Recent advances in natural language processing (Shoumen, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRecent advances in natural language processing: [9th] Intern. conf.: RANLF 2013: proceedings, Hissar, Bulgaria, 9-11 Sept., 2013 / ed. by G.Angelova, K.Bontcheva, R.Mitkov. - Shoumen: INCOMA, 2013. - xxviii, 771 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISSN 1313-8502

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Оглавление / Contents
ASMA: A System for Automatic Segmentation and Morpho-Syntactic
Disambiguation of Modem Standard Arabic
   Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, Mona Diab and Sandra Kübler ........... 1
Optimising Tree Edit Distance with Subtrees for Textual 
   Maytham Alabbas and Allan Ramsay ............................. 9
Opinion Learning from Medical Forums
   Tanveer Ali, Marina Sokolova, David Schramm and Diana 
   Inkpen ...................................................... 18
Annotating Events, Time and Place Expressions in Arabic Texts
   Hassina Aliane, Wassila Guendouzi and Amina Mokrani ......... 25
A Semi-supervised Learning Approach to Arabic Named Entity 
   Maha Althobaiti, Udo Kraschwitz and Massimo Poesio .......... 32
An NLP-based Reading Tool for Aiding Non-native English Readers
   Mahmoud Azab, Ahmed Salama, Kemal Oflazer, Hideki Shima,
   Jun Araki and Teruko Mitamura ............................... 41
Improving Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Using Multilingual 
Machine Translated Data
   Alexandra Balahur and Marco Turchi .......................... 49
Domain Adaptation for Parsing
   Eric Baucom, Levi King and Sandra Kübler .................... 56
Towards a Structured Representation of Generic Concepts and
Relations in Large Text Corpora
   Archana Bhattarai and Vasile Rus ............................ 65
Authorship Attribution in Health Forums
   Victoria Bobicev, Marina Sokolova, Khaled El Emam and Stan
   Matwin ...................................................... 74
TwitlE: An Open-Source Information Extraction Pipeline for 
Microblog Text
   Kalina Bontcheva, Leon Derczynski, Adam Funk, Mark 
   Greenwood, Diana Maynard and Niraj Aswani ................... 83
A Unified lexical Processing Framework based on the Margin 
Infused Relaxed Algorithm. A Case Study on the Romanian 
   Tiberiu Boroş ............................................... 91
Automatic Extraction of Contextual Valence Shifters.
   Noémi Boubel, Thomas François and Hubert Naets .............. 98
Grammar-Based Lexicon Extension for Aligning German Radiology 
Text and Images
   Claudia Bretschneider, Sonja Zillner and Matthias Hammon ... 105
Recognising and Interpreting Named Temporal Expressions
   Matteo Brucato, Leon Derczynski, Hector Llorens, Kalina 
   Bontcheva and Christian S. Jensen .......................... 113
Unsupervised Improving of Sentiment Analysis Using Global 
Target Context
   Tomáš S. Brychcín and Ivan Habernal ........................ 122
An Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for 
Labelling Morphs
   Burcu Can and Suresh Manandhar ............................. 129
Temporal Text Classification for Romanian Novels set in the
   Alina Maria Ciobanu, Liviu P. Dinu, Octavia-Maria Şulea, 
   Anca Dinu and Vlad Niculae ................................. 136
A Dictionary-Based Approach for Evaluating Orthographic 
Methods in Cognates Identification
   Alina Maria Ciobanu and Liviu Petrisor Dinu ................ 141
A Pilot Study on the Semantic Classification of Two German 
Prepositions: Combining Monolingual and Multilingual Evidence
   Simon Clematide and Manfred Klenner ........................ 148
Semantic Relations between Events and their Time, Locations 
and Participants for Event Conference Resolution
   Agata Cybulska and Piek Vossen ............................. 156
Sense Clustering Using Wikipedia
   Bharath Dandala, Chris Hokamp, Rada Mihalcea and Razvan 
   Bunescu .................................................... 164
Effective Spell Checking Methods Using Clustering Algorithms
   Renato Cordeiro de Amorim and Marcos Zampieri .............. 172
Normalization of Dutch User-Generated Content
   Orph&#eacute;e De Clercq, Sarah Schulz, Bart Desmet, 
   Els Lefever and Véronique Hoste ............................ 179
Linguistic Profiling of Texts Across Textual Genres and
Readability Levels. An Exploratory Study on Italian Fictional
   Felice Dell'Orletta, Simonetta Montemagni and Giulia 
   Venturi .................................................... 189
Twitter Part-of-Speech Tagging for All: Overcoming Sparse 
and Noisy Data
   Leon Derczynski, Alan Ritter, Sam Clark and Kalina 
   Bontcheva .................................................. 198
Weighted Maximum Likelihood Loss as a Convenient Shortcut to 
Optimizing the F-measure of Maximum Entropy Classifiers
   Georgi Dimitroff, Laura Toloşi, Borislav Popov and Georgi 
   Georgiev ................................................... 207
Sequence Tagging for Verb Conjugation in Romanian
   Liviu Dinu, Octavia-Maria Şulea and Vlad Niculae ........... 215
A Tagging Approach to Identify Complex Constituents for Text
   Iustin Dornescu, Richard Evans and Constantin Orasan ....... 221
Automatic Evaluation Metric for Machine Translation that is
Independent of Sentence Length
   Hiroshi Echizen'ya, Kenji Araki and Eduard Hovy ............ 230
Acronym Recognition and Processing in 22 languages
   Maud Ehrmann, Leonida della Rocca, Ralf Steinberger and 
   Hristo Tannev .............................................. 237
An Evaluation Summary Method Based on a Combination of 
Content and Linguistic Metrics
   Samira Ellouze, Maher Jaoua and Lamia Hadrich Belguith ..... 245
Hierarchy Identification for Automatically Generating 
   Nicolai Erbs, Iryna Gurevych and Torsten Zesch ............. 252
Temporal Relation Classification in Persian and English 
   Mahbaneh Eshaghzadeh Torbati, Gholamreza Ghassem-sani, 
   Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel, Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh and
   Negin Karimi Hosseini ...................................... 261
The Extended Lexicon: Language Processing as Lexical 
   Roger Evans ................................................ 270
Did I Really Mean That? Applying Automatic Summarisation 
Techniques to Formative Feedback
   Debora Field, Stephen Pulman, Nicolas Van Labeke, Denise 
   Whitelock and John Richardson .............................. 277
Matching Sets of Parse Trees for Answering Multi-sentence 
   Boris Galitsky, Dmitry Dvovsky, Sergei O. Kuznetsov and
   Fedor Strok ................................................ 285
Realization of Common Statistical Methods in Computational 
Linguistics with Functional Automata
   Stefan Gerdjikov, Petar Mitankin and Vladislav Nenchev ..... 294
Mining Fine-grained Opinion Expressions with Shallow Parsing
   Sucheta Ghosh, Sara Tonelli and Richard Johansson .......... 302
Justifying Corpus-Based Choices in Referring Expression 
   Helmut Horacek ............................................. 311
A Boosting-based Algorithm for Classification of Semi-
Structured Text using the Frequency of Substructures
   Tomoya Iwakura ............................................. 319
Headerless, Quoteless, but not Hopeless? Using Pairwise 
Email Classification to Disentangle Email Threads
   Emily Jamison and Iryna Gurevych ........................... 327
Using Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation
   Dimitar Kazakov and Ahmad R. Shahid ........................ 336
Semantic Relation Recognition within Polish Noun Phrase: 
A Rule-based Approach
   Pawel Kedzia and Marek Maziarz ............................. 342
Unsupervised Induction of Arabic Root and Pattern Lexicons 
using Machine Learning
   Bilal Khaliq and John Carroll .............................. 350
Towards Domain Adaptation for Parsing Web Data
   Mohammad Khan, Markus Dickinson and Sandra Kübler .......... 357
Capturing Anomalies in the Choice of Content Words in 
Compositional Distributional Semantic Space
   Ekaterina Kochmar and Ted Briscoe .......................... 365
Incremental and Predictive Dependency Parsing under Real-
Time Conditions
   Arne Köhn and Wolfgang Menzel .............................. 373
Rationale, Concepts, and Current Outcome of the Unit Graphs 
   Maxime Lefrançois and Fabien Gandon ........................ 382
The Unit Graphs Framework: Foundational Concepts and 
Semantic Consequence
   Maxime Lefrançois and Fabien Gandon ........................ 389
Confidence Estimation for Knowledge Base Population
   Xiang Li and Ralph Grishman ................................ 396
Towards Fine-grained Citation Function Classification
   Xiang Li, Yifan He, Adam Meyers and Ralph Grishman ......... 402
Supervised Morphology Generation Using Parallel Corpus
   Alireza Mahmoudi, Mohsen Arabsorkhi and Heshaam Faili ...... 408
Sentiment Analysis of Reviews: Should we Analyze Writer 
Intentions or Reader Perceptions?
   Isa Maks and Piek Vossen ................................... 415
Revisiting the Old Kitchen Sink: Do we Need Sentiment Domain 
   Riham Mansour, Nesma Refaei, Michael Gamon, Ahmed Abdul-
   Hamid and Khaled Sami ...................................... 420
Evaluation of Baseline Information Retrieval for Polish 
Open-domain Question Answering System
   Michał Marcińczuk, Adam Radziszewski, Maciej Piasecki, 
   Dominik Piasecki and Marcin Ptak ........................... 428
WCCL Relation - a Toolset for Rule-based Recognition of 
Semantic Relations Between Named Entities
   Michał Marcińczuk .......................................... 436
Beyond the Transfe.r-and-Me.rge Wordnet Construction: 
plWordNet and a Comparison with WordNet
   Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, Ewa Rudnicka and Stan
   Szpakowicz ................................................. 443
History Based Unsupervised Data Oriented Parsing
   Mohsen Mesgar and Gholamreza Ghasem-Sani ................... 453
Contrasting and Corroborating Citations in Journal Articles
   Adam Meyers ................................................ 460
CCG Categories for Distributional Semantic Models
   Paramita Mirza and Raffaella Bernardi ...................... 467
Discourse-aware Statistical Machine Translation as 
a Context-sensitive Spell Checker
   Behzad Mirzababaei, Heshaam Faili and Nava Ehsan ........... 475
Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval and Semantic 
Interoperability for Cultural Heritage Repositories
   Johanna Monti, Mario Monteleone, Maria Pia di Buono and 
   Federica Marano ............................................ 483
Improving Web 2.0 Opinion Mining Systems Using Text
Normalisation Techniques
   Alejandro Mosquera and Paloma Moreda Pozo .................. 491
Identifying Social and Expressive Factors in Request Texts
Using Transaction/Sequence Model
   Daša Munková, Michal Munk and Zuzana Fráterová ............. 496
Parameter Optimization for Statistical Machine. Translation: 
It Pays to Learn from Hard Examples
   Preslav Nakov, Fahad Al Obaidli, Francisco Guzman and 
   Stephan Vogel .............................................. 504
Automatic Cloze-Questions Generation
   Annamaneni Narendra, Manish Agarwal and Rakshit shah ....... 511
High-Accuracy Phrase Translation Acquisition Through Battle-
Royale Selection
   Lionel Nicolas, Egon W. Stemle, Klara Kranebitter and 
   Verena Lyding .............................................. 516
Enriching Patent Search with External Keywords: 
a Feasibility Study
   Ivelina Nikolova, Irina Temnikova and Galia Angelova ....... 525
A Clustering Approach for Translationese Identification
   Sergiu Nisioi and Liviu P. Dinu ............................ 532
PurePos 2.0: a Hybrid Tool for Morphological Disambiguation
   György Orosz and Attila Novák .............................. 539
More than Bag-of-Words: Sentence-based Document 
Representation for Sentiment Analysis
   Georgios Paltoglou and Mike Thelwall ....................... 546
Information Spreading in Expanding Wordnet Hypernymy 
   Maciej Piasecki, Radoslaw Ramocki and Michal Kaliński ...... 553
Context Independent Term Mapper for European Languages
   Mārcis Pinnis .............................................. 562
Semi-supervised vs. Cross-domain Graphs for Sentiment 
   Natalia Ponomareva and Mike Thelwall ....................... 571
Towards a Hybrid Rule-based and Statistical Arabic-French
Machine Translation System
   Fatiha Sadat ............................................... 579
Segmenting vs. Chunking Rules: Unsupervised ITG Induction 
via Minimum Conditional Description Length
   Markus Saers, Karteek Addanki and Dekai Wu ................. 584
A Combined Pattern-based and Distributional Approach for 
Automatic Hypernym Detection in Dutch.
   Gwendolyn Schropp, Els Lefever and Véronique Hoste ......... 593
Exploiting Synergies Between Open Resources for German
Dependency Parsing, POS-tagging, and Morphological Analysis
   Rico Sennrich, Martin Volk and Gerold Schneider ............ 601
Using a Weighted Semantic Network for Lexical Semantic 
   Reda Siblini and Leila Kosseim ............................. 610
A New Approach to the POS Tagging Problem Using Evolutionary 
   Ana Paula Silva, Arlindo Silva and Irene Rodrigues ......... 619
How Joe and Jane Tweet about Their Health: Mining for 
Personal Health Information on Twitter
   Marina Sokolova, Stan Matwin, Yasser Jafer and David 
   Schramm .................................................... 626
What Sentiments Can Be Found in Medical Forums?
   Marina Sokolova and Victoria Bobicev ....................... 633
Automated Learning of Everyday Patients Language for Medical 
Blogs Analytics
   Giovanni Stilo, Moreno De Vincenzi, Alberto E. Tozzi and 
   Paola Velardi .............................................. 640
How Symbolic Learning Can Help Statistical Learning (and 
vice versa)
   Isabelle Tellier and Yoann Dupont .......................... 649
Measuring Closure Properties of Patent Sublanguages
   Irina Temnikova, Negacy Hailu, Galia Angelova and
   K. Bretonnel Cohen ......................................... 659
Closure Properties of Bulgarian Clinical Text
   Irina Temnikova, Ivelina Nikolova, William 
   A. Baumgartner, Galia Angelova and K. Bretonnel
Cohen ......................................................... 667
Analyzing the Use of Character-Level Translation with Sparse 
and Noisy Datasets
   Jörg Tiedemann and Preslav Nakov ........................... 676
A Feature Induction Algorithm with Application to Named 
Entity Disambiguation
   Laura Toloşi, Valentin Zhikov, Georgi Georgiev and 
   Borislav Popov ............................................. 685
Introducing a Corpus of Human-Authored Dialogue Summaries in
   Norton Trevisan Roman, Paul Piwek, Ariadne M.B. Rizzoni 
   Carvalho and Alexandre Rossi Alvares ....................... 692
Wikipedia as an SMT Training Corpus
   Dan Tufiş, Radu Ion, Ştefan Dumitrescu and Dan Ştefănescu .. 702
DutchSemCor: in Quest of the Ideal Sense-tagged Corpus
   Piek Vossen, Rubén Izquierdo and Attila Görög .............. 710
Towards Detecting Anomalies in the Content of Standardized
IMF Dictionaries
   Wafa Wali, Bilel Gargouri and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou ....... 719
Edit Distance: A New Data Selection Criterion for Domain 
Adaptation in SMT
   Longyue Wang, Derek F. Wong, Lidia S. Chao, Junwen Xing,
   Yi Lu and Isabel Trancoso .................................. 727
Automatic Enhancement of LTAG Treebank
   Farzaneh Zarei, Ali Basirat, Hesham Faili and Maryam 
   S. Mirian .................................................. 733
Inductive and Deductive. Inferences in a Crowdsourced 
Lexical-Semantic Network
   Manel Zarrouk, Mathieu Lafourcade and Alain Joubert ........ 740
Machine teaming for Mention Head Detection in Multilingual
Coreference Resolution
   Desislava Zhekova and Sandra Kübler ........................ 747
Combining POS Tagging, Dependency Parsing and Coreferential
Resolution for Bulgarian
   Valentin Zhikov, Georgi Georgiev, Kiril Simov and Petya
   Osenova .................................................... 755
magyarlanc: A Tool for Morphological and Dependency Parsing 
of Hungarian
   János Zsibrita, Veronika Vincze and Richárd Farkas ......... 763

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