Annual review of biochemistry; Vol.80 (Palo Alto, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of biochemistry. Vol.80 / ed. by R.D.Kornberg et al. - Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2011. - xiii, 1133 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-0-8243-0880-3; ISSN 0066-4154

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Оглавление / Contents

Past, Present, and Future Triumphs of Biochemistry
   JoAnne Stubbe ................................................ v


From Serendipity to Therapy
   Elizabeth F. Neufeld ......................................... 1
Journey of a Molecular Biologist
   Masayasu Nomura ............................................. 16
My Life with Nature
   Julius Adler ................................................ 42

Membrane Vesicle Theme

Protein Folding and Modification in the Mammalian Endoplasmic
   Ineke Braakman and Neil J. Bulleid .......................... 71
Mechanisms of Membrane Curvature Sensing
   Bruno Antonny .............................................. 101
Biogenesis and Cargo Selectivity of Autophagosomes
   Hilla Weidberg, Elena Shvets, and Zvulun Elazar ............ 125

Membrane Protein Folding and Insertion Theme

Introduction to Theme "Membrane Protein Folding and 
   Gunnar von Heijne .......................................... 157
Assembly of Bacterial Inner Membrane Proteins
   Ross E. Dalbey, Peng Wang, and Andreas Kuhn ................ 161
β-Barrel Membrane Protein Assembly by the Bam Complex
   Christine L. Hagan, Thomas J. Silhavy, and Daniel Kahne .... 189
Transmembrane Communication: General Principles and Lessons
from the Structure and Function of the M2 Proton Channel, K+
Channels, and Integrin Receptors
   Gevorg Grigoryan, David T. Moore, and William F. DeGrado ... 211

Biological Mass Spectrometry Theme

Mass Spectrometry in the Postgenomic Era
   Brian T. Chait ............................................. 239
Advances in the Mass Spectrometry of Membrane Proteins:
From Individual Proteins to Intact Complexes
   Nelson P. Barrera and Carol V. Robinson .................... 247
Quantitative, High-Resolution Proteomics for Data-Driven
Systems Biology
   Jürgen Cox and Matthias Mann ............................... 273
Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Lipids and Membranes
   Richard Harkewicz and Edward A. Dennis ..................... 301

Cellular Imaging Theme

Emerging In Vivo Analyses of Cell Function Using 
Fluorescence Imaging
   Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz ............................... 327
Biochemistry of Mobile Zinc and Nitric Oxide Revealed
by Fluorescent Sensors
   Michael D. Pluth, Elisa Tomat, and Stephen J. Lippard ...... 333
Development of Probes for Cellular Functions Using 
Fluorescent Proteins and Fluorescence Resonance Energy
   Atsushi Miyawaki ........................................... 357
Reporting from the Field: Genetically Encoded Fluorescent
Reporters Uncover Signaling Dynamics in Living Biological
   Sohum Mehta and Jin Zhang .................................. 375

Recent Advances in Biochemistry

DNA Replicases from a Bacterial Perspective 
   Charles S. McHenry ......................................... 403
Genomic and Biochemical Insights into the Specificity of ETS
Transcription Factors
   Peter C. Hollenhorst, Lawrence P. McIntosh, and Barbara 
   J. Graves .................................................. 437
Signals and Combinatorial Functions of Histone 
   Tamaki Suganuma and Jerry L. Workman ....................... 473
Assembly of Bacterial Ribosomes
   Zahra Shajani, Michael T. Sykes, and James R. Williamson ... 501
The Mechanism of Peptidyl Transfer Catalysis by the 
   Edward Ki Yun Leung, Nikolai Suslov, Nicole Tuttle,
   Raghuvir Sengupta, and Joseph Anthony Piccirilli ........... 527
Amyloid Structure: Conformational Diversity and Consequences
   Brandon H. Toyama and Jonathan S. Weissman ................. 557
AAA+ Proteases: ATP-Fueled Machines of Protein Destruction
   Robert T. Sauer and Tania A. Baker ......................... 587
The Structure of the Nuclear Pore Complex
   André Hoelz, Erik W. Debler, and Günter Blobel ............. 613
Benchmark Reaction Rates, the Stability of Biological
Molecules in Water, and the Evolution of Catalytic 
Power in Enzymes
   Richard Wolfenden .......................................... 645
Biological Phosphoryl-Transfer Reactions: Understanding 
and Catalysis
   Jonathan K. Lassila, Jesse G. Zalatan, and Daniel 
   Herschlag .................................................. 669
Enzymatic Transition States, Transition-State Analogs,
Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Lifetimes
   Vern L. Schramm ............................................ 703
Class I Ribonucleotide Reductases: Metallocofactor Assembly
and Repair In Vitro and In Vivo
   Joseph A. Cotruvo Jr. and JoAnne Stubbe .................... 733
The Evolution of Protein Kinase Inhibitors from Antagonists
to Agonists of Cellular Signaling
   Arvin С. Dar and Kevan M. Shokat ........................... 769
Glycan Microarrays for Decoding the Glycome
   Cory D. Rillahan and James C. Paulson ...................... 797
Cross Talk Between O-GlcNAcylation and Phosphorylation:
Roles in Signaling, Transcription, and Chronic Disease
   Gerald W. Hart, Chad Slawson, Genaro Ramirez-Correa, and
   Olof Lagerlof .............................................. 825
Regulation of Phospholipid Synthesis in the Yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
   George M. Carman and Gil-Soo Han ........................... 859
Sterol Regulation of Metabolism, Homeostasis, and 
   Joshua Wollam and Adam Antebi .............................. 885
Structural Biology of the Toll-Like Receptor Family
   Jin Young Kang and Jie-Oh Lee .............................. 917
Structure-Function Relationships of the G Domain, 
a Canonical Switch Motif
   Alfred Wittinghofer and Ingrid R. Vetter ................... 943
STIM Proteins and the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Plasma Membrane 
   Silvia Carrasco and Tobias Meyer ........................... 973
Amino Acid Signaling in TOR Activation
   Joungmok Kim and Кun-Liang Guan ........................... 1001
Mitochondrial tRNA Import and Its Consequences
for Mitochondrial Translation
   André Schneider ........................................... 1033
Caspase Substrates and Cellular Remodeling
   Emily D. Crawford and James A. Wells ...................... 1055
Regulation of HSF1 Function in the Heat Stress Response:
Implications in Aging and Disease
   Julius Anckar and Lea Sistonen ............................ 1089


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 76-80 ...... 1117
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 76-80 ............ 1121


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of
Biochemistry articles may 
be found at

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