Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance: theory and applications (Weinheim, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMultifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance: theory and applications / ed. by Sushil K. Misra. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2011. - xxxiii, 1022 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.1009-1022. - ISBN 978-3-527-40779-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... XXIX
List of Contributors ......................................... XXXI

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   Sushil K. Misra
   1.1  Introduction to EPR ..................................... 1
   1.2  Historical Background of EPR ............................ 2
   1.3  Typical X-Band, Low-, and High-Frequency
        Spectrometers ........................................... 3
   1.4  Applications of EPR .................................... 15
   1.5  Scope of This Book ..................................... 20
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 21
   Further Reading ............................................. 21

2  Multifrequency Aspects of EPR ............................... 23
   Sushil K. Misra
   2.1  Frequency Bands ........................................ 23
   2.2  X-Band EPR ............................................. 23
   2.3  EPR at Higher Frequencies (HF) ......................... 24
   2.4  Low-Frequency EPR ...................................... 34
   2.5  Multifrequency EPR ..................................... 39
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 53
   Pertinent Literature ........................................ 53
   References .................................................. 54

3  Basic Theory of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ............. 57
   Sushil K. Misra
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 57
   3.2  Crystal-Field Theory ................................... 58
   3.3  Superposition Model (SPM) .............................. 83
   3.4  Molecular Orbital (MO) Approach ........................ 85
   3.5  The Jahn-Teller (jT) Effect ............................ 92
   3.6  The Spin Hamiltonian .................................. 102
   3.7  Concluding Remarks .................................... 111
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 111
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 111
   References ................................................. 111

Part One  Experimental ........................................ 115

4  Spectrometers .............................................. 117
   4.1  Zero-Field EPR ........................................ 117
        Sushil K. Misra
   4.2  Low-Frequency CW-EPR Spectrometers: 10MHz to 100GHz ... 128
        Harvey A. Buckmaster
   4.3  High-Frequency EPR Spectrometers ...................... 175
        Edward Reijerse
   4.4  Pulsed Techniques in EPR .............................. 290
        Sankaran Subramanian and Murali C. Krishna
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 224
   References ................................................. 225

5  Multifrequency EPR: Experimental Considerations ............ 229
   5.1  Multiarm EPR Spectroscopy at Multiple Microwave
        Frequencies: Multiquantum (MQ) EPR, MQ-ELDOR,
        Saturation Recovery (SR) EPR, and SR-ELDOR ............ 229
        James S. Hyde, Robert A. Strangeway, and Theodore
        G. Camenisch
   5.2  Resonators for Multifrequency EPR of Spin Labels ...... 244
        James S. Hyde, Jason W. Sidabras, Richard R. Mett
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 269
   References ................................................. 269
   5.3  Multifrequency EPR Sensitivity ........................ 270
        George A. Rinard, Richard W. Quine, Sandra S. Eaton,
        and Gareth R. Eaton
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 292
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 292
   References ................................................. 292

Part Two  Theoretical ......................................... 295

6  First Principles Approach to Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters ... 297
   Frank Neese
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 297
   6.2  The Spin Hamiltonian .................................. 298
   6.3  Electronic Structure Theory of Spin-Hamiltonian
        Parameters ............................................ 300
   6.4  Concluding Remarks .................................... 323
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 324
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 325
   References ................................................. 325

7  Spin Hamiltonians and Site Symmetries for Transition
   Ions ....................................................... 327
   Sushil K. Misra
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 327
   7.2  Spin Hamiltonians ..................................... 328
   7.3  Spin-Hamiltonian Terms for Various Site Symmetries .... 332
   7.4  Transition Ions ....................................... 333
   7.5  Concluding Remarks .................................... 363
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 363
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 363
   References ................................................. 363
   Appendix 7.I   Spin Operators and Their Matrix Elements .... 365
   Appendix 7.II  Descent of Symmetry ......................... 381
   Appendix 7.III Site Symmetries of Host Crystals ............ 382

8  Evaluation of Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters from
   Multifrequency EPR Data .................................... 385
   Sushil K. Misra
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 385
   8.2  Perturbation Approach ................................. 386
   8.3  Brute-Force Methods to Evaluate SHP ................... 394
   8.4  Least-Squares Fitting (LSF) Method .................... 395
   8.5  Other Applications of the LSF Method .................. 401
   8.6  Concluding Remarks .................................... 408
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 410
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 420
   References ................................................. 420
   Appendix 8.1  Historical Review ............................ 422

9  Simulation of EPR Spectra .................................. 427
   Sushil K. Misra
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 417
   9.2  Simulation of Single-Crystal Spectrum ................. 417
   9.3  Simulation of a Polycrystalline Spectrum .............. 421
   9.4  Evaluation of Spin-Hamiltonian (SH) Parameters and
        the Linewidth from a Polycrystalline EPR Spectrum ..... 429
   9.5  Simulation of EPR Spectra in Disordered Materials:
        Application to Glassy Materials ....................... 437
   9.6  Simulation of EPR Spectra in Disordered Random
        Network Materials ..................................... 448
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 451
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 451
   References ................................................. 452
   Appendix 9.1 The Eigenfield Equation ....................... 453

10 Relaxation of Paramagnetic Spins ........................... 455
   Sushil K. Misra 
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 455
   10.2 Equilibrium Magnetization of a Paramagnetic Spin
        System ................................................ 457
   10.3 Relaxation Phenomena: Spin-Lattice and Spin-Spin
        Relaxation Times ...................................... 458
   10.4 Rotating Frame ........................................ 459
   10.5 Experimental Techniques to Measure Relaxation Times ... 460
   10.6 Relaxation Mechanisms ................................. 468
   Pertinent literature ....................................... 490
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 491
   References ................................................. 491
   Appendix 10.1 Early History of Paramagnetic Spin-Lattice
   Relaxation ................................................. 494

11 Molecular Motions .......................................... 497
   Sushil K. Misra and Jack H. Freed
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 497
   11.2 Historical Background ................................. 498
   11.3 High-Field Multifrequency CW-EPR Experiments to
        Unravel Molecular Motion .............................. 500
   11.4 Pulsed EPR Study of Molecular Motion .................. 514
   11.5 Simulation of Multifrequency EPR Spectra Using More
        Atomistic Detail Including Molecular Dynamics and
        Stochastic Trajectories ............................... 522
   11.6 Concluding Remarks .................................... 541
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 541
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 541
   References ................................................. 542

12 Distance Measurements: Continuous-Wave (CW)- and Pulsed
   Dipolar EPR ................................................ 545
   Sushil K. Misra and Jack H. Freed
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 545
   12.2 The Dipolar Interaction and Distance Measurements ..... 547
   12.3 CW EPR Method to Measure Distances .................... 548
   12.4 Pulsed Dipolar EPR Spectroscopy (PDS) ................. 549
   12.5 Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER) ............. 550
   12.6 Six-Pulse DQC ......................................... 559
   12.7 Sensitivity Considerations: Multifrequency Aspects .... 570
   12.8 Distance Distributions: Tikhonov Regularization ....... 573
   12.9 Additional Technical Aspects of DEER and DQC .......... 574
   12.10 Concluding Remarks ................................... 576
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 576
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 576
   References ................................................. 576
   Appendix 12.1 Density-Matrix Derivation of Echo Signal
      for Three-Pulse DEER .................................... 578
   Appendix 12.II Density-Matrix Derivation of the Echo
      Signal for Four-Pulse DEER .............................. 582
   Appendix 12.III Spin Hamiltonian for Coupled Nitroxides
      Used in Six-Pulse DQC Calculation ....................... 584
   Appendix 12.IV Algorithm to Calculate Six-Pulse DQC
      Signal .................................................. 586
   Appendix 12.V Approximate Analytic Expressions for 1-D
      DQC Signal .............................................. 587

Part Three  Applications ...................................... 589

13 Determination of Large Zero-Field Splitting ................ 591
   Sushil K. Misra
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 591
   13.2 ZFS of Kramers and Non-Kramers Ions in Different
        Environments .......................................... 592
   13.3 Concluding Remarks .................................... 596
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 597
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 597
   References ................................................. 597

14 Determination of Non-Coincident Anisotropic fig.2
   Tensors: Low-Symmetry Considerations ....................... 599
   Sushil K. Misra
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 599
   14.2 Spin Hamiltonian ...................................... 599
   14.3 Eigenvalues ........................................... 601
   14.4 Evaluation of SHPs by the LSF Technique ............... 606
   14.5 Numerical Evaluation of the Derivatives Required in
        the LSF Procedure ..................................... 614
   14.6 General Remarks ....................................... 626
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 628
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 628
   References ................................................. 628

15 Biological Systems ......................................... 629
   Boris Dzikovski
   15.1 Introduction .......................................... 619
   15.2 VHF EPR as the g-Resolved EPR Spectroscopy ............ 620
   15.3 Effect of Polarity of the Environment on the
        g-Factor .............................................. 623
   15.4 Improvement in Orientational Resolution for Spin
        Labels ................................................ 628
   15.5 Simulation of EPR Spectra at Various Frequencies:
        Simple Limiting Cases ................................. 630
   15.6 Macroscopically Aligned Phospholipid Membranes ........ 631
   15.7 Metalloproteins ....................................... 636
   15.8 Concluding Remarks .................................... 641
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 642
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 642
   References ................................................. 643

16 Copper Coordination Environments ........................... 647
   William E. Antholine, Brian Bennett, and Graeme R. Hanson
   16.1 Introduction .......................................... 647
   16.2 Multifrequency EPR Toolkit ............................ 649
   16.3 Multifrequency EPR Simulation of Square-Planar-Based
        Cu(II) ................................................ 660
   16.4 Copper-Coordination Environments: Multifrequency
        EPR of Three-Coordinate Copper and Mixed-Valence
        Dinuclear Copper [Cu(1.5+) Cu(1.5+)] .................. 677
   16.5 Structural Characterization of Copper(II) Cyclic
        Peptide Complexes Employing Multifrequency EPR and
        Computational Chemistry ............................... 699
   16.6 Summary ............................................... 711
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 711
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 712
   Section 16.3 ............................................... 712
   Section 16.4 ............................................... 713
   References ................................................. 714

17 Multifrequency Electron Spin-Relaxation Times .............. 729
   Careth R. Eaton and Sandra S. Eaton
   17.1 Introduction and Scope of the Chapter ................. 729
   17.2 Spin-Spin Relaxation, T2 and Tm ....................... 720
   17.3 Spin-lattice Relaxation, T1 ........................... 726
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 748
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 748
   References ................................................. 748

18 EPR Imaging: Theory and Instrumentation .................... 755
   Rizwan Ahmad and Periannan Kuppusamy
   18.1 Introduction .......................................... 755
   18.2 EPR Principle: Zeeman Effect .......................... 756
   18.3 CW-EPR Imager ......................................... 760
   18.4 Data Acquisition for CW-EPR and EPRI .................. 769
   18.5 Important Imaging Parameters .......................... 774
   18.6 Image Reconstruction .................................. 776
   18.7 Other Data Collection Modalities ...................... 783
   18.8 Constraints for Biological Applications ............... 785
   18.9 Special Imaging Applications .......................... 786
   18.10 Scope and Limitations ................................ 790
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 791
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 792
   References ................................................. 792

19 Multifrequency EPR Microscopy: Experimental and
   Theoretical Aspects ........................................ 795
   Aharon Blank
   19.1 General ............................................... 795
   19.2 Introduction .......................................... 795
   19.3 General Experimental Aspects of EPR Microscopy ........ 798
   19.4 Specific Aspects of Multifrequency EPR Microscopy at
        Various Temperatures .................................. 811
   19.5 Illustrative Examples ................................. 815
   19.6 Conclusions and Future Prospects ...................... 821
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 821
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 821
   References ................................................. 822

20 EPR Studies of Nanomaterials ............................... 825
   Alex Smirnov
   20.1 Introduction .......................................... 825
   20.2 EPR Studies of Magnetic Nanostructures ................ 827
   20.3 Characterization of Nanostructured Oxide
        Semiconductors for Photoactivated Catalysis and
        Solar Energy Conversion ............................... 832
   20.4 Surface Radicals, Catalytic Activity, Cytotoxicity,
        and Radical-Scavenging Properties of Nanomaterials .... 833
   20.5 Spin-Labeling EPR Studies of Ligand-Protected
        Nanoparticles and Hybrid Nanostructures ............... 835
   20.6 Summary and Future Perspectives ....................... 841
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 842
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 842
   References ................................................. 842

21 Single-Molecule Magnets and Magnetic Quantum Tunneling ..... 845
   Sushil K. Misra
   21.1 Introduction .......................................... 845
   21.2 Multifrequency EPR of SMMs: Magnetic Hysteresis and
        MQT ................................................... 852
   21.3 Magnetic Quantum Tunneling (MQT): Pure and Thermally
        Assisted Tunneling .................................... 867
   21.4 Concluding Remarks .................................... 872
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 872
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 872
   References ................................................. 872

22 Multifrequency EPR on Photosynthetic Systems ............... 875
   Sushil K. Misra, Klaus Möbius, and Anton Savitsky
   22.1 Introduction .......................................... 875
   22.2 Nonoxygenic Photosynthesis ............................ 880
   22.3 Multifrequency EPR on Bacterial Photosynthetic
        Reaction Centers (RCs) ................................ 882
   22.4 Oxygenic Photosynthesis ............................... 897
   22.5 Concluding Remarks .................................... 902
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 904
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 904
   References ................................................. 905

23 Measurement of Superconducting Caps ........................ 913
   Sushil K. Misra
   23.1 Introduction .......................................... 913
   23.2 The Superconducting Gap ............................... 913
   23.3 Measurement of SCG .................................... 914
   23.4 Concluding Remarks .................................... 917
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 918
   References ................................................. 919

24 Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) at High Magnetic
   Fields ..................................................... 922
   Thomas Prisner and Mark J. Prandolini
   24.1 Introduction .......................................... 921
   24.2 Historical Aspects (Metals, Solids and Liquids) at
        Lower Magnetic Fields ................................. 922
   24.3 Theory ................................................ 924
   24.4 Hardware (High-Frequency Microwave Equipment, SS-MAS
        DNP, HF-Liquid DNP, Dissolution DNP, Shuttle-DNP) ..... 936
   24.5 First Applications and Outlook ........................ 942

25 Chemically Induced Electron and Nuclear Polarization ....... 947
   Lawrence J. Berliner and Elena Bagryanskaya
   25.1 Introduction .......................................... 947
   25.2 History of the CIDNP Phenomenon ....................... 948
   25.3 The Radical Pair Mechanism ............................ 948
   25.4 Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization ....... 952
   25.5 Chemically Induced Dynamic Electron Polarization ...... 967
   25.6 Conclusion ............................................ 984
   Pertinent Literature ....................................... 986
   References ................................................. 988

Part Four  Future Perspectives ................................ 993

26 Future Perspectives ........................................ 995
   Sushil K. Misra
   26.1 Spectroscopic Techniques Currently Available in EPR ... 995
   26.2 Cutting-Edge Topics ................................... 999
   26.3 Desirable Applications of EPR ........................ 1003
   26.4 Future of EPR ........................................ 1003
   Acknowledgments ........................................... 1004

Appendix Al  Fundamental Constants and Conversion Factors
   used in EPR ............................................... 1005

Index ........................................................ 1009

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