Gifford J. Buddhist practice and visual culture: the visual rhetoric of Borobudur (London; New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGifford J. Buddhist practice and visual culture: the visual rhetoric of Borobudur. - London; New York: Routledge, 2011. - xviii, 222 p.: ill. - (Routledge critical studies in Buddhism). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-0-415-78098-8

Оглавление / Contents
   List of figures ............................................. xv
   Acknowledgments ........................................... xvii
   Note on transliteration .................................... xix
Introduction .................................................... 1
   The Gaṇḍavyūha and the religious world of the  Śailendras .... 7
   Rhetoric, ritual, and commemoration in monumental 
   architecture ................................................ 12
   Memory and vision in the upper galleries of Borobudur ....... 15
   Chapter outlines ............................................ 18
1  Borobudur: monumental mandala and bodhisattva path .......... 21
   Borobudur as a representation of the path ................... 22
   Theories of Borobudur as a mandala .......................... 30
   The mandala principle and the prologue of the Gaṇḍavyūha .... 35
   Mandala and path: meeting the embodied teaching ............. 42
2  Carving out time: the narrative relief panels ............... 48
   Narrative art and temporality ............................... 49
   Narrative art and the life of the Buddha on Borobudur ....... 52
   Narrative art and the previous lives of the Buddha on
   Borobudur ................................................... 56
   The problem with time ....................................... 58
   Picturing the Nirmāṇakāya ................................... 61
   Narrative art, ritual, and commemoration .................... 66
3  Piecing together space: the panorama of the purified
   field ....................................................... 74
   The word-by-word method of picturing the Gaṇḍavyūha ......... 76
   The purified field and the body of communal enjoyment ....... 82
   Images of the purified field on Borobudur ................... 90
   Panoramic art, ritual space, and buddhānusmṛti as 
   meditative craft ............................................ 98
4  Pervading space: bodhisattva activity in the cosmic 
   panorama ................................................... 109
   Compassionate multilocation: the manifestations of
   Maitreya ................................................... 110
   Devotional multilocation: the offerings of Samantabhadra ... 119
   Serlingpa, Atiśa, and the cosmic sequence for giving and
   taking meditation .......................................... 130
   The cosmic sequence and the upper galleries ................ 135
   Ritual circumambulation and the transition from giving to
   offering ................................................... 139
5  To emptiness and back: the transformative work of the
   terraces ................................................... 147
   The cosmic Buddhas of the terraces ......................... 149
   "Seeing " emptiness: the dharmakāya and the limits of
   vision ..................................................... 153
   Wisdom and generosity: ritual practice on the terraces ..... 162
   The descent of the bodhisattva: the stairs ................. 164
   The Borobudur mandala reconsidered ......................... 168
   Conclusion: visual rhetoric and ceremonial diplomacy at
   Borobudur .................................................. 172
   Notes ...................................................... 180
   Bibliography ............................................... 207
   Index ...................................................... 218

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