Kasai N. X-ray diffraction by macromolecules (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKasai N. X-ray diffraction by macromolecules / Kasai N., Kakudo M. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2005. - xv, 504; ill. - (Springer series in chemical physics; 80). - ISBN 3-540-23317-3; ISSN 0172-6218

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

Part I Fundamental

1. Essential Properties of X-Rays ............................... 3

1.1. X-Rays as Electromagnetic Waves ............................ 3
1.2. Generation of X-Rays ....................................... 3
     1.2.1. X-ray tube .......................................... 3
     1.2.2. Synchrotron radiation ............................... 6
1.3. Properties and Effects of X-Rays ........................... 8
     1.3.1. Absorption of X-rays ................................ 8
     1.3.2. X-ray scattering ................................... 10
     1.3.3. X-ray refraction ................................... 11
     1.3.4. Effects used for the detection of X-rays ........... 11
     1.3.5. Other effects ...................................... 12
References ..................................................... 13

2. X-Ray Scattering, Interference and Diffraction .............. 15

2.1. Scattering by a Single Electron ........................... 16
2.2. Interference and Diffraction of Scattered X-Rays .......... 18
     2.2.1. The phenomena of interference and diffraction ...... 18
     2.2.2. Basis for calculating the amplitudes of, and
            phase differences between, diffracted waves ........ 21
     2.2.3. The relationship between real and reciprocal
            space .............................................. 23
2.3. Scattering of X-Rays by a Single Atom ..................... 25
     2.3.1. Atomic scattering factor ........................... 25
     2.3.2. Anomalous dispersion ............................... 27
     2.3.3. Compton scattering intensity ....................... 27
2.4. Scattering of X-Rays by a Single Polyatomic Molecule ...... 28
2.5. X-Ray Scattering from a Dense, Disordered Assemblage
     of Identical Atoms (a Monatomic Liquid) ................... 31
2.6. A Dense, Disordered Assemblage of Dissimilar Atoms ........ 33
2.7. A Dense, Disordered Assemblage of Polyatomic
     Molecules (a Molecular Liquid) ............................ 34
2.8. Scattering of X-Rays by Amorphous Solids .................. 35
2.9. Scattering of X-Rays by Crystals .......................... 37
     2.9.1. Amplitude and intensity of the scattered rays ...... 37
     2.9.2. Form of the X-ray diffraction pattern .............. 41
2.10.Summary ................................................... 43
References ..................................................... 43

3. Crystal Structure ........................................... 45

3.1. Crystal Systems and the Unit Cell ......................... 45
3.2. Crystal Planes and Their Indices .......................... 47
     3.2.1. Crystal planes ..................................... 47
     3.2.2. Lattice plane indices .............................. 48
     3.2.3. The spacing of lattice planes and the
            relationship between plane indices and
            Laue indices ....................................... 49
     3.2.4. Coordinates of atoms, lattice points, and
            reciprocal lattice points and indices of
            crystal planes and zone axes ....................... 51
3.3. Crystal Symmetry .......................................... 52
     3.3.1. Point groups and their symmetries .................. 52
     3.3.2. Space groups ....................................... 55
     3.3.3. Relationship between the atoms present in
            the unit cell and the equivalent points of
            the space group .................................... 59
References ..................................................... 60

4. Detailed Interpretation of the Diffraction of X-Rays
   by Crystals ................................................. 61

4.1. The Bragg Diffraction Condition ........................... 61
4.2. Lattice Structure Factors ................................. 63
4.3. Reciprocal Space and Reciprocal Lattice ................... 63
4.4. Wider Applications of the Reciprocal Lattice .............. 68
     4.4.1. Interpretation of rotating-crystal and
            oscillating-crystal photographs .................... 68
     4.4.2. Interpretation of Weissenberg photographs .......... 75
     4.4.3. Interpretation of diffraction from crystalline
            powders or polycrystalline specimens ............... 78
     4.4.4. Fibrous polycrystalline specimens .................. 79
Reference ...................................................... 82

5. Diffraction of X-Rays by Imperfect Crystals and
   Paracrystals ................................................ 83

5.1. Ideal Crystals and Imperfect Crystals ..................... 83
     5.1.1. Lattice distortions of the first kind .............. 85
     5.1.2. Lattice distortions of the second kind ............. 88
5.2. Fourier Transform Theory of X-Ray Diffraction ............. 89
     5.2.1. Fourier transform theorem .......................... 89
     5.2.2. Shape factor for the scattering body ............... 92
     5.2.3. Scattering factor of atoms undergoing thermal
            vibrations in a crystal ............................ 94
     5.2.4. Optical experiments on Fourier transforms .......... 95
5.3. Diffraction of X-Rays by Paracrystals ..................... 96
     5.3.1. Statistical representation of paracrystalline
            lattice points and the derivation of their
            function Q(r) ...................................... 97
     5.3.2. Lattice factor and diffraction intensity for a
            paracrystal ........................................ 98
5.4. Summary of the Relationship between Structure and
     X-Ray Diffraction Intensity .............................. 104
     References ............................................... 108

6. Scattering of X-Rays by Very Small Bodies .................. 109

6.1. Small-angle Diffuse Scattering ........................... 109
6.2. Small-angle Scattering Theory ............................ 110
     6.2.1. X-ray scattering by a substance of any
            structure ......................................... 110
     6.2.2. Small-angle scattering from systems of
            dilutely dispersed particles (orvoids) ............ 1ll
     6.2.3. Correlation function and distance distribution
            function .......................................... 121
     6.2.4. Polydispersed system of particles with uniform
            shape ............................................. 127
     6.2.5. Small-angle scattering from systems of
            densely packed particles .......................... 128
     6.2.6. Small-angle scattering from a non-particulate
            system ............................................ 130
     References ............................................... 133

7. Structure of High Polymeric Substances ..................... 135

7.1. Structure of High Polymer Chains in the Liquid State
     and in Solution .......................................... 136
     7.1.1. Configuration and conformation .................... 136
     7.1.2. Classification of chain molecules ................. 142
7.2. Molecular Aggregations in Solid High Polymers ............ 146
     7.2.1. Globular proteins ................................. 146
     7.2.2. Synthetic and some natural high polymers .......... 146
7.3. Structure of the Amorphous State and of Amorphous
     Regions in Solid High Polymers ........................... 150
     7.3.1. Random-coil model ................................. 150
     7.3.2. Folded-chain-fringed-micellar-grain model ......... 151
7.4. Fine Texture in Solid High Polymers ...................... 151
     References ............................................... 155

Part II Experimental

8.   Experimental Methods ..................................... 159

8.1. Preliminary Considerations ............................... 159
8.2. X-Ray Equipment .......................................... 159

     8.2.1. X-ray generators .................................. 159
     8.2.2. X-ray detectors ................................... 163
     8.2.3. X-ray cameras ..................................... 169
     8.2.4. X-ray diffractometers ............................. 175
     8.2.5. X-ray small-angle scattering cameras .............. 183
8.3. Selection of the X-Ray Parameters ........................ 192
     8.3.1. X-ray wavelength .................................. 192
     8.3.2. Production of monochromatic X-rays ................ 193
     8.3.3. Elimination of unwanted scattered X-rays .......... 196
8.4. The Specimen ............................................. 197
     8.4.1. Preparation of the specimen ....................... 197
     8.4.2. Determination of the specimen density ............. 200
8.5. Diffraction Studies for Identification Purposes .......... 201
     8.5.1. Qualitative identification using polycrystal
            diffraction data (unoriented X-ray diagrams) ...... 201
     8.5.2. Treatment of the results .......................... 201
8.6. Diffraction Studies for Crystal Structure Analysis ....... 202
     8.6.1. General remarks ................................... 202
     8.6.2. Weissenberg photographs ........................... 203
     8.6.3. Precession photographs ............................ 214
8.7. Diffraction Studies for Analysis of Fine Textures ........ 219
     8.7.1. Measurement of crystallinity ...................... 219
     8.7.2. Analysis of crystallite orientation ............... 220
     8.7.3. Measurement of the size and shape of and/or
            lattice distortion in crystallites ................ 220
     8.7.4. Measurement of diffuse halos due to amorphous
            solids and liquids ................................ 222
     8.7.5. Analysis of distorted crystalline diffraction ..... 222
     8.7.6. Measurement of small-angle scattering
            (or diffraction) .................................. 222
     8.7.7. Special experimental methods ...................... 223
References .................................................... 223

Part III Analytical

9. Identification of Crystals by X-Ray Diffraction ............ 229

9.1. Principles of Identification ............................. 229
9.2. Identification by the Powder Method ...................... 229

     9.2.1. The JCPDS system .................................. 229
     9.2.2. Locating a JCPDS card ............................. 230
9.3. Identification by the Single Crystal Method .............. 231
     9.3.1. Computer databases ................................ 231
     9.3.2. Others ............................................ 231
9.4. Identification of High Polymers .......................... 231
     9.4.1. Identification by unoriented X-ray patterns ....... 232
     9.4.2. Identification by oriented X-ray patterns ......... 232
9.5. X-Ray Diffraction Patterns of Copolymers and Polymer
     Blends ................................................... 232
     9.5.1. X-ray diffraction patterns of copolymers .......... 232
     9.5.2. X-ray diffraction patterns of polymer blends ...... 235
     Notes and References ..................................... 236

10.Analysis of Crystallite Orientation ........................ 239

10.1.Crystallite Orientation and the X-Ray Diffraction
     Diagram .................................................. 239
     10.1.1.General survey .................................... 241
     10.1.2.Types of orientation .............................. 244
     10.1.3.Interpretation of inclined X-ray diagrams ......... 248
10.2.Analysis of the Type of Crystallite Orientation .......... 250
     10.2.1.Establishing the presence or absence of
            orientation ....................................... 250
     10.2.2.Identification of the type of orientation ......... 251
10.3.Determination of the Degree of Orientation ............... 258
     10.3.1.Criteria of the degree of orientation ............. 258
     10.3.2.Determination of the mean of the crystallite
            orientation distribution (orientation
            coefficient) ...................................... 259
     10.3.3.Analysis of the crystallite orientation
            distribution (orientation distribution
            functions) ........................................ 263
10.4.Preferred Orientation of Two-dimensional Lattices ........ 270
References .................................................... 271

11.Crystal Structure Analysis of High Polymers ................ 273

11.1.Use of Unoriented Diffraction Patterns ................... 273
     11.1.1.Rietveld method ................................... 273
     11.1.2.Pattern decomposition method ...................... 276
     11.1.3.Extension to fibrous materials .................... 277
11.2.Structure Analyses Using Uniaxially Oriented
     Diffraction Patterns ..................................... 277
     11.2.1.Determination of fiber period ..................... 277
     11.2.2.Indexing diffractions and determining unit
            cell parameters ................................... 280
     11.2.3.Determination of the space group .................. 281
     11.2.4.Structure analysis ................................ 285
     11.2.5.Fourier transforms and syntheses and Patterson
            functions ......................................... 289
     11.2.6.Determination of phases in Fourier syntheses ...... 293
     11.2.7.Refinement of the structure ....................... 294
     11.2.8.Crystal structure analysis of polyetylene ......... 295
11.3.Analyses Using Biaxially or Doubly Oriented
     Diffraction Patterns ..................................... 302
     11.4.Analyses Using Diffraction Patterns from Helical
          Structures .......................................... 304
     11.4.1.Diffraction of X-rays by a continuous helix ....... 304
     11.4.2.Diffraction of X-rays by a discontinuous helix .... 305
     11.4.3.Interpretation of the diffraction pattern and
            structure analysis of helical polymers ............ 307
     11.4.4.Determination of helical structures ............... 311
References .................................................... 318

12.Crystal Structure Determination of Macromolecules .......... 321

12.1.Characteristics of Protein Crystals ...................... 322
     12.1.1.Solvent of crystallization ........................ 322
     12.1.2.Special features of X-ray diffraction by a
            protein crystal ................................... 322
12.2.Crystallization .......................................... 323
     12.2.1.Solubility of protein ............................. 323
     12.2.2.Techniques for crystallization .................... 324
     12.2.3.Preparation of isomorphous heavy atom
            derivative crystals ............................... 327
     12.2.4.Crystal mounting .................................. 328
12.3.Data Collection .......................................... 329
     12.3.1.Determination of preliminary crystallographic
            data .............................................. 329
     12.3.2.Collection of intensity data ...................... 330
12.4.Phase Determination ...................................... 331
     12.4.1.Isomorphous replacement ........................... 331
     12.4.2.Anomalous scattering .............................. 334
     12.4.3. Determination of the position of heavy atoms ..... 337
12.5.Molecular Replacement Method ............................. 341
     12.5.1. Structure solution of bacterial cytochrome
             C2 from Rhodopseudomonas
             viridis (Rps. viridis) ........................... 341
12.6.Interpretation of Electron Density Maps: Model
     Building ................................................. 343
12.7.Refinement of the Structure .............................. 345
     12.7.1.Restrained least-squares refinement ............... 345
     12.7.2.Crystallographic refinement by simulated
            annealing ......................................... 346
     12.7.3.Further refinement ................................ 348
     12.7.4.Expression of the result .......................... 348
12.8.Structure Analysis of Macromolecules by Image
     Reconstruction from Electron Micrographs (Electron
     Crystallography) ......................................... 350
     12.8.1.Principle ......................................... 350
     12.8.2.Procedures for the image reconstruction ........... 352
12.9.Structural Study of Macromolecules in Solution—NMR
     Investigations ........................................... 354
References .................................................... 355

13.Analysis of the Breadth and Shape of Diffraction
   Patterns ................................................... 359

13.1.Instrumental Broadening .................................. 360
     13.1.1.Systematic errors in measured diffraction
            breadths .......................................... 360
     13.1.2.Methods of correcting the line profile ............ 361
13.2.Relationship between the Size and Shape of an Ideal
     Crystal and the Broadening of Its Diffraction Pattern .... 363
     13.2.1.Broadening due to the Laue function ............... 363
     13.2.2.Variation in the shape of diffractions with
            |F|2 · G .......................................... 364
13.3.Calculation of Crystallite Size from the Broadening
     of the Diffraction Pattern ............................... 364
     13.3.1.The Scherrer formula .............................. 364
     13.3.2.Effect of crystallite size distribution ........... 366
     13.3.3.Effect of crystallite shape ....................... 366
     13.3.4.Application to very small crystallites ............ 367
13.4.Estimation of Lattice Distortion from Line Broadening .... 372
13.5.Separation of Line Broadenings Due to Crystallite Size
     and Lattice Distortion ................................... 373
     13.5.1.Method of integral breadths ....................... 373
     13.5.2.Method of profile fitting ......................... 374
     13.5.3.Method of Fourier transforms ...................... 375
13.6.Analyses Including Background Scattering Due to
     Imperfect Crystals ....................................... 376
     13.6.1.Broadening of diffraction patterns from
            paracrystaliine structures ........................ 376
     13.6.2.Analysis of the broadening of diffractions
            from paracrystal structures ....................... 379
     13.6.3.Shape of the diffraction pattern of
            a three-dimensional paracrystal and
            calculation of the degree of distortion ........... 388
References .................................................... 391

14.Analyses Using the Total Diffraction Intensity
   Distribution Curves of High Polymers ....................... 393

14.1.Correction for Coherent Background Scattering ............ 393
     14.1.1.Correction of the measured intensity for the
            effect of polarization ............................ 393
     14.1.2.Normalization of the scattering intensity ......... 393
14.2.Determination of Crystallinity ........................... 394
     14.2.1.Principles of the measurement of crystallinity .... 395
     14.2.2.Differentiation between crystalline and
            amorphous scattering in coherent scattering ....... 396
     14.2.3.Measurement of crystallinity ...................... 398
14.3.Analysis of the Radial Distribution Function P(r) ........ 402
     14.3.1.Calculation of the radial distribution function ... 402
     14.3.2.The radial distribution function of Nylon 6,6 ..... 403
     14.3.3.Special cases where the shape of the molecular
            chains can be deduced without determining the
            radial distribution function ...................... 404
14.4.Recognition of Oriented Diffraction Mixed with
     Unoriented Amorphous Scattering .......................... 405
     14.4.1. Resolution of oriented diffraction masked
             by unoriented amorphous scattering ............... 407
14.5.Analysis of the Orientation of Molecular Chains in
     Amorphous Regions ........................................ 407
     14.5.1.Orientation of molecular chains in amorphous
            regions ........................................... 407
     14.5.2.Degree of orientation of the molecular chains;
            practical measure of parallelism of amorphous
            chains ............................................ 408
     14.5.3.Estimation of the degree of orientation of
            molecular chains in amorphous regions by
            methods other than X-ray methods .................. 409
14.6.Cylindrical Patterson Functions of Uniaxially
     Oriented Fiber Diffraction Patterns ...................... 410
     14.6.1.The cylindrical distribution function ............. 411
     14.6.2.Representation of Q(r) in polar coordinates ....... 412
     14.6.3.Where there is periodicity along the cylinder
            axis .............................................. 416
References .................................................... 417

15.Analysis of X-ray Small-angle Scattering ................... 419

15.1.Preparative Procedure .................................... 419
     15.1.1.Detection and recording of the small-angle
            scattering ........................................ 419
     15.1.2.Corrections to the scattering intensity
            distribution ...................................... 420
15.2.Analysis of Particle Size and Shape ...................... 422
     15.2.1.The Guinier plot .................................. 422
     15.2.2.Comparison of the measured scattering intensity
            curve with the theoretical curve (Curve
            fitting method) ................................... 427
     15.2.3.The distance distribution function ................ 431
     15.2.4.Other analytical methods .......................... 440
15.3.Analysis of Small-angle Scattering for Solutions of
     Chain Macromolecules ..................................... 441
     15.3.1.Persistence of polymer chain ...................... 441
     15.3.2.Scattering intensity from stiff chain molecules ... 445
15.4.Analysis of the "Long-period Pattern" .................... 450
     15.4.1.Long-period small-angle scattering patterns ....... 450
     15.4.2.Anisotropy in the small-angle scattering
            pattern and in orientation and particle
            distribution ...................................... 467
15.5.Analysis of Crystallinity from Small-angle Scattering .... 469
     15.5.1.Analysis using the long-period pattern ............ 469
     15.5.2.Analysis using the central diffuse scattering ..... 469
15.6.Analysis of Well-oriented Small- and Wide-angle
     Diffractions ............................................. 469
     15.6.1.X-ray diffraction patterns from contracting
            muscle ............................................ 470
References .................................................... 478

Appendix ...................................................... 481
Index ......................................................... 497

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