Arsuaga J.L. The Neanderthal's necklace: in search of the first thinkers / J.L.Arsuaga; transl. by A.Klatt; ill. by J.C.Sastre. - New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2002). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаArsuaga J.L. The Neanderthal's necklace: in search of the first thinkers / J.L.Arsuaga; transl. by A.Klatt; ill. by J.C.Sastre. - New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2002. - xv, 334 p.: ill., maps. - Ref.: p.321-326. - Ind.: P.327-334. - ISBN 1-568-187-187-4

Оглавление / Contents
Prologue ...................................................... vii
Part 1: Shadows of the Past ..................................... 1
   Chapter 1: The Solitary Species .............................. 3
   Chapter 2: The Human Paradox ................................ 27
   Chapter 3: The Neanderthals ................................. 53
Part 2: Life in the Ice Age .................................... 95
   Chapter 4: The Animated Forest .............................. 97
   Chapter 5: The Reindeer Are Coming! ........................ 123
   Chapter 6: The Great Extinction ............................ 157
Part 3: The Storytellers ...................................... 201
   Chapter 7: A Poisoned Gift ................................. 203
   Chapter 8: Children of the Fire ............................ 233
   Chapter 9: And the World Was Made Transparent .............. 275
Epilogue: Domesticated Man .................................... 305
Afterword ..................................................... 315
In Memoriam ................................................... 317
Acknowledgments ............................................... 319
Bibliography .................................................. 321
Index ......................................................... 327

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