Cellular automata: 10th Intern. conf. (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCellular automata: 10th Intern. conf. on cellular automata for research and industry, ACRI 2012, Santorini Island, Greece, Sept. 24-27, 2012: proceedings / ed.: G.Ch.Sirakoulis, S.Bandini. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. - xviii, 859 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in computer science; 7495). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.857-859. - Пер. загл.: Клеточные автоматы. - ISBN 978-3-642-33349-1; ISSN 0302-9743

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Оглавление / Contents
Theoretical Results on Cellular Automata
Topological Perturbations and Their Effect on the Dynamics of
Totalistic Cellular Automata .................................... 1
   Jan M. Baetens and Bernard De Baets
Counting Cycles in Reversible Cellular Automata ................ 11
   Sukanta Das, Avik Chakraborty, and Biplab K. Sikdar
Propagative Mode in a Lattice-Grain CA: Time Evolution and
Timestep Synchronization ....................................... 20
   Dominique DésEacute;rable
Limit Cycle for Composited Cellar Automata ..................... 32
   Toshikazu Ishida and Shuichi Inokuchi
Iterative Arrays: Little Resources Big Size Impact ............. 42
   Martin Kutrib and Andreas Malcher
Generating Expander Graphs Using Cellular Automata ............. 52
   Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
Analysis of Reachability Tree for Identification of Cyclic
and Acyclic CA States .......................................... 63
   Nazma Naskar, Avik Chakraborty, Pradipta Maji, and
   Sukanta Das
Confliction-Like Dynamics of Rule 20 ECA of Wolfram Class II ... 73
   Fumio Ohi and Takanori Ichikawa

CA Dynamics, Control and Synchronization
Determining the Critical Temperature of the Continuous-State
Game of Life ................................................... 83
   Susumu Adachi, Jia Lee, Ferdinand Peper, Teijiro Isokawa,
   and Katsunobu Imai
The Dynamics of Disproportionality Index for Cellular Automata
Based Sociophysical Models ..................................... 91
   Tomasz M. Gwizdatta
A Spatio-temporal Algorithmic Point of View on Firing Squad
Synchronisation Problem ....................................... 101
   Luidnel Maignan and Jean-Baptiste Yunès
A Coevolutionary Approach to Cellular Automata-Based Task
Scheduling .................................................... 111
   Gina M.B. Oliveira and Paulo M. Vidica
Searching Cellular Automata Rules for Solving Two-Dimensional
Binary Classification Problem ................................. 121
   Anna Piwonska, Franciszek Seredynski, and Miroslaw Szaban
Multi-objective Cellular Automata Optimization ................ 131
   Epaminondas Sidiropoulos
Behavior of Social Dynamical Models I: Fixation in the
Symmetric Cyclic System (with Paradoxical Effect in the
Six-Color Automaton) .......................................... 141
   Stylianos Scarlatos
Behavior of Social Dynamical Models II: Clustering for Some
Multitype Particle Systems with Confidence Threshold .......... 151
   Adam Adamopoulos and Stylianos Scarlatos
Investigation of Stable Patterns Formed by Totalistic
Cellular Automata Evolution ................................... 161
   Anastasiya Sharifulina
Recent Developments in Constructing Square Synchronizers ...... 171
   Hiroshi Umeo and Keisuke Kubo
Structural Operational Semantics for Cellular Automata ........ 184
   Baltasar Trancón у. Widemann
Controlling the Opacity of a Building Envelope by
a Triangular Two-Color Two-Dimensional Cellular Automaton ..... 194
   Machi Zawidzki and Katsuhiro Nishinari

Cellular Automata and Networks
Community-Detection Cellular Automata with Local and Long-
Range Connectivity ............................................ 204
   Franco Bagnoli, Emanuele Massaro, and Andrea Guazzini
Cellular Automaton as Sorting Network Generator Using
Instruction-Based Development ................................. 214
   Michal Bidlo and Zdenek Vasicek
Network View of Binary Cellular Automata ...................... 224
   Yoshihiko Kayama
A Cellular Automata Based Scheme for Energy Efficient Fault
Diagnosis in WSN .............................................. 234
   Nasiruddm Khan, Horn Maity, Sukanta Das, and Biplab
   K. Sikdar
Noise-Induced Emergent Hierarchies in a CA Model .............. 244
   Marco Villani, Roberto Serra, Stefano Benedettini, Andrea
   Roli, and David Lane
Introducing Innovation in a Structured Population ............. 254
   Burton Voorhees
Spreading Patterns of Mobile Phone Viruses Using Cellular
Automata ...................................................... 263
   Ioannis Vourkas, Dimitrios Michail, and Georgios
   Ch. Sirakoulis

Modeling and Simulation with Cellular Automata
A Preliminary Cellular Model for Sand Coastal Erosion and
Experimental Contrast with Porto Cesareo Case ................. 273
   Maria Vittoria Avolio, Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Marco
   Delle Rose, Salvatore Di Gregorio, Valeria Lupiano,
Tiziano Maria Pagliara, and Anna Maria Sempreviva
Simulation of Wildfire Spread Using Cellular Automata with
Randomized Local Sources ...................................... 279
   Maria Vittoria Avolio, Salvatore Di Gregorio, Valeria
   Lupiano, and Giuseppe A. Trunfio
A Theorem about the Algorithm of Minimization of Differences
for Multicomponent Cellular Automata .......................... 289
   Maria Vittoria Avolio, Salvatore Di Gregorio, William
Spataro, and Giuseppe A. Trunfio
Generation of Pedestrian Groups Distributions with
Probabilistic Cellular Automata ............................... 299
   Stefania Bandini, Lorenza Manenti, and Sara Manzoni
Coupling Method for Building a Network of Irrigation Canals
on a Distributed Computing Environment ........................ 309
   Mohamed Ben Belgacem, Bastien Chopard, and Andrea Parmigiani
Urban Cellular Automata with Irregular Space of Proximities:
A Case Study .................................................. 319
   Ivan Blecic, Arnaldo Cecchini, Giuseppe A. Trunfio, and
   Emmanuil Verigos
Efficient Robot Path Planning in the Presence of Dynamically
Expanding Obstacles ........................................... 330
   Konstantinos Charalampous, Angelos Amanatiadis, and
   Antonios Gasteratos
Image Encryption Using the Recursive Attributes of the
exclusive-OR Filter on Cellular Automata ...................... 340
   Savvas A. Chatzichristofis, Оде Marques, Mathias Lux,
   and Yiannis Boutalis
Agent-Based Model to Simulate Groundwater Remediation with
Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron .................................... 351
   Davide De March, Alessandro Filisetti, Elisabetta
   Sartorato, and Emanuele Argese
Theory and Application of Restricted Five Neighborhood
Cellular Automata (R5NCA) for Protein Structure Prediction .... 360
   Soumyabrata Ghosh, Nirmalya S. Maiti, and Parimal Pal
Multi Agent-Based Simulation on Technology Diffusion of
China ......................................................... 370
   Gaoxiang Gu, Zheng Wang, and Jing Wu
An Edge Preserving Image Resizing Method Based on Cellular
Automata ...................................................... 375
   Konstantinos Ioannidis, Ioannis Andreadis, and
   Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis
Modelling of Incident Sound Wave Propagation around Sound
Barriers Using Cellular Automata .............................. 385
   Toshihiko Komatsuzaki, Yoshio Iwata, and Shin Morishita
Path Tracing on Polar Depth Maps for Robot Navigation ......... 395
   Ioannis Kostavelis, Evangelos Boukas, Lazaros Nalpantidis,
and Antonios Gasteratos
Modeling Development and Disease in Our "Second" Brain ........ 405
   Kerry A. Landman, Benjamin J. Binder, and Donald
   F. Newgreen
A 2D Cellular Automaton Biofilm Detachment Algorithm .......... 415
   Chrysi S. Laspidou, Antonis Liakopoulos, and Marios
   G. Spiliotopoulos
Creature Learning to Cross a CA Simulated Road ................ 425
   Anna T. Lawniczak, Jason B. Ernst, and Bruno
   N. Di Stefano
An Electro-Mechanical Cardiac Simulator Based on Cellular
Automata and Mass-Spring Models ............................... 434
   Ronan Mendonga Amorim, Ricardo Silva Campos, Marcelo
   Lobosco, Christian Jacob, and Rodrigo Weber dos Santos
Swii2, a HTML5/WebGL Application for Cellular Automata
Debris Flows Simulation ....................................... 444
   Roberto Parise, Donato D'Ambrosio, Giuseppe Spingola,
Giuseppe Filippone, Rocco Rongo, Giuseppe A. Trunfio,
and William Spataro
Effects of Initial Concentration and Severity of Infected
Cells on Stochastic Cellular Automaton Model Dynamics for
HIV Infection ................................................. 454
   Monamorn Precharattana and Wannapong Triampo
Decentralized Method for Traffic Monitoring ................... 464
   Guillaume Sartoretti, Jean-Luc Falcone, Bastien Chopard,
   and Martin J. Gander
Improving a Project Management by Use of Cellular Automata .... 474
   Kenichiro Shimura and Katsuhiro Nishinari
Use of Cellular Automata to Create an Artificial System of
Image Classification and Recognition .......................... 483
   Stepan Belan and Nikolay Belan
Modeling of Recrystallization with Recovery by Frontal
Cellular Automata ............................................. 494
   Dmytro S. Svyetlichnyy, Jaroslaw Nowak, and Łukasz Łach
A CA-Based Model Describing Fat Bloom in Chocolate ............ 504
   Pieter Van der Weeën, Nathalie De Clercq, Koen
Dewettinck, and Bernard De Baets
Scene Text Detection on Images Using Cellular Automata ........ 514
   Konstantinos Zagoris and Ioannis Pratikakis
A Novel Cellular Automaton Model for Traffic Freeway
Simulation .................................................... 524
   Marcelo Zamith, Regina Célia P. Leal-Toledo, and
   Esteban Clua

CA-Based Hardware and Architectures
Scintillae: How to Approach Computing Systems by Means of
Cellular Automata ............................................. 534
   Gabriele Di Stefano and Alfredo Navarra
Cellular Automata Analysis on Self-assembly Properties in
DNA Tile Computing ............................................ 544
   Miki Hirabayashi, Syunsuke Kinoshita, Shukichi Tanaka,
Hajime Honda, Hiroaki Kojima, and Kazuhiro Oiwa
Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Design for Median Filtering and
Mathematical Morphology Operations on Binary Images ........... 554
   Fotios K. Panagiotopoulos, Vassilios A. Mardiris, and
   Vassilios Chatzis
A 3-State Asynchronous CA for the Simulation of Delay-
Insensitive Circuits .......................................... 565
   Oliver Schneider and Thomas Worsch
On Construction by Worm-Like Agents on a Self-timed Cellular
Automaton ..................................................... 575
   Daichi Takata, Teijiro Isokawa, Jia Lee, Ferdinand Peper,
   and Nobuyuki Matsui
Periodicity in Quantum Cellular Automata ...................... 585
   Georgios I. Tsormpatzoglou and Ioannis G. Karafyllidis

Codes, Pseudorandom Number Generators and Cryptography with
Cellular Automata
CSHR: Selection of Cryptographically Suitable Hybrid 
Cellular Automata Rule ........................................ 591
   Kaushik Chakraborty and Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury
CASTREAM: A New Stream Cipher Suitable for Both Hardware and
Software ...................................................... 601
   Sourav Das and Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury
Evolution of 2-Dimensional Cellular Automata as Pseudo-
random Number Generators ...................................... 611
   Bernard Girau and Nikolaos Vlassopoulos
Countermeasures of Side Channel Attacks on Symmetric Key
Ciphers Using Cellular Automata ............................... 623
   Sandip Karmakar and Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury

АСА - Int. Workshop on Asynchronous СA
First Steps on Asynchronous Lattice-Gas Models with an
Application to a Swarming Rule ................................ 633
   Olivier Bouré, Nazim Fatès, and Vincent Chevrier
Synthesis of Reversible Asynchronous Cellular Automata for
Pattern Generation with Specific Hamming Distance ............. 643
   Sukanta Das, Anindita Sarkar, and Biplab K. Sikdar
m-Asynchronous Cellular Automata .............................. 653
   Alberto Dennunzio, Enrico Formenti, Luca Manzoni, and
   Giancarlo Mauri
Cellular Automata and Random Field: Statistical Analysis of
Complex Space-Time Systems .................................... 663
   Mario Di Traglia
Limit Cycle Structure for Block-Sequential Threshold Systems .. 672
   Henning S. Moriveit
A Study of Stochastic Noise and Asynchronism in Elementary
Cellular Automata ............................................. 679
   Fernando Silva and Luis Correia
(Intrinsically?) Universal Asynchronous CA  ................... 689
   Thomas Worsch

C&CA - Int. Workshop on Crowds and СA
Data Collection for Modeling and Simulation: Case Study at
the University of Milan-Bicocca ............................... 699
   Mizar Luca Federici, Andrea Gorrini, Lorenza Manenti, and
Giuseppe Vizzari
Cellular Model of Room Evacuation Based on Occupancy and
Movement Prediction ........................................... 709
   Pavel Hrabák, Marek Bukáček, and Milan Krbálek
On Validation of the SIgMA.CA Pedestrian Dynamics Model with
Bottleneck Flow ............................................... 719
   Ekaterina Kirik and Tat'yana Vitova
Modeling of Walking through Pathways and a Stairway by
Cellular Automata Based on the Guideline for Evacuation ....... 728
   Shigeyuki Koyama, Nobuhiko Shinozaki, and Shin Morishita
Cellular Automata, Agents with Mobility and GIS for
Practical Problems ............................................ 738
   Alexander Makarenko, Anton Musienko, Anna Popova,
   Gennadiy Poveshenko, Evgeniy Samorodov, and Alexander
Evacuation Simulation from Rooms through a Pathway and
a Stairway by Cellular Automata Based on the Public
Guideline ..................................................... 743
   Nobuhiko Shinozaki, Shigeyuki Koyama, and Shin Morishita
Follow-the-Leader Cellular Automata Based Model Directing
Crowd Movement ................................................ 752
   Christos Vihas, Ioakeim G. Georgoudas, and Georgios
Ch. Sirakoulis
A Spatially Explicit Migration Model for Pike ................. 763
   Steffie Van Nieuland, Jan M. Baetens, Ine S. Pauwels,
Bernard De Baets, Ans M. Mouton, and Peter L.M. Goethals
Proxemics in Discrete Simulation of Evacuation ................ 768
   Jarosław Wąs, Robert Lubaś, and Wojciech Myśliwiec

T&CA - Int. Workshop on Traffic and СA
Metastability in Pedestrian Evacuation ........................ 776
   Takahiro Ezaki and Daichi Yanagisawa
Modeling and Simulation of a Car Race ......................... 785
   Rolf Hoffmann and Maurice Margenstern
Construction of Cellular Automata Lattice Based on the
Semantics of an Urban Traffic Network ......................... 795
   Vedran Ivanac, Bojana Dalbelo Bašić, and Zvonimir Vanjak
Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models Using Vehicle
Travel Times .................................................. 807
   Pavol Korcek, Lukas Sekanina, and Otto Fucik
Cellular Automata Model Properties: Representation of
Saturation Flow ............................................... 817
   Ioanna Spyropoulou
A Traffic Cellular Automaton with Time to Collision
Incorporated .................................................. 827
Yohei Taniguchi and Hideyuki Suzuki
A Cellular Automata-Based Network Model for Heterogeneous
Traffic: Intersections, Turns and Their Connection ............ 835
   Jelena Vasic and Heather J. Ruskin

CACGI - Int. Workshop on СA of Cancer Growth and Invasion
A Metaphor of Complex Automata in Modeling Biological
Phenomena ..................................................... 845
   Rafał Wcisło and Witold Dzwinel

Author Index .................................................. 857

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