Tracking the neolithic house in Europe: Sedentism, architecture and practice (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTracking the neolithic house in Europe: Sedentism, architecture and practice / ed. by D.Hofmann, J.Smyth. - New York: Springer Sciense+Business Media, 2013. - xiii, 406 p.: ill. - (One world archaeology). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.397-406. – Пер. загл.: След жилища в Европе в период неолита - ISBN 978-1-4614-5288-1

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction: Dwelling, Materials, Cosmology—Transforming
   Houses in the Neolithic ...................................... 1
   Daniela Hofmann and Jessica Smyth
2  Houses and Households: a Near Eastern Perspective ........... 19
   A. Nigel Goring-Morris and Anna Belfer-Cohen
3  Diversity, Uniformity and the Transformative Properties
   of the House in Neolithic Greece ............................ 45
   Stella Souvatzi
4  Embodied Houses: the Social and Symbolic Agency of 
   Neolithic Architecture in the Republic of Macedonia ......... 65
   Goce Naumov
5  Houses in the Archaeology of the Tripillia-Cucuteni Groups .. 95
   Natalia Burdo, Mikhail Videiko, John Chapman and Bisserka
6  Tracing the Beginning of Sedentary Life in the Carpathian
   Basin ...................................................... 117
   Eszter Bánffy
7  Of Time and the House: the Early Neolithic Communities
   of the Paris Basin and their Domestic Architecture ......... 151
   Penny Bickle
8  Change and Continuity in the Danubian Longhouses
   of Lowland Poland .......................................... 183
   Joanna Pyzel
9  Living by the Lake. Domestic Architecture in the Alpine 
   Foreland ................................................... 197
   Daniela Hofmann
10 Home is When you Build it. Characteristics of Building 
   and Occupation in the Lower Rhine Area Wetlands (5500-
   2500 cal вс) ............................................... 229
   Luc Amkreutz
11 The End of the Longhouse ................................... 261
   Jonathan Last
12 Early Neolithic Habitation Structures in Britain and 
   Ireland: a Matter of Circumstance and Context .............. 283
   Alison Sheridan
13 Tides of Change? The House through the Irish Neolithic ..... 301
   Jessica Smyth
14 Lost and Found: Houses in the Neolithic of Southern 
   Scandinavia ................................................ 329
   Lars Larsson and Kristian Brink
15 From Diffusion to Structural Transformation: the Changing 
   Roles of the Neolithic House in the Middle East, Turkey 
   and Europe ................................................. 349
   Ian Hodder
16 House, Household, Home ..................................... 363
   Lesley McFadyen
17 Transformations in the Art of Dwelling: Some 
   Anthropological Reflections on Neolithic Houses ............ 373
   Roxana Waterson
Index ......................................................... 397

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