Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; 80 (Pecs, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаErdősi F. Closing up, keeping up or lagging behind? The fundamental problems and spatial differences of air transport in Eastern Europe. - Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, 2010. - 45 p.: ill. - (Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; N 80). - Ref.: p.44-45. - ISBN 978-963-9899-33-9; ISSN 0238-2008

Оглавление / Contents
1  The regional characteristics of the relatively well
   progressing advancement ...................................... 5
   1.1  The beginnings of aviation between the two world wars ... 6
   1.2  Soviet-type air transport in COMECON countries in the
        state socialist period .................................. 7
        1.2.1  State-owned airlines influenced by COMECON
               contracts ........................................ 7
        1.2.2  The contradiction between the relatively dense
               airport network and the outdated air fleet
               encumbering inter-continental airline
               connection ...................................... 12
        1.2.3  Domestic air transport as an indirect social
               benefit ......................................... 13
        1.2.4  International air transport: an extensive
               network with few passengers ..................... 17
2  From torso to a success sector: Changes in air transport
   during the regime change and after the collapse of the
   former state formations until the 21st century .............. 18
   2.1  The polarisation of development by macro-regions/
        country blocs .......................................... 18
        2.1.1  From over-sized (?) to slimmed and strongly
               segmented air transport in CIS countries ........ 18
        2.1.2  A promising experiment for closing up to the
               increasing demand and for quality improvement
               in Visegrad Four Countries and in the Baltic
               States .......................................... 20
   2.2  The harmonisation of the air transport system of
        Eastern Central Europe with the transport policy of
        the European Community/Union in organ isational
        restructuring and technical modernisation .............. 21
        2.2.1  The slow progress of liberalisation/
               deregulation and privatisation, the problems
               of development .................................. 21
        2.2.2  The (transitory?) role of the European
               Community in the retrieving the losses of air
               transport in Eastern Europe ..................... 24
        2.2.3  The uneven and partial modernisation of air
               fleets - the replacement of Soviet-made
               aircraft into western ones ...................... 27
3  An abundance of airlines - moderately growing air fleets -
   low intensity airlines ...................................... 30
   3.1  The distribution of the air fleet of airlines by
        service types and traffic volume ....................... 30
   3.2  The increasing role of discount ('low-cost') carriers
        in the air transport of Eastern Central Europe and
        the Baltic Region, their possible emergence in CIS
        countries .............................................. 33
   3.3  The spatial characteristics of airport supply .......... 35
   References .................................................. 44

List of figures
Figure 1  The domestic airline network of Eastern Central
          European countries in 1959 ........................... 15

List of tables
Table 1  The percentage of the national airlines of COMECON
         member states from the total volume of passenger
         traffic and distance in the COMECON block in years
         1971/1972 .............................................. 9
Table 2  The percentage of the national airlines of COMECON
         member states in the total volume of cargo weight
         traffic and cargo weight delivery distance traffic
         in the years 1971/1972 ................................ 11
Table 3  The major tasks of the transformation of air
         transport in the different country blocks of Eastern
         Europe ................................................ 22
Table 4  EU grants allocated for the development of Eastern
         European economy and herein the development of the
         air transport sector in million ECU, 1993-1996 ........ 26
Table 5  The total and relative passenger traffic of the
         countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 2005 ....... 32
Table 6  The public airport supply/density of countries ........ 37
Table 7  The division of the scheduled airline traffic volume
         of some Eastern European airports by continent
         destinations in year 2002 ............................. 40

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