PhD Dissertation; 2011/15 (Leipzig, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBreulmann M. Functional soil organic matter pools and soil organic carbon stocks in grasslands - An ecosystem perspective: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. / Helmholtz centre for environmental research - UFZ. - Leipzig: UFZ, 2011. - xiv, 116 p.: ill. - (PhD Dissertation; 2011/15). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISSN 1860-0387

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Оглавление / Contents
Contents ........................................................ I
List of Tables .................................................. V
List of Figures ............................................... VII
List of Abbreviations ........................................... X
Kurzzusammenfassung .......................................... XIII
Abstract ...................................................... XIV

Extended Summary ................................................ 1
1  General Introduction ......................................... 3
   1.1  Carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems .......... 3
   1.2  Dynamics of soil organic matter: Functional SOM pools
        and SOM stabilisation ................................... 4
   1.3  SOM, a substrate for soil microorganisms and plant -
        soil feedback loops ..................................... 7
2  BIOLOG - Europe Programme: The DIVA subproject ............... 8
3  Main aims of this thesis ..................................... 9
4  Study area and sampling design .............................. 12
   4.1  Site description ....................................... 12
   4.2  Experimental and sampling design ....................... 13
5  General Methods ............................................. 13
   5.1  General soil and vegetation analysis ................... 13
   5.2  Fractionation approaches to identify functional SOM 
        pools .................................................. 14
        5.2.1  Hot water extractable С and N ................... 14
        5.2.2  Particle size and density fractionation ......... 14
        5.2.3  Soil microbial biomass .......................... 15
   5.3  Soil enzyme activities ................................. 16
   5.4  N mineralisation ....................................... 16
   5.5  Decomposition experiments .............................. 16
   5.6  Stable isotope analyses ................................ 17
   5.7  Radiocarbon measurements ............................... 17
6  General Results and Discussion .............................. 17
   6.1  Relationships between abiotic factors, the
        composition of plant communities and the soil food
        web (Chapter 1) ........................................ 18
   6.2  Functional SOM pools: SOC stocks and stability
        indicators (Chapter 2) ................................. 20
   6.3  Bioavailability of ОС in functional SOM pools
        (Chapter 3) ............................................ 22
7  Final Conclusions ........................................... 24
References ..................................................... 26

Chapter 1  Impact of the composition of the plant community
           on labile soil organic carbon and soil food webs
           in semi-natural grassland ecosystems of different
Abstract ....................................................... 34
Keywords ....................................................... 34
1  Introduction ................................................ 35
2  Materials and Methods ....................................... 37
   2.1  Study area and plot description ........................ 37
   2.2  Soil and vegetation analysis ........................... 37
   2.3  Litter decomposition experiment ........................ 38
   2.4  Hot water extractable С and N .......................... 38
   2.5  Soil enzyme activities ................................. 39
   2.6  PLFA analysis .......................................... 39
   2.7  Data analysis .......................................... 40
3  Results ..................................................... 42
   3.1  Decomposition of plant litter .......................... 42
   3.2  Labile soil С and N fraction ........................... 42
   3.3  Soil microbial properties .............................. 44
   3.4  Relation between environmental factors and microbial
        parameters ............................................. 45
4  Discussion .................................................. 46
   4.1  The decomposability of plant litter and its effect on
        labile soil С and N .................................... 46
   4.2  Soil microbial components .............................. 48
   4.3  Relation between environmental factors and microbial
        parameters ............................................. 49
   4.4  Conclusions ............................................ 50
Acknowledgments ................................................ 51
References ..................................................... 52
Supplementary Materials ........................................ 56

Chapter 2  Stability and stocks of organic carbon in 
           functional SOM pools through the soil profile of
           semi-natural grassland ecosystems 
Abstract ....................................................... 60
Keywords ....................................................... 60
1  Introduction ................................................ 61
2  Materials and Methods ....................................... 63
   2.1  Site description ....................................... 63
   2.2  Sampling ............................................... 63
   2.3  Elemental analysis ..................................... 64
   2.4  Calculation of С stocks and carbon enrichment 
        factors (ESOC) .......................................... 65
   2.5  Size-density fractionation ............................. 65
   2.6  Hot water extractable С and N .......................... 66
   2.7  Isotope analyses ....................................... 66
   2.8  Data analysis .......................................... 66
3  Results ..................................................... 67
   3.1  SOC stocks ............................................. 67
   3.2  Carbon enrichment factors (ESOC) ........................ 69
   3.3  Factors influencing SOC stocks ......................... 69
   3.4  Hot water extractability of ОС in functional SOM 
        pools (CHWE-fraction) ..................................... 70
   3.5  13C isotopic abundance of functional SOM pools and 
        bulk soil related to the CHWE percentage from SOC ...... 70
4  Discussion .................................................. 71
   4.1  SOC stocks and С enrichment factors (ESOC) .............. 71
   4.2  Factors influencing SOC stocks ......................... 74
   4.3  Stability of functional SOM pools ...................... 74
   4.4  Conclusions ............................................ 76
Acknowledgments ................................................ 77
References ..................................................... 77
Supplementary Materials ........................................ 81

Chapter 3 Microbial utilisation of functional SOM pools in
          grassland ecosystems
Abstract ....................................................... 84
Keywords ....................................................... 84
1  Introduction ................................................ 85
2  Materials and Methods ....................................... 86
   2.1  Study sites ............................................ 86
   2.2  Soil and vegetation analysis ........................... 87
   2.3  Size-density fractionation ............................. 87
   2.4  Utilisation of functional SOM pools .................... 88
   2.5  Microbial community .................................... 90
   2.6  Microbial activity ..................................... 90
   2.7  Statistical analyses ................................... 91
3  Results ..................................................... 92
   3.1  Decomposition of functional SOM pools .................. 92
   3.2  Soil microbial properties .............................. 92
        3.2.1  Start of the incubation experiment .............. 93
        3.2.2  End of the incubation experiment ................ 93
        3.2.3  Change of microbial properties during
               utilisation of functional SOM pools ............. 95
4  Discussion .................................................. 97
   4.1  Functional SOM pools isolated by particle size ......... 97
   4.2  Functional SOM pools isolated by specific density ...... 99
   4.3  Conclusions ........................................... 100

Acknowledgments ............................................... 101
References .................................................... 101
Supplementary Materials ....................................... 105

Acknowledgments ............................................... 110
Curriculum Vitae .............................................. 1ll
Declaration ................................................... 112
Erklärung ..................................................... 112
List of Publications .......................................... 113

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