Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; 67 (Pecs, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCsizmadia Z. Regional innovation system in West Transdanubia / Z.Csizmadia, A.Grosz. - Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, 2008. - 50 p.: charts. - (Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; N 67). - Ref.: p.46-47. - ISBN 978-963-9899-03-2; ISSN 0238-2008

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 5
2  The West Transdanubian Region ................................ 6
3  Regional innovation policy and networking tools .............. 9
4  The region's R&D and innovation potentials .................. 14
5  The innovation activities of enterprises .................... 20
6  The differentiation of innovation activities by firm
   groups ...................................................... 26
7  Co-operation in innovation and paths of information flow .... 30
8  The enterprises' demand on innovation services .............. 35
9  The supply side of the innovation system .................... 38
10 The evaluation of the regional innovation system ............ 41
11 The future of the system - the basic components of an
   ideal scenario .............................................. 44
References ..................................................... 46
Annex .......................................................... 48

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