Crystal structure analysis: principles and practice (Oxford, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCrystal structure analysis: principles and practice / A.J.Blake et al.; ed. by W.Clegg. - 2nd ed. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. - xvii, 387 p.: ill. - (International Union of Crystallography book series; 13). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.385-387. - ISBN 978-0-19-921947-6

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction to diffraction .................................. 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  X-ray scattering from electrons ......................... 1
   1.3  X-ray scattering from atoms ............................. 1
   1.4  X-ray scattering from a unit cell ....................... 2
   1.5  The effects of the crystal lattice ...................... 2
   1.6  X-ray scattering from the crystal ....................... 3
   1.7  The structure-factor equation ........................... 4
   1.8  The electron-density equation ........................... 5
   1.9  A mathematical relationship ............................. 6
   1.10 Bragg's law ............................................. 6
   1.11 Resolution .............................................. 7
   1.12 The phase problem ....................................... 8
2  Introduction to symmetry and diffraction ..................... 9
   2.1  The relationship between a crystal structure and its
        diffraction pattern ..................................... 9
   2.2  Translation symmetry in crystalline solids ............. 10
   2.3  Symmetry of individual molecules, with relevance to
        crystalline solids ..................................... 12
   2.4  Symmetry in the solid state ............................ 16
   2.5  Diffraction and symmetry ............................... 18
   2.6  Further points ......................................... 20
   Exercises ................................................... 24
3  Crystal growth and evaluation ............................... 27
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 27
   3.2  Protect your crystals .................................. 27
   3.3  Crystal growth ......................................... 28
   3.4  Survey of methods ...................................... 28
   3.5  Evaluation ............................................. 35
   3.6 Crystal mounting ........................................ 36
4  Space-group determination ................................... 41
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 41
   4.2  Prior knowledge and information other than from
        diffraction ............................................ 42
   4.3  Metric symmetry and Laue symmetry ...................... 43
   4.4  Unit cell contents ..................................... 43
   4.5  Systematic absences .................................... 44
   4.6  The statistical distribution of intensities ............ 47
   4.7  Other points ........................................... 48
   4.8  A brief conducted tour of some entries in
        International Tables for Crystallography, Volume A ..... 50
   Exercises ................................................... 52
5  Background theory for data collection ....................... 53
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 53
   5.2  A step-wise theoretical journey through an
        experiment ............................................. 53
   5.3  The geometry of X-ray diffraction ...................... 55
   5.4  Determining the unit cell: the indexing process ........ 58
   5.5  Relating diffractometer angles to unit cell
        parameters: determination of the orientation matrix .... 62
   5.6  Data-collection procedures and strategies .............. 64
   5.7  Extracting data intensities: data integration and
        reduction .............................................. 67
   Exercises ................................................... 72
6  Practical aspects of data collection ........................ 73
   6.1 Introduction ............................................ 73
   6.2  Collecting data with area-detector diffractometers ..... 73
   6.3  Experimental conditions ................................ 75
   6.4  Types of area detector ................................. 77
   6.5  Some characteristics of CCD area-detector systems ...... 80
   6.6  Crystal screening ...................................... 82
   6.7  Data collection ........................................ 88
   Exercises ................................................... 91
7  Practical aspects of data processing ........................ 93
   7.1  Data reduction and correction .......................... 93
   7.2  Integration input and output ........................... 93
   7.3  Corrections ............................................ 94
   7.4  Output ................................................. 95
   7.5  A typical experiment? .................................. 95
   7.6  Examples of more problematic cases ..................... 96
   7.7  Twinning and area-detector data ........................ 98
   7.8  Some other special cases (in brief) .................... 99
   Exercises .................................................. 101
8  Fourier syntheses .......................................... 103
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 103
   8.2  Forward and reverse Fourier transforms ................ 104
   8.3  Some mathematical and computing considerations ........ 107
   8.4  Uses of different kinds of Fourier syntheses .......... 108
   8.5  Weights in Fourier syntheses .......................... 112
   8.6  Illustration in one dimension ......................... 113
   Exercises .................................................. 115
9  Patterson syntheses for structure determination ............ 117
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 117
   9.2  What the Patterson synthesis means .................... 118
   9.3  Finding heavy atoms from a Patterson map .............. 121
   9.4  Patterson syntheses giving more than one possible
        solution, and other problems .......................... 126
   9.5  Patterson search methods .............................. 128
   Exercises .................................................. 131
10 Direct methods of crystal-structure determination .......... 133
   10.1 Amplitudes and phases ................................. 133
   10.2 The physical basis of direct methods .................. 134
   10.3 Constraints on the electron density ................... 135
   Exercises .................................................. 147
11 An introduction to maximum entropy ......................... 149
   11.1 Entropy ............................................... 149
   11.2 Maximum entropy ....................................... 150
   11.3 Electron-density maps ................................. 153
12 Least-squares fitting of parameters ........................ 155
   12.1 Weighted mean ......................................... 155
   12.2 Linear regression ..................................... 156
   12.3 Non-linear least squares .............................. 162
   12.4 Ill-conditioning ...................................... 164
   12.5 Computing time ........................................ 165
   Exercises .................................................. 167
13 Refinement of crystal structures ........................... 169
   13.1 Equations ............................................. 169
   13.2 Reasons for performing refinement ..................... 172
   13.3 Data quality and limitations .......................... 175
   13.4 Refinement fundamentals ............................... 177
   13.5 Refinement strategies ................................. 180
   13.6 Under- and over-parameterization ...................... 182
   13.7 Pseudo-symmetry, wrong space groups and Z' > 1
        structures ............................................ 183
   13.8 Conclusion ............................................ 184
   Exercises .................................................. 186
14 Analysis of extended inorganic structures .................. 189
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 189
   14.2 Disorder .............................................. 190
   14.3 Phase transitions ..................................... 194
   14.4 Structure validation .................................. 195
   14.5 Case history 1 - BiMg2VO6 ............................. 196
   14.6 Case history 2 - Mo2P4O15 .............................. 199
   Exercises .................................................. 203
15 The derivation of results .................................. 205
   15.1 Introduction .......................................... 205
   15.2 Geometry calculations ................................. 205
   15.3 Least-squares planes and dihedral angles .............. 211
   15.4 Hydrogen atoms and hydrogen bonding ................... 213
   15.5  Displacement parameters .............................. 214
   Exercises .................................................. 219
16 Random and systematic errors ............................... 221
   16.1 Random and systematic errors .......................... 221
   16.2 Random errors and distributions ....................... 222
   16.3 Taking averages ....................................... 229
   16.4 Weighting schemes ..................................... 232
   16.5 Analysis of the agreement between observed and
        calculated data ....................................... 238
   16.6 Estimated standard deviations and standard
        uncertainties of structural parameters ................ 240
   16.7 Systematic errors ..................................... 242
   Exercises .................................................. 250
17 Powder diffraction ......................................... 251
   17.1 Introduction to powder diffraction .................... 251
   17.2 Powder versus single-crystal diffraction .............. 252
   17.3 Experimental methods .................................. 254
   17.4 Information contained in a powder pattern ............. 258
   17.5 Rietveld refinement ................................... 261
   17.6 Structure solution from powder diffraction data ....... 264
   17.7 Non-ambient studies ................................... 265
   Exercises .................................................. 268
18 Introduction to twinning ................................... 271
   18.1 Introduction .......................................... 271
   18.2 A simple model for twinning ........................... 271
   18.3 Twinning in crystals .................................. 272
   18.4 Diffraction patterns from twinned crystals ............ 274
   18.5 Inversion, merohedral and pseudo-merohedral twins ..... 276
   18.6 Derivation of twin laws ............................... 279
   18.7 Non-merohedral twinning ............................... 280
   18.8 The derivation of non-merohedral twin laws ............ 282
   18.9 Common signs of twinning .............................. 283
   18.10 Examples ............................................. 285
   Exercises .................................................. 296
19 The presentation of results ................................ 299
   19.1 Introduction .......................................... 299
   19.2 Graphics .............................................. 300
   19.3 Graphics programs ..................................... 300
   19.4 Underlying concepts ................................... 301
   19.5 Drawing styles ........................................ 302
   19.6 Creating three-dimensional illusions .................. 306
   19.7 The use of colour ..................................... 307
   19.8 Textual information in drawings ....................... 307
   19.9 Some hints for effective drawings ..................... 308
   19.10 Tables of results .................................... 309
   19.11 The content of tables ................................ 310
   19.12 The format of tables ................................. 312
   19.13 Hints on presentation ................................ 312
   19.14 Archiving of results ................................. 315
20 The crystallographic information file (CIF) ................ 319
   20.1 Introduction .......................................... 319
   20.2 Basics ................................................ 319
   20.3 Uses of CIF ........................................... 321
   20.4 Some properties of the CIF format ..................... 321
   20.5 Some practicalities ................................... 323
21 Crystallographic databases ................................. 327
   21.1 What is a database? ................................... 327
   21.2 What types of search are possible? .................... 327
   21.3 What information can you get out? ..................... 328
   21.4 What can you use databases for? ....................... 328
   21.5 What are the limitations? ............................. 328
   21.6 Short descriptions of crystallographic databases ...... 328
22 X-ray and neutron sources .................................. 333
   22.1 Introduction .......................................... 333
   22.2 Laboratory X-ray sources .............................. 333
   22.3 Synchrotron X-ray sources ............................. 335
   22.4 Neutron sources ....................................... 339

A  Appendix A: Useful mathematics and formulae ................ 343
   A.l  Introduction .......................................... 343
   A.2  Trigonometry .......................................... 343
   A.3  Complex numbers ....................................... 344
   A.4  Waves and structure factors ........................... 345
   A.5  Vectors ............................................... 346
   A.6  Determinants .......................................... 348
   A.7  Matrices .............................................. 348
   A.8  Matrices in symmetry .................................. 349
   A.9  Matrix inversion ...................................... 350
   A.10 Convolution ........................................... 351

В  Appendix B: Questions and answers .......................... 353

Index ......................................................... 385

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