Proof and other dilemmas: mathematics and philosophy ([Washington], 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаProof and other dilemmas: mathematics and philosophy / ed. by B.Gold, R.A.Simons. - [Washington]: Mathematical Association of America, 2008. - xxxii, 346 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-0-88385-567-6

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi
Introduction ................................................. xiii

I   Proof and How it is Changing ................................ 1
    1  Proof: Its Nature and Significance, Michael Detlefsen .... 3
    2  Implications of Experimental Mathematics for the
       Philosophy of Mathematics, Jonathan Borwein ............. 33
    3  On the Roles of Proof in Mathematics, Joseph 
       Auslander ............................................... 61
II  SociaC Constructivist Views of Mathematics ................. 79
    4  When Is a Problem Solved?, Philip J. Davis .............. 81
    5  Mathematical Practice as a Scientific Problem, Reuben
       Hersh ................................................... 95
    6  Mathematical Domains: Social Constructs?, Julian 
       Cole ................................................... 109
III The Nature of Mathematical Objects and Mathematical 
    Knowledge ................................................. 129
    7  The Existence of Mathematical Objects, Charles
       Chihara ................................................ 131
    8  Mathematical Objects, Stewart Shapiro .................. 157
    9  Mathematical Platonism, Mark Balaguer .................. 179
    10 The Nature of Mathematical Objects, Øystein Linnebo .... 205
    11 When is One Thing Equal to Some Other Thing?, Barry 
       Mazur .................................................. 221

IV  The Nature of Mathematics and its Applications ............ 243
    12 Extreme Science: Mathematics as the Science of
       Relations as Such, R.S.D. Thomas ....................... 245
    13 What is Mathematics? A Pedagogical Answer to a 
       Philosophical Question, Guershon Harel ................. 265
    14 What Will Count as Mathematics in 2100?, Keith
       Devlin ................................................. 291
    15 Mathematics Applied: The Case of Addition, Mark
       Steiner ................................................ 313
    16 Probability - A Philosophical Overview, Alan Hájek ..... 323

Glossary of Common Philosophical Terms ........................ 341
About the Editors ............................................. 345

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