Wilcox R.R. Applying contemporary statistical techniques (San Diego; London; Burlington, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWilcox R.R. Applying contemporary statistical techniques. - San Diego; London; Burlington: Academic Press, 2003. - xii, 608, A-5, B-26, C-6, R-12, I-4 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 0-12-751541-0

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi

1   Introduction ................................................ 1
    1.1   Software .............................................. 5
    1.2   R and S-PLUS Functions Written for This Book
2   Probability and Related Concepts ........................... 17
    2.1   Basic Probability .................................... 17
    2.2   Expected Values ...................................... 19
    2.3   Conditional Probability and Independence ............. 20
    2.4   Population Variance .................................. 25
    2.5   The Binomial Probability Function .................... 28
    2.6   Continuous Variables and the Normal Curve ............ 32
    2.7   Understanding the Effects of Nonnormality ............ 39
    2.8   Pearson's Correlation ................................ 44
    2.9   Some Rules About Expected Values ..................... 47
    2.10  Chi-Squared Distributions ............................ 49
    2.11  Exercises ............................................ 49
3   Summarizing Data ........................................... 55
    3.1   Basic Summation Notation ............................. 55
    3.2   Measures of Location ................................. 56
    3.3   Measures of Variation or Scale ....................... 69
    3.4   Detecting Outliers ................................... 76
    3.5   Computing an M-Estimator of Location ................. 81
    3.6   Histograms ........................................... 84
    3.7   Kernel Density Estimators ............................ 85
    3.8   Stem-and-Leaf Displays ............................... 88
    3.9   Exercises ............................................ 89
4   Sampling Distributions and Confidence Intervals ............ 93
    4.1   Basics ............................................... 93
    4.2   Random Sampling ...................................... 95
    4.3   Approximating the Sampling Distribution of fig.1 ......... 98
    4.4   The Sample Mean versus MOM, the Median, Trimmed
          Mean, and M-Estimator ............................... 101
    4.5   A Confidence Interval for the Population Mean ....... 106
    4.6   An Approach to Nonnormality: The Central Limit 
          Theorem ............................................. 109
    4.7   Confidence Intervals when a Is Unknown .............. 115
    4.8   Student's T and Nonnormality ........................ 118
    4.9   Confidence Intervals for the Trimmed Mean ........... 124
    4.10  Transforming Data ................................... 132
    4.11  Confidence Interval for the Population Median ....... 132
    4.12  A Remark About MOM and M-Estimators ................. 134
    4.13  Confidence Intervals for the Probability of 
          Success ............................................. 134
    4.14  Exercises ........................................... 137
5   Hypothesis Testing ........................................ 141
    5.1   The Basics of Hypothesis Testing .................... 141
    5.2   Power and Type II Errors ............................ 151
    5.3   Testing Hypotheses About the Mean When σ Is Not 
          Known ............................................... 157
    5.4   Controlling Power and Determining n ................. 159
    5.5   Practical Problems with Student's T ................. 163
    5.6   Hypothesis Testing Based on a Trimmed Mean .......... 167
    5.7   Exercises ........................................... 170
6   Least Squares Regression and Pearson's Correlation ........ 173
    6.1   Fitting a Straight Line to Data: The Least Squares
          Principle ........................................... 173
    6.2   The Standard Least Squares Model .................... 178
    6.3   Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals ......... 186
    6.4   Pearson's Correlation ............................... 194
    6.5   Testing H0 : ρ = 0 .................................. 199
    6.6   Concluding Remarks .................................. 202
    6.7   Exercises ........................................... 202
7   Basic Bootstrap Methods ................................... 207
    7.1   The Percentile Method ............................... 207
    7.2   The Bootstrap-t Interval ............................ 212
    7.3   A Modified Percentile Method for Least Squares
          Regression and Pearson's Correlation ................ 216
    7.4   More About the Population Mean ...................... 219
    7.5   Inferences About a Trimmed Mean ..................... 221
    7.6   Estimating Power When Testing Hypotheses About 
          a Trimmed Mean ...................................... 225
    7.7   Inferences Based on MOM and M-Estimators ............ 228
    7.8   Detecting Nonlinear Associations .................... 229
    7.9   Exercises ........................................... 233
8   Comparing Two Independent Croups .......................... 237
    8.1   Student's T ......................................... 238
    8.2   Relative Merits of Student's T ...................... 240
    8.3   Welch's Heteroscedastic Method for Means ............ 243
    8.4   Comparing Groups with Individual Confidence 
          Intervals: An Example of What Not to Do ............. 246
    8.5   A Bootstrap Method for Comparing Means .............. 248
    8.6   A Permutation Test Based on Means ................... 249
    8.7   Yuen's Method for Comparing Trimmed Means ........... 251
    8.8   Bootstrap Methods for Comparing Trimmed Means ....... 253
    8.9   Comparing MOM-Estimators, M-Estimators, and Other
          Measures of Location ................................ 261
    8.10  Comparing Variances or Other Measures of Scale ...... 264
    8.11  Measuring Effect Size ............................... 269
    8.12  Comparing Correlations and Regression Slopes ........ 277
    8.13  Comparing Two Binomials ............................. 279
    8.14  Exercises ........................................... 282
9   One-Way ANOVA ............................................. 285
    9.1   Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for Independent
          Groups .............................................. 287
    9.2   Dealing with Unequal Variances ...................... 298
    9.3   Judging Sample Sizes and Controlling Power When 
          Comparing Means ..................................... 302
    9.4   Trimmed Means ....................................... 305
    9.5   Bootstrap Methods ................................... 309
    9.6   Random Effects Model ................................ 314
    9.7   Exercises ........................................... 324
10  Two-Way ANOVA ............................................. 329
    10.1  The Basics of a Two-Way ANOVA Design ................ 329
    10.2  Testing Hypotheses About Main Effects and 
          Interactions ........................................ 337
    10.3  Heteroscedastic Methods for Trimmed Means ........... 344
    10.4  Bootstrap Methods ................................... 350
    10.5  Testing Hypotheses Based on Medians ................. 353
    10.6  Exercises ........................................... 356
11  Comparing Dependent Croups ................................ 361
    11.1  The Paired T-Test for Means ......................... 363
    11.2  Comparing Trimmed Means ............................. 366
    11.3  Bootstrap Methods ................................... 371
    11.4  Measuring Effect Size ............................... 379
    11.5  Comparing Variances ................................. 381
    11.6  Comparing More Than Two Groups ...................... 383
    11.7  Percentile Bootstrap Methods for Other Robust
          Measures of Location ................................ 389
    11.8  Comments on Which Method to Use ..................... 395
    11.9  Between-by-Within, or Split-Plot, Designs ........... 397
    11.10 Exercises ........................................... 404
12  Multiple Comparisons ...................................... 407
    12.1  Homoscedastic Methods for the Means of Independent
          Groups .............................................. 408
    12.2  ANOVA F Versus Multiple Comparisons ................. 414
    12.3  Heteroscedastic Methods for the Means of 
          Independent Groups .................................. 416
    12.4  Linear Contrasts .................................... 420
    12.5  Judging Sample Sizes ................................ 427
    12.6  Methods for Trimmed Means ........................... 432
    12.7  Bootstrap Methods ................................... 437
    12.8  Methods for Dependent Groups ........................ 443
    12.9  Analyzing Between-by-Within Designs ................. 449
    12.10 Exercises ........................................... 454
13  Robust and Exploratory Regression ......................... 457
    13.1  Detecting Outliers in Multivariate Data ............. 457
    13.2  Some Robust Regression Methods ...................... 476
    13.3  More Regression Estimators .......................... 482
    13.4  Comments on Choosing a Regression Estimator ......... 488
    13.5  Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals ......... 495
    13.6  Robust Measures of Correlation ...................... 501
    13.7  Exercises ........................................... 511
14  More Regression Methods ................................... 517
    14.1  Smoothers ........................................... 517
    14.2  Smooths Based on Robust Measures of Location ........ 521
    14.3  Comparing the Slopes of Two Independent Groups ...... 527
    14.4  Tests for Linearity ................................. 530
    14.5  Inferential Methods with Multiple Predictors ........ 533
    14.6  Identifying the Best Predictors ..................... 538
    14.7  Detecting Interactions .............................. 542
    14.8  ANCOVA .............................................. 549
    14.9  Exercises ........................................... 553
15  Rank-Based and Nonparametric Methods ...................... 557
    15.1  Comparing Two Independent Groups .................... 557
    15.2  Comparing More Than Two Groups ...................... 567
    15.3  Multiple Comparisons Among Independent Groups ....... 571
    15.4  Two-Way Designs ..................................... 572
    15.5  Multiple Comparisons in a Two-Way Design ............ 575
    15.6  Comparing Two Dependent Groups ...................... 578
    15.7  Comparing Multiple Dependent Groups ................. 582
    15.8  One-Way Multivariate Methods ........................ 585
    15.9  Between-by-Within Designs ........................... 589
    15.10 Rank-Based Correlations ............................. 597
    15.11 Comparing Rank-Based Correlations ................... 601
    15.12 Rank-Based Regression ............................... 601
    15.13 The Rank-Transform Method ........................... 604
    15.14 Exercises ........................................... 604

Appendix A  Solutions to Selected Exercises ................... A-l
Appendix В  Tables ............................................ B-l
Appendix С  Basic Matrix Algebra .............................. C-l

References .................................................... R-l

Index ......................................................... 1-1

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