Maslova E. A grammar of Kolyma Yukaghir (Berlinr, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMaslova E. A grammar of Kolyma Yukaghir. - Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2003. - xviii, 609 p. - (Mouton grammar library; 27). - ISBN 3-11-017527-4

Оглавление / Contents
Abbreviations ................................................ xvii

1. Introduction ................................................. 1

1. Kolyma Yukaghir and its genetic affiliation .................. 1
2. An overview of Kolyma Yukaghir grammar ....................... 1
   2.1. Phonology and morphophonemics ........................... 1
   2.2. Morphology .............................................. 3
   2.3. Syntax .................................................. 9
3. About this grammar .......................................... 12
   3.1. Purpose ................................................ 12
   3.2. The structure of the grammar ........................... 14
   3.3. Data for this study and exemplification ................ 16
   3.4  Terminology and glossing conventions ................... 17

2. Kolyma Yukaghir and its speakers ............................ 19

1. The Kolyma Yukaghirs ........................................ 19
   1.1. Population figures and geographical location ........... 19
   1.2. The village of Nelemnoye ............................... 20
   1.3. Some remarks on Yukaghir history ....................... 21
   1.4. On ethnonyms ........................................... 21
2. Sociolinguistic situation in Nelemnoye ...................... 22
   3. Accents and varieties .................................... 23
   4. The effect of language contact on Kolyma Yukaghir ........ 25
   5. Kolyma and Tundra Yukaghir ............................... 27

3. Phonology ................................................... 29

1. Segmental phonological units ................................ 29
   1.1. Vowels ................................................. 29
   1.2. Consonants ............................................. 30
   1.3. Transcription .......................................... 32
2. Phonotactics ................................................ 32
   2.1. Syllable structure ..................................... 32
   2.2. Consonant clusters ..................................... 34
   2.3. Vowel clusters ......................................... 35
   2.4. Vowel harmony .......................................... 35
3. Phonological and morphophonemic alternations ................ 39
   3.1. Syllable-final consonant alternations .................. 39
   3.2. Syllable-initial alternations of consonants ............ 43
   3.3. Suffix-initial /j/ ..................................... 43
   3.4. The morphoneme {E} and related alternations ............ 49
   3.5. Epenthetic submorphs ................................... 56
4. Word stress ................................................. 58

4. Parts of speech and inflectional paradigms .................. 61

1. Nouns vs. verbs ............................................. 61
   1.1. Nominal paradigm ....................................... 61
   1.2. Verbal paradigm ........................................ 62
   1.3. Relationship between the major paradigms ............... 63
2. Adverbs ..................................................... 64
   2.1. Generalities ........................................... 64
   2.2. Locative paradigm ...................................... 65
3. Attributes and properties ................................... 66
   3.1. Attributive forms of nouns and verbs ................... 66
   3.2. Qualitative verbs ...................................... 67
   3.3. Adverbial use of qualitative verbs ..................... 69
   3.4. Nonverbal qualitative stems ............................ 70
4. Closed classes .............................................. 71
5. Nominal morphology .......................................... 73

5. Formation of major categories ............................... 73
   1.1. Plural formation ....................................... 74
   1.2. Comitative formation ................................... 76
   1.3. Possessive forms ....................................... 77
   1.4. Consonantal stems ...................................... 77
2. Functions of the Possessive markers ......................... 79
3. Functions of the Number forms ............................... 80
   3.1. Functions of the Singular .............................. 80
   3.2. Functions of the Plural ................................ 84
4. Functions of the cases ...................................... 88
   4.1. Core cases ............................................. 88
   4.2. Other cases ............................................ 96
5. Other nominal forms ........................................ 116
   5.1. The Attributive form .................................. 116
   5.2. The Privative form .................................... 120
   5.3. The Temporal Form ..................................... 121
   5.4. The Prospective form .................................. 121
   5.5. Verbal forms .......................................... 122
6. Nominal derivation ......................................... 128
   6.1. Derivational suffixes ................................. 128
   6.2. Compounds ............................................. 134
   6.3. Lexicalization of verb forms .......................... 136
   6.4. Conversion ............................................ 138

6. Verb morphology ............................................ 139

1. Major types of verb forms .................................. 139
   1.1. The Finite forms ...................................... 139
   1.2. The Attributive forms ................................. 145
   1.3. The Nominal forms ..................................... 147
   1.4. Switch-reference forms (converbs) ..................... 158
2. Tense and Mood ............................................. 166
   2.1. The Tense-Mood subparadigm ............................ 166
   2.2. Functions of the non-Future ........................... 168
   2.3. Functions of the Future ............................... 168
   2.4. Functions of the Irrealis ............................. 171
   2.5. Functions of the non-Future Inferential ............... 172
   2.6. Functions of the Future Inferential (Hypothetical) .... 175
   2.7. Functions of the Prospective .......................... 175
   2.8. Functions of the Imperative ........................... 176
   2.9. Periphrastic Tense-Mood Forms ......................... 178
   2.10.Desiderative .......................................... 181
3. Aspect ..................................................... 182
   3.1. Preliminaries ......................................... 182
   3.2. The Imperfective in -nu- .............................. 182
   3.3. "Internal" Aspect marking ............................. 188
   3.4. Habitual .............................................. 197
   3.5. Ingressive and Inchoative ............................. 200
   3.6. Resultative and Stative ............................... 205
   3.7. Other aspect-related markers .......................... 209
4. Valence-changing morphology ................................ 210
   4.1. Preliminaries ......................................... 210
   4.2. Denominal Proprietive verbs ........................... 211
   4.3. Causative ............................................. 213
   4.4. Transitivizers and detransitivizers ................... 224
   4.5. Reciprocal and Reflexive .............................. 227

7. Morphology of closed classes ............................... 233

1. Pronouns ................................................... 233
   1.1. Personal pronouns ..................................... 233
   1.2. Demonstrative pronouns ................................ 238
   1.3. Interrogative pro-forms ............................... 250
   1.4. Indefinite Pronouns ................................... 250
   1.5. Universal quantifiers ................................. 256
2. Numerals ................................................... 260
   2.1. Cardinal numerals ..................................... 260
   2.2. Ordinal numerals ...................................... 264
   2.3. Frequentative adverbials .............................. 266
3. Postpositions .............................................. 267
   3.1. Spatial postpositions ................................. 267
   3.2. Postpositions with spatial and temporal meanings ...... 273
   3.3. Comparative postposition .............................. 277

8. Noun phrase and postpositional phrase ...................... 281

1. The structure of the noun phrase ........................... 281
   1.1. Overview of NP types .................................. 281
   1.2. Word order in the noun phrase ......................... 286
2. Noun phrases as noun modifiers ............................. 289
   2.1. Zero marking: NPM+NPH-CASE ............................ 290
   2.2. Possessive (head) marking: NPM NPH-POSS-CASE .......... 296
   2.3. Attributive marking: NPM-ATTR+NPH-CASE ................ 304
3. Quantifiers ................................................ 310
4. NP conjunction ............................................. 313
   4.1. Comitative strategy ................................... 313
   4.2. Asyndeton ............................................. 316
   4.3. Conjunction with tdhile 'then' ........................ 318
5. Postpositional phrases ..................................... 319
   5.1. Possessive pronouns vs. Possessive markers ............ 319
   5.2. Attributive marking ................................... 321

9. Syntax of the clause ....................................... 325

1. Core participants and grammatical relations ................ 325
   1.1. Finite clauses: summary of case marking ............... 325
   1.2. Non-finite clauses .................................... 328
   1.3. "Pragmatic motivations" for case marking .............. 337
   1.4. Grammatical relations ................................. 338
   1.5. Constituent order ..................................... 341
2. Overview of verb patterns .................................. 346
   2.1. Introductory notes .................................... 346
   2.2. One-slot patterns ..................................... 348
   2.3. Monotransitive pattern ................................ 349
   2.4. Patterns with a Dative slot ........................... 352
   2.5. Patterns with Ablative ................................ 355
   2.6. Patterns with Directional slot ........................ 356
   2.7. Patterns with non-primary Experiencer ................. 358
   2.8. Reciprocal pattern .................................... 361
3. Clausal adjuncts ........................................... 362
   3.1. Overview of clausal adjuncts .......................... 362
   3.2. Sociative adjuncts .................................... 365

10.Clause chaining ............................................ 369

1. Types of clause chaining ................................... 369
   1.1. Switch reference ...................................... 370
   1.2. Ordinary vs. Conditional chaining ..................... 373
   1.3. Structural cohesion ................................... 376
2. Semantics of ordinary chains ............................... 381
   2.1. General semantic properties and "loose" chaining ...... 381
   2.2. Temporal relations in clause chains ................... 382
   2.3. Backgrounding ......................................... 384
   2.4. Semantic cohesion ..................................... 386
3. Conditional constructions .................................. 392
   3.1. Predictive conditional constructions .................. 393
   3.2. Generic conditional constructions ..................... 395
   3.3. The unreality conditional constructions ............... 397
   3.4. Inferential conditional constructions ................. 398
4. The concessive construction ................................ 399

11. Subordination ............................................. 401

1. Nominal Complements ........................................ 401
   1.1. Introductory notes .................................... 401
   1.2. Complements in the S slot ............................. 402
   1.3. Complements in the О slot ............................. 404
   1.4. Detached nominal complements .......................... 408
   1.5. The verb medu- 'be heard': Instrumental Action
        Nominal ............................................... 409
   1.6. Complements in the Directional slot ................... 411
2. Minor complementation strategies ........................... 412
   2.1. Clause chaining as a strategy of complementation ...... 413
   2.2. The Supine complements ................................ 414
   2.3. Applicatives of complement-taking verbs ............... 415
3. Relative clauses ........................................... 416
   3.1. Attributive relative clauses .......................... 417
   3.2. Nominal relative clauses .............................. 424
   3.3. Headless relative clauses ............................. 425
4. Adverbial clauses .......................................... 427
   4.1. Temporal Adverbial clauses ............................ 427
   4.2. Spatial adverbial clauses ............................. 431
   4.3. Causal clauses ........................................ 431
   4.4. The Supine Purpose clause ............................. 432
   4.5. Comparative adverbial clauses ......................... 434

12. Nominal predicates and grammatical Focus .................. 437

1. Clauses with nominal predicates ............................ 437
   1.1. Descriptive clauses ................................... 437
   1.2. Proprietive clauses ................................... 444
   1.3. Minor copular-like clause patterns .................... 448
2. Syntax of the Focus construction ........................... 451
   2.1. Introductory remarks .................................. 451
   2.2. Focus as a clause-internal phenomenon: summary ........ 452
   2.3. Cleft-like constructions .............................. 453
   2.4. Clause chains with shared Focus ....................... 454
3. Semantics of grammatical Focus ............................. 457
   3.1. Compulsory Focus marking .............................. 458
   3.2. Free Focus marking .................................... 463

13. Sentence types and negation ............................... 473

1. Imperative sentences ....................................... 473
2. Questions .................................................. 475
   2.1. Polar questions ....................................... 475
   2.2. Question-word questions ............................... 480
   2.3. Negative/dubitative use of questions .................. 487
3. Minor sentence types ....................................... 489
   3.1. Exclamations .......................................... 489
   3.2. Optative .............................................. 490
4. Negation ................................................... 491
   4.1. Standard negation ..................................... 491
   4.2. The negative marker n'e ............................... 494
   4.3. Negation in non-finite clauses ........................ 496
   4.4. Negative particles .................................... 497
5. Speech-reporting strategies ................................ 500
   5.1. Quotations ............................................ 500
   5.2. Indirect questions .................................... 505
   5.3. Correlative subordinate clauses ....................... 508

14. Coreference and discourse coherence ....................... 513

1. Grammaticalized coreference phenomena ...................... 513
   1.1. Clause-internal phenomena ............................. 513
   1.2. Renexivization and omission in subordination .......... 515
   1.3. Chain-level phenomena ................................. 517
2. Paragraph-level phenomena .................................. 522
   2.1. Referent tracking ..................................... 522
   2.2. Links between same-type situations .................... 528
3. Connective adverbiais ...................................... 536
   Appendices ................................................. 541
   Yukaghir-English vocabulary ................................ 541
   Non-productive verb derivation ............................. 557

Texts ......................................................... 563
1. Perch ...................................................... 563
2. My friend .................................................. 576
Notes ......................................................... 583
References .................................................... 593
Subject index ................................................. 597

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