Российская наука и мир (дайджест) - Ноябрь 2004 г.

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2004 г.
Российская наука и мир
(по материалам зарубежной электронной прессы)

январь февраль март апрель май июнь июль август сентябрь октябрь ноябрь декабрь

    Voilà.fr / 15/11
    Les géophysiciens russes et français vont créer un laboratoire de métallogénie

    Создана совместная российско-французская лаборатория, целью которой будет разработка и внедрение методики прогноза крупных и сверхкрупных месторождений полезных ископаемых.

Les géophysiciens russes et français vont créer un laboratoire conjoint destiné à l'élaboration et au développement de méthodes originales de détermination et de localisation de gisements métallifères géants, a indiqué lundi l'ambassade de France à Moscou. Un accord en ce sens a été signé à Moscou entre le Musée géologique d'État Vernadski de l'Académie russe des Sciences et le Bureau français des Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), a précisé à l'AFP le service de presse de l'ambassade.
Le laboratoire franco-russe emploiera dans ses recherches des méthodes basées sur des observations géographiques, géologiques, thermiques, énergétiques ou magnétiques obtenues notamment par satellite, en utilisant les dernières théories de la dynamique de la croûte terrestre. Les outils développés permettront de réaliser des économies substantielles dans la recherche des minerais nécessaires à l'activité humaine. Le projet est soutenu par l'ambassade de France en Russie, le ministère russe de l'Education et de la Science et l'Otan.


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    Discovery Channel / Nov. 17, 2004
    Another Stonehenge Found in Russia?
    • By Jennifer Viegas

    В Рязанской области археологи обнаружили развалины сооружения возрастом около 4 тысяч лет. Место раскопок представляет собой окружность диаметром 7 метров, обозначенную рядами столбов. Это навело археологов на мысль, что святилище использовалось для астрономических наблюдений. Сами столбы были деревянными и не сохранились, но ямы, в которые они были вкопаны, остались. По времени создания рязанская находка похожа на Стоунхендж, мегалитическое сооружение на равнине Солсбери в Англии, которое первоначально тоже было деревянным.

Russian archaeologists have announced that they have found the remains of a 4,000-year-old structure that they compare to England's Stonehenge, according to recent reports issued by Pravda and Novosti, two Russian news services.
If the comparison holds true, the finding suggests that both ancient European and Russian populations held similar pagan beliefs that wove celestial cycles with human and animal life.
Since devotional objects and symbols are at the Russian site in the region of Ryazan, their meanings might shed light on pagan ceremonies that likely also took place at Stonehenge. Just as the location of Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, appeared to be significant for the megalith's creators, so too did Ryazan for the Russian builders. The site overlooks the junction of two rivers, the Oka and Pronya. It was highly traveled by numerous cultures in ancient times.
Ilya Ahmedov, lead archaeologist of the Ryazan excavation and a researcher in the State History Museum of Russia's department of archaeological monuments, described the remains of the structure to Novosti. Ahmedov said he and his team found ground holes indicating a monument with a 22.97-feet diameter circle consisting of 1.6-foot thick wooden poles spaced at equal distances from each other. Inside the circle is a large rectangular hole with evidence that four posts once stood in that spot.
The archaeologists believe the central structure would have led to spectacular views. "Within the circle, two couples of the poles (in the rectangular area) make up gates," Ahmedov told Pravda. "Sunset can be seen through the gates if an observer stands in the center of the circle. One more pole outside the circle points at the sunrise."
The researchers found a small ceramic vessel in the central hole. The vessel is decorated with a zigzag design, which Ahmedov said resembles the rays of the sun, and wavy lines that he believes symbolize water. Lying next to the vessel was a bronze awl in a birch bark casing and an "altar of animal bones," according to a press release from Informnauka, the Russian science news agency .
Outside of the circle, the archaeologists excavated two other vessels without any ornamentation. The research team said forest dwellers that originally came from Iran likely made these two objects. They lived in the Ryazan area during the Bronze Age 4,000 years ago.
Fragments of human bones and teeth also were found outside the circle's boundary. Ahmedov and his colleagues think they might have belonged to a tribal chief who was posthumously sanctified. Burial tombs also exist near Stonehenge.
Ahmedov explained that solar and lunar cults were related to a fertility cult and to the mythological link between life and death. The circular shape was thought to hold magical properties because it has no beginning or end and was regarded as a symbol of eternity. "A parallel can be drawn to Stonehenge, which is close to our monument in terms of the erection date and initially also was made of wood," Ahmedov told Pravda. "However, no blood relationship could have existed between the peoples who erected Stonehenge and the Ryazan observatory. The latter evidently indicates the influence of (an) alien population (the Iranian forest dwellers) from the South-East of the Eurasian steppe."
Mike Pitt, author of the book "Hengeworld" and the editor of British Archaeology magazine, told Discovery News that he doubts Stonehenge directly influenced the construction of the Russian monument.
"There are no known connections between Russia and Britain at the time Stonehenge was built, so if there were any similarities between the two structures, they would have to be coincidence," Pitt said. He added, "Stonehenge is unique, but it is possible to see precursors and inspiration for its design in timber structures that are now quite common in Britain, not least around Stonehenge, but as yet seen nowhere else, not even across the Channel in France."
Ahmedov and his team plan to excavate the Ryazan site again in the summer, when they hope to investigate another line of pole holes that they spotted 32.8 feet away from the circular monument.

Copyright © 2004 Discovery Communications Inc.

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    RIA / 2004-11-20
    Siberian scientists learn to prevent permafrost thawing

    Ученые томского Института химии нефти СО РАН борются с последствиями потепления с помощью специальных криогелей, помогая спасать вечную мерзлоту от таяния.

MOSCOW, Nov 20 (RIA Novosti) - The Institute of Oil Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Siberian branch has worked out a method to prevent permafrost thawing, reports the Expert-Sibir magazine. The problem is becoming still more urgent. To eliminate the consequences of permafrost thawing in Siberia, huge funds will be required next decade.
The Yakutian town of Mirny gets drinking water from the Irelyakh water reservoir enclosed with a dam with permafrost in foundation. The frost has started thawing out, and water began to infiltrate near the foundation. Due to the dam slump, a many-meter gap appeared, through which the water reservoir lost up to 4,000 tons of water an hour.
Alrosa, a company producing diamonds in Yakutia, turned to the Oil Chemistry Institute in the West Siberian city of Tomsk, which specializes in resolution of problems in the field of prospecting, extracting and processing hydrocarbons. One of the most important and promising directions dealt with here for about 20 years is creation of technologies to increase oil recovery of layers. Different gel-forming mixtures are used for this.
For the dam of the Irelyakh hydrosystem, scientists suggested using cryo-gel. This is a chemical solution that becomes a gel when being frozen. In two years of tense work, ecologically pure solutions of polymers with electrolyte additions which form a gel with temperatures from 0 to -20 Celsius were created. With cyclic processes "freezing-thawing" the gel becomes a cryo-gel, which possesses high elasticity and a perfect cohesion with the rock. It blocks the stream and creates a screen. The more often the cycle repeats, the firmer it becomes.
Cryo-gels have never been used before for hydro-technical facilities. To build a barrier to water along the perimeter of the whole dam, whose length is 300 meters, it's necessary to inject 1,700 tons of gel to 117 holes. Scientists hope to fill with it only 20-25 before the year end.
The next facility is likely to be the Vilyuiskaya hydroelectric power plant (on the left tributary of the Lena river in Central Yakutia) - the first hydropower plant in Russia built in the zone of permafrost. In the future, the new technology may serve not only for maintenance and elimination of emergencies, but to strengthen soils in the permafrost area.

© 2004 RIA Novosti

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    RIA / 2004-11-22
    Le ministre de la Recherche Andreï Foursenko: les bruits sur l'émigration massive de chercheurs russes sont exagérés

    Министр образования и науки Андрей Фурсенко заявил, что слухи о массовой эмиграции российских ученых за рубеж сильно преувеличены, и речь идет скорее о естественной миграции.

MOSCOU, 22 novembre - Les bruits sur une émigration massive de chercheurs russes sont exagérés, a déclaré le ministre russe de l'Education et de la Recherche Andreï Foursenko lundi intervenant à un séminaire international consacré à la gestion de la carrière scientifique et à la mobilité académique entre la Russie et l'Union européenne.
"Les bruits sur le danger de fuite des cerveaux de Russie sont aujourd'hui exagérés," a indiqué le ministre, notant que ce thème "est exploité depuis le début des années 90".
De l'avis d'Andreï Foursenko, on assiste "à une migration naturelle de chercheurs russes à l'étranger".
"Le problème consiste uniquement à faire en sorte que ce mouvement se fasse dans les deux sens: le retour de nos chercheurs et l'arrivée de chercheurs étrangers en Russie", a souligné le ministre.
De l'avis du ministre de l'Education et de la Recherche, c'est la migration interne lorsque "de jeunes actifs abandonnent la recherche au profit d'autres secteurs" qui cause un gros dommage à la science russe. "La migration interne a provoqué une action de loin plus dévastatrice sur la science russe que l'expatriation", a expliqué Andreï Foursenko.
Les jeunes quittent la recherche au profit, par exemple, des entreprises où les revenus sont de loin plus élevés, a-t-il dit.
On évalue la fuite des cerveaux russes ces quinze dernières années de quelques dizaines à plusieurs centaines de milliers de chercheurs. Un sondage mené par le Système d'information "Science et Innovation" présente un intérêt sur ce plan: à la question de savoir si la fuite des cerveaux s'est réduite ces dernières années, 36% des personnes interrogées ont répondu par l'affirmative et 55% par la négative. A la question: les scientifiques qui ont quitté le pays dans les années 90 retournent-ils en Russie? - 9% ont répondu "oui" et 87% "non".

© 2004 RIA Novosti

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    Univers-Nature / 20-11-2004
    Si nécessaire, l'Europe assumera seule le réacteur thermonucléaire ITER!

    Шесть участников проекта ITER (международный экпериментальный термоядерный реактор) по-прежнему не могут договориться о его будущем местонахождении. Евросоюз, Китай и Россия предлагают разместить его во Франции, Япония, Южная Корея и США – в Японии. Основных аргументов в пользу Франции два – во-первых, у французов большой опыт в подобных делах, во-вторых, Европа вложила 50 процентов средств.

ITER, le projet de réacteur thermonucléaire expérimental international, n'a toujours pas de site de construction, faute d'un accord entre les 6 pays qui doivent assurer son financement (Union européenne, Japon, Chine, Russie, Corée du Sud et Etats-Unis).
Depuis la dernière réunion (9 novembre) les rencontres et tractations se multiplient pour parvenir un accord sur le lieu de construction. Si les européens, les chinois et les russes souhaitent une implantation en France, les 3 autres pays se prononcent en faveur d'une implantation au Japon. La volonté européenne d'imposer la construction de ITER, sur son territoire, repose notamment sur l'expérience française en matière de nucléaire et sur la contribution que l'Europe apporte au projet.
Le coût de construction d'ITER, à Cadarache en France, est estimé à 4,570 milliards d'euros. Dans le cadre d'une construction avec les 6 parties pressenties, l'Europe assumerait un maximum de 50% du budget, soit 2,285 milliards d'euros, dont 1,828 milliards à la charge du budget communautaire. La France, pays hôte, mettrait pour sa part largement la main au portefeuille avec plus de 900 millions d'euros. Au final, en intégrant le coût de l'exploitation le budget total avoisine 10 milliards d'euros sur 35 ans.
À la veille de la réunion du 26 novembre, l'Europe fait monter la pression en laissant entendre qu'en l'absence de consensus, notamment avec le Japon, elle pourrait prendre en charge le dossier en engageant la construction d'ITER dans le cadre d'un partenariat aussi large que possible. Toutefois, officiellement l'Europe propose au Japon de bénéficier de conditions favorables reflétant sa contribution particulière au projet ITER. En outre, l'Union européenne pourrait contribuer à d'autres initiatives de recherche dans le domaine de la fusion, au Japon, pour compléter le projet ITER dans le cadre d'une approche élargie de la maîtrise de l'énergie de fusion.
Si ITER sera le 2ème plus grand projet de recherche international, après la station spatiale internationale, son objectif a pour but de permettre à l'humanité de s'approcher du modèle de production d'énergie du soleil. Néanmoins, la production d'énergie par fusion se heurte à 2 obstacles importants et aujourd'hui sans réponse. La fusion a besoin de tritium, un élément très rare qui devra, en pratique, être fabriqué à partir des neutrons émis par le réacteur, mais ce procédé n'a jamais été testé et ne le sera pas sur ITER. La 2ème difficulté découle de la 1ère, à savoir que l'on ne connaît pas de matériaux capables de résister au bombardement de neutrons dû à la fusion, ici encore le réacteur expérimental n'apportera pas de réponse.
En tant que projet de recherche, si ITER a de quoi soulever l'enthousiasme des scientifiques, concrètement il ne sera jamais en mesure de reproduire sur Terre l'énergie des étoiles, en n'expérimentant qu'une partie de la technologie nécessaire, d'où l'appel européen, en direction des japonais, pour compléter le projet ITER et se rapprocher un peu plus d'une source d'énergie quasi-illimitée.

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    New York Jewish Times / 11-24-04
    Russian Scientists Searching for Seafood, Weeds to Be Used in Medicine

    Ученые из Тихоокеанского института биоорганической химии разрабатывают лекарственные средства на основе морепродуктов. Среди этих препаратов - антиоксидантные, антибактериальные и противовоспалительные средства.

MOSCOW (RIA Novosti) - Researchers at Russia's Pacific Institute of Bio-organic Chemistry develop medications making use of the medicinal properties of local herbs and seafood. Twenty-six new medications have been developed in Russia in recent years; five of them at the Institute of the Bio-organic Chemistry.
The sea urchin's pigment, remarkable for its antioxidant, anti-germ and anti-inflammatory properties, is used in a medication that has proved effective in treating for eye and heart diseases.
The plant known as the maackia is the main ingredient in a drug used for protection against hepatitis; the anti-toxic and choleretic properties of this plant can be used in treating cirrhosis and hepatitis patients. The maackia-based medicine has no known side effects and causes no allergy reaction. It has by now successfully passed tests at major Russian clinics. Importantly, its raw material base is not limited.
Substances obtained from Kamchatka crab waste are used in a cleansing lotion for burns, chillblains, gangrenes, and varicose sores. Sea cucumber glycosides form for the basis of a new immunity-enhancing drug. A medication using polysacharides synthesized from brown seaweeds has proved capable of reducing the impact of exposure to radiation and restoring the immune system's functions.
The Pacific Institute of Bio-organic Chemistry is currently conducting over 40 biological tests in search of new biologically active substances that could be used in the pharmaceutical industry.

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    ISN - Zurich,Switzerland / 24/11/04
    Russian scientist sentenced to 14 years

    Физик Валентин Данилов, обвиненный в передаче государственных секретов Китаю, приговорен к 14 годам тюрьмы. Адвокат Данилова, Елена Евменова собирается подавать апелляцию в Верховный суд России, а в случае неудачи – в Европейский суд по правам человека в Страсбурге.

ISN SECURITY WATCH, - Russian physicist Valentin Danilov, convicted of passing state secrets to China earlier in November, was sentenced to 14 years in a high-security prison on Wednesday. The conviction against Danilov and several other Russian scientists and journalists for spying have prompted Russian liberal politicians and human rights figures to voice concern over a return of Soviet-era spy-mania. Danilov's lawyer Yelena Yevmenova said on Wednesday she would appeal the sentence to the Russian Supreme Court and to the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. On 5 November, a jury found Danilov, 53, guilty of treason and embezzlement of state money. In separate closed hearing proceedings that followed, the judge ruled that the information passed by Danilov to a Chinese company under a 1999 contract with a Krasnoyarsk research institute where he had worked contained state secrets. Danilov was conducting research on the effect of electromagnetic waves on satellites. Danilov, who maintained his innocence throughout, claimed he had used only open sources for his research. He was arrested by the Federal Security Service (FSB) in 2000 and remanded in pre-trial custody for 19 months. In late 2003, he was acquitted by a jury, but prosecutors in the case appealed the verdict to the Supreme Court. The court ordered a retrial in June, citing procedural irregularities in the first trial. The second jury unanimously found him guilty. Several days later, Danilov was remanded in custody on the premise of having leaked classified information to the Los Angeles Times in a telephone interview from Krasnoyarsk. Senior members of Russia's Union of the Rights Forces and Yabloko liberal parties decried the court decision on Wednesday, saying the judicial system was being used by the government to intimidate citizens critical of government policies.

© 1994-2004 ISN, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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    RedNova / Thursday, 25 November 2004

    Baykonur Becomes New Launch Site for Russian Science Satellites

    Запуск космических аппаратов "Фотон" и "Бион" будет осуществлен не с Плесецка, а с Байконура. Это связано с созданием в Плесецке ракетной космической системы "Ангара".

MOSCOW - 25 November: The launch of Foton and Bion scientific satellites will be moved from Plesetsk to Baykonur cosmodrome. This is linked to the creation of the Angara space missile system at the northern cosmodrome [Plesetsk]. Today at Plesetsk an ITAR-TASS correspondent was told that "specialists from the Samara-based Progress design bureau have already begun dismantling the technical ground equipment used to prepare Foton and Bion scientific satellites for launch".
According to the source, "the reason for moving the launch site from the northern to the southern cosmodrome is the shortage of space in Plesetsk's repair and testing facilities due to the construction of the new generation of the Angara space missile system"."It is planned the technical equipment for the scientific satellites will be transported to Baykonur by the end of this year," he added.
The Russian Federal Space Agency [Roskosmos] said that "the launch of the Foton-M2 satellite using a Soyuz-U booster rocket from Baykonur is planned for the end of May 2005". Foton satellites are used for conducting scientific and technological experiments in microgravity conditions.
Bion scientific satellites are used for physiological research. Experiments conducted on rhesus monkeys in space 20 years ago enabled scientists to develop a system for helping the body quickly adapt to conditions of weightlessness. In total 12 monkeys were sent into orbit in Russian spacecraft. Currently experiments using anthropoid apes are banned, noted Roskosmos. "It is possible that the programme will be restarted, but using other animals," said the source.

© 2002-2004 RedNova.com. All rights reserved.

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    The Guardian / Thursday November 25, 2004

    Talking about a revolution

    Ученые из Государственного ракетного центра КБ им. академика В.П. Макеева создали новую ветряную турбину, которая работает почти бесшумно и менее опасна для птиц.

Russian scientists, from the Makeyev State Rocket Centre near Miass, have developed a wind turbine that is almost silent and much less dangerous to birds. The turbine looks a bit like an egg-beater, with lightweight, glass fibre bladesthat revolve around a vertical structure. The radical design will be commercially developed with funding from the US department of environment.
"The blade speed is around twice the wind speed, which is much less than the speed on the conventional propeller design," says Richard Halstead, president of US company Empire Magnetics, which supplies the turbines' alternators. In theory birds will be able to see and avoid the slow-moving blades, while low speed makes the turbines very quiet.
Although the turbines aren't quite as efficient as conventional ones, they are much cheaper to make and better suited to a wide range of environments and applications. "There is more power output per dollar from this new windmill," says Halstead. So far the team has built a 9m high (3kW) turbine, suitable for fitting to the top of a home. They are now developing a 100kW turbine for use on commercial wind farms.

EducationGuardian.co.uk © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004

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    Techno-science.net - France / le Samedi 27 Novembre 2004
    Une base lunaire russe d'ici 2025?

    К 2020-2025 году на Луне может быть создана российская автономная станция. Исследовательские работы в этом направлении уже ведутся, а само завоевание Луны будет проходить в три этапа. Сначала будут запущены зонды с целью найти наиболее удобные места для постоянных станций, затем доставят автономные устройства, способные, в частности, превращать лед в воду. И, наконец, на Луну отправятся люди.

Dans le cadre d'une réunion de travail qui rassemble quelque 30 nations et qui vise à débattre de la problématique du retour de l'homme sur la Lune et de la première mission habitée vers Mars, un haut responsable russe en charge de la Station spatiale internationale annonce que la Russie pourrait très bien installer sur la Lune, entre 2020 et 2025, une base autonome, c'est-à-dire non habitée, rappelant à bien des égards les stations scientifiques en antarctiques.
Des études exploratoires sont déjà en cours en Russie dont le projet Luna-Globe, une mission conçue pour étudier la structure interne de la Lune, rapporter sur Terre des échantillons de sa surface et voir comment utiliser au mieux ses ressources naturelles.
La conquête de la Lune se fera très certainement en plusieurs étapes. Dans un premier temps, il faudra expédier quelques sondes dont la mission sera de prospecter les meilleurs emplacements possibles pour les bases permanentes. Les pôles lunaires semblent les mieux appropriés. En effet, on y trouve de la glace, nécessaire à la production de l'eau, tandis que la lumière solaire y est éternelle. Ensuite il sera nécessaire d'apporter des installations autonomes capables notamment de transformer la glace en eau. Enfin, la troisième étape consistera à acheminer des hommes sur la Lune. Tous ces projets pourraient parfaitement être réalisés dans les 5-10 années à venir. Par conséquent, l'homme pourrait remettre le pied sur la Lune avant 2015.
La Russie s'intéresse également à Mars. Bien qu'elle pense plausible l'installation de structures autonomes et habitables sur Mars, elle n'envisage pas que cela se fera avant le milieu de ce siècle.
Les Russes et les Américains ne sont pas les seuls à s'intéresser à la Lune. L'Europe, plus timidement, envisage également des missions habitées mais dans le cadre d'un vaste projet international. Enfin les Chinois ambitionnent d'ici au milieu des années 2020 l'installation d'une base lunaire permanente.

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Начало дайджеста за НОЯБРЬ 2004 года (часть 1)

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