Studia Geologica Polonica; Vol.130, Pt.1 (Krakow, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStudia geologica Polonica. Vol.130, Pt.1: Evolution of the mesozoic basins on the southwestern edge of the East European Craton (Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania) / Swidrowska J. et al. - Krakow, 2008. - 131 p. - ISBN 978-966-00-0746-8

Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ........................................................ 9
Introduction .................................................... 9
   Aim of research .............................................. 9
   State of research ........................................... 10
   Methodology ................................................. 13
Permian and Early Triassic (Pls 1, 2) .......................... 15
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pl. 1) .......................... 15
      Permian – the Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish
      Trough ................................................... 15
      Lower Triassic – the Holy Cross segment of the Mid-
      Polish Trough............................................. 16
      Permian and Lower Triassic – Pre-Dobrogea Depression ..... 17
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeogeography (Pl. 1) .......... 18
      Late Permian – the Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish
      Trough.................................................... 18
      Early Triassic – Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish
      Trough ................................................... 20
      Permian and Early Triassic in the Pre-Dobrogea
      Depression ............................................... 21
   Palaeotectonics ............................................. 21
      Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish Trough (Pl. 2) ...... 21
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression (Pl. 1) .......................... 23
Middle Triassic (Pls 3, 4) ..................................... 24
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pl. 3) .......................... 24
      Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish Trough .............. 24
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression .................................. 24
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeogeography (Pl. 3) .......... 25
      Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish Trough .............. 25
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression .................................. 26
   Palaeotectonics (Pl. 4)...................................... 27
      Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish Trough (Pl. 4A) ..... 27
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression (Pl. 4B) ......................... 28
Late Triassic (Pls 5, 6) ....................................... 29
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pl. 5) .......................... 29
      Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish Trough .............. 29
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression .................................. 29
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeogeography (Pl. 5) .......... 30
      Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish Trough .............. 30
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression .................................. 31
   Palaeotectonics (Pl. 6)...................................... 32
      Holy Cross segment of the Mid-Polish Trough (Pl. 6A) ..... 32
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression (Pl. 6B) ......................... 33
Early Jurassic (Pls 7, 8) ...................................... 33
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pl. 7) .......................... 33
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeogeography (Pl. 7) .......... 35
   Palaeotectonics (Pl. 8)...................................... 36
      Mid-Polish Trough ........................................ 36
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression .................................. 37
Middle Jurassic (Pls 9–11) ..................................... 37
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pls 9, 10)....................... 37
      Mid-Polish Trough (Pl. 9)................................. 37
      Stryi Depression (Pl. 9) ................................. 39
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression (Pl. 10).......................... 40
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeo geography ................. 41
      Mid-Polish Trough (Pl. 9)................................. 41
      Stryi Depression (Pl. 9) ................................. 43
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression (Pl. 10).......................... 43
         Late Bajocian–Early Bathonian (Pl. 10A) ............... 43
         Middle and Late Callovian (Pl. 10B) ................... 44
   Palaeotectonics (Pl. 11) .................................... 45
      Mid-Polish Trough and Stryi Depression ................... 45
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression .................................. 46
Late Jurassic (Pls 12–17) ...................................... 49
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pls 12, 14, 16) ................. 49
      Mid-Polish Trough and Stryi Depression ................... 49
         Oxfordian–Lowermost Kimmeridgian (Pl. 12) ............. 51
         Upper part of the Lower and Upper Kimmeridgian
         (Pl. 14) .............................................. 53
         Tithonian–Lower Berriasian (Pl. 16) ................... 55
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression and North Dobrogea................ 56
         Oxfordian–Lower Kimmeridgian (Pl. 12) ................. 56
         Lower Kimmeridgian–(?) Upper Kimmeridgian–
         Tithonian (Pls 14, 16)................................. 57
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeogeography (Pls 12, 14,
   16) ......................................................... 59
      Mid-Polish Trough and Stryi Depression ................... 59
         Oxfordian–earliest Kimmeridgian (Pl. 12) .............. 59
         Late Early Kimmeridgian and Late Kimmeridgian
         (Pl. 14) .............................................. 60
         Tithonian–Early Berriasian (Pl. 16).................... 61
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression and Bîrlad Depression ............ 62
         Oxfordian–earliest Kimmeridgian (Pl. 12) .............. 62
         Kimmeridgian–Tithonian (Pls 14, 16) ................... 63
   Palaeotectonics (Pls 13, 15, 17) ............................ 64
      Mid-Polish Trough and Stryi Depression ................... 64
         Oxfordian and the beginning of Early
         Kimmeridgian (Pl. 13) ................................. 64
         Late Kimmeridgian (except its earliest part)
         (Pl. 15) .............................................. 65
         Tithonian–Early Berriasian (Pl. 17).................... 66
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression and Bîrlad Depression ............ 67
         Oxfordian and the beginning of Early Kimmeridgian
         (Pl. 13) .............................................. 67
         Late Kimmeridgian (except for its earlier part)
         (Pl 15)– Tithonian–Early Berriasian (Pls 15, 17) ...... 69
Early Cretaceous (Pls 18–21).................................... 70
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pls 18, 20) ..................... 70
      Valanginian–Hauterivian (Pl. 18) ......................... 70
      Barremian–Aptian (Pl. 20) ................................ 73
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeo geography (Pls 18, 20) .... 73
      Valanginian–Hauterivian (Pl. 18) ......................... 73
      Barremian–Aptian (Pl. 20) ................................ 75
   Palaeotectonics (Pls 19, 21) ................................ 76
      Valanginian and Hauterivian (Pl. 19) ..................... 76
      Barremian and Aptian (Pl. 21) ............................ 79
Middle Cretaceous: Albian and Cenomanian (Pls 22–25) ........... 80
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pls 22, 24) ..................... 80
      Problem of the Albian–Cenomanian boundary ................ 80
      Albian (in Ukraine – Albian and sandy Lower Cenomanian)
     (Pl. 22) .................................................. 81
      Cenomanian (Pl. 24) ...................................... 83
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeo geography (Pls 22, 24) .... 84
      Albian (Pl. 22)........................................... 84
      Cenomanian (Pl. 24) ...................................... 86
   Palaeotectonics (Pls 23, 25) ................................ 87
      Albian (Pl. 23)........................................... 87
      Cenomanian (Pl. 25) ...................................... 88
Late Cretaceous: Turonian–Maastrichtian (Pls 26–33) ............ 88
   Lithology and stratigraphy (Pls 26, 28, 30, 32) ............. 88
      Turonian (Pl. 26) ........................................ 88
      Coniacian–Santonian (Pl. 28) ............................. 89
      Campanian (Pl. 30) ....................................... 91
      Lower Maastrichtian (Pl. 32) ............................. 92
   Sedimentary conditions and palaeo geography (Pls 26, 28,
   30, 32) ..................................................... 93
      Turonian (Pl. 26) ........................................ 93
      Coniacian–Santonian (Pl. 28) ............................. 95
      Campanian (Pl. 30) ....................................... 96
      Early Maastrichtian (Pl. 32).............................. 97
   Palaeotectonics (Pls 27, 29, 31, 33) ........................ 97
Discussion and conclusions...................................... 99
   Continuation of the Mid-Polish Trough to the south-east ..... 99
   Palaeogeographic development of the Stryi Depression........ 102
   Intracratonic tectonic regime control of marginal basins
   evolution of the East Euro pean Craton...................... 103
      Southeastern segment of the Mid-Polish Trough and the
      Stryi Depression (Fig. 7) ............................... 103
      Pre-Dobrogea Depression ................................. 105
Acknowledgments ............................................... 106
References..................................................... 106
Plates (en closed in Part 2)................................... 129

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