Applied remote sensing for urban planning, governance and sustainability (Berlin, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаApplied remote sensing for urban planning, governance and sustainability / ed. by Netzband M., Stefanov W.L., Redman C. - Berlin: Springer, 2007. - xxxii, 278 p. - ISBN 978-3-540-25546-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
List of Contributors ......................................... xiii
Glossary .................................................... xxiii

Chapter 1 Remote Sensing as a Tool for Urban Planning and
             Sustainability ..................................... 1

1.1.  Overview .................................................. 1
1.2.  Social problems ........................................... 4
1.3.  Urban structure ........................................... 5
1.4.  Climatic and atmospheric applications for urban remote
      sensing ................................................... 6
1.5.  Urban geohazards and environmental monitoring ............. 8
1.6.  Urban form and periphery .................................. 9
1.7.  Open space preservation .................................. 10
1.8.  Evaluation of urban natural environments ................. 11
1.9.  Urban satellite sensors and mission legacy ............... 11
1.10. Urban monitoring initiatives ............................. 13
1.11. Urban environmental monitoring project at Arizona
      State University ......................................... 14
1.12. Outlook .................................................. 16
      1.12.1. Case study Phoenix, USA .......................... 16
      1.12.2. Case study Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ................ 17
      1.12.3. Case study Buenos Aires, Argentina ............... 17
      1.12.4. Case study Berlin, Germany ....................... 17
      1.12.5. Case study New Delhi, India ...................... 17
      1.12.6. Case study Chiang Mai, Thailand .................. 17
      1.12.7. Case study Chengdu and Guangzhou, China .......... 18
      1.12.8. Interurban comparison ............................ 18
1.13. References ............................................... 19

Chapter 2 Automatic Land-Cover Classification Derived
          from High-Resolution IKONOS Satellite
          Imagery in the Urban Atlantic Forest of
          Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by Means of an
          Object-Oriented Approach ............................. 25

2.1.  Introduction ............................................. 25
2.2.  Methodology .............................................. 28
      2.2.1.  Study area ....................................... 28
      2.2.2.  Data ............................................. 28
      2.2.3.  Analysis ......................................... 29
2.3.  Results and discussion ................................... 31
2.4.  Conclusion ............................................... 34
2.5.  References ............................................... 35

Chapter 3 Advances in Urban Remote Sensing: Examples From
          Berlin (Germany) ..................................... 37

3.1.  Introduction ............................................. 37
3.2.  New remote sensing technologies .......................... 38
3.3.  New remote sensing methods ............................... 40
3.4.  Examples ................................................. 42
      3.4.1.  Sensitivity analysis of Enhanced Thematic
              Mapper and ASTER data for urban studies .......... 42
      3.4.2.  Characterizing derelict urban railway
              sites with QuickBird data ........................ 45
3.5.  Outlook .................................................. 47
3.6.  Acknowledgments .......................................... 49
3.7.  References ............................................... 49

Chapter 4 Spatial Analysis of Urban Vegetation Scale and
          Abundance ............................................ 53

4.1.  Introduction ............................................. 53
4.2.  Six urban landscapes ..................................... 55
4.3.  Spectral mixture analysis and image segmentation ......... 56
4.1.  Vegetation fraction and patch size distributions ......... 60
4.5.  Comparison ............................................... 64
4.6.  Discussion ............................................... 71
4.7.  Acknowledgements ......................................... 75
4.8.  References ............................................... 75

Chapter 5 Urban Environmental Monitoring in Buenos Aires -
          Determining Green Areas .............................. 77

5.1.  Introduction ............................................. 77
5.2.  Background ............................................... 79
5.3.  Related work ............................................. 79
5.4.  Materials and methods .................................... 81
      5.4.1.  Study area ....................................... 81
      5.4.2.  Data ............................................. 81
      5.4.3.  Preparatory work ................................. 84
      5.4.4.  Remote sensing analyses .......................... 86
5.5.  Results .................................................. 88
5.6.  Applications ............................................. 90
5.7.  Conclusions .............................................. 91
5.8.  Acknowledgements ......................................... 92
5.9.  References ............................................... 92

Chapter 6 Challenges in Characterizing and Mitigating
          Urban Heat Islands - A Role for Integrated
          Approaches Including Remote Sensing ................. 117

6.1.  Introduction ............................................ 117
6.2.  Temporal and spatial scales in climatology .............. 119
      6.2.1.  Regional to local scale ......................... 119
6.3.  Factors controlling urban climates ...................... 120
6.4.  Methods of evaluation ................................... 122
6.5.  Remote sensing .......................................... 123
6.6.  Urban heat island mitigation ............................ 127
6.7.  Conclusions ............................................. 128
6.8.  References .............................................. 129

Chapter 7 Phoenix, Arizona, USA: Applications of Remote
          Sensing in a Rapidly Urbanizing Desert Region ....... 137

7.1.  Introduction ............................................ 137
7.2.  Regional setting and historic land use .................. 139
7.3.  CAP LTER urban ecology research ......................... 140
7.4.  Urban climate modeling .................................. 141
7.5.  Land cover characterization and change detection ........ 144
7.1.  Expert system classification of the Phoenix area ........ 148
      7.5.2.  Monitoring LULCC using object-oriented
              classification .................................. 151
7.6.  High resolution commercial data use in Marana, AZ ....... 155
7.7.  Conclusions ............................................. 159
7.8.  References .............................................. 160

Chapter 8 Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technique for
          Urban Environmental Management and Sustainable
          Development of Delhi, India ......................... 165

8.1.  Introduction ............................................ 165
8.2.  Urban environmental issues in Delhi ..................... 168
8.3.  Application of remote sensing and GIS in urban
      studies ................................................. 171
      8.3.1.  Aerial photographs and satellite data
              in urban studies ................................ 173
      8.3.2.  Urban spatial growth and sprawl ................. 174
      8.3.3.  Land-use and land-cover mapping ................. 177
      8.3.4.  Urban change detection and mapping .............. 180
      8.3.5.  Base maps for urban areas ....................... 181
      8.3.6.  Urban hydrology ................................. 182
      8.3.7.  Solid and hazardous waste ....................... 183
      8.3.8.  Effective traffic management .................... 184
      8.3.9.  Greenhouse gases and urban heat island
              mapping ......................................... 185
      8.3.10. Urban infrastructure recreational and
              utility mapping ................................. 186
8.4.  Sustainable development and planning of Delhi ........... 187
8.5.  Conclusions ............................................. 190
      8.5.1.  Recommendations ................................. 191
8.6.  References .............................................. 193

Chapter 9 Berlin (Germany) Urban and Environmental
          Information System: Application of Remote
          Sensing for Planning and Governance
          - Potentials and Problems ........................... 199

9.1.  Introduction ............................................ 199
9.2.  Berlin urban and environmental information systems ...... 200
      9.2.1.  Definition and aims ............................. 201
      9.2.2.  The Berlin digital environmental atlas .......... 205
      9.2.3.  FIS-broker ...................................... 206
      9.2.4.  Geo-data and geographic information systems ..... 207
      9.2.5.  GIS and the internet ............................ 207
9.3.  Application of remote-sensing data ...................... 208
      9.3.1.  UEIS mapping of land use ........................ 208
      9.3.2.  Area types ...................................... 209
      9.3.1.  Test of updating land-use mapping with
              remote-sensing data ............................. 209
      9.3.4.  Surface temperatures derived from satellite
              data ............................................ 212
      9.3.5.  Mapping of imperviousness (soil surface
              sealing) ........................................ 213
      9.3.6.  Urban-biotope mapping ........................... 215
9.4.  Conclusions ............................................. 217
9.5.  References .............................................. 218

Chapter 10 Views of Chiang Mai: The Contributions of
           Remote-Sensing to Urban Governance and
           Sustainability ..................................... 221

10.1. Introduction ............................................ 221
10.2. Views ................................................... 223
      10.2.1. Access .......................................... 224
      10.2.2. Interpretations ................................. 225
      10.2.3. Resolution ...................................... 227
      10.2.4. Social spaces ................................... 227
10.3. Histories ............................................... 230
      10.3.1. Origins ......................................... 230
      10.3.2. Urbanization .................................... 231
      10.3.3. Ecosystem services .............................. 233
10.4. Models .................................................. 233
      10.4.1. SLEUTH .......................................... 234
      10.4.2. ELSE ............................................ 236
10.5. Visions ................................................. 237
      10.5.1. Space for time .................................. 238
      10.5.2. Scenarios ....................................... 238
10.6. Actions ................................................. 240
      10.6.1. Choices ......................................... 241
      10.6.2. Responsibilities ................................ 242
10.7. Conclusions ............................................. 245
10.8. Acknowledgements ........................................ 245
10.9. Notes ................................................... 245
10.10.References .............................................. 246

Chapter 11-20 Years After Reforms: Challenges to Planning
              and Development in China's City-Regions and
              Opportunities for Remote Sensing ................ 249

11.1. Introduction ............................................ 249
11.2. Study areas ............................................. 250
11.3. Remote sensing and GIS to monitor urban growth
      patterns ................................................ 254
      11.3.1. Pearl River Delta Case Studies .................. 254
      11.3.2. Chengdu extended urban region ................... 257
11.4. Comparative urban development on the coast and in
      the west ................................................ 258
11.5. Monitoring urban growth in China ........................ 264
11.6. Challenges to planning and development and the role
      of remote sensing and geospatial data ................... 265
11.7. References .............................................. 267

Index ......................................................... 271

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