Wilson E. Spatial planning and climate change (Abingdon; New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWilson E. Spatial planning and climate change / E.Wilson, J.Piper. - Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2010. - xxxiii, 445 p.: ill., maps. - (The natural and built environment series). - Bibliogr.: p.394-434. - Ind.: p.435-445. - ISBN 978-0-415-49590-5

Оглавление / Contents
   List of illustrations ...................................... XVI
   List of abbreviations ..................................... XXII
   Preface ................................................... XXIX
   A cknowledgements ....................................... XXXIII

Introduction .................................................... 1

1  Introduction: spatial planning, climate change and
   sustainable development ...................................... 3
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   1.2  Urgency of response to climate change ................... 3
        1.2.1  Observed changes ................................. 3
        1.2.2  Essentials of the science of climate change ...... 5
        1.2.3  Rate of change ................................... 6
        1.2.4  Dangerous climate change ......................... 7
   1.3  Role of Spatial Planning ................................ 9
        1.3.1  Identifying the role of spatial planning ......... 9
        1.3.2  Scope of spatial planning ....................... 10
        1.3.3  The state and planning for the future ........... 12
        1.3.4  Planning and scale .............................. 13
        1.3.5  Planning, implementation and management ......... 14
   1.4  Implications for sustainable development ............... 15
   1.5  Conclusions ............................................ 17
2  Climate change mitigation and adaptation: impacts and
   opportunities ............................................... 18
   2.1  Introduction and definitions ........................... 18
        2.1.1  Impacts of climate and climate change ........... 18
        2.1.2  Definitions ..................................... 19
        2.1.3  Sources of emissions ............................ 19
   2.2  Impacts and opportunities of climate change ............ 23
        2.2.1  Identifying impacts ............................. 23
        2.2.2  Opportunities arising from climate change ....... 25
   2.3  The case for mitigation and adaptation ................. 27
        2.3.1  Climate change mitigation and adaptation
               responses ....................................... 27
        2.3.2  Mitigation and adaptation: interrelationships
               and interactions ................................ 28
   2.4  The role of spatial planning in the synergy between
        mitigation and adaptation .............................. 30
        2.4.1  Introduction .................................... 30
        2.4.2  Explanations for lack of integration of
               mitigation and adaptation ....................... 31
        2.4.3  Expectations of integration through spatial
               planning ........................................ 32
   2.5  Integrating mitigation and adaptation (approaches and
        tools for spatial planning) ............................ 36
        2.5.1  Risk assessment ................................. 36
        2.5.2  Ecosystems approach and ecosystem services
               approach ........................................ 42
   2.6  Conclusions: mitigation and adaptation working
        together ............................................... 43
3  International, European and national policy frameworks ...... 44
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 44
   3.2  United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
        Change ................................................. 45
        3.2.1  Introduction .................................... 45
        3.2.2  Kyoto Protocol .................................. 48
        3.2.3  Kyoto mechanisms ................................ 49
        3.2.4  International funding for climate change
               responses ....................................... 50
        3.2.5  Requirements for action and reporting ........... 51
   3.3  European climate change action ......................... 52
        3.3.1  ECCP I (Mitigation) ............................. 52
        3.3.2  ECCP II (Adaptation) ............................ 52
        3.3.3  EU White Paper on adaptation to climate
               change .......................................... 53
        3.3.4  EU and member state competences ................. 56
   3.4  National policy frameworks ............................. 58
        3.4.1  UK climate change strategies .................... 58
        3.4.2  UK climate change-related legislation ........... 58
        3.4.3  UK Carbon Reduction Commitment and Low Carbon
               Transition Plan ................................. 60
        3.4.4  UK national, regional and local planning
               policy frameworks ............................... 62
        3.4.5  National climate change policy frameworks
               elsewhere ....................................... 64
   3.5  Policy options for implementation ...................... 66
   3.6  Conclusions ............................................ 68

Perspectives on spatial planning and climate change ............ 69

4  Discourses of climate change and spatial planning ........... 71
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 71
   4.2  Discourse analysis ..................................... 71
   4.3  The United Kingdom ..................................... 73
        4.3.1  The planning response to climate change ......... 73
        4.3.2  Reluctant prescriptions ......................... 77
        4.3.3  Discourse coalitions and networks ............... 77
        4.3.4  The eco-towns initiative ........................ 83
        4.3.5  Planning: fit for purpose? ...................... 84
   4.4  The Netherlands ........................................ 87
        4.4.1  Experience and innovation: national water
               planning ........................................ 87
        4.4.2  The Climate changes Spatial Planning
               initiative ...................................... 88
        4.4.3  NEPP tradition .................................. 90
   4.5  Conclusions ............................................ 91
5  Multi-scalar spatial planning for climate change ............ 93
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 93
   5.2  Multi-level governance and appeals to the global
        scale .................................................. 94
   5.3  Mitigation and adaptation: global and local? ........... 95
   5.4  Multi-scale governance networks ....................... 100
   5.5  Implications for spatial planning ..................... 101
        5.5.1  Appeals to the climate change issue as a case
               for supranational planning ..................... 102
        5.5.2  Appeals to the climate change issue as a case
               for national planning .......................... 103
        5.5.3  Appeals to the climate change issue as a case
               for regional planning .......................... 116
        5.5.4  Appeals to the climate change issue as a case
               for local planning ............................. 118
   5.6  Conclusions ........................................... 119
6  Just transitions: horizons, timescales and equity .......... 120
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 120
   6.2  Futures thinking in spatial planning .................. 121
   6.3  Sustainable development and planning for future
        generations ........................................... 122
   6.4  Planning, climate change and the future ............... 123
   6.5  Climate change and intra-generational equity .......... 124
        6.5.1  Climate change and social justice .............. 125
        6.5.2  Equity in flood risk and coastal erosion
               management ..................................... 127
        6.5.3  Social justice for current and future
               generations .................................... 129
   6.6  Futures thinking: socio-economic and climate change
        scenarios ............................................. 129
        6.6.1  Socio-economic scenarios: opportunities and
               barriers ....................................... 130
        6.6.2  Application of scenarios in spatial planning
               in the UK ...................................... 137
   6.7  Socio-economic scenarios in the Netherlands ........... 138
   6.8  Other tools for futures thinking in spatial
        planning .............................................. 140
   6.9  Conclusions ........................................... 141
7  Environmental impact assessment for climate change in
   spatial planning ........................................... 142
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 142
   7.2  Environmental impact assessment processes ............. 143
   7.3  Environmental impact assessment and climate change .... 144
        7.3.1  Factors external to EIA ........................ 145
        7.3.2  Factors internal to EIA ........................ 146
   7.4  Specific guidance on climate change within EIA ........ 149
   7.5  Integrating mitigation and adaptation in EIA .......... 154
   7.6  Case studies: SEA and climate change .................. 155
        7.6.1  Case study 1: Randstad 2040 .................... 155
        7.6.2  Case study 2: UK offshore energy SEA ........... 156
        7.6.3  Case study 3: SEA of Thames Estuary 2100 ....... 162
        7.6.4  Strengths and weaknesses in SEA case studies ... 164
   7.7  Risk assessment and uncertainty in EIA ................ 165
   7.8  New regulatory requirements for addressing climate
        change in EIA ......................................... 167
   7.9  Conclusions ........................................... 167

Spatial planning in practice .................................. 169

8  Strategic planning for low-carbon and resilient
   development patterns ....................................... 171
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 171
   8.2  Patterns of development ............................... 172
        8.2.1  Trends in location of development in Europe .... 172
        8.2.2  Location of development and transport energy
               use ............................................ 173
        8.2.3  Transport and greenhouse gas emissions ......... 176
        8.2.4  EU regional policies for climate change
               mitigation ..................................... 177
   8.3  Strategic planning, transport and climate change
        mitigation in the UK .................................. 178
        8.3.1  Transport and greenhouse gas emissions:
               trends and targets ............................. 178
        8.3.2  National and regional policies for strategic
               location of development and transport .......... 180
        8.3.3  Spatial planning policies for transport
               demand management and travel behaviour ......... 185
        8.3.4  National and regional targets for low carbon
               transport ...................................... 187
   8.4  Strategic planning and climate change adaptation in
        the UK ................................................ 189
        8.4.1  National adaptation planning ................... 189
        8.4.2  Adaptation in regional planning ................ 190
   8.5  Climate change mitigation and adaptation at the
        regional level: the Yorkshire and Humber Plan ......... 192
        8.5.1  Context and process of plan preparation and
               sustainability appraisal ....................... 193
        8.5.2  Climate change policies in the Plan ............ 194
        8.5.3  Mitigation objectives: location and transport
               elements ....................................... 194
        8.5.4  Adaptation objectives .......................... 196
        8.5.5  Prospects from 2010 onwards .................... 197
   8.6  Eco-towns ............................................. 198
        8.6.1  Objectives and Prospectus ...................... 198
        8.6.2  Eco-town outcomes .............................. 200
   8.7  Learning from Europe .................................. 201
        8.7.1  The Netherlands: context ....................... 202
        8.7.2  The Netherlands: urban developments ............ 203
   8.8  Conclusions ........................................... 204
9  Climate change and the built environment ................... 206
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 206
   9.2  The built environment and infrastructure:
        definitions ........................................... 206
   9.3  Reducing emissions from the built environment ......... 207
        9.3.1  Introduction ................................... 207
        9.3.2  The EU context: energy use and emissions
               reduction ...................................... 208
   9.4  Reducing emissions from the built environment:
        the UK ................................................ 211
        9.4.1 Introduction .................................... 211
        9.4.2  National spatial planning context: new and
               existing built environment ..................... 213
        9.4.3  Existing urban areas: the historic
               environment .................................... 216
        9.4.4  Local energy planning: reduction in energy
               demand, and renewables ......................... 217
        9.4.5  Local energy planning: community energy ........ 219
        9.4.6  Local energy planning: new build ............... 221
        9.4.7  Local energy planning: eco-towns ............... 222
        9.4.8  Spatial planning and energy planning: future
               prospects ...................................... 223
   9.5  Reducing emissions from the built environment: the
        Netherlands ........................................... 225
        9.5.1  National spatial planning context .............. 225
        9.5.2  Municipal spatial planning responses ........... 226
   9.6  Climate change adaptation in the built environment .... 228
        9.6.1  Introduction ................................... 228
        9.6.2  EU policy ...................................... 229
   9.7  Climate change adaptation in the built environment:
        the UK ................................................ 229
        9.7.1  Impacts on infrastructure: a case for
               national planning? ............................. 229
        9.7.2  Regional and local spatial planning policies
               and practice for adaptation .................... 232
        9.7.3  Regional to local scale: implementing
               climate-resilience in South East England ....... 233
        9.7.4  Metropolitan scale: implementing climate
               change adaptation in London .................... 236
        9.7.5  Urban neighbourhood scale: Bilston Urban
               Village, West Midlands ......................... 241
   9.8  Climate change adaptation in the built environment:
        The Netherlands ....................................... 243
        9.8.1  National adaptation planning: the Delta Plan ... 243
        9.8.2  National spatial planning response ............. 243
        9.8.3  Regional and municipal spatial planning
               response ....................................... 245
   9.9  Bringing adaptation and mitigation together: green
        infrastructure ........................................ 247
        9.9.1  Bene fits of green and blue infrastructure ..... 247
        9.9.2  Policy context ................................. 247
        9.9.3  Regional and local practice .................... 248
   9.10 Conclusions: spatial planning for mitigation and
        adaptation ............................................ 252
10 Planning for water resources under climate change .......... 253
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 253
   10.2 Water resources: use and climate change impacts ....... 255
        10.2.1 Abstraction and use ............................ 255
        10.2.2 Climate change impacts on water resources ...... 257
   10.3 Integrating planning for land and water: water
        resources ............................................. 259
        10.3.1 EU Water Framework Directive ................... 259
        10.3.2 England/UK: legislation and strategy - water
               resources ...................................... 261
        10.3.3 Institutions and roles in planning for water
               resources and supply ........................... 262
        10.3.4 Integrating planning for land and water at
               River Basin District level ..................... 265
   10.4 Tools for policy integration: water resources ......... 268
        10.4.1 Studies of planning for new development and
               water .......................................... 268
        10.4.2 CAMS and water-stress area mapping ............. 272
        10.4.3 Pricing policy ................................. 273
        10.4.4 Containing demand, seeking water neutral
               development .................................... 274
        10.4.5 Scenarios of change and planning for new
               resource developments .......................... 277
   10.5 Conclusions: water resources .......................... 278
11 Flood risk, and marine and coastal areas: planning for
   climate change ............................................. 280
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 280
   11.2 Flood risk and climate change ......................... 281
        11.2.1 Flooding in the EU and UK ...................... 281
        11.2.2 Impacts of climate change upon flood risk ...... 283
   11.3 Integrating spatial planning and flood-risk
        planning .............................................. 284
        11.3.1 EU Floods Directive ............................ 284
        11.3.2 UK legislation and planning policy: flood
               risk ........................................... 285
        11.3.3 Shifting flood-risk policy: UK and
               Netherlands .................................... 287
   11.4 Tools for integration of flood risk into spatial
        planning .............................................. 292
        11.4.1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) ......... 292
        11.4.2 Surface Water Management Plans and SUDS ........ 293
        11.4.3 Sustainability appraisal ....................... 295
        11.4.4 Integrating flood control and other benefits ... 298
   11.5 Conclusions: flood risk ............................... 299
   11.6 Marine and coastal spatial planning ................... 300
        11.6.1 Introduction ................................... 300
        11.6.2 Climate change impacts upon coastal and
               marine areas ................................... 301
        11.6.3 Spatial planning responses in the marine and
               coastal zones .................................. 302
        11.6.4 Conclusions: marine and coastal planning ....... 313
   11.7 Conclusions ........................................... 314
12 Planning for biodiversity under climate change ............. 315
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 315
   12.2 Pressures upon biodiversity ........................... 316
        12.2.1 Climate change impacts ......................... 316
        12.2.2 Other impacts on biodiversity .................. 318
   12.3 International biodiversity protection: institutions
        and status ............................................ 319
        12.3.1 The Convention on Biological Diversity and
               global status assessment ....................... 319
        12.3.2 The European level: biodiversity
               institutions, policy framework and status ...... 321
   12.4 National level: UK biodiversity institutions and
        policy framework ...................................... 324
        12.4.1 Biodiversity planning and status ............... 324
   12.5 Spatial planning links to biodiversity ................ 327
        12.5.1 England and Wales - spatial planning policy
               affecting biodiversity ......................... 327
        12.5.2 Biodiversity at regional and local planning
               policy levels .................................. 329
   12.6 Concepts and principles for future biodiversity
        protection ............................................ 332
        12.6.1 Retention of existing designated sites,
               development of new sites ....................... 333
        12.6.2 Climate space and connectivity ................. 334
        12.6.3 The ecosystem approach: integration with
               other sectors .................................. 336
        12.6.4 Sustainability appraisal and biodiversity ...... 339
        12.6.5 Other guidance on biodiversity and climate
               change ......................................... 340
   12.7 Spatial planning, biodiversity and climate change:
        barriers and constraints .............................. 342
   12.8 Conclusions - implications for biodiversity policy:
        conservation and enhancement .......................... 346

Prospects ..................................................... 349

13 Climate change learning, knowledge and communication
   amongst spatial planning communities ....................... 351
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 351
   13.2 Institutional and social learning ..................... 353
        13.2.1 Institutional learning ......................... 353
        13.2.2 Social learning in adaptation .................. 354
        13.2.3 Social learning in planning for sustainable
               construction ................................... 355
        13.2.4 Social learning in natural resource
               management ..................................... 355
   13.3 Networks and learning ................................. 357
        13.3.1 Networks and coalitions ........................ 357
        13.3.2 Cross-national learning ........................ 358
        13.3.3 Academic and practitioner networks ............. 359
        13.3.4 Professional networks .......................... 360
        13.3.5 Guidance and good practice ..................... 361
   13.4 Climate change knowledge amongst planning
        communities ........................................... 362
        13.4.1 Climate change communication and the media ..... 362
        13.4.2 Attitudes and behaviour ........................ 363
        13.4.3 Political engagement ........................... 364
   13.5 Community engagement and visualization ................ 365
        13.5.1 The use of analogy ............................. 365
        13.5.2 Community and local visualization .............. 366
        13.5.3 Capacity building through collaborative local
               working ........................................ 368
   13.6 Conclusions ........................................... 371
14 Integrating mitigation and adaptation for sustainable
   development ................................................ 372
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 372
   14.2 Benefits of integration of mitigation and
        adaptation ............................................ 373
        14.2.1 Maximizing beneficial synergies and
               opportunities .................................. 373
        14.2.2 Reducing conflict .............................. 374
        14.2.3 New and existing development ................... 375
   14.3 Methods for integration ............................... 375
        14.3.1 Principles and objectives ...................... 375
        14.3.2 Critiques of conventional assessment and
               appraisal ...................................... 377
        14.3.3 Assessment frameworks .......................... 378
   14.4 Understanding the development process ................. 383
   14.5 Prospects ............................................. 385

   Glossary ................................................... 389
   Bibliography ............................................... 394
   Index ...................................................... 435

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