Environmental soil-landscape modeling: geographic information technologies and pedometrics

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Книжные оглавления
Environmental soil-landscape modeling: geographic information technologies and pedometrics / ed. by Grunwald S. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006. - 488 p. - (Books in soils, plants, and the environment; vol.111). - ISBN 0-8247-2389-9.

SECTION I History and Trends in Soil-Landscape Modeling

Chapter 1 What Do We Really Know about the Space-Time Continuum
          of Soil-Landscapes? ............................................... 3
Sabine Grunwald

Chapter 2 Soil Survey and Soil Classification .............................. 37
Richard W. Arnold (Retired)

Chapter 3 A Historical Perspective on Soil-Landscape Modeling .............. 61
David J. Brown

Chapter 4 Geomorphological Soil-Landscape Models .......................... 105
Carolyn G. Olson

SECTION II   Collection of Soil-Landscape Datasets

Chapter 5 The Impact of Emerging Geographic Information Technology
          on Soil-Landscape Modeling ...................................... 127
Sabine Grunwald and Sanjay Lamsal

Chapter 6 Topographic Mapping ............................................. 155
Scot E. Smith

SECTION III Pedometrics

Chapter 7 Digital Soil-Terrain Modeling: The Predictive Potential
          and Uncertainty ................................................. 185
Thomas F.A. Bishop and Budiman Minasny

Chapter 8 Fuzzy Logic Models .............................................. 215
A.-Xing Zhu

Chapter 9 Modeling Spatial Variation of Soil as Random Functions .......... 241
Richard Webster and Margaret A. Oliver

Chapter 10 Stochastic Simulation of Soil Variations ....................... 289
Jean-Paul Chiles and Denis Allard

Chapter 11 Pedometrical Techniques for Soil Texture Mapping at
           Different Scales ............................................... 323
Marc van Meirvenne and Ingrid van Cleemput

Chapter 12 Analysis of Complex Soil Variation Using Wavelets .............. 343
R. Murray Lark

Chapter 13 Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Scientific
           Visualization of Soil-Landscapes ............................... 373
Sabine Grunwald

Chapter 14 On Spatial Lattice Modeling of Soil Properties ................. 393
Jun Zhu, Richard P. Wolkowski, Wei Yue, and Ruifeng Xu

Chapter 15 Multiscale Soil-Landscape Process Modeling ..................... 417
Jeroen M. Schoorl and Antonie Veldkamp

Chapter 16 Space-Time Geostatistics ....................................... 437
Gerard B.M. Heuvelink and Judith J.J.C. Snepvangers

Index ..................................................................... 453

Вверх Environmental soil-landscape modeling: geographic information technologies and pedometrics / ed. by Grunwald S. - Boca Raton, FL: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006. - 488 p. - (Books in soils, plants, and the environment; vol.111). - ISBN 0-8247-2389-9.

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