 308
         10.3.4. Stabilization of Laser Arrays ................ 312
    10.4.Controls in Nobel Structure Lasers ................... 313
         10.4.1. Photonic VCSELs .............................. 313
         10.4.2. Quantum-Dot Broad-Area Semiconductor 
                 Lasers ....................................... 315

11. Stability and Bistability in Feedback Interferometers, 
    and Their Applications .................................... 319
    11.1.Optical Feedback Interferometers ..................... 319
         11.1.1. Bistability and Multistability in Feedback  
                 Interferometers .............................. 319
         11.1.2. Interferometric Measurement in Self-Mixing  
                 Semiconductor Lasers ......................... 323
    11.2.Applications in Feedback Interferometer .............. 325
         11.2.1. Displacement and Vibration Measurement ....... 325
         11.2.2. Velocity Measurement ......................... 328
         11.2.3. Absolute Position Measurement ................ 329
         11.2.4. Angle Measurement ............................ 330
         11.2.5. Measurement of Linewidth and Linewidth 
                 Enhancement Factor ........................... 332
    11.3.Active Feedback Interferometer ....................... 334
         11.3.1. Stability and Bistability in Active 
                 Feedback Interferometer ...................... 334
         11.3.2. Chaos Control in Active Feedback 
                 Interferometers .............................. 338

12. Chaos Synchronization in Semiconductor Lasers ............. 341
    12.1.Concept of Chaos Synchronization ..................... 341
         12.1.1. Chaos Synchronization ........................ 341
         12.1.2. Generalized and Complete Chaos 
                 Synchronization .............................. 344
    12.2.Theory of Chaos Synchronization in Semiconductor 
         Lasers with Optical Feedback ......................... 347
         12.2.1. Model of Synchronization Systems ............. 347
         12.2.2. Rate Equations in Unidirectional Coupling 
                 Systems ...................................... 349
         12.2.3. Generalized Chaos Synchronization ............ 350
         12.2.4. Complete Chaos Synchronization ............... 351
         12.2.5. Mutual Coupling Systems ...................... 351
    12.3.Chaos Synchronization in Semiconductor Lasers with
         an Optical Feedback System ........................... 353
         12.3.1. Chaos Synchronization - Numerical Examples ... 353
         12.3.2. Chaos Synchronization - Experimental 
                 Examples ..................................... 357
         12.3.3. Anticipating Chaos Synchronization ........... 359
         12.3.4. Bandwidth Enhanced Chaos Synchronization ..... 360
         12.3.5. Incoherent Synchronization Systems ........... 362
         12.3.6. Polarization Rotated Chaos Synchronization ... 364
    12.4.Chaos Synchronization in Injected Lasers ............. 367
         12.4.1. Theory of Chaos Synchronization in 
                 Injected Lasers .............................. 367
         12.4.2. Examples of Chaos Synchronization in 
                 Injected Lasers .............................. 369
    12.5.Chaos Synchronization in Optoelectronic Feedback 
         Systems .............................................. 370
         12.5.1. Theory of Chaos Synchronization in 
                 Optoelectronic Feedback Systems .............. 370
         12.5.2. Examples of Chaos Synchronization in 
                 Optoelectronic Feedback Systems .............. 372
    12.6.Chaos Synchronization in Injection Current 
         Modulated Systems .................................... 373
    12.7.Chaos Synchronization in Mutually Coupled Lasers ..... 374
         12.7.1. Chaos Synchronization of Semiconductor 
                 Lasers with Mutual Optical Coupling .......... 374
         12.7.2. Chaos Synchronization of Semiconductor 
                 Lasers with Mutual Optoelectronic Coupling ... 375

13. Chaotic Communications in Semiconductor Lasers ............ 379
    13.1.Message Encryption in a Chaotic Carrier and 
         Its Decryption ....................................... 379
         13.1.1. Chaotic Communications ....................... 379
         13.1.2. Chaos Masking ................................ 381
         13.1.3. Chaos Modulation ............................. 383
         13.1.4. Chaos Shift Keying ........................... 383
         13.1.5. Chaotic Data Communications in Laser 
                 Systems ...................................... 384
    13.2.Cryptographic Applications in Optical Feedback 
         Systems .............................................. 385
         13.2.1. Chaotic Communications in Optical Feedback 
                 Systems ...................................... 385
         13.2.2. Chaos Masking in Optical Feedback Systems .... 388
         13.2.3. Chaos Modulation in Optical Feedback 
                 Systems ...................................... 393
         13.2.4. Chaos Shift Keying in Optical Feedback 
                 Systems ...................................... 394
         13.2.5. Chaotic Communications in Incoherent 
                 Optical Feedback Systems ..................... 396
         13.2.6. Chaos Pass Filtering Effects ................. 396
    13.3.Cryptographic Applications in Optical Injection 
         Systems .............................................. 399
    13.4.Cryptographic Applications in Optoelectonic 
         Systems .............................................. 401
    13.5.Performance of Chaotic Communications ................ 404
    13.6.Security of Chaotic Communications ................... 408
    13.7.Chaotic Carrier and Bandwidth of Communications ...... 410
    13.8.Chaos Communications in the Real World ............... 412
         13.8.1. Chaos Masking Video Signal Transmissions ..... 412
         13.8.2. Chaotic Signal Transmissions through Public 
                 Data Link .................................... 414

A   Appendix: Chaos ........................................... 419
    A.l. Nonlinear Chaotic Systems ............................ 420
         A.l.1. Discrete Systems .............................. 420
         A.1.2. Continuous Systems ............................ 422
         A.1.3. Delay Differential Systems .................... 424
    A.2. Analysis and Characteristic Descriptions for 
         Chaotic Data ......................................... 425
         A.2.1. Phase Space, Attractor, and Poincare Map ...... 425
         A.2.2. Steady State Behaviors ........................ 427
         A.2.3. Fractal Dimension and Correlation Dimension ... 430
         A.2.4. Lyapunov Exponent ............................. 431
    А.З. Chaos Control ........................................ 432
    A.4. Chaos Synchronization ................................ 437

References .................................................... 441

Index ......................................................... 469

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