Harguth A. Patents in Germany and Europe: procurement, enforcement and defense: an international handbook (Alphen aan den Rijn, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHarguth A. Patents in Germany and Europe: procurement, enforcement and defense: an international handbook / A.Harguth, S.Carlson. - Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2011. - xxiv, 376 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.367-376. - ISBN 978-90-411-3164-5

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Tables ............................................... xvii
List of Figures ............................................... xix
Preface ....................................................... xxi
List of Abbreviations ....................................... xxiii

Chapter 1
Why Germany? .................................................... 1
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
2  The German "Split System" .................................... 1
3  Expertise and Reputation of German Patent Infringement 
   Courts ....................................................... 2
4  Speed and Costs of Proceedings in Germany .................... 2
5  Customs Actions .............................................. 3

Chapter 2
Sources of Law .................................................. 5
1  Introduction ................................................. 5
2  European Laws ................................................ 5
   2.1  European Patent Convention .............................. 6
   2.2  London Agreement ........................................ 6
   2.3  Directives and Regulations of the EU .................... 7
        2.3.1  European Enforcement Directive ................... 7
        2.3.2  Border Measures Regulations ...................... 8
3  Other International Treaties ................................. 8
   3.1  Paris Convention ........................................ 8
   3.2  PCT ..................................................... 9
   3.3  TRIPS ................................................... 9
4  German Acts ................................................. 10
   4.1  German Patent Act ("Patentgesetz": PatG) ............... 10
   4.2  German Code of Civil Procedure 
        ("Zivilprozessordnung": ZPO) ........................... 10
   4.3  Utility Model Act ("Gebrauchsmustergesetz": GebrMG) .... 11
   4.4  Act on Employees' Inventions 
        ("Arbeitnehmererfindergesetz": ArbEG) .................. 11

Chapter 3
Structure of Legal System ...................................... 13
1  Introduction ................................................ 13
2  General Outline of Patent Disputes .......................... 14
   2.1  Disputes Focused on the Invalidation of the Patent ..... 14
        2.1.1  Oppositions ..................................... 14
        2.1.2  Nullity Actions ................................. 15
   2.2  Infringement Disputes .................................. 16
        2.2.1  Infringement Courts ............................. 17
       First Instance ......................... 17
       Second Instance ........................ 18
       Third Instance ......................... 18
3  Court of Justice of the European Union ...................... 19
4  Role of Judicial Precedent .................................. 20
5  European Patent Court ....................................... 20

Chapter 4
Forms of Patent Protection: Background on Prosecution .......... 23
1  European Patent ............................................. 25
   1.1  Granting Procedure ..................................... 25
        1.1.1  The EPO's Initial Formality Review and Search
               Report .......................................... 26
       General Remarks ........................ 26
       Possible Events during the Search
                        Phase .................................. 27
       Mandatory Reaction on Search Opinion ... 27
        1.1.2  Unity of the Invention .......................... 28
        1.1.3  Publication of the European Patent 
               Application ..................................... 29
        1.1.4  Examination Proceedings ......................... 30
   1.2  Divisional Applications (Article 76 EPC) ............... 31
   1.3  Right of Priority (Articles 87, 88 EPC) ................ 32
   1.4  Duty to Disclose ....................................... 33
   1.5  Opposition, Revocation, and Limitation Proceedings ..... 34
        1.5.1  Nature of Limitation Proceedings ................ 34
        1.5.2  Strategic Use of Limitation Proceedings ......... 35
   1.6  Observations by Third Parties .......................... 36
2  European Patents with Unitary Effect ........................ 36
   2.1  Unitary Character ...................................... 37
   2.2  Coexistence with European and National Patents ......... 37
   2.3  Application of the EPC ................................. 38
   2.4  Language System ........................................ 38
   2.5  Enforcement ............................................ 39
3  German Patents .............................................. 39
   3.1  Procedure in General ................................... 39
   3.2  Amendments ............................................. 40
   3.3  Divisional Applications ................................ 41
   3.4  Opposition Proceedings ................................. 41
4  German Utility Models (Gebrauchsmuster) ..................... 42
   4.1  Main Characteristics of German Utility Models .......... 42
   4.2  Different Novelty Standards ............................ 42
   4.3  Registration of a German Utility Model ................. 43
   4.4  Protectable Subject Matter ............................. 43
   4.5  Reasons for Filing a Utility Model ..................... 44
        4.5.1  Low Fees and Prosecution Costs .................. 44
        4.5.2  Early Publication of the Invention .............. 44
        4.5.3  Earlier Enforceability .......................... 46
        4.5.4  Damages ......................................... 46
        4.5.5  Strategic "Branching Off" ....................... 46
       General Remarks ........................ 46
       Tailoring Claims in View of the
                        Infringing Embodiment .................. 47
       Claim Sets for German Utility Models
                        in Case of an Infringement ............. 47
5  Design Protection (Design Patent) ........................... 48
   5.1  General Information .................................... 48
   5.2  Requirements for Design Protection ..................... 49
   5.3  European Community Design .............................. 50
        5.3.1  Registered Community Design (RCD) ............... 50
        5.3.2  Unregistered Community Design ................... 51
   5.4  German Industrial Design (Geschmacksmuster) ............ 51
   5.5  International Design (Hague System) .................... 52

Chapter 5
Patentability Standards ........................................ 53
1  Patentable Subject Matter ................................... 53
   1.1  Classes of Non-Inventions .............................. 53
   1.2  Programs for Computers and Computer Implemented
        Inventions ............................................. 56
        1.2.1  Technical Character ............................. 56
        1.2.2  Other Patentability Requirements ................ 58
   1.3  Biotechnological Inventions ............................ 61
2  Novelty ..................................................... 62
   2.1  The Absolute Novelty Rule and the First-to-File 
        Principle .............................................. 62
   2.2  Non-Prejudicial Disclosure ............................. 63
   2.3  Availability to the Public ............................. 64
   2.4  Determination of What is "Public" ...................... 65
   2.5  Novelty Assessment ..................................... 66
        2.5.1  Introduction .................................... 66
        2.5.2  Combination of Features ......................... 67
        2.5.3  Meaning of Terms ................................ 67
        2.5.4  Incorporations by Reference ..................... 67
   2.6  So-called "Article 54(3) Documents" and §3(2) of the
        German Patent Act ...................................... 68
   2.7  First Medical Use/Second Medical Use ................... 70
3  Patentability Standards Applicable to German Utility
   Models ...................................................... 71
4  Standards on Inventive Step ................................. 72
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 72
   4.2  Problem and Solution Approach .......................... 73
        4.2.1  Step 1: Determination of the "Closest Prior 
               Art" ............................................ 73
        4.2.2  Step 2: Determination of the "Objective
               Technical Problem" .............................. 74
        4.2.3  Step 3: Obviousness Test ........................ 75
   4.3  German National Particularities ........................ 76
5  Standards on Original Disclosure ............................ 76
   5.1  Removing a Feature from an Independent Claim as
        Originally Filed ....................................... 77
   5.2  The So-called "Inescapable Trap of Article 
        123(2)/(3)" ............................................ 78

Chapter 6
Opposition Proceedings ......................................... 81
1  Introduction ................................................ 81
2  Patent Monitoring Programs .................................. 81
3  Grounds for Opposition ...................................... 82
4  Any Person may Oppose ....................................... 83
5  Main Steps of Oppositions Proceedings ....................... 84
   5.1  Notice of Opposition ................................... 84
   5.2  Observations and Amendments during the Proceedings ..... 85
   5.3  Summons ................................................ 86
   5.4  Late-Filed Requests by the Patentee .................... 86
   5.5  Late-Filed Facts or Evidence by the Challenger ......... 87
   5.6  The Hearing ............................................ 88
   5.7  Decision of the Opposition Division .................... 88
   5.8  Appeal of Decisions of the Opposition Division ......... 89
6  Withdrawal of Opposition .................................... 89
7  Intervention after the Nine-Month Opposition Period ......... 90
8  Statistics .................................................. 90
9  Interaction of EPO Opposition and National Invalidation
   Proceedings ................................................. 90

Chapter 7
Nullity Actions ................................................ 93
1  Split System ................................................ 93
2  Court Structure ............................................. 94
   2.1  Federal Patent Court ................................... 94
   2.2  Federal Supreme Court .................................. 95
3  Main Procedural Aspects of Nullity Actions .................. 96
   3.1  Priority of Opposition Proceedings over Nullity 
        Actions ................................................ 96
   3.2  Parties to the Nullity Action .......................... 96
   3.3  Timing of a Nullity Action ............................. 98
        3.3.1  Chronology of First Instance (Federal Patent
               Court) .......................................... 98
        3.3.2  Appeal to the Federal Supreme Court ............ 100
   3.4  Object of Nullity Actions ............................. 101
   3.5  Grounds for Revocation ................................ 102
   3.6  Special Procedural Aspects ............................ 104
        3.6.1  Scope of Nullity Actions ....................... 104
        3.6.2  Withdrawal of Nullity Actions .................. 105
        3.6.3  Amendment of the Nullity Actions during the
               Proceedings .................................... 106
        3.6.4  Admissibility of Claim Amendments filed 
               during the Proceedings ......................... 107
4  Inspection of the Files .................................... 107
5  Interplay with Infringement Proceedings .................... 108
   5.1  Stays of Infringement Proceedings Pending the
        Resolution of Validity ................................ 108
   5.2  Effects of the Nullity Decisions ...................... 108
   5.3  Inconsistent Statements ............................... 109
6  Financial Aspects of Nullity Action ........................ 110
   6.1  Court Fees ............................................ 
        6.1.1  Court Fees: First Instance (Federal Patent 
               Court) ......................................... 110
        6.1.2  Court Fees: Second Instance (Federal Supreme
               Court) ......................................... 110
        6.1.3  Costs for Court Expert ......................... 111
6.2  Security for Defendant's Costs of the Proceedings ........ 111

Chapter 8
Pre-Suit Considerations and Infringement Trial ................ 113
1  Jurisdiction and its International Aspects ................. 113
   1.1  Venue ................................................. 113
   1.2  Trans-Border Jurisdiction ............................. 115
   1.3  "Torpedo" ............................................. 117
2  Contacting the Accused Infringer ........................... 118
   2.1  Warning Letter (Abmahnung) ............................ 119
        2.1.1  Content of Warning Letter ...................... 119
        2.1.2  Unjustified Warning Letter ..................... 120
   2.2  Inquiry Letter (Berechtigungsanfrage) ................. 120
3  Lawsuit on the Merits (First Instance) ..................... 121
   3.1  Overall Timeline ...................................... 121
   3.2  Contents of the Complaint ............................. 123
        3.2.1  Rights and Requests ............................ 124
       Right to Prevent the Use of the 
                        Patent ................................ 124
       Right to Claim Damages ................ 128
       Right to be Informed and Rendering 
                        of Accounts ........................... 129
       Other Rights .......................... 130
        3.2.2  Information about the Subject Matter of the
               Case ........................................... 131
   3.3  Defendant's Defense ................................... 133
        3.3.1  Factual Submissions ............................ 134
        3.3.2  Legal and Procedural Defenses .................. 134
        3.3.3  Requests of the Defendant ...................... 138
   3.4  Further Briefs until the Main Hearing ................. 138
   3.5  Hearing ............................................... 139
   3.6  Outcome of the First Instance Proceedings ............. 140
        3.6.1  Grant of the Action or Complete/Partial 
               Dismissal (Decision on the Merits) ............. 140
        3.6.2  Suspension of the Proceedings .................. 141
        3.6.3  Further Evidence Taking: Appointment of
               a Court Expert ................................. 145
4  Relief ..................................................... 147
   4.1  Appeal of First Instance Decisions .................... 147
   4.2  Appeal of Appellate Decisions: Federal Supreme
        Court ................................................. 148
5  Enforcement Proceedings .................................... 149
   5.1  Provision of Security ................................. 149
   5.2  Motion for Temporary Suspension of Enforcement ........ 149
   5.3  Compliance with Injunctive Relief ..................... 151
   5.4  Rendering of Accounts and Lawsuit Concerning the
        Amount of Damages ..................................... 151
   5.5  Reimbursement of Costs ................................ 153
6  Particular Issues .......................................... 153
   6.1  Declaratory Judgment Action ........................... 153
   6.2  Special Defense resulting from Antitrust Law .......... 154
7  Financial Aspects of Infringement Proceedings .............. 156
   7.1  Litigation Value ...................................... 156
   7.2  Court Fees ............................................ 157
        7.2.1  Court Fees for the First Instance .............. 157
        7.2.2  Court Fees for the Second Instance ............. 158
        7.2.3  Costs for the Third Instance ................... 158
   7.3  Provision of a Security for Defendant's Legal Costs ... 158
        7.3.1  Principle ...................................... 158
        7.3.2  Amount of the Security ......................... 158

Chapter 9
Preliminary Injunction Proceedings ............................ 161
1  Introduction ............................................... 161
2  Proper Court ............................................... 161
3  Basis for a Preliminary Injunction ......................... 162
   3.1  Claim on which the Injunction is Based 
        Verfügungsgrund .................................... 162
   3.2  Particular Reasons for a Preliminary Injunction
        Verfügungsgrund ....................................... 164
        3.2.1  Urgency ........................................ 164
        3.2.2  Other Interests Weighed ........................ 164
   3.3  Particular Situation: Trade Shows ..................... 166
4  Normal Course of Preliminary Injunction Proceedings ........ 167
   4.1  Ex Parte Proceedings .................................. 167
   4.2  Inter Partes Proceedings .............................. 169
5  Possible Reactions of the Accused Infringer ................ 170
   5.1  Protective Brief ...................................... 170
   5.2  Acceptance and Final Warning Notice ................... 171

Chapter 10
Claim Construction and Infringement ........................... 173
1  Claim Construction Procedure ............................... 173
2  Claim Construction ......................................... 175
   2.1  Aim of the Claim Construction ......................... 175
   2.2  Significance of the Claims ............................ 176
        2.2.1  Semantic Content (Sinngehalt) .................. 176
        2.2.2  Main Sources for the Claim Construction ........ 177
       Definitions in the Description ........ 178
       Examples and Preferred Embodiments .... 178
       Dependent Claims ...................... 179
       Indications of Purpose ................ 179
       Numerical Indications ................. 179
       Reference to the Prior Art ............ 180
        2.2.3  Evidence Outside of the Patent Document ........ 180
       General Expertise of the Skilled 
                        Person ................................ 180
       Inadmissibility of Prosecution File
                        Estoppel .............................. 181
       Effects of Invalidation Proceedings
                        on the Claim Construction ............. 181
3  Identical And Equivalent Infringement ...................... 182
   3.1  Identical Infringement ................................ 182
   3.2  Doctrine of Equivalents ............................... 183
4  Infringing Acts ............................................ 185
   4.1  Direct infringement ................................... 185
        4.1.1  Products ....................................... 186
        4.1.2  Processes ...................................... 188
        4.1.3  Product-by-Process Claims ...................... 189
   4.2  Contributory infringement ............................. 190
5  Exhaustion ................................................. 192
   5.1  Putting onto the EU/EEA Market ........................ 192
   5.2  Assertion of a Patent with Device Claim ............... 193
   5.3  Assertion of a Patent with a Method Claim ............. 193
   5.4  Assertion of a Patent Containing Apparatus and
        Method Claims ......................................... 194
   5.5  Limits to the Concept of Exhaustion of Rights
        (Maintenance versus Rebuilding) ....................... 194

Chapter 11
Discovery and Evidence Taking ................................. 197
1  General Framework .......................................... 197
   1.1  Introduction .......................................... 197
   1.2  Burden of Proof and Duty of Presentation .............. 198
2  Historical Development ..................................... 199
3  Discovery Before Filing a Complaint ........................ 200
   3.1  Requirements .......................................... 200
        3.1.1  "Sufficient Probability" of Patent 
               Infringement ................................... 200
        3.1.2  Necessity and Principle of Proportionality ..... 200
   3.2  Procedural Implementation of the Request .............. 201
        3.2.1  General Outline ................................ 201
        3.2.2  Protection of the Defendant's Secrecy
               Interests ...................................... 201
        3.2.3  Scope and Aim of the Request ................... 203
4  Discovery After Filing the Complaint ....................... 204
   4.1  Discovery according to §140c Patent Act ............... 204
   4.2  Procedural Means (§§142,144 Code of Civil
        Procedure) ............................................ 204
   4.3  Reports of Court-Appointed Experts .................... 206
   4.4  Witnesses ............................................. 207
5  Privileges and Data Protection ............................. 207
   5.1  Attorney-Client-Privileges ............................ 207
   5.2  U.S. Disclosure Requests Implemented in Germany ....... 208
        5.2.1  The Hague Convention on Evidence Taking ........ 208
        5.2.2  Voluntary Depositions in Germany ............... 210
        5.2.3  German Data Protection in the Light of US 
               Discovery ...................................... 210
        5.2.4  Protection of Communications with German
               Representatives ................................ 212

Chapter 12
Damages ....................................................... 213
1  General Remarks ............................................ 213
2  Reasonable Royalty ......................................... 214
   2.1  Royalty Base (Bezugsgröße) ............................ 214
   2.2  Royalty Rate .......................................... 215
3  Lost Profits of the Right Holder ........................... 216
4  Profits Made by the Infringer .............................. 217
   4.1  Infringer's Revenue ................................... 218
   4.2  Deductible Costs ...................................... 218
   4.3  Share Factor (Anteilsfaktor) .......................... 219
5  Period for Which Damages are to be Paid .................... 220
   5.1  Starting Point ........................................ 220
        5.1.1  General ........................................ 220
        5.1.2  Published Patent Applications .................. 221
       Requirements .......................... 222
       "Compensation appropriate to the
                        circumstance" ......................... 223
   5.2  End of the Damages Calculation Period ................. 223

Chapter 13
Inventorship and Ownership .................................... 227
1  Inventorship ............................................... 227
2  Assignment of the Right to the Invention ................... 228
3  Co-Ownership of the Invention .............................. 229
4  Correct Entitlement to the Invention ....................... 230
   4.1  Legal Fiction in Favor of the Applicant ............... 230
   4.2  Legal Function of the Register ........................ 231
5  Employee Inventions and the Act on Employees' Inventions
   (ARBEG) .................................................... 231
   5.1  Scope of Application of the ArbEG ..................... 232
        5.1.1  Material Scope of Application .................. 232
        5.1.2  Personal Scope of Application .................. 232
        5.1.3  Territorial Application ........................ 233
   5.2  Service Inventions and Free Inventions ................ 233
   5.3  Duty to Report ........................................ 235
   5.4  Acquisition of the Ownership of Service Inventions .... 236
   5.5  Obligations of Employer after Acquisition of the
        Service Invention ..................................... 238
        5.5.1  Protection of the Service Invention ............ 238
        5.5.2  Agreements between Employer and Employee ....... 240
   5.6  Employee's compensation ............................... 240
        5.6.1  Individual Agreements on the Compensation ...... 240
        5.6.2  Calculation Methods ............................ 241
       Contribution factor (Directive,
                        N30) .................................. 242
       License Analogy ....................... 242
       Other Two Methods: Benefit to the
                        Employer Or the Invention's Value ..... 243
   5.7  Resolution of Disputes ................................ 244

Chapter 14
Customs Actions ............................................... 245
1  Introduction ............................................... 245
2  Legal Framework ............................................ 247
   2.1  EU Rules .............................................. 247
   2.2  National Rules ........................................ 248
3  Application Proceedings .................................... 249
   3.1  Content of the Application ............................ 250
   3.2  Security .............................................. 251
4  Grant of the Application ................................... 252
5  Ongoing Updates to Customs ................................. 252
6  Detention Procedure ........................................ 253
   6.1  Customs' Detection and Assessment of Goods ............ 253
   6.2  Notification of Detention ............................. 254
   6.3  Measures after Notification of the Parties ............ 255
        6.3.1  EU Rules ....................................... 255
       Simplified Destruction Procedure ...... 255
       Regular Proceedings (Article 13 EC
                        Regulation) ........................... 256
       Possibility of Release of Detained 
                        Goods (Article 14 EC Regulation) ...... 256
        6.3.2  German Rules (§142a of the German Patent
               Act) ........................................... 257
7  Possible Liabilities ....................................... 258
8  Costs of the Proceedings ................................... 258

Chapter 15
Budgeting a Patent Enforcement Case ........................... 259
1  Financial Aspects of German Patent Litigation .............. 259
2  Infringement Proceedings ................................... 260
   2.1  Costs of the Party's own Legal Representative ......... 260
        2.1.1  Billing on an Hourly Basis ..................... 260
        2.1.2  Billing According to the Statutory Fee Act
               (First Instance) ............................... 261
        2.1.3  Billing According to the Statutory Fee Act
               (2nd Instance) ................................. 261
        2.1.4  Costs for the 3rd Instance ..................... 262
   2.2  Cost Increasing Factors ............................... 262
3  Costs for Nullity Proceedings .............................. 262
   3.1  Average Costs for Legal Representatives ............... 262
   3.2  Cost Increasing Factors ............................... 263
   3.3  Opposition Proceedings before EPO ..................... 263
4  Reimbursement .............................................. 264
   4.1  Proceedings before the Infringement Courts ............ 264
   4.2  Invalidation Proceedings .............................. 264
        4.2.1  EPO Opposition ................................. 264
        4.2.2  German Invalidation Proceedings (1st and 2nd
               Instance) ...................................... 264
5  Risk Assessment: Infringement Plus Invalidation
   Proceedings ................................................ 264

Chapter 16
Samples ....................................................... 267
1  Warning Letter ............................................. 267
   1.1  Body of the Warning Letter ............................ 268
   1.2  Undertaking of Cease and Desist ....................... 271
2  Inquiry Letter ............................................. 273
3  Complaint Brief (Infringement Action) ...................... 275
4  Settlement Agreement ....................................... 281
5  Request for a Preliminary Injunction ....................... 284
6  Protective Brief ........................................... 289
7  Bank Guarantee ............................................. 292

Chapter 17
Legal Texts ................................................... 293
1  Excerpts of the EPC ........................................ 293
2  Chapter V - Biotechnological Inventions .................... 306
3  Excerpts of the German Patent Act .......................... 308
4  Utility Model Act .......................................... 329
5  Act on Employee's Inventions ............................... 342
6  Council Regulation (EC) No 1383/2003 of 22 July 2003
   Concerning Customs Action Against Goods Suspected of 
   Infringing Certain Intellectual Property Rights and the
   Measures to be Taken Against Goods Found to have 
   Infringed Such Rights ...................................... 348

Chapter 18
Key Differences between U.S. and European Patent Laws ......... 361
1  First-to-File Versus First-to-invent ....................... 361
2  Grace Period ............................................... 361
3  Confidential Sales as Prior Art (The "On-Sale Bar") ........ 362
4  Best Mode Requirement ...................................... 362
5  Patent Term ................................................ 362
6  Duty to Disclose ........................................... 363
7  Inequitable Conduct Defenses ............................... 363
8  Prosecution File Estoppel .................................. 363
9  Reissue Versus Limitation Proceedings ...................... 363
10 Opposition Versus Reexamination ............................ 364
11 Jury Trial Versus Bench Trial .............................. 364
12 Infringement and Validity Proceedings ...................... 364
13 Discovery .................................................. 364
14 Enhanced/Multiple Damages .................................. 365
15 Patent Marking ............................................. 365
16 Injunctions ................................................ 365

Index ......................................................... 367

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