Harwit M. Astrophysical concepts (New York, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHarwit M. Astrophysical concepts. - 4th ed. - New York: Springer, 2006. - xvi, 714 p. - ISBN 978-0-387-32943-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface to the Fourth Edition ................................... v

1.  An Approach to Astrophysics ................................. 1

    1.1.  Channels for Astronomical Information ................. 3
    1.2.  X-Ray Astronomy. Development of a New Field ........... 5
    1.3.  The Appropriate Set of Physical Laws .................. 9
    1.4.  The Formation of Stars ............................... 10
    1.5.  The Hertzsprung-Russell and Color-Magnitude
          Diagrams ............................................. 12
    1.6.  The Birth of Low-Mass Stars .......................... 15
    1.7.  Massive Stars ........................................ 18
    1.8.  The Late Stages of Stellar Evolution ................. 18
    1.9.  Abundance of the Chemical Elements in Stars and
          the Solar System ..................................... 24
    1.10. Origin of the Solar System ........................... 29
    1.11. The Galaxy and the Local Group ....................... 36
    1.12. The Formation of Large-Scale Structures .............. 38
    1.13. Black Holes .......................................... 42
    1.14. Magnetohydrodynamics and Turbulence .................. 43
    1.15. Problems of Life ..................................... 44
    1.16. Unobserved Astronomical Objects ...................... 45

2.  The Cosmic Distance Scale .................................. 53

    2.1.  Size of the Solar System ............................. 53
    2.2.  Trigonometric Parallax ............................... 54
    2.3.  Spectroscopic Parallax ............................... 54
    2.4.  Superposition of Main Sequences ...................... 54
    2.5.  RR Lyrae Variables ................................... 56
    2.6.  Cepheid Variables .................................... 56
    2.7.  Novae and Ни Regions ................................. 57
    2.8.  Supernovae ........................................... 57
    2.9.  The Tully-Fisher and Faber-Jackson Relations ......... 57
    2.10. Distance-Red-Shift Relation .......................... 58
    2.11. Distances and Velocities ............................. 60
    2.12. Seeliger's Theorem and Number Counts in Cosmology .... 60
    Problems Dealing with the Size of Astronomical Objects ..... 63
    Answers to Selected Problems ............................... 64

3.  Dynamics and Masses of Astronomical Bodies ................. 67

    3.1.  Universal Gravitational Attraction ................... 67
    3.2.  Ellipses and Conic Sections .......................... 70
    3.3.  Central Force ........................................ 71
    3.4.  Two-Body Problem with Attractive Force ............... 72
    3.5.  Kepler's Laws ........................................ 73
    3.6.  Determination of the Gravitational Constant .......... 77
    3.7.  The Concept of Mass .................................. 80
    3.8.  Inertial Frames of Reference — The
          Equivalence Principle ................................ 82
    3.9.  Gravitational Red Shift and Time Dilation ............ 83
    3.10. Measures of Time ..................................... 84
    3.11. Uses of Pulsar Time .................................. 86
    3.12. Galactic Rotation .................................... 86
    3.13. Scattering in an Inverse Square Law Field ............ 88
    3.14. Stellar Drag ......................................... 90
    3.15. Virial Theorem ....................................... 92
    3.16. Stability Against Tidal Disruption ................... 94
    3.17. Lagrangian Equations ................................. 96
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 102

4.  Random Processes .......................................... 105

    4.1.  Random Events ....................................... 105
    4.2.  Random Walk ......................................... 106
    4.3.  Distribution Functions, Probabilities, and
          Mean Values ......................................... 1ll
    4.4.  Projected Length of Randomly Oriented Rods .......... 112
    4.5.  The Motion of Molecules ............................. 115
    4.6.  Ideal Gas Law ....................................... 118
    4.7.  Radiation Kinetics .................................. 120
    4.8.  Isothermal Distributions ............................ 121
    4.9.  Atmospheric Density ................................. 122
    4.10. Particle Energy Distribution in an Atmosphere ....... 123
    4.11. Phase Space ......................................... 126
    4.12. Angular Diameters of Stars .......................... 128
    4.13. The Spectrum of Light Inside and Outside a Hot
          Body ................................................ 129
    4.14. Boltzmann Equation and Liouville's Theorem .......... 136
    4.15. Fermi-Dirac Statistics .............................. 138
    4.16. The Saha Equation ................................... 141
    4.17. Mean Values ......................................... 142
    4.18. Fluctuations ........................................ 143
    4.19. The First Law of Thermodynamics ..................... 144
    4.20. Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes .................. 146
    4.21. Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics ........ 147
    4.22. Formation of Condensations and the Stability
          of the Interstellar Medium .......................... 148
    4.23. Ionized Gases and Clusters of Stars and Galaxies .... 150
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 154

5.  Photons and Fast Particles ................................ 157

    5.1.  The Relativity Principle ............................ 157
    5.2.  Relativistic Terminology ............................ 158
    5.3.  Relative Motion ..................................... 162
    5.4.  Four-Vectors ........................................ 167
    5.5.  Aberration of Light ................................. 169
    5.6.  Momentum, Mass, and Energy .......................... 170
    5.7.  The Doppler Effect .................................. 173
    5.8.  Poynting-Robertson Drag on a Grain .................. 174
    5.9.  Motion Through the Cosmic Microwave Background
          Radiation ........................................... 175
    5.10. Particles at High Energies .......................... 178
    5.11. High-Energy Collisions .............................. 179
    5.12. Superluminal Motions and Tachyons ................... 181
    5.13. Strong Gravitational Fields ......................... 183
    5.14. Gravitational Time Delay; Deflection of Light ....... 187
    5.15. Gravitational Lenses ................................ 189
    5.16. An Independent Measure of the Hubble Constant ....... 190
    5.17. Orbital Motion Around a Black Hole .................. 191
    5.18. Advance of the Perihelion of Mercury ................ 195
    5.19. Accretion Disks Around X-ray Binaries ............... 196
    5.20. The Smallest Conceivable Volume ..................... 198
    5.21. The Zeroth Law of Black Hole Dynamics ............... 199
    5.22. Entropy and Temperature of a Black Hole ............. 199
    5.23. The Third Law of Black Hole Thermodynamics .......... 200
    5.24. Radiating Black Holes ............................... 201
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 203

6.  Electromagnetic Processes in Space ........................ 205

    6.1.  Coulomb's Law and Dielectric Displacement ........... 205
    6.2.  Cosmic Magnetic Fields .............................. 207
    6.3.  Ohm's Law and Dissipation ........................... 209
    6.4.  Magnetic Acceleration of Particles .................. 209
    6.5.  Ampere's Law and the Relation Between Cosmic
          Currents and Magnetic Fields ........................ 211
    6.6.  Magnetic Mirrors, Magnetic Bottles, and
          Cosmic-Ray Particles ................................ 211
    6.7.  Maxwell's Equations ................................. 214
    6.8.  The Wave Equation ................................... 215
    6.9.  Phase and Group Velocity ............................ 217
    6.10. Energy Density, Pressure, and the Poynting Vector ... 218
    6.11. Propagation of Waves Through a Tenuous Ionized
          Medium .............................................. 220
    6.12. Faraday Rotation .................................... 223
    6.13. Light Emission by Slowly Moving Charges ............. 226
    6.14. Gravitational Radiation ............................. 231
    6.15. Light Scattering by Unbound Charges ................. 232
    6.16. Scattering by Bound Charges ......................... 234
    6.17. Extinction by Interstellar Grains ................... 236
    6.18. Absorption and Emission of Radiation by a Plasma .... 237
    6.19. Radiation from Thermal Radio Sources ................ 241
    6.20. Synchrotron Radiation ............................... 244
    6.21. The Synchrotron Radiation Spectrum .................. 246
    6.22. The Compton Effect and Inverse Compton Effect ....... 250
    6.23. The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect ....................... 254
    6.24. The Cherenkov Effect ................................ 255
    6.25. The Angular Distribution of Light from the Sky ...... 257
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 260

7.  Quantum Processes in Astrophysics ......................... 265

    7.1.  Absorption and Emission of Radiation by Atomic
          Systems ............................................. 265
    7.2.  Quantization of Atomic Systems ...................... 266
    7.3.  Atomic Hydrogen and Hydrogenlike Spectra ............ 269
    7.4.  Spectra of Ionized Hydrogen ......................... 277
    7.5.  Hydrogen Molecules .................................. 278
    7.6.  Selection Rules ..................................... 281
    7.7.  The Information Contained in Spectral Lines ......... 285
    7.8.  Absorption and Emission Line Profile ................ 288
    7.9.  Quantum Mechanical Transition Probabilities ......... 290
    7.10. Blackbody Radiation ................................. 296
    7.11. Stimulated Emission and Cosmic Masers ............... 299
    7.12. Stellar Opacity ..................................... 301
    7.13. Chemical Composition of Stellar Atmospheres —
          The Radiative Transfer Problem ...................... 304
    7.14.  A Gravitational Quantum Effect ..................... 308
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 309

8.  Stars ..................................................... 313

    8.1.  Observations ........................................ 313
    8.2.  Sources of Stellar Energy ........................... 316
    8.3.  Requirements Imposed on Stellar Models .............. 318
    8.4.  Mathematical Formulation of the Theory .............. 319
    8.5.  Relaxation Times .................................... 321
    8.6.  Equation of State ................................... 324
    8.7.  Luminosity .......................................... 327
    8.8.  Opacity Inside a Star ............................... 328
    8.9.  Convective Transfer ................................. 333
    8.10. Nuclear Reaction Rates .............................. 335
    8.11. Particles and Basic Particle Interactions ........... 339
    8.12. Energy-Generating Processes in Stars ................ 341
    8.13. Compact Stars ....................................... 351
    8.14  White Dwarf Stars ................................... 351
    8.15. Stellar Evolution and The Hertzsprung-Russell
          Diagram ............................................. 355
    8.16. Supernovae, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes .......... 358
    8.17. Pulsars, Magnetars, and Plerions .................... 364
    8.18. Hypernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts ..................... 365
    8.19. Microquasars ........................................ 367
    8.20. Vibration and Rotation of Stars ..................... 367
    8.21. Solar Neutrino Observations ......................... 369
    Additional Problems ....................................... 371
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 373

9.  Cosmic Gas and Dust ....................................... 379

    9.1.  Observations ........................................ 379
    9.2.  Stromgren Spheres ................................... 390
    9.3.  Pressure Propagation and the Speed of Sound ......... 395
    9.4.  Shock Fronts and Ionization Fronts .................. 397
    9.5.  Gamma-Ray Bursts, GRB ............................... 404
    9.6.  Origin of Cosmic Magnetic Fields .................... 405
    9.7.  Dynamo Amplification of Magnetic Fields ............. 409
    9.8.  Cosmic-Ray Particles in the Interstellar Medium ..... 410
    9.9.  Formation of Molecules and Grains ................... 415
    9.10  Formation of Molecular Hydrogen, H2 ................. 419
    9.11. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons .................... 420
    9.12. Infrared Emission from Galactic Sources ............. 421
    9.13. Orientation of Interstellar Grains .................. 425
    9.14. Acoustic Damping and The Barnett Effect ............. 429
    9.15. Stability of Isothermal Gas Spheres ................. 430
    9.16. Polytropes .......................................... 433
    9.17. The Nature of Dark Matter ........................... 435
    Additional Problems ....................................... 438
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 438

10.  Formation of Stars and Planetary Systems ................. 441

    10.1. Star Formation ...................................... 441
    10.2. Gravitational Condensation of Matter ................ 443
    10.3. Jeans Criterion ..................................... 444
    10.4. Hydrostatics of Gaseous Clouds ...................... 446
    10.5. Magnetic Reconnection ............................... 446
    10.6. Ambipolar Diffusion ................................. 449
    10.7. Triggered Collapse .................................. 450
    10.8. Energy Dissipation .................................. 451
    10.9. Cooling of Dense Clouds by Grain Radiation .......... 455
    10.10.Condensation in the Early Solar Nebula .............. 458
    10.11.The Evidence Provided by Meteorites ................. 462
    10.12.Nascent Planetary Disks ............................. 467
    10.13.Formation of Primitive Condensates in the Early
          Solar Nebula ........................................ 469
    10.14.Formation of Planetesimals .......................... 469
    10.15.Condensation in the Primeval Solar Nebula ........... 471
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 473

11. The Universe We Inhabit ................................... 477

    11.1. Questions About the Universe ........................ 477
    11.2. Isotropy and Homogeneity of the Universe ............ 477
    11.3. Cosmological Principle .............................. 480
    11.4. Homogeneous Isotropic Models of the Universe ........ 481
    11.5. Olbers's Paradox .................................... 485
    11.6. Measuring the Geometric Properties of the
          Universe ............................................ 487
    11.7. Angular Diameters and Number Counts ................. 490
    11.8. The Flux from Distant Supernovae .................... 492
    11.9. Magnitudes and Angular Diameters of Galaxies ........ 495
    11.10.Dynamics on a Cosmic Scale .......................... 496
    11.11.Einstein's Field Equations .......................... 497
    11.12.The Density Parameter Ω ............................ 497
    11.13.Some Simple Models of the Universe .................. 500
    11.14.Self-Regenerating Universes ......................... 505
    11.15.Horizon of a Universe ............................... 506
    11.16.Topology of the Universe ............................ 511
    11.17.Do the Fundamental Constants of Nature Change
          with Time? .......................................... 513
    11.18.The Flow of Time .................................... 515
    11.19.Branes and Compact Dimensions ....................... 517
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 519

12. An Astrophysical History of the Universe .................. 525

    12.1. The Isotropy Problem ................................ 525
    12.2. The Flatness Problem ................................ 527
    12.3. Where Did the Microwave Background Radiation
          Originate ........................................... 528
    12.4. Looking Back in Time ................................ 530
    12.5. The Planck Era ...................................... 531
    12.6. Inflationary Cosmological Models .................... 532
    12.7. The Post-Inflationary Stage ......................... 536
    12.8. The Riemann Curvature Constant ...................... 537
    12.9. Quark-Gluon Plasma .................................. 539
    12.10.The Origin of Baryonic Mass ......................... 541
    12.11.Leptons and Antileptons ............................. 543
    12.12.The Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry ..................... 543
    12.13.Early Element Formation ............................. 544
    12.14.The Entropy of the Universe ......................... 546
    12.15.A More Precise Extrapolation Back in Time ........... 548
    12.16.The First 400,000 Years ............................. 549
    12.17.Last Impact and Decoupling of Matter from
          Radiation ........................................... 551
    12.18 Observational Evidence .............................. 551
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 552

13. The Formation of Cosmic Structures ........................ 555

    13.1. The Inhomogeneous Universe .......................... 555
    13.2. Primordial Seeds .................................... 556
    13.3. The Seeds of Structure .............................. 556
    13.4   Evolution of Inhomogeneities ....................... 558
    13.5. The Coupling of Radiation and Matter ................ 561
    13.6   Cooling of Gas After Decoupling .................... 562
    13.7. Photon Drag ......................................... 563
    13.8. Oscillations Around the Decoupling Era .............. 565
    13.9. The Jeans Criterion ................................. 569
    13.10.Condensation on Superhorizon Scales ................. 571
    13.11.A Swiss-Cheese Model ................................ 572
    13.12.Birkhoff's Theorem and "Why Galaxies Don't
          Expand" ............................................. 577
    13.13.Curvature Fluctuations .............................. 578
    13.14.Primordial Collapse and the Density Parameter Ω0 ... 581
    13.15.Inhomogeneities in the Microwave Background
          Radiation ........................................... 583
    13.16.The Microwave Background Temperature Fluctuations ... 584
    13.17.The Three-Dimensional Power Spectrum of Galaxies
          and Clusters ........................................ 587
    13.18.The Observed Imprint of Oscillations ................ 587
    13.19.Oscillations and Fundamental Cosmological
           Parameters ......................................... 589
    13.20.The Rees-Sciama Effect .............................. 591
    13.21.Formation of the Largest Structures ................. 592
    13.22.Press-Schechter Condensation ........................ 593
    13.23.The Internal Structure of Dark Matter haloes ........ 597
    13.24.Protogalactic Cooling ............................... 597
    13.25.Formation of the First Stars ........................ 598
    13.26.Population III Stars ................................ 600
    13.27 Reionization ........................................ 602
    13.28.The Gunn-Peterson Effect ............................ 604
    13.29.Quasar Stromgren Spheres ............................ 606
    13.30.Formation of Supermassive Black Holes ............... 607
    13.31.Accretion Disks Around Supermassive Black Holes ..... 607
    13.32.The Masses of Galaxy Bulges and Central Black
          Holes ............................................... 608
    13.33.Growth Through Merging .............................. 609
    13.34.Chemical Evolution of Galaxies and the
          Intracluster Medium ................................. 610
    13.35.Formation of Our Own Galaxy ......................... 611
    13.36.Radioactive Dating .................................. 613
    Answers to Selected Problems .............................. 613

14. Life in the Universe ...................................... 617

    14.1. Introduction ........................................ 617
    14.2. Thermodynamics of Biological Systems ................ 617
    14.3. Organic Molecules in Nature and in the Laboratory ... 619
    14.4. Origins of Life on Earth ............................ 622
    14.5. The Chemical Basis of Terrestrial Life .............. 624
    14.6. Laboratory Syntheses ................................ 626
    14.7. Panspermia .......................................... 627
    14.8. Higher Organisms and Intelligence ................... 627
    14.9. Communication and Space Travel ...................... 627
    Answer to a Selected Problem .............................. 630

A.  Astronomical Terminology .................................. 633
В.  Astrophysical Constants ................................... 665
Index ......................................................... 695

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