Fuzzy sets and systems - IFSA 2003 (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFuzzy sets and systems - IFSA 2003: 10th international fuzzy systems association world congress: proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, june 30 - july 2, 2003 / ed. by Bilgic T., de Baets B., Kaynak O. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2003. - xv, 735 p. (Lecture notes in computer science; 2715). - ISBN 3-540-40383-3; ISSN 0302-9743

Оглавление / Contents
Invited Papers

A Perspective on the Philosophical Grounding of Fuzzy 
Theories ........................................................ 1
   I.Burhan Türksen

Binary Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Recent Advances ............... 16
   János Fodor

Multiple Criteria Choice, Ranking, and Sorting in the Presence 
of Ordinal Data and Interactive Points of View ................. 30
   Marc Roubens

Dual Interval Model and Its Application to Decision Making ..... 39
   Hideo Tanaka

Automatic Taxonomy Generation: Issues and Possibilities ........ 52
   Raghu Krishnapuram, Krishna Kummamuru

Mathematical Areas

A Fuzziness Measure of Rough Sets .............................. 64
   Hsuan-Shih Lee

Fuzzy Closure Operators Induced by Similarity .................. 71
   Radim Belohlávek

A New Approach to Teaching Fuzzy Logic System Design ........... 79
   Emine Inelmen, Erol Inelmen, Ahmad Ibrahim

On the Transitivity of Fuzzy Indifference Relations ............ 87
   Susana Díaz, Bernard De Baets, Susana Montes

About Zf, the Set of Fuzzy Relative Integers, 
and the Definition of Fuzzy Bags on Zf ......................... 95
   Patrick Bosc, Daniel Rocacher

The Difference Between 2 Multidimensional Fuzzy Bags: 
A New Perspective on Comparing Successful and Unsuccessful 
User's Web Behavior ........................................... 103
   George Meghabghab

A Discussion of Indices for the Evaluation of Fuzzy 
Associations in Relational Databases .......................... ll1
   Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Thomas Sudkamp

On a Characterization of Fuzzy Bags ........................... 119
   Miguel Delgado, María J.Martín-Вautista, Daniel  
   Sánchez, María A.Vila

A New Proposal of Aggregation Functions: The Linguistic 
Summary ....................................................... 127
   Ignacio Blanco, Daniel Sánchez, José M. Serrano,  
   María A.Vila

Fuzzy Quantifiers, Multiple Variable Binding and Branching
Quantification ................................................ 135
   Ingo Glöckner

Modeling the Concept of Fuzzy Majority Opinion ................ 143
   Gabriella Pasi, Ronald R.Yager

Modelling Fuzzy Quantified Statements under a Voting Model
Interpretation of Fuzzy Sets .................................. 151
   Félix Díaz-Hermida, Alberto Bugarín, 
   Purificación Cariñena, Manuel Mucientes, 
   David E.Losada, Senén Barro

Arithmetic of Fuzzy Quantities Based On Vague Arithmetic 
Operations .................................................... 159
   Mustafa Demirci

Level-Sets as Decomposition of the Topological Space SpecA .... 167
   Paavo Kukkurainen

Axiomatization of Any Residuated Fuzzy Logic Defined by a
Continuous T-norm ............................................. 172
   Francesc Esteva, Lluis Godo, Franco Montagna

Extension of Lukasiewicz Logic by Product Connective .......... 180
   Rostislav Horcík, Petr Cintula

Formulas of Lukasiewicz's Logic Represented by Hyperplanes .... 189
   Antonio Di Nola, Ada Lettieri

Fuzzifying the Thoughts of Animats ............................ 195
   Iztok Lebar Bajec, Nikolaj Zimic, Miha Mraz

Approximating Fuzzy Control Strategies via CRI ................ 203
   Siegfried Gottwald, Vilem Novák, Irina Perfilieva

Inequalities in Fuzzy Probability Calculus .................... 211
   Saskia Janssens, Bernard De Baets, Hans De Meyer

Fuzziness and Uncertainty within the Framework of Context 
Model ......................................................... 219
   Van-Nam Huynh, Mina Ryoke, Yoshiteru Nakamori, Tu Bao Ho

Uncertainty in Noise Mapping: Comparing a Probabilistic and 
a Fuzzy Set Approach .......................................... 229
   Tom De Muer, Dick Botteldooren

Trapezoidal Approximations of Fuzzy Numbers ................... 237
   Przemysiaw Grzegorzewski, Edyta Mrowka

Methodological Areas

A Discrete-Time Portfolio Selection with Uncertainty of 
Stock Prices .................................................. 245
   Yuji Yoshida, Masami Yasuda, Jun-ichi Nakagami, 
   Masami Kurano

A Fuzzy Approach to Stochastic Dominance of Random 
Variables ..................................................... 253
   Bart De Schuymer, Hans De Meyer, Bernard Be Baets

Extracting Strict Orders from Fuzzy Preference Relations ...... 261
   Koen Maes, Bernard De Baets

T-Ferrers Relations versus T-biorders ......................... 269
   Susana Díaz. Bernard De Baets, Susana Montes

Sugeno Integrals for the Modelling of Noise Annoyance 
Aggregation ................................................... 277
   Andy Verkeyn, Dick Botteldooren, Bernard De Baets, 
   Guy De Tré

On Separability of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets .................. 285
   Krassimir T.Atanassov, Janusz Kacprzyk, Eulalia Szmidt,
   Ljudmila P.Todorova

Calculating Limit Decisions in Factoring Using a Fuzzy 
Decision Model Based on Interactions between Goals ............ 293
   Rudolf Felix

Fuzzy Models of Rainfall-Discharge Dynamics ................... 303
   Eilde Vernieuwe, Olga Georgieva, Bernard De Baets, 
   Valentijn R.N.Pauwels, Niko E.C.Verhoest

A Rule-Based Method to Aggregate Criteria with Different 
Relevance ..................................................... 311
   Gerardo Canfora, Luigi Troiano

Imprecise Modelling Using Gradual Rules and Its Application 
to the Classification of Time Series .......................... 319
   Sylvie Galichet, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade

A Semi-supervised Clustering Algorithm for Data Exploration ... 328
   Abdelhamid Bouchachia, Witold Pedrycz

A Comparative Study of Classifiers on a Real Data Set ......... 338
   Sofia Visa, Anca Ralescu

A Note on Quality Measures for Fuzzy Association Rules ........ 346
   Didier Dubois, Eyke Hüllermeier, Henri Prade

Differentiated Treatment of Missing Values in Fuzzy 
Clustering .................................................... 354
   Heiko Timm, Christian Döring, Rudolf Kruse

Trapezoidal Approximations of Fuzzy Numbers ................... 237
   Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski, Edyta Mrówka

Methodological Areas

A Discrete-Time Portfolio Selection with Uncertainty of 
Stock Prices .................................................. 245
   Yuji Yoshida, Masami Yasuda, Jun-ichi Nakagami, Masami 

A Fuzzy Approach to Stochastic Dominance of Random 
Variables ..................................................... 253
   Bart De Schuymer, Hans De Meyer, Bernard De Baets

Extracting Strict Orders from Fuzzy Preference Relations ...... 261
   Koen Maes, Bernard De Baets

Г-Ferrers Relations versus T-biorders ......................... 269
   Susana Díaz, Bernard De Baets, Susana Montes

Sugeno Integrals for the Modelling of Noise Annoyance 
Aggregation ................................................... 277
   Andy Verkeyn, Dick Botteldooren, Bernard De Baets, 
   Guy De Tré

On Separability of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets .................. 285
   Krassimir T. Atanassov, Janusz Kacprzyk, Eulalia Szmidt,    
   Ljudmila P.Todorova

Calculating Limit Decisions in Factoring Using a Fuzzy 
Decision ModelBased on Interactions between Goals ............. 293
   Rudolf Felix

Fuzzy Models of Rainfall-Discharge Dynamics ................... 303
   Hilde Vernieuwe, Olga Georgieva, Bernard De Baets, 
   Valentijn R.N.Pauwels, Niko E.C.Verhoest

A Rule-Based Method to Aggregate Criteria with Different 
Relevance ..................................................... 311
   Gerardo Canfora, Luigi Troiano

Imprecise Modelling Using Gradual Rules and Its Application 
to the Classification of Time Series .......................... 319
   Sylvie Galichet, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade

A Semi-supervised Clustering Algorithm for Data Exploration ... 328
   Abdelhamid Bouchachia,  Witold Pedrycz

A Comparative Study of Classifiers on a Real Data Set ......... 338
   Sofia Visa, Anca Ralescu

A Note on Quality Measures for Fuzzy Association Rules ........ 346
   Didier Dubois, Eyke Hüllermeier, Henri Prade

Differentiated Treatment of Missing Values in Fuzzy 
Clustering .................................................... 354
   Heiko Timm, Christian Döring, Rudolf Kruse

Mining Multi-level Diagnostic Process Rules from Clinical 
Databases Using Rough Sets and Medical Diagnostic Model ....... 362
   Shusaku Tsumoto

Rough Sets and Information Granulation ........................ 370
   James F.Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Piotr Synak,
   Sheela Ramanna

Indiscernibility-Based Clustering: Rough Clustering ........... 378
   Shoji Hirano, Shusaku Tsumoto

Fuzzy Multiset Space and c-Means Clustering Using Kernels 
with Applications to Information Retrieval .................... 387
   Sadaaki Miyamoto, Kiyotaka Mizutani

Using Similarity Measures for Histogram Comparison ............ 396
   Dietrich Van der Weken, Mike Nachtegael, Etienne Kerre

A CHC Evolutionary Algorithm for 3D Image Registration ........ 404
   Oscar Cordࣃn, Sergio Damas, Jose Santamaría

Color Image Enhancement Using the Support Fuzzification ....... 412
   Vasile Patrascu

Lattice Fuzzy Signal Operators and Generalized Image 
Gradients ..................................................... 420
   Petros Maragos, Vassilis Tzouvaras, Giorgos Stamou

Non-uniform Coders Design for Motion Compression Method by 
Fuzzy Relational Equations .................................... 428
   Hajime Nobuhara, Kaoru Hirota

A Method for Coding/Decoding Images by Using Fuzzy Relation
Equations ..................................................... 436
   Ferdinando Di Martino, Vincenzo Loia, Salvatore Sessa

Application Areas

Embedded Fuzzy Control System in an Open Computerized 
Numerical Control: A Technology Transfer Case-Study ........... 442
   Rodolfo E. Haber, José R. Alique, Angel Alique, 
   Ramón Uribe-Etxebarria, Javier Hernࢱndez

Activation of Trapezoidal Fuzzy Subsets with Different 
Inference Methods ............................................. 450
   Anis Sakly, Mohamed Benrejeb

Design and Simulation of a Fuzzy Substrate Feeding Controller 
for an Industrial Scale Fed-Batch Baker Yeast Fermentor ....... 458
   Cihan Karakuzu, Sitki Ozturk, Mustafa Türker

Fuzzy Supervisor for Combining Sliding Mode Control and 
H∞ Control .............................................. 466
   Najib Essounbouli, Abdelaziz Hamzaoui, 
   Noureddine Manamanni

Intelligent PID Control by Immune Algorithms Based Fuzzy 
Rule Auto-Tuning .............................................. 474
   Dong Hwa Kim, Jin Ill Park

Implementation and Applications of a Constrained Multi-
objective Optimization Method ................................. 483
   Hossein S.Zadeh

System Modelling Using Fuzzy Numbers .......................... 492
  Petr Husek, Renata Pytelková

Fuzzy Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for a Class of Uncertain
Nonlinear MIMO Systems with Application to a 2DOF Twin 
Propeller ..................................................... 500
   Aria Alasti, Hamid Bolandhemat, Navid Dadkhah Tehrani

Improvement of Second Order Sliding-Mode Controller Applied 
to Position Control of Induction Motors Using Fuzzy Logic ..... 508
   Mahdi Jalili-Kharaajoo, Hassan Ebrahimirad

Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Application of Fuzzy Clustering 
for Designing a TSK-based Fuzzy Energy Flow Management Unit ... 516
   Lucio Ippolito, Pierluigi Siano

A Fuzzy Logic Vision and Control System Embedded with Human
Knowledge for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation ................... 526
   Charles E.Kinney, Dean B.Edwards

Fuzzy Logic Based Dynamic Localization and Map Updating for 
Mobile Robots ................................................. 535
   Mohammad Molhim, Kudret Demirli

An Overview on Soft Computing in Behavior Based Robotics ...... 544
   Frank Hoffmann

Asymmetric Redundancy of Tuples in Fuzzy Relational 
Database ...................................................... 552
   Roily Intan, Masao Mukaidono

Fuzzy Clustering in Classification Using Weighted Features .... 560
   Lourenço P.C. Bandeira, João M.C. Sousa, 
   Uzay Kaymak

Data and Cluster Weighting in Target Selection Based on 
Fuzzy Clustering .............................................. 568
   Uzay Kaymak

Cross-Disciplinary Areas

On-line Design of Takagi-Sugeno Models ........................ 576
   Plamen Angelov, Dimitar Filev

Gradient Projection Method and Equality Index in Recurrent 
Neural Fuzzy Network .......................................... 585
   Rosangela Ballini, Fernando Gomide

Experimental Analysis of Sensory Measurement Imperfection 
Impact for a Cheese Ripening Fuzzy Model ...................... 595
   Irina Ioannou, Nathalie Perrot, Gilles Mauris,
   Gilles Trystram

Generation of Fuzzy Membership Function Using Information 
Theory Measures and Genetic Algorithm ......................... 603
   Masoud Makrehchi, Otman Basir, Mohamed Kamel

Analyzing the Performance of a Multiobjective GA-P Algorithm 
for Learning Fuzzy Queries in a Machine Learning 
Environment ................................................... 611
   Oscar Cordón, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, María 
   Luque, Félix de Moya, Carmen Zarco

Commutativity as Prior Knowledge in Fuzzy Modeling ............ 620
   Pablo Carmona, Juan L. Castro, José M. Zurita

Evolutionary Optimization of Fuzzy Models with Asymmetric 
RBF Membership Functions Using Simplified Fitness Sharing ..... 628
   Min-Soeng Kim, Chang-Hyun Kim, Ju-Jang Lee

Fuzzy Multi-objective Optimization Approach for Rod Shape 
Design in Long Product Rolling ................................ 636
   Victor Oduguwa, Rajkumar Roy, Didier Farrugia

A Fuzzy-Based Meta-model for Reasoning about Number of 
Software Defects .............................................. 644
   Marek Reformat

A Dual Representation of Uncertain Dynamic Spatial 
Information ................................................... 652
   Gloria Bordogna, Paola Carrara, Sergio Chiesa, Stefano   

Enabling Fuzzy Object Comparison in Modern Programming 
Platforms through Reflection .................................. 660
   Fernando Berzal, Juan-Carlos Cubero, Nicolas Marin,
   Olga Pons

An XML-based Approach to Processing Imprecise Requirements .... 668
   Jonathan Lee, Yong-Yi Fanjiang, Tzung-Jie Chen, 
   Ying-Yan Lin

Inducing Fuzzy Concepts through Extended Version Space 
Learning ...................................................... 677
   Eyke Hüllermeier

A Symbolic Approximate Reasoning under Fuzziness .............. 685
   Mazen El-Sayed, Daniel Pacholczyk

Making Fuzzy Absolute and Fuzzy Relative Orders of Magnitude
Consistent .................................................... 694
   Didier Dubois, Allel HadjAli, Henri Prade

Learning First Order Fuzzy Logic Rules ........................ 702
   Henri Prade, Gilles Richard, Mathieu Serrurier

An Interactive Fuzzy Satisfying Method for Multiobjective 
Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems through Genetic 
Algorithms .................................................... 710
   Masatoshi Sakawa, Kosuke Kato

A Global Optimization Method for Solving Fuzzy Relation 
Equations ..................................................... 718
   S.Ilker Birbil, Orhan Feyzioglu

A Study on Fuzzy Random Linear Programming Problems Based on
Possibility and Necessity Measures ............................ 725
   Hideki Katagiri, Masatoshi Sakawa

Author Index .................................................. 733

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