Advances in speckle metrology and related techniques (Weinheim, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in speckle metrology and related techniques / ed. by G.H.Kaufmann. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2011. - xviii, 309 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.301-309. - ISBN 978-3-527-40957-0

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ................................................... XIII
   List of Contributors ...................................... XVII

1  Radial Speckle Interferometry and Applications ............... 1
   Armando Albertazzi Conçalves Jr. and Matias R. Viotti
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  Out-of-Plane Radial Measurement ......................... 2
        1.2.1  Radial Deformation Measurement of Short 
               Internal Cylinders ............................... 3
        1.2.2  Radial Deformation Measurement of Long Internal
               Cylinders ........................................ 7
        1.2.3  Radial Deformation Measurement of External
               Cylinders ....................................... 11
   1.3  In-Plane Measurement ................................... 13
        1.3.1  Configuration Using Conical Mirrors ............. 17
        1.3.2  Configuration Using a Diffractive Optical
               Element ......................................... 19
   1.4  Applications ........................................... 24
        1.4.1  Translation and Mechanical Stress
               Measurements .................................... 24
        1.4.2  Residual Stress Measurement ..................... 27
   1.5  Conclusions ............................................ 33
   References .................................................. 34
2  Depth-Resolved Displacement Field Measurement ............... 37
   Jonathan M. Huntley and Pablo D. Ruiz
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 37
   2.2  Low-Coherence Electronic Speckle Pattern
        Interferometry ......................................... 39
   2.3  Wavelength Scanning Interferometry ..................... 43
        2.3.1  WSI with a Single Scattering Surface ............ 44
       Fourier Transform for Measurement of
                        Optical Path Length .................... 46
       Fourier Transform for Calculation of
                        Interference Phase ..................... 47
       Range and Resolution of Optical Path
                        Difference Measurement
       Determination of Scattering Point
                        Location ............................... 49
       Gauge Volume and Displacement
                        Sensitivity ............................ 52
        2.3.2  WSI with Volume Scatterers ...................... 54
       Proof-of-Principle Experiments: Two
                        Scattering Layers ...................... 57
        2.3.3  Comparison of WSI with LCSI ..................... 59
   2.4  Spectral Optical Coherence Tomography .................. 60
        2.4.1  Phase Contrast SOCT for 2D Out-of-Plane
               Displacement Field Measurement .................. 61
        2.4.2  PC-SOCT for 2D In-Plane and Out-of-Plane
               Displacement Field Measurement .................. 66
        2.4.3  Hyperspectral Interferometry for 3D Surface
               Profilometry .................................... 69
   2.5  Tilt Scanning Interferometry ........................... 71
        2.5.1  Depth-Dependent Phase Shift Introduced by
               a Tilting Wavefront ............................. 72
        2.5.2  Extraction of the Scattered Amplitude
               Distribution .................................... 75
        2.5.3  Depth-Resolved Displacements .................... 77
        2.5.4  Gauge Volume, Depth Range, and Displacement
               Sensitivity ..................................... 79
        2.5.5  Experimental Implementation ..................... 80
   2.6  Depth-Resolved Techniques Viewed as Linear Filtering
        Operations ............................................. 83
        2.6.1  Methods Viewed as Linear Filtering Operations ... 84
        2.6.2  Relationship Between W(K) and Spatial
               Resolution ...................................... 85
        2.6.3  Relationship Between W(K) and Displacement
               Sensitivity ..................................... 86
        2.6.4  Ewald Sphere for a Wavelength Scanning
               Interferometer .................................. 87
        2.6.5  Ewald Sphere for a Tilt Scanning
               Interferometer .................................. 89
        2.6.6  Comparison of Spatial Resolution for WSI and
               TSI ............................................. 89
   2.7  Phase Unwrapping in Three Dimensions ................... 91
        2.7.1  Phase Singularities in Two-Dimensional Phase
               Data ............................................ 91
        2.7.2  Phase Singularity Loops in Three-Dimensional
               Phase Data ...................................... 93
        2.7.3  3D Phase Unwrapping Algorithm ................... 95
        2.7.4  Remaining Ambiguities ........................... 96
        2.7.5  Example: Dynamic Deformation of Carbon-Fiber
               Composite Panel ................................. 96
   2.8  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 98
   References .................................................. 99
3  Single-Image Interferogram Demodulation .................... 105
   Manuel Servin, Julio Estrada, and Antonio Quiroga
   3.1  Introduction .......................................... 105
        3.1.1  Spatial Carrier Frequency Techniques ........... 105
        3.1.2  Spatial Demodulation Without Carrier ........... 106
   3.2  The Fourier Spatial Demodulating Method ............... 106
   3.3  Linear Spatial Phase Shifting ......................... 109
   3.4  Nonlinear Spatial Phase Shifting ...................... 113
   3.5  Regularized Phase Tracking ............................ 115
   3.6  Local Adaptive Robust Quadrature Filters .............. 118
   3.7  Single Interferogram Demodulation Using Fringe
        Orientation ........................................... 122
        3.7.1  Orientation in Interferogram Processing ........ 122
        3.7.2  Fringe Orientation and Fringe Direction ........ 124
        3.7.3  Orientation Computation ........................ 126
       Gradient-Based Orientation
                        Computation ........................... 127
       Plane Fit Orientation Calculation ..... 129
       Minimum Directional Derivative ........ 131
        3.7.4  Direction Computation .......................... 132
       Regularized Phase Tracking Direction
                        Estimation ............................ 132
       Vector Field-Regularized Direction
                        Estimation ............................ 134
   3.8  Quadrature Operators .................................. 135
        3.8.1  Phase Demodulation of ID Interferograms ........ 135
        3.8.2  Phase Demodulation from a Single
               Interferogram: the Vortex Transform ............ 136
        3.8.3  Vortex Transform-Based Orientation
               Computation .................................... 138
        3.8.4  The General n-Dimensional Quadrature
               Transform ...................................... 139
   3.9  2D Steering of ID Phase Shifting Algorithms ........... 142
   3.10 Conclusions 143 References ............................ 144
4  Phase Evaluation in Temporal Speckle Pattern
   Interferometry Using Time-Frequency Methods ................ 147
   Alejandro Federico and Guillermo H. Kaufmann
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 147
   4.2  The Temporal Speckle Pattern Interferometry Signal .... 148
   4.3  The Temporal Fourier Transform Method ................. 151
   4.4  Time-Frequency Representations of the TSPI Signals .... 153
        4.4.1  Preliminaries .................................. 154
       The Asymptotic Signal and the
                        Exponential Model ..................... 154
       Fidelity Measures ..................... 155
        4.4.2  The Windowed Fourier Transform ................. 156
        4.4.3  The Wavelet Transform .......................... 160
       Evaluation of the Ridge of
                        a Wavelet Transform ................... 163
       Applications of the Morlet Transform
                        Analysis in TSPI and Other Related
                        Techniques ............................ 166
       The Chirped Wavelet Transform ......... 168
       Other Wavelet Transforms .............. 171
        4.4.4  The Quadratic Time-Frequency Distribution ...... 172
        4.4.5  The Empirical Mode Decomposition and the
               Hilbert Transform .............................. 176
       The Empirical Mode Decomposition
                        Method ................................ 178
       The Hilbert Transform ................. 179
        4.4.6  The Generalized S-Transform .................... 182
        4.4.7  Two- and Three-Dimensional Approaches .......... 188
       The Windowed Fourier Transform
                        Method ................................ 189
       Wavelet Transform Methods ............. 190
   4.5  Concluding Remarks .................................... 199
   References ................................................. 200
5  Optical Vortex Metrology ................................... 207
   Wei Wang, Steen C. Hanson, and Mitsuo Takeda
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 207
   5.2  Speckle and Optical Vortices .......................... 207
   5.3  Core Structure of Optical Vortices .................... 209
   5.4  Principle of Optical Vortex Metrology ................. 211
        5.4.1  Complex Signal Representation of a Speckle-
               Like Pattern ................................... 211
        5.4.2  Principle of Optical Vortex Metrology .......... 213
   5.5  Some Applications ..................................... 214
        5.5.1  Nanometric Displacement Measurement ............ 214
        5.5.2  Linear and Angular Encoder ..................... 217
        5.5.3  Fluid Mechanical Analysis ...................... 224
        5.5.4  Biological Kinematic Analysis .................. 230
   5.6  Conclusion ............................................ 235
   References ................................................. 236
6  Speckle Coding for Optical and Digital Data Security
   Applications ............................................... 239
   Arvind Kumar, Madan Singh, and Kehar Singh
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 239
   6.2  Double Random Fourier Plane Encoding .................. 242
        6.2.1  Influence of Coded Image Perturbations, Noise
               Robustness, and SNR ............................ 245
   6.3  Variants of the DRPE and Various Other Encryption
        Techniques ............................................ 245
        6.3.1  Fresnel and Fractional Fourier Transform
               Domain Encoding ................................ 245
        6.3.2  Color Image Encoding and Digital Simulation/
               Virtual Optics-Based Techniques ................ 246
        6.3.3  Phase Retrieval- and Polarization-Based
               Techniques ..................................... 246
        6.3.4  Interference and Joint Transform Correlator
               Architecture-Based Techniques .................. 246
        6.3.5  Fully Phase Encryption Techniques and
               Encrypted Holographic Memory ................... 246
   6.4  Attacks against Random Encoding ....................... 247
   6.5  Speckle Coding for Optical and Digital Data
        Security .............................................. 247
   6.6  Encryption Using a Sandwich Phase Mask Made of
        Normal Speckle Patterns ............................... 248
        6.6.1  Theoretical Analysis ........................... 248
        6.6.2  Description of the Experimental Work ........... 250
       Preparation of Speckle Phase Masks .... 250
       Making a Sandwich Phase Mask .......... 251
       Technique for Easy Alignment of
                        the Constituent Speckle Phase Masks ... 251
       Experimental Results .................. 252
       Computer Simulation ................... 253
   6.7  Optical Encryption Using a Sandwich Phase Mask Made
        of Elongated Speckle Patterns ......................... 256
        6.7.1  Preparation of the Elongated Speckle Phase
               Mask ........................................... 256
        6.7.2  Description of the Method ...................... 256
        6.7.3  Computer Simulation Results .................... 257
   6.8  Speckles for Multiplexing in Encryption and
        Decryption ............................................ 262
   6.9  Multiplexing in Encryption Using Apertures in the FT
        Plane ................................................. 264
        6.9.1  Methodology .................................... 264
        6.9.2  Computer Simulation ............................ 266
        6.9.3  Effect of Aperture Size on the Encryption and
               Decryption ..................................... 267
        6.9.4  Effect of Increasing the Number and Size of
               the Apertures .................................. 267
        6.9.5  Multiplexing in Encryption Using Circular
               Apertures ...................................... 271
        6.9.6  Multiplexing in Encryption Using Square
               Apertures ...................................... 271
   6.10 Multiplexing by In-Plane Rotation of Sandwich Phase
        Diffuser and Aperture Systems ......................... 272
        6.10.1 Methodology .................................... 273
        6.10.2 Effect on Decrypted Images of Rotation of One
               of the Constituent Phase Diffusers ............. 274
        6.10.3 Multiplexing in Encryption Using the Rotation
               of the RPM Rsm ................................. 277
        6.10.4 Multiplexing by Using Set of Apertures and
               Angular Rotation of Rsm ........................ 278
   6.11 Speckles in Digital Fresnel Field Encryption .......... 282
        6.11.1 Digital Recording and Numerical
               Reconstruction of an Off-Axis Fresnel
               Hologram ....................................... 282
        6.11.2 Digital Fresnel Field Encryption ............... 283
      Digital Encryption of Fresnel Field
                        Using Single Random Phase Encoding .... 284
      Direct Decryption of 3D Object
                        Information from Encrypted Fresnel
                        Field ................................. 284
        6.11.3 Experiment ..................................... 286
        6.11.4 Results and Discussion ......................... 288
      Discussion of Encryption and
                        Decryption by the Proposed Method ..... 288
      Some General Remarks on Digital
                        Encryption of Holographic
                        Information ........................... 290
   6.12 Conclusions ........................................... 291
   References ................................................. 292

   Index ...................................................... 301

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