Zelevinsky V. Quantum physics; vol.2: From time-dependent dynamics to many-body physics and quantum chaos (Weinheim, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаZelevinsky V. Quantum physics. Vol.2: From time-dependent dynamics to many-body physics and quantum chaos. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2011. - xiv, 566 p. - Ref.: p.551-553. - Ind.: p.563-566. - ISBN 978-3-527-40979-2

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... XIII

1  Nonstationary Perturbations .................................. 1
   1.1  Transition Probability .................................. 1
   1.2  Perturbative Solution ................................... 2
   1.3  Formal Series ........................................... 5
   1.4  Adiabatic Perturbations ................................. 7
   1.5  Adiabatic Perturbation Theory ........................... 8
   1.6  Nonadiabatic Transitions ............................... 10
   1.7  Geometric Phase ........................................ 13
   1.8  Sudden Perturbations ................................... 16
   1.9  Shake-Off Processes .................................... 19
2  Periodic Perturbations ...................................... 23
   2.1  Golden Rule ............................................ 23
   2.2  Beyond the First Order ................................. 26
   2.3  Degenerate States ...................................... 26
   2.4  Quasienergy ............................................ 28
   2.5  Final States in the Continuum .......................... 29
   2.6  Rotating Wave Approximation ............................ 35
   2.7  Interaction with the Quantized Field ................... 38
   2.8  Dressed States ......................................... 41
   2.9  Super-Radiance ......................................... 42
3  Scattering of Fast Charged Particles ........................ 47
   3.1  Scattering and Cross Section ........................... 47
   3.2  Rutherford Scattering .................................. 49
   3.3  Static Form-Factor ..................................... 51
   3.4  Screening .............................................. 54
   3.5  Atomic Excitation and Ionization ....................... 56
   3.6  Energy Losses .......................................... 58
   3.7  Coulomb Excitation ..................................... 60
4  Photons ..................................................... 63
   4.1  Introduction: Classical and Quantum Field .............. 63
   4.2  Hamiltonian Description of the Radiation Field ......... 64
   4.3  Quantization of the Radiation Field .................... 67
   4.4  Photon Wave Function ................................... 71
   4.5  Vector Spherical Harmonics ............................. 73
   4.6  Casimir Effect ......................................... 75
   4.7  Euler-Maclaurin Summation Formula ...................... 77
   4.8  Lamb Shift ............................................. 79
   4.9  Interaction of Radiation with Matter ................... 82
5  Photoabsorption and Photoemission ........................... 87
   5.1  Einstein Coefficients; Masers and Lasers ............... 87
   5.2  Photoabsorption ........................................ 91
   5.3  Long Wavelength Limit .................................. 92
   5.4  Higher Multipole Transitions ........................... 95
   5.5  Stimulated and Spontaneous Radiation ................... 97
   5.6  Dipole Radiation ....................................... 98
   5.7  Selection Rules and Examples .......................... 100
   5.8  Photoelectric Effect .................................. 103
6  Dispersion and the Scattering of Light ..................... 107
   6.1  Macroscopic Description ............................... 107
   6.2  Linear Response ....................................... 108
   6.3  Causality ............................................. 110
   6.4  Dielectric Function ................................... 112
   6.5  Dispersion Properties ................................. 114
   6.6  Quantum Damping ....................................... 116
   6.7  Dispersion Relations .................................. 118
   6.8  Description of Scattering ............................. 119
   6.9  Scattering Cross Section .............................. 121
   6.10 Coherent Scattering ................................... 123
   6.11 Resonance Fluorescence ................................ 124
   6.12 Scattering off Many Centers ........................... 125
7  Basics of Quantum Scattering ............................... 129
   7.1  Scattering and Observables ............................ 129
   7.2  Classical Scattering and Cross Section ................ 130
   7.3  Scattering Matrix ..................................... 133
   7.4  Transition Rate ....................................... 134
   7.5  Born Approximation .................................... 136
   7.6  Continuity Equation ................................... 138
   7.7  Elastic Scattering .................................... 139
   7.8  Unitarity and Optical Theorem ......................... 140
   7.9  Green Function ........................................ 142
   7.10 Born Series ........................................... 145
   7.11 Validity of the Born Approximation .................... 148
   7.12 Scattering at High Energies ........................... 150
11 Towards Relativistic Quantum Mechanics ..................... 225
   11.1  Limitations of the Approach .......................... 225
   11.2  Relativistic Units ................................... 226
   11.3  Lorentz Transformation ............................... 226
   11.4  Energy and Momentum .................................. 227
   11.5  Tensors and Notations ................................ 229
   11.6  Klein-Gordon Equation ................................ 231
   11.7  Current Conservation ................................. 233
   11.8  Particles and Antiparticles .......................... 234
   11.9  Electromagnetic Field ................................ 236
   11.10 Minimal Electromagnetic Coupling ..................... 237
   11.11 Photoabsorption at Higher Energies ................... 240
   11.12 Nuclear Photoeffect .................................. 242
   11.13 Estimates of Processes in QED ........................ 244
12 Dirac Equation: Formalism .................................. 249
   12.1 Introducing the Dirac Equation ........................ 249
   12.2 Covariant Form and Algebra ............................ 251
   12.3 Current ............................................... 253
   12.4 Charge Conjugation .................................... 254
   12.5 Relativistic Transformations .......................... 256
   12.6 Spin Operator ......................................... 258
   12.7 Bilinear Covariants ................................... 260
13 Dirac Equation: Solutions .................................. 265
   13.1 Free Motion ........................................... 265
   13.2 Dirac Sea ............................................. 266
   13.3 Explicit Solutions .................................... 267
   13.4 Complete Set of Solutions ............................. 270
   13.5 Pauli Equation ........................................ 273
   13.6 Second Order Effects .................................. 274
   13.7 Central Field ......................................... 276
   13.8 Coulomb Field ......................................... 279
   13.9 Static Uniform Magnetic Field ......................... 283
14 Discrete Symmetries, Neutrino and Kaons .................... 285
   14.1 Parity Transformation for a Dirac Particle ............ 285
   14.2 Time-Reversal Transformation .......................... 287
   14.3 CVT Transformation .................................... 288
   14.4 Massless Particles .................................... 289
   14.5 Neutrinos in the Massless Limit ....................... 291
   14.6 Parity Non-conservation Revisited ..................... 293
   14.7 Neutrino Oscillations ................................. 295
   14.8 Majorana Neutrinos .................................... 297
   14.9 Strangeness ........................................... 299
   14.10 Neutral Kaons and CP-parity .......................... 300
   14.11 Neutral Kaons and Quantum Regeneration ............... 303
15 Identical Particles ........................................ 307
   15.1 Indistinguishable Particles ........................... 307
   15.2 Permutational Symmetry ................................ 308
   15.3 Bosons and Fermions ................................... 310
   15.4 Wave Functions of Noninteracting Particles ............ 312
   15.5 Two-Nucleon States .................................... 315
   15.6 Scattering of Identical Particles ..................... 324
   15.7 Intensity Interferometry .............................. 328
16 Isospin .................................................... 331
   16.1 Introducing Isospin ................................... 331
   16.2 Isospin Invariance .................................... 333
   16.3 Isospin of Many-Body Systems .......................... 334
   16.4 Isospin and Space-Spin Symmetry ....................... 336
   16.5 A Glimpse of a More General Picture ................... 338
   16.6 Relations between Cross Sections ...................... 340
17 Secondary Quantization ..................................... 345
   17.1 Occupation Number Representation ...................... 345
   17.2 Introduction to Secondary Quantization ................ 347
   17.3 Bose-Statistics ....................................... 348
   17.4 Fermi-Statistics ...................................... 350
   17.5 Algebraic Relations ................................... 351
   17.6 One-Body Operators .................................... 352
   17.7 Two-Body Operators .................................... 356
   17.8 Interparticle Interaction in the Plane-Wave Basis ..... 357
   17.9 Interparticle Interaction in a Finite System .......... 359
18 Atomic and Nuclear Configurations .......................... 363
   18.1 Independent Particle Approximation .................... 363
   18.2 Adding Rotational Invariance .......................... 364
   18.3 Many-Particle Configurations .......................... 366
   18.4 Exchange Interaction .................................. 370
   18.5 Two-Electron System ................................... 372
   18.6 Helium Atom: Optical Spectrum ......................... 375
   18.7 Hund's Rules .......................................... 376
   18.8 Particle-Hole Symmetry ................................ 378
   18.9 Shell Structure ....................................... 380
19 Fermions ................................................... 383
   19.1 Ideal Fermi-Gas ....................................... 383
   19.2 Spin Paramagnetism .................................... 388
   19.3 Orbital Diamagnetism .................................. 391
   19.4 Introducing Mean Field ................................ 393
   19.5 Statistical Model ..................................... 395
   19.6 Screening in the Electron Gas ......................... 398
   19.7 Hartree-Fock Approximation ............................ 399
   19.8 Spatially Uniform System .............................. 402
   19.9 Coulomb Gas ........................................... 404
   19.10 Density Functional Theory ............................ 406
20 Collective Excitations ..................................... 409
   20.1 Linear Chain .......................................... 409
   20.2 Phonons ............................................... 413
   20.3 Phonon Modes .......................................... 415
   20.4 Spin Waves ............................................ 418
   20.5 Particle-Hole Excitations ............................. 424
   20.6 Density Fluctuations .................................. 426
   20.7 Random Phase Approximation ............................ 428
   20.8 Electron-Phonon Interaction ........................... 429
21 Bosons ..................................................... 433
   21.1 Bose-Einstein Condensation ............................ 433
   21.2 Condensate as a Reservoir; Chemical Potential ......... 435
   21.3 Weakly Non-ideal Gas .................................. 437
   21.4 Phonons ............................................... 439
   21.5 Superfluidity ......................................... 441
   21.6 Canonical Transformation .............................. 442
   21.7 Phonons as Density Waves .............................. 445
   21.8 Local Density Approximation ........................... 447
   21.9 Non-uniform Gas ....................................... 450
22 Fermion Pairing and Superconductivity ...................... 453
   22.1 Pairing ............................................... 453
   22.2 Pairs and Seniority ................................... 455
   22.3 Multipole Moments in the Seniority Scheme ............. 458
   22.4 Degenerate Model and Quasispin ........................ 459
   22.5 Canonical Transformation .............................. 462
   22.6 BCS Theory and Trial Wave Function .................... 466
   22.7 Energy Minimization ................................... 467
   22.8 Energy Gap ............................................ 469
   22.9 Excitation Spectrum ................................... 473
   22.10 Condensation Energy .................................. 477
   22.11 Transition Amplitudes ................................ 478
23 Density Matrix ............................................. 481
   23.1 Mixed States and Density Matrix ....................... 481
   23.2 Properties of the Density Matrix ...................... 482
   23.3 Thermal Equilibrium ................................... 486
   23.4 Polarization Density Matrix ........................... 489
   23.5 Application of Scattering ............................. 493
   23.6 Ensemble Entropy ...................................... 496
   23.7 Evolution of the Density Matrix ....................... 498
   23.8 Linear Response Revisited ............................. 500
   23.9 Electric Conductivity ................................. 501
24 Quantum Chaos .............................................. 505
   24.1 Classical and Quantum Chaos ........................... 505
   24.2 Local Spectral Statistics: Poisson Distribution ....... 508
   24.3 Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble .......................... 512
   24.4 Level Spacing Distribution ............................ 514
   24.5 GOE and Information ................................... 517
   24.6 Universality Classes .................................. 518
   24.7 Semicircle Law ........................................ 521
   24.8 Chaotic Eigenfunctions ................................ 527
   24.9 Complexity and Information Entropy .................... 531
   24.10 Porter-Thomas and Related Distributions .............. 533
25 Quantum Entanglement ....................................... 535
   25.1 Entanglement .......................................... 535
   25.2 Teleportation ......................................... 536
   25.3 Mathematics of Entanglement ........................... 538
   25.4 Quantum Bell Inequalities ............................. 541
   25.5 EPR(B) Paradox and Hidden Variables ................... 543
   25.6 Experimental Tests .................................... 546
   25.7 Decoherence and Measurement Paradox ................... 547
   References ................................................. 551
   Further Reading ............................................ 555

Index ......................................................... 563

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