28th International conference on information technologies (InfoTech-2014) (Sofia, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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Обложка28th International conference on information technologies (InfoTech-2014), 18th-19th Sept. 2014, Varna - St. St. Constantine and Elena resort, Bulgaria: proceedings / ed. by R.Romansky. - Sofia: Publishing House of TU, 2014. - 352 p.: ill. - (InfoTech-2014). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.351. - ISSN 1314-1023

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Оглавление / Contents
All indexed reports could be finding in the enclosed CD ROM 

Conference Proceedings Publishing and Dissemination ............. 9
Conference Program Overview .................................... 10

                    Section A: Plenary Session

A01  Energy Policy of the EU - The Role of the Western Balkan ... 1
     Goran Rafajlovski (Macedonia) ............................. 11

                Section B: Information Technologies 
               Software Technologies and Programming	
B01  Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiple Objective
     Convex Integer Problems
     Vassil Guliashki, Leoneed Kirilov (Bulgaria) .............. 19
B02  A Python Graphical User Interface for Climate Data
     Plotting and Processing
     Yoncho Yonchev1, Wiliam Cabos Narvaez1 (1Bulgaria,
     2Spain) ................................................... 29
B03  Ring-Shaped Finite Element with Linear Variable
     Thickness with Axis-Symmetrical Loaded Plate .............. 37
     Liliya Petrova (Bulgaria)      
B04  Using GeoReferenced Applications as an Addition to the
     Concept of e-Business in the Field of Alternative
     Tourism ................................................... 47
     Galin Milchev, Radoslav Miltchev (Bulgaria)
       Database Management Systems and Information Systems
B05  Taxonomy for Describing of Data Building Blocks Vassil
     Milev (Bulgaria) Digital Signal Processing and
     Applications .............................................. 57
B06  Software Implementation and Performance Evaluation of
     a Baseline Fault Detection RAIM Algorithm
     Alban Rakipi1, Bexhet Kamo1, Shkelzen Cakaj2
     Algenti Lala1 (1Albania, 2Kosovo) ......................... 61
B07  Sensitivity Investigations of Even Order Allpass Based
     Hilbert Transformers ...................................... 75
     Kamelia Nikolova (Bulgaria)
            Business Intelligence, CRM- and ERP-Systems
B08  The Company-Specific Orientation of Customer
     Relationship Management in the Context of Technical
     Wholesale ................................................. 85
     Andreas Pescholl (Germany)

B09  IT Project "Timeline1,0 ВЕТА" .............................. 91
     Krasimir Bozhinov, Svetlin Youtov (Bulgaria)

	             Virtual and Mixed Reality	
B10  A 360 Degree View of an Object Presented on Internet ...... 99
     Elena Parvanova (Bulgaria)

      Section С: Networking, Security and Distributed Systems

                Networking and Information Security
C01  Semantic Data for Device Management in M2M
     Communications ........................................... 107
     lvaylo Ivanov Atanasov (Bulgaria)
C02  Internet of Things - Communications and Network
     Protocols ................................................ 115
     Pavlinka Radoyska (Bulgaria)
C03  Securing Network Communications with TLS and IPsec ....... 123
     V. Gayoso Martínez, L. Hernández Encinas, A. Martin
     Muñoz (Spain)
C04  Tools for Driving Assistance on Mobile Devices ........... 132
     Alexandra Rivero-García, Candelaria Hernández-Goya,
     Iván Santos-González, Pino Caballero-Gil (Spain)
C05  Application of Multi-Agent Systems for Network and
     Information Protection ................................... 137
     Roumen Trifonov, Slavcho Manolov, Georgi Tsochev
C06  Secure Data Transfer in e-Health Care Service ............ 143
     Irina Noninska (Bulgaria)

             Cloud Computing and Mobile Cloud Computing
C07  Reviewing NIST Cloud Computing Definition ................ 151
     Danko Naydenov (Bulgaria)

         Web-Based Applications, Adaptive and Personalized
C08  Web Services: Features, Technologies and Applications .... 156
     Malinka Ivanova (Bulgaria)
C09  Analysis of a Personal Learning Environment from
     Multimedia Perspective ................................... 166
     Malinka Ivanova1, Minoru Nakayama2 (1Bulgaria, 2Japan)

                     Ontology and Semantic Web
С10 Semantic Web Services - Approach and Framework for
    e-Servlce Discovery ....................................... 174
    Anna Rozeva (Bulgaria)
С11 Bilingual Ontologies for Teaching Programming in Java ..... 182
    Tatyana Ivanova (Bulgaria)

         Section D: Intelligent Systems and Applications

      Intelligent Systems and Knowledge-Based Applications
D01  A JADE Based Emergency Heterogeneous Health Care System .. 195
     Sharmila Rathod (India)
D02  Induction of Rules from Fuzzy Time Series ................ 203
     Vanya Markova (Bulgaria)
D03  An Approach to Build Fuzzy Cognitive Map for Time
     Series ................................................... 207
     Vanya Markova, Ventseslav Shopov (Bulgaria)
D04  Preview of Agent Oriented Software Methodologies and
     Development Frameworks ................................... 212
     Ventseslav Shopov, Vanya Markova (Bulgaria)
D05  Impact of Robust Restimators on Machine Learning
     Performance .............................................. 219
     Ventseslav Shopov (Bulgaria)

          Section E: Technological Aspects of e-Govemance

                Technological Aspects of e-Govemance
EOl  Social Media in Government ............................... 227
     Maria Nikolova (Bulgaria)
E02  Educational and Social Implications from a Longitudinal
     WiFi Security Study (2002-2014) .......................... 235
     Philip Tsang1, Ken Eustace2 (1China, 2Australia) ......... 235
E03  IT Management Processes by Using Information
     Technologies Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and
     Decision Making .......................................... 247
     Yasen Mitev, Leoneed Kirilov (Bulgaria)
E04  Modelling and Management of Services in the Framework
     of the Service Oriented Architecture ..................... 257
     Slavcho Manolov, Roumen Trifonov (Bulgaria)

               Technological Aspects of Data Protection
E05  The Work of the Spanish Data Protection Authority on
     Data Protection Impact Assessments
     Emilio Aced Félez (Spain) ................................ 263
E06  Digital Privacy in the Network World ..................... 273
     Radi Romansky (Bulgaria)

              Section F: Technologies for System Design

              Automation of System Design and Research
F01  Automated Integrated Circuit Design in Cadence Virtuoso
     Using SKILL .............................................. 285
     Goce Dokoski, Josif Kjosev, Katerina Raleva (Macedonia)
F02  Optimally Designed Energy Efficient Transformer Using
     Global Iterative Algorithms
     Mihail Digalovski, Goran Rqfajlovski, Krste Najdenkoski
     (Macedonia) .............................................. 294
F03  A General Framework FPGA Remote Laboratory with Lab
     Nadezhda Spasova (Bulgaria) .............................. 300
F04  Analyzing Opportunities for Optimizing the Energy
     Efficiency of Mobile Robots
     Andrey Hinkov, Mladen Milushev, Filip Filipov
     (Bulgaria) ............................................... 308
F05  Identification of Effective Doses in Binary Mixtures ..... 316
     Kaloyan Yankov (Bulgaria)

             Testing, Diagnostic and System Reliability
F06  XML Schema Based Generator of Test Data .................. 325
     Denitsa Manova, Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Sylvia
     Ilieva, Ilina Manova (Bulgaria)

               Power Systems, Automation and Control
F07  Advanced Vector Control Techniques for Energy
     Efficiency Improvements .................................. 333
     Goran Rafajlovski, Krste Najdenkoski, Mihail Digalovski
F08  Voltage Quality Issues and EN 50160 Standard ............. 339
     (Case Study of the Distribution Grid in Macedonia)
     Goran Rafajlovski, Krste Najdenkoski, Mihail Digalovski

Advertisement (Conference Sponsors - Information) ............. 345
Next Conference InfoTech-2015 ................................. 349
International Journal on IT and Security - Call for Papers .... 350
Authors Index ................................................. 351

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