Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; 70 (Pecs, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCsizmadia Z. Cooperation and innovativity: the network foundations of the regional system of innovation. - Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, 2009. - 38 p.: ill. - (Discussion papers / Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences; 70). - Ref.: p.34-35. - ISBN 978-963-9899-09-4; ISSN 0238-2008

Оглавление / Contents
1  The basic problem ............................................ 5
2  The actuality of the issue ................................... 6
3  Starting point, hypothesis and research topics ............... 7
4  Methodology .................................................. 9
5  The four forms of the questionnaire survey on inter-
   organizational relationships ................................ 14
   5.1  Directions of cooperation and intensity ................ 14
        5.1.1  The spatial differentiation of contacts ......... 17
        5.1.2  Information exchange networks ................... 19
6  The network structure of the regional innovation system ..... 24
   6.1  Centralization ......................................... 27
   6.2  Ego-networks in the network of the regional
        innovation system ...................................... 29
   6.3  Beyond the organization - contact points between the
        types of organizations in the system ................... 31
7  Conclusions ................................................. 33

References ..................................................... 34
Annex 1 ........................................................ 36
Annex 2 ........................................................ 38

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