Sahimi M. Flow and transport in porous media and fractured rock: from classical methods to modern approaches (Weinheim, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSahimi M. Flow and transport in porous media and fractured rock: from classical methods to modern approaches. - 2nd, rev. and enlarged ed. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2011. - xxiv, 709 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.633-700. - Ind.: p.701-709. - ISBN 978-3-527-40485-8

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface to the Second Edition .............................. XIX
   Preface to the First Edition ............................. XXIII

1  Continuum versus Discrete Models ............................. 1
   1.1  A Hierarchy of Heterogeneities and Length Scales ........ 2
   1.2  Long-Range Correlations and Connectivity ................ 3
   1.3  Continuum versus Discrete Models ........................ 5
2  The Equations of Change ...................................... 9
   2.1  The Mass Conservation Equation .......................... 9
   2.2  The Momentum Equation .................................. 10
   2.3  The Diffusion and Convective-Diffusion Equations ....... 11
   2.4  Fluid Flow in Porous Media ............................. 12
3  Characterization of Pore Space Connectivity: Percolation
   Theory ...................................................... 15
   3.1  Network Model of a Porous Medium ....................... 15
   3.2  Percolation Theory ..................................... 18
   3.3  Connectivity and Clustering Properties ................. 23
   3.4  Flow and Transport Properties .......................... 24
   3.5  The Sample-Spanning Cluster and Its Backbone ........... 25
   3.6  Universal Properties ................................... 27
   3.7  The Significance of Power Laws ......................... 28
   3.8  Dependence of Network Properties on Length Scale ....... 28
   3.9  Finite-Size Effects .................................... 30
   3.10 Random Networks and Continuum Models ................... 31
   3.11 Differences between Network and Continuum Models ....... 33
   3.12 Porous Materials with Low Percolation Thresholds ....... 35
   3.13 Network Models with Correlations ....................... 35
   3.14 A Glance at History .................................... 36
4  Characterization of the Morphology of Porous Media .......... 39
   4.1  Porosity ............................................... 41
   4.2  Fluid Saturation ....................................... 43
   4.3  Specific Surface Area .................................. 44
   4.4  The Tortuosity Factor .................................. 44
   4.5  Correlations in Porosity and Pore Sizes ................ 45
   4.6  Surface Energy and Surface Tension ..................... 47
   4.7  Laplace Pressure and the Young-Laplace Equation ........ 48
   4.8  Contact Angles and Wetting: The Young-Dupre Equation ... 49
   4.9  The Washburn Equation and Capillary Pressure ........... 50
   4.10 Measurement of Capillary Pressure ...................... 53
   4.11 Pore Size Distribution ................................. 54
   4.12 Mercury Porosimetry .................................... 55
   4.13 Sorption in Porous Media ............................... 76
   4.14 Pore Size Distribution from Small-Angle Scattering
        Data ................................................... 87
   4.15 Pore Size Distribution from Nuclear Magnetic
        Resonance .............................................. 88
   4.16 Determination of the Connectivity of Porous Media ...... 91
   4.17 Fractal Properties of Porous Media ..................... 96
5  Characterization of Field-Scale Porous Media:
   Geostatistical Concepts and Self-Affine Distributions ...... 209
   5.1  Estimators of a Population of Data .................... 111
   5.2  Heterogeneity of a Field-Scale Porous Medium .......... 113
   5.3  Correlation Functions ................................. 117
   5.4  Models of Semivariogram ............................... 121
   5.5  Infinite Correlation Length: Self-Affine
        Distributions ......................................... 122
   5.6  Interpolating the Data: Kriging ....................... 132
   5.7  Conditional Simulation ................................ 138
6  Characterization of Fractures, Fracture Networks, and
   Fractured Porous Media ..................................... 143
   6.1  Surveys and Data Acquisition .......................... 144
   6.2  Characterization of Surface Morphology of Fractures ... 146
   6.3  Generation of a Rough Surface: Fractional Brownian
        Motion ................................................ 151
   6.4  The Correlation Function for a Rough Surface .......... 152
   6.5  Characterization of a Single Fracture ................. 152
   6.6  Characterization of Fracture Networks ................. 156
   6.7  Characterization of Fractured Porous Media ............ 170
7  Models of Porous Media ..................................... 279
   7.1  Models of Porous Media ................................ 279
   7.2  Continuum Models ...................................... 285
   7.3  Models Based on Diagenesis of Porous Media ............ 299
   7.4  Reconstruction of Porous Media ........................ 202
   7.5  Models of Field-Scale Porous Media .................... 205
8  Models of Fractures and Fractured Porous Media ............. 213
   8.1  Models of a Single Fracture ........................... 213
   8.2  Models of Fracture Networks ........................... 215
   8.3  Reconstruction Methods ................................ 229
   8.4  Synthetic Fractal Models .............................. 232
   8.5  Mechanical Models of Fracture Networks ................ 234
   8.6  Percolation Properties of Fractures ................... 241
   8.7  Models of Fractured Porous Media ...................... 247
9  Single-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media:
   The Continuum Approach ..................................... 253
   9.1  Derivation of Darcy's Law: Ensemble Averaging ......... 253
   9.2  Measurement of Permeability ........................... 256
   9.3  Exact Results ......................................... 257
   9.4  Effective-Medium and Mean-Field Approximations ........ 265
   9.5  Cluster Expansion ..................................... 269
   9.6  Rigorous Bounds ....................................... 271
   9.7  Empirical Correlations ................................ 273
   9.8  Packings of Nonspherical Particles .................... 274
   9.9  Numerical Simulation .................................. 275
   9.10 Relation between Permeability and Electrical
        Conductivity .......................................... 291
   9.11 Relation between Permeability and Nuclear Magnetic
        Resonance ............................................. 292
   9.12 Dynamic Permeability .................................. 295
   9.13 Non-Darcy Flow ........................................ 297
10 Single-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media:
   The Pore Network Approach .................................. 299
   10.1 The Pore Network Models ............................... 301
   10.2 Exact Formulation and Perturbation Expansion .......... 303
   10.3 Anomalous Diffusion and Effective-Medium
        Approximation ......................................... 326
   10.4 Archie's Law and the Effective-Medium Approximation ... 322
   10.5 Renormalization Group Methods ......................... 324
   10.6 Renormalized Effective-Medium Approximation ........... 329
   10.7 The Bethe Lattice Model ............................... 332
   10.8 Critical Path Analysis ................................ 333
   10.9 Random Walk Method .................................... 337
   10.10 Non-Darcy Flow ....................................... 338
11 Dispersion in Flow through Porous Media .................... 342
   11.1 The Phenomenon of Dispersion .......................... 342
   11.2 Mechanisms of Dispersion Processes .................... 342
   11.3 The Convective-Diffusion Equation ..................... 343
   11.4 The Dispersivity Tensor ............................... 345
   11.5 Measurement of the Dispersion Coefficients ............ 346
   11.6 Dispersion in Systems with Simple Geometry ............ 354
   11.7 Classification of Dispersion Regimes in Porous
        Media ................................................. 359
   11.8 Continuum Models of Dispersion in Porous Media ........ 361
   11.9 Fluid-Mechanical Models ............................... 363
   11.10 Pore Network Models .................................. 367
   11.11 Long-Time Tails: Dead-End Pores versus Disorder ...... 370
   11.12 Dispersion in Short Porous Media ..................... 372
   11.13 Dispersion in Porous Media with Percolation
         Disorder ............................................. 374
   11.14 Dispersion in Field-Scale Porous Media ............... 382
   11.15 Numerical Simulation ................................. 403
   11.16 Dispersion in Unconsolidated Porous Media ............ 410
   11.17 Dispersion in Stratified Porous Media ................ 412
12 Single-Phase Flow and Transport in Fractures and
   Fractured Porous Media ..................................... 415
   12.1 Experimental Aspects of Flow in a Fracture ............ 416
   12.2 Flow in a Single Fracture ............................. 418
   12.3 Conduction in a Fracture .............................. 429
   12.4 Dispersion in a Fracture .............................. 435
   12.5 Flow and Conduction in Fracture Networks .............. 441
   12.6 Dispersion in Fracture Networks ....................... 447
   12.7 Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media .......... 450
13 Miscible Displacements ..................................... 467
   13.1 Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Miscible
        Displacements ......................................... 469
   13.2 The Phenomenon of Fingering ........................... 473
   13.3 Factors Affecting Fingering ........................... 476
   13.4 Gravity Segregation ................................... 480
   13.5 Models of Miscible Displacements in Hele-Shaw Cells ... 481
   13.6 Averaged Continuum Models of Miscible Displacements ... 487
   13.7 Numerical Simulation .................................. 492
   13.8 Stability Analysis .................................... 495
   13.9 Stochastic Models ..................................... 500
   13.10 Pore Network Models .................................. 509
   13.11 Crossover from Fractal to Compact Displacement ....... 511
   13.12 Miscible Displacements in Large-Scale Porous Media ... 522
   13.13 Miscible Displacements in Fractures .................. 514
   13.14 Main Considerations in Miscible Displacements ........ 515
14 Immiscible Displacements and Multiphase Flows:
   Experimental Aspects and Continuum Modeling ................ 529
   14.1 Wettability and Contact Angles ........................ 519
   14.2 Core Preparation and Wettability Considerations ....... 521
   14.3 Measurement of Contact Angle and Wettability .......... 524
   14.4 The Effect of Surface Roughness on Contact Angle ...... 527
   14.5 Dependence of Dynamic Contact Angle and Capillary
        Pressure on Capillary Number .......................... 527
   14.6 Fluids on Rough Self-Affine Surfaces: Hypodiffusion
        and Hyperdiffusion .................................... 529
   14.7 Effect of Wettability on Capillary Pressure ........... 531
   14.8 Immiscible Displacement Processes ..................... 535
   14.9 Mobilization of Blobs: Choke-Off and Pinch-Off ........ 540
   14.10 Relative Permeability ................................ 543
   14.11 Measurement of Relative Permeabilities ............... 544
   14.12 Effect of Wettability on Relative Permeability ....... 552
   14.13 Models of Multiphase Flow and Displacement ........... 553
   14.14 Fractional Flows and the Buckley-Leverett Equation ... 554
   14.15 The Hilfer Formulation: Questioning the Macroscopic
         Capillary Pressure ................................... 556
   14.16 Two-Phase Flow in Unconsolidated Porous Media ........ 557
   14.20 Two-Phase Flow in Fractured Porous Media ............. 572
15 Immiscible Displacements and Multiphase Flows: Network
   Models ..................................................... 575
   15.1 Pore Network Models of Capillary-Controlled Two-
        Phase Flow ............................................ 575
   15.2 Simulating the Flow of Thin Wetting Films ............. 585
   15.3 Displacements with Two Invaders and Two Defenders ..... 588
   15.4 Random Percolation with Trapping ...................... 593
   15.5 Crossover from Fractal to Compact Displacement ........ 593
   15.6 Pinning of a Fluid Interface .......................... 596
   15.7 Finite-Size Effects and Devil's Staircase ............. 598
   15.8 Displacement under the Influence of Gravity:
        Gradient Percolation .................................. 599
   15.9 Computation of Relative Permeabilities ................ 601
   15.10 Models of Immiscible Displacements with Finite
         Capillary Numbers .................................... 608
   15.11 Phase Diagram for Displacement Processes ............. 623
   15.12 Dispersion in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media ......... 624
   15.13 Models of Two-Phase Flow in Unconsolidated Porous
         Media ................................................ 617
   15.14 Three-Phase Flow ..................................... 620
   15.15 Two-Phase Flow in Fractures and Fractured Porous
         Media ................................................ 631

   References ................................................. 633
   Index ...................................................... 701

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