Conservation science for the cultural heritage: applications of instrumental analysis (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаConservation science for the cultural heritage: applications of instrumental analysis / ed. by E.A.Varella. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. - x, 334 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in chemistry; vol.79). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.333-334. - Пер. загл.: Наука сохранения культурного наследия. - ISBN 978-3-642-30984-7; ISSN 0342-4901

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Оглавление / Contents
1    General Considerations ..................................... 1
     Evangelia A. Varella
1.1  On Materials and Artefacts ................................. 1
1.2  Constitutive Core Elements of Objects ...................... 1
     1.2.1  Fibrous Materials ................................... 1
     1.2.2  Stone, Ceramics and Glass ........................... 3
     1.2.3  Metals .............................................. 5
1.3  Materials Used for Surface Artistic Interventions .......... 6
     1.3.1  Dyes ................................................ 6
     1.3.2  Pigments and Lakes .................................. 9
     1.3.3  Varnishes .......................................... 11
1.4  Binding Media ............................................. 12
     1.4.1  Painting Binding Media ............................. 12
     1.4.2  Mortars ............................................ 13

2    Separation Techniques ..................................... 15
     Catherine Vieillescazes, Isabel Sierra and Sonia
2.1  High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Gas
     Chromatography ............................................ 15
     2.1.1  In Which Cases is the Method Used in
            Conservation Science ............................... 15
     2.1.2  Principles and Concepts ............................ 16
     2.1.3  Description of Methodology ......................... 21
     2.1.4  Evaluation of the Method as Used in Conservation
            Science ............................................ 24
2.2  Capillary Electrophoresis ................................. 25
     2.2.1  Capillary Electrophoresis in Conservation Science .. 25
     2.2.2  Principles and Concepts of Capillary
            Electrophoresis .................................... 26
     2.2.1  Capillary Electrophoresis Methods in Conservation
            Science ............................................ 29
     2.2.4  Evaluation of Capillary Electrophoresis Methods
            in Conservation Science ............................ 32
     References ................................................ 33

3    Identification Techniques I ............................... 37
     Ioannis A. Kozaris, Eleni Pavlidou, Reiner Salzer,
     D. Capitani, A. Spinella and E. Caponetti
3.1  Imagine Techniques ........................................ 38
     3.1.1  Introduction ....................................... 38
     3.1.2  Energy Sources ..................................... 38
     3.1.3  Wave-Matter Interaction ............................ 39
     3.1.4  Detectors .......................................... 43
3.2  The Role of Microscopy Techniques in the Study of
     Cultural Heritage Materials ............................... 47
     3.2.1  In Which Ways Microscopy Techniques are Used in
            Conservation Science? .............................. 47
     3.2.2  Principles and Concepts of Microscopy .............. 48
     3.2.3  Description of the Methodology ..................... 49
     3.2.4  Evaluation of the Method as Used in Conservation
            Science ............................................ 57
     3.2.5  Conclusions ........................................ 65
3.3  Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy ........................... 65
     3.3.1  Origin of IR and Raman Spectra ..................... 66
     3.3.2  Registration of "Correct" Spectra .................. 71
     3.3.3  Evaluation of Spectra .............................. 75
3.4  Solid State NMR ........................................... 79
     3.4.1  Introduction ....................................... 79
     3.4.2  Principles and Concepts ............................ 81
     3.4.3  The NMR Spectrometer ............................... 85
     3.4.4  Evaluation of ss-NMR as Used in Conservation
            Science ............................................ 86
     References ................................................ 88

4    Identification Techniques II .............................. 91
     Giovanni Ettore Gigante, Stefano Ridolfi, Michele
     A. Floriano, Eugenio Caponetti, Lorenzo Gontrani,
     Ruggero Caminiti, Maria Luisa Saladino, Delia Chillura
     Martino, Nick Schiavon, Cristina Dias Barrocas, Teresa
     Ferreira and K. Chrysafis
4.1  X-Ray Techniques and X-Ray Fluorescence with Portable
     Systems ................................................... 92
     4.1.1  The Nature of X-Rays and Their Interactions ........ 92
     4.1.2  Radiography ........................................ 93
     4.1.3  X-Ray Diffraction .................................. 95
     4.1.4  X-Ray Fluorescence ................................. 96
4.2  The Small Angle Scattering Technique: An Effective Tool
     in the Structural Investigation of Archaeologically
     Relevant Specimens ....................................... 106
     4.2.1  Introduction ...................................... 106
     4.2.2  Theory ............................................ 107
     4.2.3  Instrumentation ................................... 108
     4.2.4  Models for Data Analysis and Some Applications .... 111
     4.2.5  Conclusions ....................................... 117
4.3  Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction in Cultural
     Heritage Science: The Winning Duo of Structural and
     Elemental Analysis ....................................... 117
     4.3.1  Introduction: Why Energy-Dispersive X-Ray
            Diffraction? ...................................... 117
     4.3.2  Theory ............................................ 118
     4.3.3  Instrumentation and Data Treatment ................ 121
     4.3.4  Examples of Simultaneous Detection of
            Diffraction and Fluorescence ...................... 122
     4.3.5  Conclusions ....................................... 124
4.4  Particle Induced X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy in
     Conservation Science ..................................... 125
     4.4.1  PIXE: Introduction ................................ 125
     4.4.2  PIXE: Principles, Practice and Recent
            Developments ...................................... 126
     4.4.3  PIXE: Applications in Conservation Science ........ 131
     4.4.4  Why PIXE? ......................................... 132
4.5  Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy in Conservation Science ... 133
     4.5.1  AAS: Introduction ................................. 133
     4.5.2  AAS: Principles and Practice ...................... 134
     4.5.3  AAS in Conservation Science ....................... 138
     4.5.4  Why AAS? .......................................... 140
4.6  Thermal Analysis Techniques .............................. 141
     4.6.1  In Which Cases the Method Used is in Conservation
            Science? .......................................... 141
     4.6.2  Principles and Concepts of the Instrument:
            Description of the Methodology .................... 142
     4.6.3  Evaluation of the Method as used in Conservation
            Science ........................................... 146
     References ............................................... 154

5    Applying the Techniques on Materials I ................... 163
     Turkan Yurdun, Emre Dolen, Recep Karadag, Carole Mathe,
     Andreas K. Tsakalof, Kyriaki A. Bairachtari, Evangelia
     A. Varella, A. Spinella, D. Capitani, S. Bastone,
     C. Di Stefano, E. Caponetti, Eleni Pavlidou, Maria
     Kyranoudi, Leopold Puchinger, Friedrich Sauter and
     Andreas Gössl
5.1  Identification of Natural Dyes in Thirteenth Century
     Mevlana's Kaftans and Dervish's Dresses by HPLC-DAD
     Detection ................................................ 165
     5.1.1  Introduction ...................................... 165
     5.1.2  Experimental Section .............................. 166
     5.1.3  Results and Discussion ............................ 167
     5.1.4  Conclusions ....................................... 171
5.2  Identification of Natural Dyes by RP-HPLC-DAD and
     Natural Dyeing Procedures ................................ 172
     5.2.1  Introduction ...................................... 172
     5.2.2  Materials and Methods ............................. 174
     5.2.3  Instrumentation ................................... 176
     5.2.4  Conclusions ....................................... 186
5.3  Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Ancient Egyptian
     Organic Material ......................................... 187
     5.3.1   Introduction ..................................... 187
5.4  Binding Media Identification in Art Objects by Gas
     Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry ......................... 192
     5.4.1  Introduction ...................................... 192
     5.4.2  What is GC-MS? .................................... 193
     5.4.3  Main Steps in Binding Media Identification ........ 194
     5.4.4  Case Study: Identification of Drying Oils
            in Paintings of N. Gyzis .......................... 195
     5.4.5  Concluding Remarks: Pitfalls in Drying Oils
            Identification in Art Objects ..................... 200
5.5  FT Infrared Spectroscopy as an Identification Tool
     in Polychrome Artefact Studies ........................... 201
     5.5.1  General Framework ................................. 201
     5.5.2  Watercolour and Gouache Layers on Paper Ground .... 201
     5.5.3  Layers of Styrene-Acrylic Copolymer Dispersions
            on Glass Ground ................................... 204
5.6  Solid State NMR to Characterise Paper and Parchment
     Samples from a Sixteenth Century Book .................... 208
     5.6.1  Introduction ...................................... 208
     5.6.2  Experimental ...................................... 211
     5.6.3  Analysis of NMR Spectra of Paper Samples .......... 211
     5.6.4  Analysis of NMR Spectra of Parchment Samples ...... 213
     5.6.5  Conclusions ....................................... 216
5.7  Case Studies on Textile Studies with Scanning Electron
     Microscopy ............................................... 218
     5.7.1  Study of the Textiles Found in the Cave of
            Letters ........................................... 218
     5.7.2  Metal Threads in Byzantine Textiles ............... 220
5.8  Physicochemical Methods of Analysis for the Study
     of Archaeological Textiles ............................... 224
     5.8.1  Introduction ...................................... 224
     5.8.2  Experimental ...................................... 225
     5.8.3  Results and Discussion ............................ 227
     5.8.4  Conclusions ....................................... 227
5.9  Identification of Purple by Means of Pyrolysis Gas
     Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry ......................... 230
     5.9.1  General Considerations ............................ 230
     5.9.2  Separation Technique .............................. 231
     5.9.3  Identification Technique .......................... 233
     5.9.4  Applying the Techniques on Materials .............. 236
     References ............................................... 240

6    Applying the Techniques on Materials II .................. 249
     Nick Schiavon, Vasilios Melfos, Reiner Salzer, Renate
     Lunkwitz, K. Chrysafis, P. Spathis, D. Merachtsaki,
     K. Triantafyllidis, P. Giannakoudakis, P. Xidas,
     Giovanni Ettore Gigante, Stefano Ridolfi, R. Lahoz,
     L.A. Angurel, U. Brauch, L.C. Estepa and G.F. de
     la Fuente Leis
6.1   The Application of Back-Scattered Scanning Electron
     Microscopy to Unravel Building Stone Decay Mechanisms
     in Urban Environments .................................... 249
     6.1.1  Introduction ...................................... 250
     6.1.2  Petrographical Notes and Methodology .............. 252
     6.1.3  BSEM Observations ................................. 253
     6.1.4  Discussion and Decay Model ........................ 255
     6.1.5  Conclusions ....................................... 257
6.2  Application of Microscopy, X-ray Diffractometry (XRD)
     and Stable-Isotope Geochemistry in Provenance
     Determination of the White Marbles Used in the Ancient
     Great Theatre of Larisa, Thessaly, Greece ................ 258
     6.2.1  Introduction ...................................... 258
     6.2.2  Sampling and Methodology .......................... 259
     6.2.3  Results ........................................... 260
     6.2.4  Discussion ........................................ 263
6.3  Case Studies: Investigation of Mortars by Infrared
     and Raman Spectroscopy ................................... 264
     6.3.1  Choosing Mortar for Restoration ................... 265
     6.3.2  Analysis of Injuries in Historic Mortar ........... 267
     6.3.3  Age Determination for Historic Mortar ............. 268
6.4  Mortars-Thermal Analysis ................................. 270
     6.4.1  Introduction ...................................... 270
     6.4.2  Experimental ...................................... 270
     6.4.3  Results and Discussion ............................ 271
     6.4.4  Conclusions ....................................... 275
6.5  Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements
     for the Corrosion Behaviour Evaluation of Epoxy:
     (Organo) Clays Nanocomposite Coatings .................... 275
     6.5.1  Introduction ...................................... 275
     6.5.2  Experimental Procedure ............................ 282
     6.5.3  Results and Discussion ............................ 284
     6.5.4  Conclusions ....................................... 285
6.6  Study of Vatican Masterpieces ............................ 288
     6.6.1  Introduction ...................................... 288
     6.6.2  The Funeral Monument of Pope Sixtus IV:
            A Masterpiece of Italian Renaissance .............. 288
     6.6.3  The Golden Globe Placed on the Top of San
            Peter's Dome ...................................... 292
     6.6.4  The Bronze Statue of Saint Peters in the Saint
            Peters Basilica in Rome ........................... 293
6.7  Laser Applications in the Preservation of Cultural
     Heritage: An Overview of Fundamentals and Applications
     of Lasers in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage ....... 296
     6.7.1  Laser Fundamentals for Non-Specialists ............ 296
     6.7.2  Laser-Matter Interaction Basics for
            Nonspecialists .................................... 312
     6.7.3  Commercial Lasers Used in the Conservation
            of Cultural Heritage .............................. 323
     6.7.4  Laser Preservation: Practical Examples ............ 327
     6.7.5  Conclusions and Future Prospects .................. 330
     References ............................................... 330

Index ......................................................... 333

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