Studia geologica Polonica; 129 (Krakow, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStudia geologica Polonica. Vol.129: Pennsylvanian (carboniferous) biotas and palaeoenvironments / ed. by Kedzior A., Cleal C.J. - Krakow, 2008. - 156 p. - ISBN 978-83-918081-9-1; ISSN 0081-6426

Оглавление / Contents
IGCP 469 – Late Variscan terrestrial biotas and 
   (Christopher J. Cleal) ....................................... 7
Macro floral biostratigraphy of the Ottweiler Group in
Saar-Lorraine and its consequences for Stephanian
palynostratigraphy and geochronology ............................ 9
   Christopher J.Cleal

Westphalian-Stephanian macrofloras of the Southern Pennines
Basin, UK ...................................................... 25
   Christopher J.Cleal

The oldest insect from Romania: a new Carboniferous
blattodean ..................................................... 43
   Ed. A.Jarzembowski

The Asturian and Cantabrian floral assemblages with
Cordaites from the Plzeň Basin (Czech Republic) ................ 51
   Zbynek Šimůnek

Land plant diversity in selected Latest Pennsylvanian?-
Permian deposits from the Saar-Nahe Basin (SW-Germany)
and the German Zechstein basin ................................. 81
   Dieter Uhl & Sunia Lausberg

Chemistry of monazites as provenance indicator - case study
from the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (Poland) .................... 107
   Monika Kusiak & Nonna Bakun-Czubarow

Depositional architecture of the Zabrze Beds (Namurian B)
within the Main Anticline of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin,
Poland ........................................................ 131
   Kędzior A.

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