Najafpour G.D. Biochemical engineering and biotechnology (Amsterdam; Oxford, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаNajafpour G.D. Biochemical engineering and biotechnology. - Amsterdam; Oxford: Elsevier, 2007. - xv, 421 p.: ill. – Incl. bibl. ref. – Ind.: p.418-421. – Пер. загл.: Биохимическая инженерия и биотехнология. – ISBN 978-0-444-52845-2

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

Chapter 1. Industrial Microbiology
1.1  Introduction ............................................... 1
1.2  Process fermentation ....................................... 2
1.3  Application of fermentation processes ...................... 4
1.4  Bioprocess products ........................................ 5
     1.4.1  Biomass ............................................. 5
     1.4.2  Cell products ....................................... 6
     1.4.3  Modified compounds (biotransformation) .............. 6
1.5  Production of lactic acid .................................. 6
1.6  Production of vinegar .....................................  7
1.7  Production of amino acids (lysine and glutamic acid) and
     insulin .................................................... 8
     1.7.1  Stepwise amino acid production ...................... 8
     1.7.2  Insulin ............................................. 9
1.8  Antibiotics, production of penicillin ...................... 9
1.9  Production of enzymes ..................................... 10
1.10 Production of baker's yeast ............................... 12
     References ................................................ 12

Chapter 2. Dissolved Oxygen Measurement and Mixing
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 14
2.2  Measurement of dissolved oxygen concentrations ............ 14
2.3  Batch and continuous fermentation for production of SCP ... 15
     2.3.1  Analytical methods for measuring protein content
            of baker's yeast (SCP) ............................. 16
     2.3.2  Seed culture ....................................... 17
2.4  Batch experiment for production of baker's yeast .......... 17
2.5  Oxygen transfer rate (OTR) ................................ 18
2.6  Respiration quotient (RQ) ................................. 19
2.7  Agitation rate studies .................................... 19
2.8  Nomenclature .............................................. 21
References ..................................................... 21

Chapter 3. Gas and Liquid System (Aeration and Agitation)
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 22
3.2  Aeration and agitation .................................... 22
3.1  Effect of agitation on dissolved oxygen ................... 23
3.4  Air sparger ............................................... 23
3.5  Oxygen transfer rate in a fermenter ....................... 24
     3.5.1  Mass transfer in a gas-liquid system ............... 25
3.6  Mass transfer coefficients for stirred tanks .............. 26
3.7  Gas hold-up ............................................... 28
3.8  Agitated system and mixing phenomena ...................... 28
3.9  Characterisation of agitation ............................. 28
3.10 Types of agitator ......................................... 29
3.11 Gas-liquid phase mass transfer ............................ 30
     3.11.1 Oxygen transport ................................... 33
     3.11.2 Diameter of gas bubble formed D0 ................... 35
3.12 Nomenclature .............................................. 42
     References ................................................ 43
3.13 Case study: oxygen transfer rate model in an aerated
     tank for pharmaceutical wastewater ........................ 43
     3.13.1 Introduction ....................................... 44
     3.13.2 Material and method ................................ 46
     3.13.3 Results and discussion ............................. 47
     3.13.4 Conclusion ......................................... 48
     3.13.5 Nomenclature ....................................... 48
     References ................................................ 49
3.14 Case study: fuel and chemical production from the water
     gas shift reaction by fermentation processes .............. 50
     3.14.1 Introduction ....................................... 50
     3.14.2 Kinetics of growth in a batch bioreactor ........... 51
     3.14.3 Effect of substrate concentration on microbial
            growth ............................................. 55
     3.14.4 Mass transfer phenomena ............................ 58
     3.14.5 Kinetic of water gas shift reaction ................ 61
     3.14.6 Growth kinetics of CO substrate on Clostridium
            ljungdahlii ........................................ 65
     3.14.7 Acknowledgements ................................... 65
     3.14.8 Nomenclature ....................................... 66
     References ................................................ 67

Chapter 4. Fermentation Process Control
4.1  Introduction .............................................. 69
4.2  Bioreactor controlling probes ............................. 71
4.3  Characteristics of bioreactor sensors ..................... 72
4.4  Temperature measurement and control ....................... 72
4.5  DO measurement and control ................................ 74
4.6  pH/Redox measurement and control .......................... 76
4.7  Detection and prevention of the foam ...................... 77
4.8  Biosensors ................................................ 79
4.9  Nomenclature .............................................. 80
     References ................................................ 80

Chapter 5. Growth Kinetics
5.1  Introduction .............................................. 81
5.2  Cell growth in batch culture .............................. 81
5.3  Growth phases ............................................. 82
5.4  Kinetics of batch culture ................................. 83
5.5  Growth kinetics for continuous culture .................... 84
5.6  Material balance for CSTR ................................. 89
     5.6.1  Rate of product formation .......................... 90
     5.6.2  Continuous culture ................................. 90
     5.6.3  Disadvantages of batch culture ..................... 91
     5.6.4  Advantages of continuous culture ................... 91
     5.6.5  Growth kinetics, biomass and product yields,
            YX/S and YP/S ....................................... 91
     5.6.6  Biomass balances (cells) in a bioreactor ........... 93
     5.6.7  Material balance in terms of substrate in
            a chemostat ........................................ 94
     5.6.8  Modified chemostat ................................. 95
     5.6.9  Fed batch culture .................................. 96
5.7  Enzyme reaction kinetics .................................. 97
     5.7.1  Mechanisms of single enzyme with dual substrates ... 99
     5.7.2  Kinetics of reversible reactions with dual
            substrate reaction ................................ 105
     5.7.3  Reaction mechanism with competitive inhibition .... 106
     5.7.4  Non-competitive inhibition rate model ............. 107
5.8  Nomenclature ............................................. 128
     References ............................................... 129
5.9  Case study: enzyme kinetic models for resolution of
     racemic ibuprofen esters in a membrane reactor ........... 130
     5.9.1  Introduction ...................................... 130
     5.9.2  Enzyme kinetics ................................... 130
     5.9.3  Enzyme kinetics for rapid equilibrium system
            (quasi-equilibrium) ............................... 135
     5.9.4  Derivation of enzymatic rate equation from rapid
            Equilibrium assumption  ' ......................... 135
     5.9.5  Verification of kinetic mechanism ................. 138
     References ............................................... 140

Chapter 6. Bioreactor Design
6.1  Introduction ............................................. 142
6.2  Background to bioreactors ................................ 143
6.3  Type of bioreactor ....................................... 143
     6.3.1  Airlift bioreactors ............................... 144
     6.3.2  Airlift pressure cycle bioreactors ................ 145
     6.3.3  Loop bioreactor ................................... 145
     6.3.1  Stirred tank bioreactors .......................... 145
6.5  Bubble column fermenter .................................. 149
6.6  Airlift bioreactors ...................................... 150
6.7  Heat transfer ............................................ 151
6.8  Design equations for CSTR fermenter ...................... 154
     6.8.1  Monod model for a chemostat ....................... 154
6.9  Temperature effect on rate constant ...................... 158
6.10 Scale-up of stirred-tank bioreactor ...................... 159
6.11 Nomenclature ............................................. 168
     References ............................................... 169

Chapter 7. Downstream Processing
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 170
7.2  Downstream processing .................................... 170
7.3  Filtration ............................................... 173
     7.3.1  Theory of filtration .............................. 174
7.4  Centrifugation ........................................... 175
     7.4.1  Theory of centrifugation .......................... 176
7.5  Sedimentation ............................................ 178
7.6  Flotation ................................................ 180
7.7  Emerging technology for cell recovery .................... 180
7.8  Cell disruption .......................................... 181
7.9  Solvent extraction ....................................... 182
     7.9.1  Product recovery by liquid-liquid extraction ...... 183
     7.9.2  Continuous extraction column process, rotating
            disk contactors ................................... 184
7.10 Adsorption ............................................... 185
     7.10.1 Ion-exchange adsorption ........................... 185
     7.10.2 Langmuir isotherm adsorption ...................... 186
     7.10.3 Freundlich isotherm adsorption .................... 186
     7.10.4 Fixed-bed adsorption .............................. 186
7.11 Chromatography ........................................... 187
     7.11.1 Principle of chromatography ....................... 189
7.12 Nomenclature ............................................. 197
     References ............................................... 198

Chapter 8. Immobilization of Microbial Cells for the
Production of Organic Acid and Ethanol
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 199
8.2  Immobilised microbial cells .............................. 200
     8.2.1  Carrier binding ................................... 200
     8.2.2  Entrapping ........................................ 200
     8.2.3  Cross-linking ..................................... 202
     8.2.4  Advantages and disadvantages of immobilised
            cells ............................................. 202
8.3  Immobilised cell reactor experiments ..................... 202
8.4  ICR rate model ........................................... 203
8.3  Nomenclature ............................................. 206
     References ............................................... 206
8.6  Case study: ethanol fermentation in an immobilised
     cell reactor using Saccharomyces cerevisiae .............. 206
     8.6.1  Introduction ...................................... 207
     8.6.2  Materials and methods ............................. 209
     8.6.3  Results and discussion ............................ 215
     8.6.4  Conclusion ........................................ 220
     8.6.5  Acknowledgement ................................... 221
     8.6.6  Nomenclature ...................................... 221
     References ............................................... 222
8.7  Fundamentals of immobilisation technology, and
     mathematical model for ICR performance ................... 222
     8.7.1  Immobilisation of microorganisms by covalent
            bonds ............................................. 222
     8.7.2  Oxygen transfer to immobilised microorganisms ..... 223
     8.7.3  Substrate transfer to immobilised microorganisms .. 223
     8.7.4  Growth and colony formation of immobilised
            microorganisms .................................... 224
     8.7.5  Immobilised systems for ethanol production ........ 227
     Reference ................................................ 227

Chapter 9. Material and Elemental Balance
9.1  Introduction ............................................. 228
9.2  Growth of stoichiometry and elemental balances ........... 229
9.3  Energy balance for continuous ethanol fermentation ....... 230
9.4  Mass balance for production of penicillin ................ 231
9.5  Conservation of mass principle ........................... 234
     9.5.1  Acetic acid fermentation process .................. 238
     9.5.2  Xanthan gum production ............................ 241
     9.5.3  Stoichiometric coefficient for cell growth ........ 243
9.6  Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas pathway .......................... 244
     References ............................................... 251

Chapter 10. Application of Fermentation Processes
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 252
10.2 Production of ethanol by fermentation .................... 252
10.1 Benefits from bioethanol fuel ............................ 253
10.4 Stoichiometry of biochemical reaction .................... 253
10.5 Optical cell density ..................................... 253
10.6 Kinetics of growth and product formation ................. 254
10.7 Preparation of the stock culture ......................... 254
10.8 Inoculum preparation ..................................... 255
10.9 Seed culture ............................................. 255
10.10 Analytical method for sugar analysis .................... 257
     10.10.1 Quantitative analysis ............................ 257
10.11 Analytical method developed for ethanol analysis ........ 257
10.12 Refractive index determination .......................... 257
10.13 Measuring the cell dry weight ........................... 257
10.14 Yield calculation ....................................... 258
10.15 Batch fermentation experiment ........................... 258
10.16 Continuous fermentation experiment ...................... 258
10.17 Media sterilisation ..................................... 261
10.18 Batch experiment ........................................ 261
     10.18.1 Optical cell density, ethanol and carbohydrate
             concentration .................................... 261
     10.18.2 Continuous ethanol fermentation experiment ....... 261
10.19 Expected results ........................................ 261
     References ............................................... 262

Chapter 11. Production of Antibiotics
11.1 Introduction ............................................. 263
11.2 Herbal medicines and chemical agents ..................... 263
11.3 History of penicillin .................................... 264
11.4 Production of penicillin ................................. 265
11.5 Microorganisms and media ................................. 266
11.6 Inoculum preparation ..................................... 266
11.7 Filtration and extraction of penicillin .................. 268
11.8 Experimental procedure ................................... 269
11.9 Fermenter description .................................... 269
11.10 Analytical method for bioassay and detecting
     antibiotic ............................................... 269
11.11 Antibiogram and biological assay ........................ 269
11.12 Submerged culture ....................................... 270
     11.12.1 Growth kinetics in submerged culture ............. 270
11.13 Bioreactor design and control ........................... 272
11.14 Estimation for the dimension of the fermenter ........... 273
11.15 Determination of Reynolds number ........................ 275
11.16 Determination of power input ............................ 275
11.17 Determination of oxygen transfer rate ................... 277
11.18 Design specification sheet for the bioreactor ........... 278
      References .............................................. 278

Chapter 12. Production of Citric Acid
12.1 Introduction ............................................. 280
12.2 Production of citric acid in batch bioreactor ............ 280
     12.2.1 Microorganism ..................................... 281
12.3 Factors affecting the mold growth and fermentation
     process .................................................. 281
12.4 Starter or seeding an inoculum ........................... 283
12.5 Seed culture ............................................. 283
12.6 Citric acid production ................................... 283
12.7 Analytical method ........................................ 284
     12.7.1 Cell dry weight ................................... 284
     12.7.2 Carbohydrates ..................................... 285
     12.7.3 Citric acid ....................................... 285
12.8 Experimental run ......................................... 285
     References ............................................... 286

Chapter 13. Bioprocess Scale-up
13.1 Introduction ............................................. 287
13.2 Scale-up procedure from laboratory scale to plant scale .. 287
     13.2.1 Scale-up for constant KLa ......................... 289
     13.2.2 Scale-up based on shear forces .................... 290
     13.2.3 Scale-up for constant mixing time ................. 290
13.3 Bioreactor design criteria ............................... 293
     13.3.1 General cases ..................................... 293
     13.3.2 Bubble column ..................................... 293
13.4 CSTR chemostat versus tubular plug flow .................. 298
13.5 Dynamic model and oxygen transfer rate in activated
     sludge ................................................... 312
13.6 Aerobic wastewater treatment ............................. 325
     13.6.1 Substrate balance in a continuous system .......... 327
     13.6.2 Material balance in fed batch ..................... 328
13.7 Nomenclature ............................................. 330
     References ............................................... 331

Chapter 14. Single-Cell Protein
14.1 Introduction ............................................. 332
14.2 Separation of microbial biomass .......................... 333
14.3 Background ............................................... 333
14.4 Production methods ....................................... 334
14.5 Media preparation for SCP production ..................... 335
14.6 Analytical methods ....................................... 336
     14.6.1 Coomassie-protein reaction scheme ................. 336
     14.6.2 Preparation of diluted BSA standards .............. 336
     14.6.3 Mixing of the coomassie plus protein assay
            reagent ........................................... 337
     14.6.4 Standard calibration curve ........................ 337
     14.6.5 Standard calibration curve for starch ............. 337
14.7 SCP processes ............................................ 338
14.8 Nutritional value of SCP ................................. 339
14.9 Advantages and disadvantages of SCP ...................... 340
14.10 Preparation for experimental run ........................ 341
     References ............................................... 341

Chapter 15. Sterilisation
15.1 Introduction ............................................. 342
15.2 Batch sterilisation ...................................... 342
15.3 Continuous sterilisation ................................. 343
15.4 Hot plates ............................................... 344
15.5 High temperature sterilisation ........................... 345
15.6 Sterilised media for microbiology ........................ 345
     15.6.1 Sterilisation of media for stoke cultures ......... 347
     15.6.2 Sterilisation of bacterial media .................. 347
     15.6.3 Sterilise petri dishes ............................ 347
15.7 Dry heat sterilisation ................................... 348
15.8 Sterilisation with filtration ............................ 348
15.9 Microwave sterilisation .................................. 349
15.10 Electron beam sterilisation ............................. 349
15.11 Chemical sterilisation .................................. 349
References .................................................... 350

Chapter 16. Membrane Separation Processes
16.1 Introduction ............................................. 351
16.2 Types of membrane ........................................ 351
     16.2.1 Isotropic membranes ............................... 352
     16.2.2 Anisotropic membranes ............................. 353
     16.2.3 Ceramic, metal and liquid membranes ............... 353
16.3 Membrane processes ....................................... 354
16.4 Nature of synthetic membranes ............................ 357
16.5 General membrane equation ................................ 360
16.6 Cross-flow microfiltration ............................... 362
16.7 Ultrafiltration .......................................... 365
16.8 Reverse osmosis .......................................... 367
16.9 Membrane modules ......................................... 369
     16.9.1 Tubular modules ................................... 369
     16.9.2 Flat-sheet modules ................................ 369
     16.9.3 Spiral-wound modules .............................. 371
     16.9.4 Hollow-fibre modules .............................. 371
16.10 Module selection ........................................ 373
16.11 Membrane fouling ........................................ 376
16.12 Nomenclature ............................................ 377
      References .............................................. 378
16.13 Case study: inorganic zirconia 7-alumina-coated
      membrane on ceramic support ............................. 378
     16.13.1 Introduction ..................................... 379
     16.13.2 Materials and methods ............................ 385
     16.13.1 Preparation of PVA solution ...................... 385
     16.13.3 Results and discussion ........................... 387
     16.13.4 Conclusion ....................................... 388
     16.13.5 Acknowledgements ................................. 388
     References ............................................... 388

Chapter 17. Advanced Downstream Processing in Biotechnology
17.1 Introduction ............................................. 390
17.2 Protein products ......................................... 391
17.3 Cell disruption .......................................... 392
17.4 Protein purification ..................................... 393
     17.4.1 Overview of the strategies ........................ 393
     17.4.2 Dye-ligand pseudo-affinity adsorption ............. 394
17.5 General problems associated with conventional
     techniques ............................................... 394
17.6 Fluidised bed adsorption ................................. 395
     17.6.1 Mixing behaviour in fluidised/expanded beds ....... 396
17.7 Design and operation of liquid fluidised beds ............ 397
     17.7.1 Hydrodynamic characterisation of flow in
            fluidised/expanded beds and bed voidage ........... 397
     17.7.2 Minimum fluidisation velocity of particles ........ 398
     17.7.3 Terminal settling velocity of particles ........... 399
     17.7.4 Degree of bed expansion ........................... 401
     17.7.5 Matrices for fluidised bed adsorption ............. 402
     17.7.6 Column design for fluidised bed adsorption ........ 403
17.8 Experimental procedure ................................... 404
17.9 Process integration in protein recovery .................. 404
     17.9.1 Interfaced and integrated fluidised bed/expanded
            bed system ........................................ 405
17.10 Nomenclature ............................................ 407
      References .............................................. 407
17.11 Case study: process integration of cell disruption and
      fluidised bed adsorption for the recovery of labile
      intracellular enzymes ................................... 409
     17.11.1 Introduction ..................................... 409
     17.11.2 Materials and methods ............................ 410
     17.11.3 Results and discussion ........................... 411
     17.11.4 Conclusion ....................................... 413
     17.11.5 Acknowledgement .................................. 414
     References ............................................... 414

Appendix ...................................................... 416
Index ......................................................... 418

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