Magnetism and structure in functional materials (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMagnetism and structure in functional materials / ed. by Planes A., Manosa L., Saxena A. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2005. - xiii, 251 p. - (Springer series in materials science; 79). - ISBN 3-540-23672-4; ISSN 0933-033X

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Оглавление / Contents
1. Complex Functional Materials
      J.A.Krumhansl ............................................. 1

2. Spin, Charge, and Lattice Coupling
   in Multiferroic Materials
      S.R.Shenoy, T.Bookman, and A.Saxena ....................... 3

2.1. Introduction ............................................... 3
2.2. Order Parameters and Multiferroics ......................... 5
2.3. Strain Tensor and Elastic Compatibility .................... 6
     2.3.1. Levels of Description ............................... 6
     2.3.2. Definition of Unit-Cell Strain Tensor ............... 7
     2.3.3. Strain Free Energy .................................. 8
     2.3.4. St Venant Compatibility Constraints ................. 9
     2.3.5. Compatibility Potentials ........................... 10
     2.3.6. Other Approaches ................................... 12
2.4. Inhomogeneities in Ferroelastics .......................... 13
2.5. Inhomogeneities in Multiferroic Oxides .................... 16
2.6. Charge and Spin as Local Stresses and Transition
     Temperatures .............................................. 18
     2.6.1. Coupling of Variables .............................. 18
     2.6.2. Simulations ........................................ 19
2.7. Summary and Further Work .................................. 21
References ..................................................... 22

3. Disorder in Magnetic and Structural Transitions:
   Pretransitional Phenomena and Kinetics
      T.Castdn, E.Vives, L.Manosa, A.Planes,
      and A.Saxena ............................................. 27

3.1. Introduction .............................................. 27
3.2. Disorder Distribution ..................................... 28
     3.2.1. Pretransitional Phenomena .......................... 29
     3.2.2. Premonitory Behaviour: Temperature Softening ....... 29
     3.2.3. Structural Precursors .............................. 31
     3.2.4. Coupling to Magnetism .............................. 33
     3.2.5. Ferroic Precursors: Magnetic and Others ............ 35
3.3. Transition Kinetics ....................................... 37
     3.3.1. Athermal Transitions ............................... 37
     3.3.2. Modelling Athermal Transitions ..................... 40
     3.3.3. Avalanche Dynamics ................................. 40
     3.3.4. Modelling Avalanches ............................... 43
3.4. Conclusion ................................................ 45
References ..................................................... 46

4. Huge Magnetoresistance in Association
   with Strong Magnetoelastic Effects
     L.Morellon and M.R.Ibarra ................................. 49

4.1. Introduction .............................................. 49
4.2. Magnetic-Crystallographic Transformations ................. 50
     4.2.1. Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 ....................................... 50
     4.2.2. MnAs ............................................... 51
4.3. Moment Instabilities and Spin Fluctuations ................ 53
     4.3.1. FeRh ............................................... 53
     4.3.2. Hf1-x_Таx2......................................... 55
     4.3.3. La(FexAl1-x)13 ...................................... 56
4.4. Metal-Insulator Transitions ............................... 57
     4.4.1. Colossal Magnetoresistance (CMR)
            and Huge Volume Effects ............................ 59
     4.4.2. Magnetostriction and Magnetoresistance
     in the Paramagnetic Phase ................................. 61
     4.4.3. Magnetostriction in Inhomogeneous Electronic
            Systems: Static Phase Segregation .................. 63
4.5. Charge/Orbital Instabilities .............................. 65
4.6. Conclusion ................................................ 70
     References ................................................ 71

5. Interplay of Spin, Charge, and Lattice
   in CMR Manganites and HTSC Cuprates
      T.Egami .................................................. 75

5.1. Introduction .............................................. 75
5.2. Stability of Polaronic Phase in the CMR Manganites ........ 76
     5.2.1. Colossal Magnetoresistivity ........................ 76
     5.2.2. Pulsed Neutron PDF Method .......................... 77
     5.2.3. Polaron Stability .................................. 79
5.3. Stability of Spin-Charge Stripes in the Cuprates .......... 83
5.4. Electron-Phonon Coupling and Mechanism
     of Superconductivity in the Cuprates ...................... 84
     5.4.1. Local Lattice Distortion
            and Inhomogeneous Electronic States ................ 84
     5.4.2. Electron-Phonon Coupling in the Cuprates ........... 84
     5.4.3. Vibronic Mechanism of High Temperature
            Superconductivity .................................. 87
5.5. Conclusions ............................................... 89
References ..................................................... 90

6. Neutron Scattering Studies of Anomalous Phonon Behavior
   in Functional Materials
      S.M.Shapiro .............................................. 93

6.1. Introduction .............................................. 93
6.2. Neutron Scattering ........................................ 94
6.3. Phonon Anomalies .......................................... 95
     6.3.1. Kohn Anomalies ..................................... 96
     6.3.2. Soft Modes ......................................... 97
6.4. Phonon Anomalies in the Manganites ........................ 99
6.5. Phonon Anomalies in High Temperature Superconductors ..... 100
6.6. Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys ........................ 102
     6.6.1. Iron-Based Alloys ................................. 103
     6.6.2. Heusler-Based Alloys .............................. 104
6.7. Summary .................................................. 110
References .................................................... 1ll

7. The Structures and Transformation
   Mechanism in the Ferromagnetic Shape
   Memory Alloy Ni2MnGa
      P.J.Brown, T.Kanomata, M.Matsumoto, K.-U.Neumann,
      and K.R.A.Ziebeck ....................................... 113

7.1. Introduction ............................................. 113
7.2. The Crystal Structure of the Cubic Austenite Phase ....... 113
7.3. Bulk Magnetic Properties ................................. 116
7.4. Spin Dynamics ............................................ 118
7.5. Paramagnetic Response .................................... 118
7.6. Inelastic Neutron Scattering ............................. 119
7.7. Neutron Diffraction ...................................... 121
7.8. Pre-Martensitic Phase .................................... 122
     7.8.1. Field Dependence .................................. 125
7.9. The Martensitic Phase .................................... 126
7.10.Structural and Magnetic Phase Diagram .................... 127
7.11.Mechanism ................................................ 129
7.12.Martensitic Twinning in Ni2МnСа .......................... 130
7.13.Non-Stoichiometric Samples ............................... 133
7.14.Electron Concentration ................................... 135
7.15.Polarised Neutron Scattering ............................. 136
7.16.Conclusion ............................................... 137
References .................................................... 138

8. Imaging Techniques in Magnetoelastic Materials
      S.P.Venkateswaran and M.De Graef ........................ 141

8.1. Introduction ............................................. 141
8.2. Lorentz Image Formation Theory ........................... 141
     8.2.1. Classical Description ............................. 141
     8.2.2. Quantum Mechanical Description .................... 143
     8.2.3. Phase Reconstruction .............................. 145
8.3. Applications of LTEM to Ferromagnetic Shape Memory
     Alloys ................................................... 148
     8.3.1. Ni2MnGa, Austenitic State ......................... 149
     8.3.2. Ni2MnGa, Martensitic State ........................ 152
     8.3.3. Co2NiGa, Austenitic State ......................... 153
     8.3.4. Co2NiGa, Martensitic State ........................ 154
8.4. Summary .................................................. 156
References .................................................... 156

9. A Way to Search for Multiferroic Materials
   with "Unlikely" Combinations of Physical Properties
      R.D.James and Z.Zhang ................................... 159

9.1. Introduction ............................................. 159
9.2. Single Phase Multiferroics ............................... 160
9.3. Basic Idea ............................................... 160
9.4. Lattice Parameter Sensitivity ............................ 161
9.5. What Makes Big First Order Phase
     Transformations Reversible? .............................. 162
9.6. Specific Relationships Among Lattice Parameters
     for a High Degree of Reversibility ....................... 169
     9.6.1. Cubic to Orthorhombic Transformations ............. 170
     9.6.2. Cubic to Monoclinic Transformations ............... 170
     9.6.3. Relationships for Martensite/Martensite
            Transitions ....................................... 171
9.7. Tuning Lattice Parameters
     to Satisfy Two of the Proposed Conditions
     in the NiTiCuPd System ................................... 171
9.8. Further Comparisons with Experiment ...................... 172
9.9. Summary and Outlook: A General Method
     for Seeking New Classes of Functional Materials .......... 174
References .................................................... 174

10. Invar and Anti-Invar:
     Magnetovolume Effects in Fe-Based Alloys Revisited
     E.F.Wassermann and M.Acet ................................ 177

10.1.Introduction ............................................. 177
10.2.Invar .................................................... 177
10.3.From Invar to Anti-Invar ................................. 181
10.4.Allotropy of Pure Fe ..................................... 184
10.5.Ground State Properties of Invar and Anti-Invar .......... 187
10.6.Pressure Experiments: Evidence for High Spin
     to Low Spin State Transitions ............................ 189
10.7.HS-LS Transitions in a Microscopic Picture ............... 192
10.8.Questions and Outlook .................................... 195
References .................................................... 196

11.Magnetocaloric Effect Associated with
   Magnetostructural Transitions
      V.K.Pecharsky and K.A.Gschneidner, Jr. .................. 199

11.1.Introduction ............................................. 199
11.2.Magnetic Cooling or Why Having a Strong
     Magnetocaloric Effect in a Weak Magnetic
     Field Makes a Difference? ................................ 199
11.3.Gd5(Si4-xGex) System and the
     Giant Magnetocaloric Effect .............................. 202
11.4.Altering Crystal Structures with a Magnetic Field ........ 206
11.5.To What Extent a Structural Change
     Enhances the Giant Magnetocaloric Effect? ................ 214
11.6.Conclusions .............................................. 219
References .................................................... 220

12.Entropy Change and Magnetocaloric Effect
   in Magnetostructural Transformations
      F.Casanova, X.Battle, A.Labarta, J.Marcos,
      E.Vives, L.Manosa, and A.Planes ......................... 223

12.1.Introduction ............................................. 223
12.2.Multiscale Origin of the MCE in Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys .......... 225
12.3.Direct Determination of the Entropy Change
     at a First-Order Transformation .......................... 229
12.4.Magnetostructural Transformation in Gd-Si-Ge Alloys ...... 230
12.5.Conclusions .............................................. 235
References .................................................... 235

13.Functional Magneto-Structural Materials:
   Summary and Perspectives
      P.-A.Lindgdrd ........................................... 237
References .................................................... 243
Index ......................................................... 247

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