Ginev D. The tenets of cognitive existentialism (Athens, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGinev D. The tenets of cognitive existentialism. - Athens: Ohio univ. press, 2011. - xxxiv, 198 p. - (Series in continental thought). - Bibliogr.: p.185-193. - Ind.: p.195-198. – Пер. заг.: Принципы когнитивного экзистенциализма. - ISBN 978-0-8214-1976-2

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Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................ ix
Introduction ................................................... xi
   1  Hermeneutic versus Objectivist Construal of the World .... xi
   2  Constitutional Analysis of Meaning and Scientific
      Practices ................................................ xx
   3  Synopsis ................................................ xxv
1  Rereading Heidegger's Existential Conception of Science ...... 1
   1  Scientific Research as a Mode of Being-in-the-World ....... 1
   2  Is the Existential Conception of Science a Kind of
      Philosophy of Science? .................................... 7
   3  Steps in Overcoming Mathematical Essentialism ............ 11
   4  Reading-Representing-Textualizing ........................ 17
   5  A Note on Self-Referentiality ............................ 21
2  Cognitive Existentialism and Science's Theoretical Objects .. 23
   1  Essentialist and Existentialist Perspectives on the
      Distinction between Theoretical and Nontheoretical
      Objects .................................................. 23
   2  A Note on the Visualizability of Science's Theoretical
      Objects .................................................. 30
   3  The Historical Background of Cognitive Existentialism,
      vis-б-vis Science's Theoretical Objects .................. 34
   4  Replacing the Epistemological Reconstruction of Science
      with a Hermeneutic Conception of Scientific Research ..... 40
   5  Why Does Cognitive Existentialism Resist the Collapse
      into a New Sort of Essentialism? ......................... 45
   6  On the Notion of "Hermeneutic Fore-Structure" ............ 47
3  Cognitive Existentialism and Biological Research
   1  The Notion of "Characteristic Hermeneutic Situation" ..... 65
   2  From a Characteristic Hermeneutic Situation to a
      Thematizing Project ...................................... 71
   3  Thematizing Projects of Biological Research .............. 77
   4  A Note on Irreducibility and Complementarity ............. 82
   5  Nonreductionist Unity and Nonrelativist Disunity of
      Biology .................................................. 86
4  Cognitive Existentialism and Postmodern Philosophy of
   Science ..................................................... 90
   1  Introduction ............................................. 90
   2  The Postmodern Destruction of the Legitimation Project
      of Modern Science ........................................ 96
   3  From Deflationary Accounts of Knowledge to a
      Comprehensive Naturalism ................................ 102
   4  Basic Shortcomings of the Naturalistic-Deflationary
      Accounts of Scientific Knowledge ........................ 107
5  Cognitive Existentialism and Feminist Philosophy of
   Science .................................................... 115
   1  Introduction ............................................ 115
   2  Why Not Standpoint Epistemology ? ....................... 118
   3  Feminist Postmodernism and Feminist Cultural Studies
      of Science .............................................. 126
   4  Gendered Constitution of Meaning and Gendered
      Identities .............................................. 132
   5  Preliminary Remarks on the Role of Narratives in
      Expressing Gendered Identities in Scientific Research ... 137
6  Cognitive Existentialism and the Critical Philosophy of
   Nature ..................................................... 143
   1  Introduction: Politics of Nature versus Political
      Ecology ................................................. 143
   2  Marcuse's "New Science" ................................. 146
   3  Extending the Scope of Cognitive Existentialism ......... 150
   4  Characteristic Hermeneutic Situations in the Dialogue
      with Nature ............................................. 155
Epilogue ...................................................... 161
Notes ......................................................... 163
References .................................................... 185
Index ......................................................... 195

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