Infrasound monitoring for atmospheric studies (Dordrecht; New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInfrasound monitoring for atmospheric studies / ed. by A. Le Pichon, E.Blanc, A.Hauchecorne. - Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2010. - xix, 735 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.733-735. - ISBN 978-1-4020-9507-8

Оглавление / Contents
Part I  History, Instrumentation, Network

1  The Characteristics of Infrasound, its Propagation and
   Some Early History ........................................... 3
   L.G. Evers and H.W. Haak
2  The IMS Infrasound Network: Design and Establishment
   of Infrasound Stations ...................................... 29
   D.R. Christie and P. Campus
3  Monitoring the Earth's Atmosphere with the Global IMS
   Infrasound Network .......................................... 77
   N. Brachet, D. Brown, R. Le Bras, Y. Cansi, P. Mialle, 
   and J. Coyne
4  Low-Noise Broadband Microbarometers ........................ 119
   D. Ponceau and L. Bosca
5  A Review of Wind-Noise Reduction Methodologies ............. 141
   K.T. Walker and M.A.H. Hedlin

Part II Sources, Observations, and Propagation

6  Worldwide Observations of Infrasonic Waves ................. 185
   P. Campus and D.R. Christie
7  Infrasonic Observations of Open Ocean Swells in the
   Pacific: Deciphering the Song of the Sea ................... 235
   M. Garcés, M. Willis, and A. Le Pichon
8  Generation of Microbaroms by Deep-Ocean Hurricanes ......... 249
   C.H. Hetzer, K.E. Gilbert, R. Waxler, and C.L. Talmadge
9  Acoustic-Gravity Waves from Earthquake Sources ............. 263
   T. Mikumo and S. Watada
10 Seismic Waves from Atmospheric Sources and 
   Atmospheric/Ionospheric Signatures of Seismic Waves ........ 281
   P. Lognonné
11 Acoustic-Gravity Waves from Impulsive Sources in the
   Atmosphere ................................................. 305
   D.O. ReVelle
12 Meteor Generated Infrasound: Theory and Observation ........ 361
   W.N. Edwards
13 High-latitude Observations of Infrasound from Alaska
   and Antarctica: Mountain Associated Waves and 
   Geomagnetic/Auroral Infrasonic Signals ..................... 415
   C.R. Wilson, C.A.L. Szuberla, and J.V. Olson
14 Some Atmospheric Effects on Infrasound Signal Amplitudes ... 455
   J.P. Mutschlecner and R.W. Whitaker
15 Atmospheric Variability and Infrasound Monitoring .......... 475
   C.D. de Groot-Hedlin, M.A.H. Hedlin, and D.P. Drob

Part III Propagation Modeling in a Realistic Atmosphere

16 On the Prospects for Acoustic Sounding of the Fine
   Structure of the Middle Atmosphere ......................... 511
   S. Kulichkov
17 Numerical Methods to Model Infrasonic Propagation Through
   Realistic Specifications of the Atmosphere ................. 541
   D. Norris, R. Gibson, and K. Bongiovanni
18 Misty Picture: A Unique Experiment for the Interpretation
   of the Infrasound Propagation from Large Explosive
   Sources .................................................... 575
   O. Gainville, Ph. Blanc-Benon, E. Blanc, R. Roche, 
   C. Millet, F. Le Piver, B. Despres, and P.R. Piserchia
19 Ground Truth Events: Assessing the Capability of 
   Infrasound Networks Using High Resolution Data Analyses .... 599
   D.N. Green, A. Le Pichon, L. Ceranna, and L. Evers

Part IV Atmospheric Investigations from Global Continuous
        Infrasound Monitoring

20 Contribution of Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric
   Remote Sensing ............................................. 629
   A. Le Pichon, J. Vergoz, Y. Cansi, L. Ceranna, and 
   D. Drob
21 Global Scale Monitoring of Acoustic and Gravity Waves
   for the Study of the Atmospheric Dynamics .................. 647
   E. Blanc, A. Le Pichon, L. Ceranna, T. Farges, J. Marty,
   and P. Herry
22 Dynamics and Transport in the Middle Atmosphere Using
   Remote Sensing Techniques from Ground and Space ............ 665
   A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, and Marie-Lise Chanin
23 The Representation of Gravity Waves in Atmospheric
   General Circulation Models (GCMs) .......................... 685
   F. Lott and С. Millet
24 Inversion of Infrasound Signals for Passive Atmospheric
   Remote Sensing ............................................. 701
   D.P. Drob, R.R. Meier, J.M. Picone, and M.M. Garcés

Index ......................................................... 733

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