Corrosion in refineries (Abington; Cambridge, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCorrosion in refineries / ed. by J.D.Harston, F.Ropital. – Abington; Cambridge: Boca Raton: Woodhead Publishing/CRC Press, 2007. - xviii, 110 p.: ill. – (European Federation of Corrosion publications; N 42). – Incl. bibl. ref. – Ind.: p.107-110. – Пер. загл.: Коррозия на нефтеперерабатывающих производствах. – ISBN 978-1-84569-233-9; ISBN 978-1-4200-5496-5; ISSN 1354-5116

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributor contact details .................................... ix
Series introduction ........................................... xii
Volumes in the EFC series ..................................... xiv
1  Carburisation and metal dusting of steels and high-
   temperature alloys by hydrocarbons ........................... 1
   H.J. Grabke, Max-Planck-Institut fur Eisenforschung GmbH,
   1.1  Introduction: Thermodynamics ............................ 1
   1.2  Carburisation ........................................... 2
   1.3  Metal dusting ........................................... 9
   1.4  References ............................................. 16
2  Integrity and life assessment of catalytic reformer
   units ....................................................... 18
   J.M. Brear, Stress Engineering Services (Europe) Limited,
   UK and J. Williamson, Consultant, UK
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 18
   2.2  Background ............................................. 19
   2.3  Risk assessment ........................................ 20
   2.4  Fired heaters .......................................... 23
   2.5  Reactor vessels ........................................ 30
   2.6  Pipework ............................................... 36
   2.7  Heat exchangers ........................................ 40
   2.8  High-temperature hydrogen attack ....................... 43
   2.9  Conclusions ............................................ 45
   2.10 Acknowledgements ....................................... 45
   2.11 References ............................................. 45
3  The use of spot hydrogen flux measurements in assessing
   corrosion and crack risk in refinery applications ........... 47
   F. Dean, Ion Science Ltd, UK
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 47
   3.2  Scenarios leading to hydrogen permeation and
        detection .............................................. 47
   3.3  Measurement of hydrogen activity based on flux
        measurement ............................................ 50
   3.4  References ............................................. 56
4  Degradation of carbon steel under the influence of sulfur
   in a refinery furnace - remaining life prediction ........... 57
   J. Hucińska, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 57
   4.2  Material and service conditions ........................ 57
   4.3  In-service examinations ................................ 58
   4.4  After-service examinations ............................. 59
   4.5  Conclusions ............................................ 60
   4.6  References ............................................. 63
5  Troubleshooting corrosion problems in HF alkylation units ... 64
   M. Roche, Total S.A., France, C. Grenet and M. Richez,
   Total France
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 64
   5.2  Corrosion problems in HF alkylation units .............. 64
   5.3  Leak prevention in an HF alkylation unit ............... 69
   5.4  Protective coatings tests .............................. 70
   5.5  Conclusions ............................................ 71
   5.6  References ............................................. 72
6  Corrosion in the overhead system of a sour water stripper ... 73
   O. Forsén and J. Aromaa, Helsinki University of
   Technology, Finland; T. Hakonen and K. Rintamäki,
   Neste Oy, Finland
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 73
   6.2  Experimental procedures ................................ 75
   6.3  Test results ........................................... 76
   6.4  Discussion ............................................. 77
   6.5  References ............................................. 78
7  Corrosion of aboveground storage tanks for petroleum
   distillates and choice of coating systems for their
   protection from corrosion ................................... 79
   A. Groysman, Oil Refineries Ltd, Israel
   7.1  Introduction ........................................... 79
   7.2  Experimental procedures ................................ 79
   7.3  Calculations ........................................... 80
   7.4  Results and discussion ................................. 80
   7.5  Examination and choice of coating systems for the
        protection of the AST from corrosion ................... 83
   7.6  Conclusions and recommendations ........................ 84
   7.7  References ............................................. 85
8  The use of coatings to prevent corrosion in process
   vessels operating at elevated temperatures and pressures .... 86
   A.D. Gaskin, Belzona Inc., USA
   8.1  Conventional materials of construction and their
        limitations ............................................ 86
   8.2  Characteristics and limitations of traditional
        coating systems ........................................ 87
   8.3  Development of high-temperature-resistant coatings ..... 90
   8.4  Practical application of the developed coating system .. 93
   8.5  Conclusions ............................................ 94
9  The Field Signature Method (FSM) of corrosion monitoring .... 95
   H. Horn, Corr Ocean ASA, Norway and D. Morton, iicorr Ltd,
   9.1  Introduction ........................................... 95
   9.2  The FSM technology ..................................... 95
   9.3  The FSM principle ...................................... 95
   9.4  FSM equipment .......................................... 97
   9.5  Case studies ........................................... 98
10 Disbonding test methodology: Definition of representative
   test conditions - results of an industry joint research
   programme .................................................. 100
   L. Coudreuse, CLI, France; B. Cadilhac, Total, France;
   C. Dumontier, CMP, France; R. Koers, Shell, The
   Netherlands; G. Riccardi, Nuovo Pignone, Italy;
   M. Roche, Total S.A. France; F. Ropital, IFP, France
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 100
   10.2 Background ............................................ 100
   10.3 The disbonding phenomenon ............................. 101
   10.4 Numerical simulation of hydrogen profiles ............. 101
   10.5 Experimental approach ................................. 104
   10.6 Conclusions - definition of representative test
        conditions ............................................ 106
   10.7 References ............................................ 106

Index ......................................................... 107

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