Recoding: expansion of decoding rules enriches gene expression (New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRecoding: expansion of decoding rules enriches gene expression / ed. by J.F.Atkins, R.F.Gesteland. - New York: Springer, 2010. - xix, 466 p.: ill. - (Nucleic acids and molecular biology; 24). - Ind.: p.463-466. - ISBN 978-0-387-89381-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Part I Redefinition
1  Selenocysteine Biosynthesis, Selenoproteins, and
   Selenoproteomes .............................................. 3
   Vadim N. Gladyshev and Dolph L. Hatfield
2  Reprogramming the Ribosome for Selenoprotein Expression:
   RNA Elements and Protein Factors ............................ 29
   Maria J. Berry and Michael T. Howard
3  Translation of UAG as Pyrrolysine ........................... 53
   Joseph A. Krzycki
4  Specification of Standard Amino Acids by Stop Codons ........ 79
   Olivier Namy and Jean-Pierre Rousset
5  Ribosome "Skipping": "Stop-Carry On" or "StopGo" 
   Translation ................................................ 101
   Jeremy D. Brown and Martin D. Ryan
6  Receding Therapies for Genetic Diseases .................... 123
   Kim M. Keeling and David M. Bedwell

Part II Frameshifting - Redirection of Linear Readout
7  Pseudoknot-Dependent Programmed-1 Ribosomal
   Frameshifting: Structures, Mechanisms and Models ........... 149
   Ian Brierley, Robert J.C. Gilbert, and Simon Pennell
8  Programmed-1 Ribosomal Frameshift in the Human
   Immunodeficiency Virus of Type 1 ........................... 175
   Léa Brakier-Gingras and Dominic Dulude
9  Ribosomal Frameshifting in Decoding Plant Viral RNAs ....... 193
   W. Allen Miller and David P. Giedroc
10 Programmed Frameshifting in Budding Yeast .................. 221
   Philip J. Farabaugh
11 Receding in Bacteriophages ................................. 249
   Roger W. Hendrix
12 Programmed Ribosomal-1 Frameshifting as a Tradition:
   The Bacterial Transposable Elements of the ISJ Family ...... 259
   Olivier Fayet and Marie-Françoise Prère
13 Autoregulatory Frameshifting in Antizyme Gene Expression
   Governs Polyamine Levels from Yeast to Mammals ............. 281
   Ivaylo P. Ivanov and Senya Matsufuji
14 Sequences Promoting Receding Are Singular Genomic
   Elements ................................................... 301
   Pavel V. Baranov and Olga Gurvich
15 Mutants That Affect Receding ............................... 321
   Jonathan D. Dinman and Michael O'Connor
16 The E Site and Its Importance for Improving Accuracy
   and Preventing Frameshifts ................................. 345
   Markus Pech, Oliver Vesper, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Daniel 
   N. Wilson, and Knud H. Nierhaus

Part III Discontiguity
17 Translational Bypassing - Peptidyl-tRNA Re-pairing at
   Non-overlapping Sites ...................................... 365
   Norma M. Wills
18 trans-Translation .......................................... 383
   Kenneth C. Keiler and Dennis M. Lee

Part IV Transcription Slippage
19 Transcript Slippage and Receding ........................... 409
   Michael Anikin, Vadim Molodtsov, Dmitry Temiakov, and 
   William T. McAllister

Part V Appendix
20 Computational Resources for Studying Receding .............. 435
   Andrew E. Firth, Michaël Bekaert, and Pavel V. Baranov

Index ......................................................... 463

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