Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; 79 (Pecs, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEnvironmental policy and the institutional system of environment protection in the Carpathian Basin / ed. by B.Duray et al. - Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, 2010. - 38 p.: ill. - (Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; N 79). - Ref.: p.38. - ISBN 978-963-9899-28-5; ISSN 0238-2008

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 5
2  Research area and methodology ................................ 6
3  Results ...................................................... 7
   3.1  Institutional system .................................... 7
        3.1.1  Ministries ....................................... 8
        3.1.2  The institutional system of environment
               protection ...................................... 10
        3.1.3  The institutional system of water management .... 16
        3.1.4  The institutional system of nature protection ... 19
   3.2  Environmental policy and international relations ....... 23
        3.2.1  Environmental conditions of EU accession ........ 24
        3.2.2  International relations ......................... 25
        3.2.3  Common management of the environmental
               problems in the Carpathian Basin ................ 29
        3.2.4  The role of Euroregions in environment
               protection ...................................... 36
4  Recommendations ............................................. 36
References ..................................................... 38

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