Pickup ions throughout the heliosphere and beyond (Melville, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPickup ions throughout the heliosphere and beyond: proc. of the 9th Annual intern. astrophysics conf., 14-19 March, 2010, Maui, Hawaii / eds.: J.A. Le Roux et al. - Melville: AIP, 2010. - xiv, 293 p.: ill. - (AIP conference proceedings; vol.1302). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.291-293. - Пер. загл.: Захват ионов по всей гелиосфере и за ее пределами. - ISBN 978-0-7354-0857-9; ISSN 0094-243X

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Sir W. Ian Axford Obituary ..................................... xi
   G.P. Zank

Relating IBEX and Voyager Data through Global Modeling of the
Heliospheric Interface .......................................... 3
   N.V. Pogorelov, J. Heerikhuisen, S.N. Borovikov, 
   G.P. Zank, R.W. Ebert, D.J. McComas, J.D. Richardson, and 
   S.T. Suess
The SW-LISM Interaction: Modeling and Observations ............. 13
   R. Ratkiewicz, J. Grygorczuk, and M. Strumik
Lyman-a Absorption from Heliotail ENAs ......................... 18
B.	E. Wood and V. V. Izmodenov
Global Solar Wind Structure: Effects of Pickup Protons .......... 24
   A.V. Usmanov and M. L. Goldstein
The Dynamic Outer Heliosphere and Preliminary Analysis of GCR
Trajectories .................................................... 31
   H. Washimi, G.P. Zank, Q. Нu, T. Tanaka, K. Munakata,
   and H. Shinagawa
He Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere—Diagnostics of the Local
Interstellar Gas and of Interplanetary Conditions ............... 37
   E. Möbius, В. Klecker, P. Bochsler, G. Gloeckler, 
   H. Kucharek, K.D.C. Simunac, A.B. Galvin, L. Ellis,
   C. Farrugia, L.M. Kistler, J.G. Luhmann, M.A. Popecki,
   C.T. Russell, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, and P. Wurz
On the Origin of Inner Source Pickup Ions ....................... 44
   P. Bochsler, E. Möbius, H. Kucharek, and 
   R.F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
Variations of Low-Energy Ion Distributions Measured in 
the Heliosheath ................................................. 51
   R.B. Decker, S.M. Krimigis, E.C. Roelof, and M.E. Hill
Interim Report on the Power Law Index of Interplanetary 
Suprathermal Ion Spectra ........................................ 58
   M.E. Hill and D.C. Hamilton
Density Correlations between Solar Wind and Pick-Up Ions ........ 64
   B.M. Randol and D. J. McComas
Non-Equilibrium Stationary States in the Heliosphere and the 
Influence of Pick-Up Ions ....................................... 70
   G. Livadiotis and D. J. McComas

                      ENERGETIC NEUTRAL ATOMS
ENA (E > 5 keV) Images from Cassini and Voyager "Ground Truth":
Suprathermal Pressure in the Heliosheath ........................ 79
   S.M. Krimigis, D.G. Mitchell, E.C. Roelof, and R.B. Decker
Energetic Neutral Atoms from the Heliotail Direction and 
Their Potential Source Regions .................................. 86
   M. Hilchenbach, R. Kallenbach, К.C. Hsieh, and 
   A. Czechowski
The Structure of the IBEX Ribbon: A Reflection of Interstellar
Turbulence? ..................................................... 92
   J.R. Jokipii, J. Giacalone, К.E. Hsieh, and J. Kóta
IBEX Ribbon from Outer Heliosheath Pick-Up Ions ................. 98
J. Heerikhuisen, N. Pogorelov, and G. P. Zank Energetic Ions 
and the Observations of the Heliosheath by Means of ENA . . 104
   A. Czechowski, M. Hilchenbach, К. C. Hsieh, and 
   S. Grzedzielski
Proton Velocity Distributions in the Inner Heliosheath Derived 
from Energetic Hydrogen Atoms Measured with Cassini and IBEX ... 110
   G. Gloeckler and L.A. Fisk

The Acceleration of Inner-Source Pickup Ions by a Propagating
Interplanetary Shock ........................................... 119
   J. Giacalone
Hybrid Simulations for Pickup Ion Distributions at the
Termination Shock .............................................. 125
   H. Kucharek, N. Pogorelov, E. Moebius, and M.A. Lee
Implications of Generalized Rankine-Hugoniot Conditions for
the PUI Population at the Voyager 2 Termination Shock .......... 133
   E.C. Roelof, S.M. Krimigis, D.G. Mitchell, R.B. Decker,
   J.D. Richardson, M. Gruntman, and H.O. Funsten
Modified Burgers' Equation Resulting from a Hydrodynamic
Model of Shock Waves with Reflected Particles .................. 142
   R.H. Burrows, G.P. Zank, B. Dasgupta, and G.M. Webb 
Voyager High Energy Ions Near the Outward Moving Termination 
Shock .......................................................... 148
   D.S. Intriligator, J. Intriligator, W.D. Miller, 
   W.R. Webber, R.B. Decker, W. Sun, T. Detman, M. Dryer, 
   and C. Deehr
A Coincidence in Time between Two Large Interplanetary Shocks
Reaching Voyagers 1 and 2 Near the Heliospheric Termination
Shock and the Onset of Two Recent kHz Heliospheric Radio 
Events at about 2004.64 and 2006.39 ............................ 158
   W.R. Webber and D.S. Intriligator

The Transport of Low Frequency Turbulence Throughout the 
Heliosphere .................................................... 167
   G.P. Zank, P. Hunana, D. Shaikh, V. Florinski, and
   G.M. Webb
The Effect of Magnetic Turbulence Energy Spectra and Pickup 
Ions on the Heating of the Solar Wind .......................... 174
   C.S. Ng, A. Bhattacharjee, P.A. Isenberg, D. Munsi, and 
   C.W. Smith
Solar Wind Turbulent Heating by Interstellar Pickup Protons:
2-Component Model .............................................. 180
   P.A. Isenberg, S. Oughton, C.W. Smith, and W.H. Matthaeus
Ulysses and Voyager Observations of Waves Due to Interstellar
Pickup H+ and He+ .............................................. 186
   C.W. Smith, P.A. Isenberg, C.J. Joyce, В.E. Cannon, 
   N. Murphy, R.G. Nuno, and N.A. Schwadron
Stability of Pickup Ion Rings in the Outer Heliosphere and 
LISM ........................................................... 192
   V. Florinski, G. P. Zank, and J. Heerikhuisen
Why Is Reconnection in the Solar Wind So Different than in 
Other Environments? ............................................ 198
   H. Karimabadi, V. Roytershteyn, W. Daughton, J.T. Gosling,
   and J. Scudder
Toward a Fully Kinetic Theory of Turbulence in Magnetized
Plasmas ........................................................ 204
   P.H. Yoon

Ion Pickup at Comets: Comparison with Other Unmagnetized 
Objects ........................................................ 213
   A.J. Coates
The Structure of Comets' Induced Magnetotails: Remote and in
situ Observations .............................................. 225
   G.H. Jones, R.J. Forsyth, and A.J. Coates
Heliospheric Shocks and Sheaths ................................ 231
   J.D. Richardson
Hybrid Simulations of Plasma-Neutral-Dust Interactions at 
Enceladus ...................................................... 237
   N. Omidi, С.T. Russell, R.L. Tokar, W.M. Farrell, 
   W.S. Kurth, D.A. Gurnett, Y.D. Jia, and J.S. Leisner
Pickup Ions Measured Near Mars: General Implications for the
Planet of Its Interaction with the Solar Wind .................. 243
   S. McKenna-Lawlor
Electron-Ion Thermal Equilibration at Saturn: Electron 
Signatures of Ion Pick-Up? ..................................... 250
   A.M. Rymer
Neutral Clouds and Their Influence on Pick-Up Ions in 
Saturn's Magnetosphere ......................................... 256
H. .......... T. Smith
Ion Pick-Up Near the Icy Galilean Satellites ................... 263
   M. Volwerk and К.K. Khurana

Pickup Ions in Supernova Remnant Shock Waves ................... 273
   J.C. Raymond
The Nature of the Circumheliospheric Interstellar Medium ....... 279
   J.D. Slavin
Heliospheric Signatures Seen in the Sidereal Anisotropy of 
High-Energy Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity ...................... 285
   M. Amenomori, et al.
Author Index ................................................... 291

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