Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; 73 (Pecs, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGovernance for sustainability: two case studies from Hungary / ed. by I.Pálné Kovács, V.Varjú. - Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, 2009. - 45 p.: ill., map, chart. - (Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; N 73). - Ref.: p.45. - ISBN 978-963-9899-16-2; ISSN 0238-2008

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 5
2  Theoretical Frameworks - Knowledge, Governance and
   Sustainability ............................................... 5
   2.1    Knowledge and Governance .............................. 6
   2.2. Sustainability .......................................... 8
3  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the South-
   Transdanubian ROP in Hungary ................................. 9
   3.1  Hungarian Planning System and the Second National
        Development Plan (SNDP) ................................. 9
   3.2  The National Legislation on SEA ........................ 10
        3.2.1  The Actors of the Environment Assessment ........ 10
        3.2.2  The Process of SEA Making ....................... 11
   3.3  The Operative Programming of South-Transdanubia
        (STOP) ................................................. 11
   3.4  The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) ........... 14
   3.5  The Action Arena ....................................... 15
        3.5.1  Involved Actors ................................. 15
        3.5.2  Absent Actors ................................... 18
        3.5.3  Observed Modes of Interactions .................. 19
   3.6  Governance Arrangements - Predominant Hierarchy ........ 21
        3.6.1  Rules in Use .................................... 22
   3.7  The Knowledge Scape .................................... 23
        3.7.1  The Dominant Steering, Institutional Knowledge
               and Holders ..................................... 23
        3.7.2  Social/Spatial Distribution of Knowledge ........ 24
        3.7.3  Excluded/Silent Everyday/Local Knowledge and
               Holders ......................................... 24
        3.7.4  Reflective Knowledge ............................ 25
        3.7.5  Synergies/Contradictions between Knowledge
               Forms ........................................... 25
        3.7.6  Knowledge Deficits .............................. 26
   3.8  Interaction Вetween Knowledge and Governance
        Arrangements ........................................... 26
        3.8.1  Relation of Knowledge and Governance
               Arrangements and the Learning Process ........... 26
   3.9  The conclusions: 'Governance for Sustainability' ....... 27
        3.9.1  Assessing Sustainable Development ............... 27
        3.9.2  Legitimacy ...................................... 27
        3.9.3  Synergy of Governance and Knowledge for
               Sustainability .................................. 28
4  EU-ETS in Pannonpower Power Plant - Mobilising Knowledge
   for Efficient and Sustainable Solutions in the Shadow of
   Hierarchy and the Messiness of Networks ..................... 29
   4.1  Case History ........................................... 30
        4.1.1  The Relations of Market, Hierarchy and
               Networking ...................................... 32
   4.2  The Influence of Key Themes and the Respective Forms
        of Knowledge ........................................... 34
   4.3  Filtering Mechanisms - Knowledge and Governance ........ 39
   4.4  Conclusions ............................................ 42
   Acknowledgement ............................................. 44
   References .................................................. 45

List of figures
Figure 1  Knowledge Flower ...................................... 7
Figure 2  Micro-regions, counties in South-Transdanubian
          Region ............................................... 13
Figure 3  Hungarian System of regional policy and the
          management of ESF .................................... 16
Figure 4  The South-Transdanubian regional planning network .... 17
Figure 5  The Main Roles/Competences of the Actors ............. 18

List of tables
Table 1 Conclusions ............................................ 43

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