Hodgson N. Laser resonators and beam (New York, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHodgson N. Laser resonators and beam: fundamentals, advanced concepts and applications / Hodgson N., Weber H. - 2nd ed. - New York: Springer, 2005. - vii, 793 p. - (Springer series in optical sciences; 108). - ISBN 0-387-400078-8; ISSN 0342-4111

Оглавление / Contents
List of Symbols .............................................. xvii
Introduction .................................................... 1

Part I The Electromagnetic Field ................................ 5

1. Geometrical Optics ........................................... 7
1.1. General Aspects ............................................ 7
1.2. Ray Transfer Matrices ...................................... 9
     1.2.1. One-Dimensional Optical Systems ..................... 9
     1.2.2. Matrix Elements and Liouville's Theorem ............ 19
     1.2.3. Misaligned Optical Systems ......................... 29
     1.2.4. Two-Dimensional Optical Systems .................... 34
     1.2.5. Rotation and Tilt .................................. 38
     1.2.6. The ABCD Law for the Radius of Curvature ........... 47
     1.2.7. Eigensolutions and Eigenvalues ..................... 50
1.3. Optical Resonators and Ray Transfer Matrices .............. 52

2. Wave Optics ................................................. 57

2.1. Huygens' Principle and Kirchhoff-Integral ................. 57
2.2. Diffraction ............................................... 61
     2.2.1. Rectangular Aperture ............................... 61
     2.2.2. Circular Aperture .................................. 67
2.3. Collins-Integral .......................................... 71
     2.3.1. One-Dimensional Optical Systems .................... 71
     2.3.2. Two-Dimensional Optical Systems .................... 73
2.4. Collins-Integral and Vanishing Ray Matrix Elements ........ 75
     2.4.1. Imaging Condition (B=0) ............................ 75
     2.4.2. Fourier Transformation (A=0) ....................... 76
2.5. Gaussian Beams ............................................ 80
     2.5.1. Gaussian Beams in One-Dimensional Optical
            Systems ............................................ 80
     2.5.2. Elliptical Gaussian Beams .......................... 91
2.6. Intensity Moments and Beam Propagation .................... 96
     2.6.1. Stigmatic and Simple Astigmatic Beams .............. 96
     2.6.2. Generalized Astigmatic Beams ...................... 102
     2.6.3. Beam Quality ...................................... 107
2.7. Coherence ................................................ 110
     2.7.1. Temporal Coherence ................................ 110
     2.7.2. Spatial Coherence ................................. 117
2.8. Diffraction Theory of Optical Resonators ................. 134
     2.8.1. Integral-Equation for the Electric Field
            Distribution ...................................... 134
     2.8.2. The Gaussian Beam as a Fundamental Resonator
            Mode .............................................. 136
2.9. Plane Wave Presentation of Diffraction ................... 138
2.10.Diffraction-Free Beams ................................... 143
2.11.Beam Propagation in Anisotropic Crystals ................. 150

3 Polarization ................................................ 153

3.1. General Aspects .......................................... 153
3.2. Jones Matrices ........................................... 156
     3.2.1. Definition ........................................ 156
     3.2.2. Matrices for Rotated Polarizing Optics ............ 161
     3.2.3. Combination of Several Polarizing Optics .......... 163
3.3. Eigenstates of Polarization .............................. 167
3.4. Polarization in Optical Resonators ....................... 169
     3.4.1. Eigenstates of the Roundtrip Jones Matrix ......... 169
     3.4.2. Polarization and Diffraction-Integrals ............ 170
3.5. Depolarizers ............................................. 171
3.6. Momentum and Angular Momentum of a Beam .................. 173
     3.6.2. The Poynting Vector of Structured-Beams ........... 176
     3.6.3. Angular Momentum .................................. 178

Part II Basic Properties of Optical Resonators ................ 187

4 The Fabry Perot Interferometer .............................. 189

4.1. General Aspects .......................................... 189
4.2. The Fabry Perot Interferometer ........................... 191
     4.2.1. Passive Fabry Perot Interferometer ................ 191
     4.2.2. Applications of FPIs .............................. 197
     4.2.3. Fabry Perot Interferometer with Gain - The
            Laser Resonator ................................... 199
4.3. Optical Coatings ......................................... 204
     4.3.1. Coating Design Matrix Method ...................... 204
     4.3.2. Quarter Wavelength Systems ........................ 209
     4.3.3. Coating Methods and Materials ..................... 214
     4.3.1. Part HI Passive Open Resonators ................... 217

5. Stable Resonators .......................................... 219

5.1. General Aspects .......................................... 219
5.2. Unconfined Stable Resonators ............................. 221
     5.2.1. Transverse Mode Structures ........................ 222
     5.2.2. Resonance Frequencies ............................. 233
     5.2.3. The TEMoo-Mode .................................... 235
     5.2.4. Higher Order Modes ................................ 242
     5.2.5. Focusability and Beam Quality ..................... 250
5.3. Aperture Limited Stable Resonators ....................... 259
     5.3.1. One Aperture Limited Mirror ....................... 261
     5.3.2. Two Aperture Limited Mirrors ...................... 267
5.4. Misalignment Sensitivity ................................. 271
     5.4.1. One Aperture Limited Mirror ....................... 273
     5.3.1. Two Aperture Limited Mirrors ...................... 277

6. Resonators on the Stability Limits ......................... 281

6.1. Resonators with g,g2=l ................................... 281
6.2. Resonators with One Vanishing g-Parameter ................ 285
6.3. The Confocal Resonator ................................... 287

7. Unstable Resonators ........................................ 295

7.1. General Aspects .......................................... 295
7.2. Geometric-Optical Description of Unstable Resonators ..... 296
     7.2.1. Beam Propagation .................................. 296
     7.2.2. Focusability ...................................... 303
7.3. Diffraction Theory ....................................... 311
     7.3.1. Mode Structure, Beam Quality, and Losses .......... 311
     7.3.2. Applications of Unstable Resonators ............... 317
7.4. Misalignment Sensitivity ................................. 317
7.6. Unstable Resonators with Homogenous Output Coupling ...... 328
7.7. Unstable Resonators with Graded Reflectivity Mirrors ..... 330
     7.7.1. Resonator Properties .............................. 330
     7.7.2. Production of VRMs ................................ 334
     7.7.3. Laser Performance of VRM Unstable Resonators ...... 337

8. Resonators with Internal Lenses ............................ 341

8.1. Resonators with Internal Lenses .......................... 341
8.2. Resonators with Polarizing Optics ........................ 344
     8.2.1. The Twisted Mode Resonator ........................ 346
     8.2.2. Resonators with Variable Output Coupling .......... 347
     8.2.3. The Pockels Cell Resonator ........................ 349
     8.2.4. Resonators with Radially Birefringent Elements .... 351
     8.2.5. Resonators with Azimuthally Birefringent
            Elements .......................................... 353
     8.2.6. Resonators with Radial-Azimuthally
            Birefringent Elements ............................. 355
     8.2.7. Compensation of Radial-Azimuthal Birefringence .... 358

Part IV Open Resonators with Gain ............................. 365

9 The Active Medium ........................................... 367

9.1. General Aspects .......................................... 367
9.2. Effective Length of a Resonator .......................... 368
9.3. Amplification and Efficiencies ........................... 370
9.4. The Laser Equations ...................................... 374
9.5. Line Broadening and Hole Burning ......................... 382
     9.5.1. Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Line Broadening ..... 382
     9.5.2. Spatial Hole Burning .............................. 386
9.6. Spectral Gain Distribution and Frequency Pulling ......... 388
9.7. The Spectral Lincwidth of Laser Modes .................... 391

10. Output Power of Laser Resonators .......................... 393

10.1.Output Power of Stable Resonators ........................ 393
     10.1.1.Linear Resonators ................................. 393
     10.1.2.Folded Resonators without Beam Overlap ............ 402
     10.1.3.Folded Resonators with Beam Overlap ............... 403
     10.1.4.Ring Resonators ................................... 408
10.2.Output Power of Unstable Resonators ...................... 410

11.Influence of Gain on Mode Structure and Loss ............... 413

11.1.General Aspects .......................................... 413
11.2.Stable Resonators ........................................ 414
     11.2.1.Fundamental Mode Operation ........................ 414
     11.2.2.Transverse Multimode Operation .................... 422
11.3.Unstable Resonators ...................................... 425
     11.3.1 Mode Structure and Loss ........................... 425
     11.3.2 Optimum Extraction Efficiency ..................... 427
11.4.Mode Structure and Steady State Condition ................ 431

12.Q-switched Laser Resonators ................................ 433

12.1.General Aspects .......................................... 433
12.2.Rate Equations for Q-switching ........................... 436
     12.2.1.Inversion Densities ............................... 436
     12.2.2.Energy, Pulse Duration and Peak Power ............. 438
12.3.Optimum Output Coupling .................................. 441
     12.4.Repetitive Q-switching .............................. 443

13.Resonators with Variable Internal Lenses ................... 451

13.1.General Aspects .......................................... 451
     13.1.1.Thermal Lensing in Solid State Lasers ............. 451
     13.1.2.Ray Transfer Matrices ............................. 454
13.2.Stable Resonators ........................................ 457
     13.2.1.Fundamental Mode Operation ........................ 457
     13.2.2.Transverse Multimode Operation .................... 460
     13.2.3.Beam Radii, Divergence, and Beam Quality .......... 465
     13.2.4.Output Power and Beam Quality ..................... 467
     13.2.5.Output Power in Fundamental Mode Operation ........ 473
     13.2.6.Spherical Aberration .............................. 476
13.3.Unstable Resonators ...................................... 488
     13.3.1.Beam Propagation .................................. 488
     13.3.2.Positive Branch Confocal Unstable Resonators ...... 490
     13.3.3.Rod-Imaging Unstable Resonator .................... 494
     13.3.4.Near Concentric Unstable Resonator ................ 497
     13.3.5.Beam Quality and Focusing ......................... 500

14.Resonators with Several Active Media ....................... 505

14.1.General Aspects .......................................... 505
14.2.Output Power and Efficiency .............................. 507
     14.2.1.Oscillator Arrangement ............................ 507
     14.2.2.Oscillator-Amplifier Arrangement .................. 508
14.3.Multirod Solid State Lasers .............................. 509
     14.3.1.The Equivalent g-Diagram .......................... 509
     14.3.2.Beam Quality and Output Power ..................... 511
     14.3.3.Multirod Resonators with Variable
            Reflectivity Mirrors .............................. 515

15.Misalignment Sensitivity of Output Power ................... 517

15.1.General Properties ....................................... 517
15.2.Stable Resonators in Multimode Operation ................. 519
     15.2.1.Without Thermal Lensing ........................... 519
     15.2.2.With Thermal Lensing .............................. 523
15.3.Stable Resonators in Fundamental Mode Operation .......... 529
15.4.Unstable Resonators ...................................... 531
     15.4.1.Without Thermal Lensing ........................... 531
     15.4.2.With Thermal Lensing .............................. 535

16.Resonators with Nonlinear Elements ......................... 539

16.1.General Aspects .......................................... 539
16.2.Intracavity Second Harmonic Generation ................... 540
     16.2.1.Basic Properties of SIIG .......................... 540
     16.2.2.Ffficiency of Intracavity Second Harmonic
            Generation ........................................ 548
     16.2.3.Phase Mismatch, Axial Modes, and Conversion
            Efficiency ........................................ 552
     16.2.4 Resonator Configurations .......................... 554

16.3.Intracavity Third Harmonic Generation .................... 558
     16.3.1.General Properties of Third Harmonic Generation ... 558
     16.3.2.Properties of Intracavity Third Harmonic
            Generation ........................................ 563
16.4.Resonators with Phase-Conjugate Mirrors .................. 566
     16.4.1.General Properties of a Phase-Conjugate Mirror .... 566
     16.4.2.Optical Resonators with a Phase-Conjugate
            Mirror ............................................ 567
     16.4.3.Phase-Conjugate Resonators using SBS .............. 574

Pan V Special Resonator Concepts .............................. 583

17.Prism Resonators ........................................... 585

17.1.Porro Prism Resonator .................................... 585
17.2.Corner Cube Prism Resonator .............................. 591

18.Fourier Transform Resonators ............................... 595

18.1.Self-Filtering Unstable Resonators ....................... 595
18.2.Stable Fourier Transform Resonators ...................... 600

19.Hybrid Resonators .......................................... 605

19.1.General Aspects .......................................... 605
19.2.Unstable-Stable Resonators ............................... 606
19.3.Waveguide Resonators ..................................... 607
     19.3.1.Motivation ........................................ 607
     19.3.2.Eigenmodes of Hollow Waveguides ................... 609
     19.3.3.Properties of Waveguide Resonators ................ 622
     19.3.4.Properties of Slab Waveguide Lasers ............... 638
     19.3.5.Solid State Waveguide Lasers ...................... 643

20.Resonators for Annular Gain Media .......................... 647

20.1.Characteristics of Annular Gain Lasers ................... 647
20.2.Stable Resonators with Toric Mirrors ..................... 649
     20.2.1.Transverse Mode Structure ......................... 649
     20.2.2.Beam Quality ...................................... 651
20.3.Herriot Cell Resonators .................................. 654
20.4.Unstable Resonators ...................................... 658
     20.4.1.Toric Unstable Resonators ......................... 658
     20.4.2.Azimuthally Unstable Resonators ................... 660
     20.4.3.Spherical Unstable Resonators ..................... 663

21.Ring Resonators ............................................ 665

21.1.General Properties of Ring Resonators .................... 665
21.2.Unstable Ring Resonators ................................. 670
21.3.Nonplanar Ring Resonators ................................ 673

22 Single Mode Laser Resonators ............................... 67S

22.1.Axial Mode Spectrum of Lasers ............................ 675
22.2.Axial Mode Selection with Intracavity Elements ........... 677
22.3.Axial Mode Selection in Coupled Resonators ............... 679
22.4.Resonators for Homogeneously Broadened Lasers ............ 682
22.5.Micro-optical Resonators ................................. 684

Part VI Measurement Techniques ................................ 687

23.Measurement of Laser Parameters ............................ 689

23.1.Measurement of Losses, Gain, and Efficiency .............. 689
     23.1.1.Findlay-Clay Analysis ............................. 689
     23.1.2.Delay-Time Analysis ............................... 697
     23.1.3.Measurement of Diffraction Losses ................. 701
     23.1.4.Measurement of the Saturation Intensity ........... 703
23.2.Measurement of Thermal Lensing ........................... 704
     23.2.1.Focusing of an Expanded Probe Beam ................ 705
     23.2.2.Deviation of a Collimated Probe Beam .............. 707
     23.2.3.Change in Laser Properties ........................ 708

24.Measurement of Laser Beam Parameters ....................... 713

24.1.Measurement of Beam Quality .............................. 713
     24.1.1.The Beam Propagation Factor ....................... 713
     24.1.2.ISO Standardized Methods .......................... 715
     24.1.3.Beam Attenuation .................................. 722
     24.1.4.Beam Quality Analyzers ............................ 722
24.2.Measurement of Polarization .............................. 724
24.3.Measurement of the Phase ................................. 727

References .................................................... 731

Index ......................................................... 787

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