Новые иностранные книги, поступившие в библиотеки СО РАН (26-01-2016)
Новые иностранные книги,
поступившие в библиотеки СО РАН

(экспонировались с 26 января по 2 февраля 2016 г.)
в конце описаний указаны сиглы библиотек СО РАН  
ОбложкаMichel V. Lectures on constructive approximation: Fourier, spline, and wavelet methods on the real line, the sphere, and the ball. - New York: Birkhäuser: Springer, 2013. - xvi, 326 p.: ill. - (Applied and numerical harmonic analysis). - Bibliogr.: p.307-315. - Ind.: p.317-326. - ISBN 978-0-8176-8402-0
(И/В16-М65) 02
ОбложкаMikhailets V.A. Hörmander spaces, interpolation, and elliptic problems / V.A.Mikhailets, A.A.Murach. - Berlin; Boston: de Gruyter, 2014. - xii, 297 p. - (De Gruyter studies in mathematics; 60). - Bibliogr.: p.275-290. - Ind.: p.291-297. - ISBN 978-3-11-029685-3; ISSN 0179-0986
(И/В16-M68) 02
ОбложкаMineral exploration: principles and applications / ed. S.K.Haldar. - Waltham: Elsevier, 2013. - xvii, 334 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: 323-324. - Ind.: p.325-334. - ISBN 978-0-12-416005-7
(И/Д44-М73) 02
ОбложкаModern trends surrounding information technology standards and standardization within organizations / ed. K.Jakobs. - Hershey: IGI Global, 2015. - xxi, 339 p.: ill. - (Advances in IT standards and standardization research (AITSSR) book series). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters; Related, comp. ref.: p.276-332. - Ind.: p.338-339. - ISBN 978-1-4666-6332-9; ISSN 1935-3391
(И/У52-M78) 02
ОбложкаMonitoring polymerization reactions: from fundamentals to applications / ed.: W.F.Reed, A.M.Alb. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2014. - xiv, 473 p.: ill. + 6 p. ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.451-473. - ISBN 978-0-470-91738-1
(И/Г7-M81) 02
ОбложкаMorganti M. Combining science and metaphysics: contemporary physics, conceptual revision and common sense. - London; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - xi, 211 p. - (New directions in the philosophy of science). - Bibliogr.: p.192-207. - Ind.: p.209-211. - ISBN 978-1-137-00268-6
(И/В3-М84) 02
ОбложкаNagourney W. Quantum electronics for atomic physics and telecommunication. - 2nd ed. - Oxford; New York: Oxford university press, 2014. - xv, 475 p.: ill. - (Oxford graduate texts). - Bibliogr.: p.466-470. - Ind.: p.471-475. - ISBN 978-0-19-966548-8
(И/З.86-N 16) 02
ОбложкаNano- and piezoelectric technologies, materials and devices / ed. I.A.Parinov. - New York: Nova science publishers, 2013. - ix, 261 p.: ill. - (Physics research and technology) (Nanotechnology science and technology). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.251-261. - ISBN 978-1-62948-230-9
(И/З.84-N21) 02
ОбложкаNeutron scattering - fundamentals / ed. by F.Fernandez-Alonso, D.L.Price. - San Diego: Elsevier/AP, 2013. - xxiii, 545 p.: ill. - (Experimental methods in the physical sciences; vol.44). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p. 529-545. - ISBN 978-0-12-398374-9
(И/В38-N50) 02
ОбложкаNiedermayer M. Cost-driven design of smart Microsystems. - Boston; London: Artech House, 2012. - xii, 229 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.225-229. - ISBN 978-1-60807-084-8
(И/З.84-N60) 02
ОбложкаNonlinear transistor model parameter extraction techniques / ed. by M.Rudolph, Ch.Fager, D.E.Root. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2012. - xiv, 352 p.: ill., tab. - (The Cambridge RF and microwve enginering series). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.350-352. - ISBN 978-0-521-76210-6
(И/З.85-N76) 02
ОбложкаO'Malley M.A. Philosophy of microbiology. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2014. - x, 269 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.222-260. - Ind.: p.261-269. - ISBN 978-1-107-02425-0
(И/Е4-О.10) 02
ОбложкаOpenGL® programming guide: the official guide to learning OpenGL®, version 4.3 / D.Shreiner et al.; the Khronos OpenGL ARB Working Group. - 8th ed. - Upper Saddle River: Addison-Wesley, 2013. - xlvi, 935 p.: ill., tab. - Ind.: p.919-935. - ISBN 978-0-321-77303-6
(И/З.973.2-O.63) 02
ОбложкаParametric resonance in dynamical systems / ed.: T.I.Fossen, H.Nijmeijer. - New York: Springer, 2012. - xi, 330 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.329-330. - ISBN 978-1-4614-1042-3
(И/О.4-Р25) 02
ОбложкаPatios G. Kierkegaard on the philosophy of history. - Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - xi, 187 p. - Bibliogr.: p.178-183. - Ind.: p.185-187. - ISBN 978-1-137-38327-3
(И/Ю3(4)-P32) 02
ОбложкаPerspectives and challenges in statistical physics and complex systems for the next decade / ed. G.M.Viswanathan, E.P.Raposo, M.G.Eleutério da Luz. - Singapore: World scientiific, 2014. - xiii, 331 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.331. - ISBN 978-981-4590-13-6
(И/В31-P47) 02
ОбложкаPhilosophy of mind: the key thinkers / ed. by A.Bailey. - London; New York: Bloomsbury, 2014. - x, 318 p. - (Key thinkers). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.315-318. - ISBN 978-1-4411-9537-1
(И/Ю2-Р57) 02 
ОбложкаPhilosophy of pseudoscience: reconsidering the demarcation problem / ed.: M.Pigliucci, M.Boudry. - Chicago; London: University of Chicago press, 2013. - viii, 469 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.461-469. - ISBN 978-0-226-05179-6
(И/Ю25-Р57) 02
ОбложкаPhilosophy of technology: the technological condition: an anthology / ed. by R.C.Scharff, V.Dusek. - 2nd ed. - Chichester: Wiley: Blackwell, 2014. - xv, 719 p. - (Blackwell philosophy anthologies; 33). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISBN 978-1-118-54725-0
(И/Ж-P57) 02
ОбложкаPlant epigenetics and epigenomics: methods and protocols / ed. by Ch.Spillane, P.C.McKeown. - New York: Humana Press/Springer Science+Business Media, 2014. - x, 245 p.: ill. - (Methods in molecular biology; 1112) (Springer protocols). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.243-245. - ISBN 978-1-62703-772-3; ISSN 1064-3745
(Pr 852/1112) 02

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