Lesik S.A. Applied statistical inference with MINITAB (Boca Raton, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLesik S.A. Applied statistical inference with MINITAB. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010. - xvii, 446 p.: ill. + 2 CD-ROMs. - (Statistics, textbooks and monographs). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.427-446. - ISBN 978-1-4200-6583-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Acknowledgments .............................................. xvii

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  What This Book Is About ................................. 1
        1.1.1  Graphical Displays of Data ....................... 2
        1.1.2  Descriptive Representations of Data .............. 2
        1.1.3  Basic Statistical Inference ...................... 3
        1.1.4  Regression Analysis .............................. 3
        1.1.5  Analysis of Variance ............................. 3
   1.2  Types of Studies ........................................ 4
   1.3  What Is Statistics? ..................................... 5
   1.4  Ту pes of Variables ..................................... 6
   1.5  Classification of Variables ............................. 7
   1.6  Entering Data into MINITAB® ............................. 9
   Exercises ................................................... 12
2  Graphing Variables .......................................... 15
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 15
   2.2  Histograms ............................................. 15
   2.3  Using MINITAB to Create Histograms ..................... 17
   2.4  Stem-and-Leaf Plots .................................... 18
   2.5  Using MINITAB to Create a Stem-and-Leaf Plot ........... 23
   2.6  Bar Charts ............................................. 24
   2.7  Using MINITAB to Create a Bar Chart .................... 24
   2.8  Box Plots .............................................. 25
   2.9  Using MINITAB to Create Box Plots ...................... 30
   2.10 Scatter Plots .......................................... 31
   2.11 Using MINITAB to Create Scatter Plots .................. 35
   2.12 Marginal Plots ......................................... 39
   2.13 Using MINITAB to Create Marginal Plots ................. 39
   Exercises ................................................... 39
3  Descriptive Representations of Data and Random Variables .... 49
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 49
   3.2  Descriptive Statistics ................................. 49
   3.3  Measures of Center ..................................... 50
   3.4  Measures of Spread ..................................... 54
   3.5  Using MINITAB to Calculate Descriptive Statistics ...... 58
   3.6  Random Variables and Their Distributions ............... 61
   3.7  Sampling Distributions ................................. 63
   Exercises ................................................... 74
4  Basic Statistical Inference ................................. 83
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 83
   4.2  Confidence Intervals ................................... 83
   4.3  Using MINITAB to Calculate Confidence Intervals for
        a Population Mean ...................................... 89
   4.4  Hypothesis Testing: A One-Sample t-Test for
        a Population Mean ...................................... 91
   4.5  Using MINITAB for a One-Sample t-Test .................. 97
   4.6  Power Analysis for a One-Sample t-Test ................ 103
   4.7  Using MINITAB for a Power Analysis for a One-Sample
        t-Test ................................................ 104
   4.8  Confidence Interval for the Difference between Two
        Means ................................................. 110
   4.9  Using MINITAB to Calculate a Confidence Interval for
        the Difference between Two Means ...................... 112
   4.10 Testing the Difference between Two Means .............. 115
   4.11 Using MINITAB to Test the Difference between Two
        Means ................................................. 118
   4.12 Using MINITAB to Create an Interval Plot .............. 119
   4.13 Using MINITAB for a Power Analysis for a Two-Sample
        t-Test ................................................ 121
   4.14 Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests for
        Proportions ........................................... 127
   4.15 Using MINITAB for a One-Sample Proportion ............. 131
   4.16 Power Analysis for a One-Sample Proportion ............ 133
   4.17 Differences between Two Proportions ................... 135
   4.18 Using MINITAB for Two-Sample Proportion Confidence
        Intervals and Hypothesis Tests ........................ 139
   4.19 Power Analysis for a Two-Sample Proportion ............ 141
   Exercises .................................................. 144
   Reference .................................................. 154
5  Simple Linear Regression ................................... 155
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 155
   5.2  Simple Linear Regression Model ........................ 156
   5.3  Model Assumptions ..................................... 163
   5.4  Finding the Equation of the Line of Best Fit .......... 164
   5.5  Using MINITAB for Simple Linear Regression ............ 167
   5.6  Regression Inference .................................. 171
   5.7  Inferences about the Population Regression
        Parameters ............................................ 172
   5.8  Using MINITAB to Test the Population Slope
        Parameter ............................................. 175
   5.9  Confidence Intervals for the Mean Response for
        a Specific Value of the Predictor Variable ............ 177
   5.10 Prediction Intervals for a Response for a Specific
        Value of the Predictor Variable ....................... 178
   5.11 Using MINITAB to Find Confidence and Prediction
        Intervals ............................................. 180
   Exercises .................................................. 190
6  More on Simple Linear Regression ........................... 193
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 193
   6.2  Coefficient of Determination .......................... 193
   6.3  Using MINITAB to Find the Coefficient of
        Determination ......................................... 195
   6.4  Sample Coefficient of Correlation ..................... 196
   6.5  Correlation Inference ................................. 200
   6.6  Using MINITAB for Correlation Analysis ................ 204
   6.7  Assessing Linear Regression Model Assumptions ......... 204
   6.8  Using MINITAB to Create Exploratory Plots of
        Residuals ............................................. 206
   6.9  Formal Test of the Normality Assumption ............... 217
   6.10 Using MINITAB for the Ryan-Joiner Test ................ 219
   6.11 Assessing Outliers .................................... 219
   6.12 Assessing Outliers: Leverage Values ................... 221
   6.13 Using MINITAB to Calculate Leverage Values ............ 222
   6.14 Assessing Outliers: Internally Studentized
        Residuals ............................................. 225
   6.15 Using MINITAB to Calculate Internally Studentized
        Residuals ............................................. 226
   6.16 Assessing Outliers: Cook's Distances .................. 228
   6.17 Using MINITAB to Find Cook's Distances ................ 228
   6.18 How to Deal with Outliers ............................. 229
   Exercises .................................................. 231
   References ................................................. 238
7  Multiple Regression Analysis ............................... 239
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 239
   7.2  Basics of Multiple Regression Analysis ................ 239
   7.3  Using MINITAB to Create a Matrix Plot ................. 242
   7.4  Using MINITAB for Multiple Regression ................. 245
   7.5  Coefficient of Determination for Multiple
        Regression ............................................ 248
   7.6  Analysis of Variance Table ............................ 248
   7.7  Testing Individual Population Regression Parameters ... 253
   7.8  Using MINITAB to Test Individual Regression
        Parameters ............................................ 256
   7.9  Multicollinearity ..................................... 257
   7.10 Variance Inflation Factors  ........................... 258
   7.11 Using MINITAB to Calculate Variance Inflation
        Factors ............................................... 261
   7.12 Multiple Regression Model Assumptions ................. 264
   7.13 Using MINITAB to Check Multiple Regression Model
        Assumptions ........................................... 264
   7.14 Quadratic and Higher-Order Predictor Variables ........ 268
   7.15 Using MINITAB to Create a Quadratic Variable .......... 268
   Exercises .................................................. 273
8  More on Multiple Regression ................................ 277
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 277
   8.2  Using Categorical Predictor Variables ................. 277
   8.3  Using MINITAB for Categorical Predictor Variables ..... 279
   8.4  Adjusted R2 ........................................... 284
   8.5  Best Subsets Regression ............................... 289
   8.6  Using MINITAB for Best Subsets Regression ............. 296
   8.7  Confidence and Prediction Intervals for Multiple
        Regression ............................................ 298
   8.8  Using MINITAB to Calculate Confidence and Prediction
        Intervals for a Multiple Regression Analysis .......... 299
   8.9  Assessing Outliers .................................... 302
   Exercises .................................................. 303
9  Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ............................... 307
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 307
   9.2  Basic Experimental Design ............................. 307
   9.3  One-Way ANOVA ......................................... 309
   9.4  Model Assumptions ..................................... 316
   9.5  Assumption of Constant Variance ....................... 317
   9.6  Normality Assumption .................................. 322
   9.7  Using MINITAB for One-Way ANOVAs ...................... 323
   9.8  Multiple Comparison Techniques ........................ 338
   9.9  Using MINITAB for Multiple Comparisons ................ 343
   9.10 Power Analysis and One-Way ANOVA ...................... 344
   Exercises .................................................. 348
   References ................................................. 351
10 Other Topics ............................................... 353
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 353
   10.2 Two-Way Analysis of Variance .......................... 353
   10.3 Using MINITAB for a Two-Way ANOVA ..................... 360
   10.4 Nonparametric Statistics .............................. 377
   10.5 Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test ............................. 378
   10.6 Using MINITAB for the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test ....... 382
   10.7 Kruskal-Wallis Test ................................... 388
   10.8 Using MINITAB for the Kruskal-Wallis Test ............. 391
   10.8 Basic Time Series Analysis ............................ 398
   Exercises .................................................. 411

Appendix A .................................................... 415

Index ......................................................... 427

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