Ultrananocrystalline diamond: synthesis, properties, and applications (Norwich, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаUltrananocrystalline diamond: synthesis, properties, and applications / ed. by O.A.Shenderova, D.M.Gruen. - Norwich: William Andrew Pub., 2006. - xx, 600 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.589-600. - ISBN-10 0-8155-1524-3; ISBN-13 978-0-8155-1524-1

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................... xv
Preface ....................................................... xix

        LABORATORY SYNTHESIS .................................... 1

1  Carbon Family at the Nanoscale ............................... 3
   O.A. Shenderova, A.S. Barnard, and D.M. Gruen
   Introduction ................................................. 3
   1.1  Historical Overview ..................................... 4
   1.2  Nanocarbon Classification ............................... 8
   1.3  Exotic Nanocarbons ..................................... 12
   1.4  Conclusion ............................................. 16
   References .................................................. 16

2  Extraterrestrial Nanodiamonds in the Cosmos ................. 23
   T.L. Daulton
   Introduction ................................................ 23
   2.1  Stellar Nucleosynthesis and Presolar Stardust .......... 24
   2.2  Discovery and Identification of Presolar Minerals ...... 26
   2.3  Origins of Meteoritic Nanodiamonds ..................... 27
   2.4  Isotopic Compositions of Meteoritic Nanodiamonds:
        Stellar Sources ........................................ 28
        2.4.1  Primary C, Surface Bound H, and Trapped N ....... 30
        2.4.2  Trapped Noble Gases ............................. 33
        2.4.3  Trapped Те, Pd, Ba, and Sr ...................... 46
        2.4.4  Inferred Stellar Sources ........................ 48
   2.5  Microstructure of Meteoritic Nanodiamonds: Formation
        Mechanisms ............................................. 50
        2.5.1  Twin Microstructure ............................. 50
        2.5.2  Dislocation Microstructure ...................... 54
        2.5.3  Polytypes ....................................... 55
        2.5.4  Inferred Mechanisms of Formation ................ 56
   2.6  Noble Gas and N Content in Meteoritic Nanodiamonds:
        Nebular Processes ...................................... 58
   2.7  Nanodiamonds in Interplanetary Dust Particles:
        Insights on Solar Nebula Evolution ..................... 65
   2.8  Summary of Experimental Data ........................... 67
   2.9  The New Astronomy ...................................... 68
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 69
   References .................................................. 69

3  Types of Nanocrystalline Diamond ............................ 79
   O.A. Shenderova and G. McGuire
   Introduction ................................................ 79
   3.1  Nanodiamonds: Shapes ................................... 81
   3.2  Types of Nanodiamond and Methods of Their Synthesis .... 82
        3.2.1  Zero-Dimensional Nanodiamond Structures ......... 84
        3.2.2  One-Dimensional ND Structures ................... 95
        3.2.3  Two-Dimensional ND Structures .................. 102
        3.2.4  Three-Dimensional ND Structures ................ 104
   3.3  Conclusion ............................................ 108
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 109
   References ................................................. 109

PART 2  STABILITY OF NANODIAMOND .............................. 115

4  Stability of Nanodiamond ................................... 117
   A.S. Barnard
   Introduction: Nanocarbon Phase Stability ................... 117
   4.1  Nanocarbon Phase Diagrams ............................. 118
   4.2  Theoretical Studies of the Relative Phase Stability
        of Nanocarbons ........................................ 123
        4.2.1  Stability of Large Nanocarbon Particles ........ 124
        4.2.2  Stability of Small Nanocarbon Particles ........ 129
        4.2.3  Coexistence of Bucky-diamond and Other
               Nanocarbon Phases .............................. 130
        4.2.4  Stability of Quasi One-Dimensional
               Nanocarbon ..................................... 132
        4.2.5  Summary ........................................ 134
   4.3  Morphologies .......................................... 134
        4.3.1  Morphology of Nanodiamond Particles ............ 134
        4.3.2  Morphology of Diamond Nanorods and Nanowires ... 141
        4.3.3  Hybrid Nanocarbon Materials .................... 146
   4.4  Conclusions ........................................... 147
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 149
   References ................................................. 149

PART 3  UNCD FILMS AND RELATED MATERIALS ...................... 155

5  Electron Transport and the Potential of
   Ultrananocrystalline Diamond as a Thermoelectric
   Material ................................................... 157
   D.M. Gruen
   Introduction ............................................... 157
   5.1  Characterization of n-type Conductivity in  UNCD
        Films ................................................. 159
   5.2  Applications of n-type UNCD Films ..................... 165
        5.2.1  Field Electron Emission ........................ 167
        5.2.2  Electrodes for Electrochemistry and
               Biosensing ..................................... 168
        5.2.3  High-Temperature n-type UNCD/p-type
               All-Diamond Heterostructure Diode .............. 169
   5.3  Electronic Structure of UNCD Grain Boundaries ......... 170
   5.4  UNCD and Carbon Nanotube/UNCD Composites as
        Potential High-Efficiency, High-Temperature
        Thermoelectric Materials .............................. 173
   5.5  Summary ............................................... 178
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 179
   References ................................................. 180

6  Plasma-Assisted Synthesis: Plasma Experimental
   Diagnostics and Modeling ................................... 185
   E. Bénédic, G. Lombardi, K. Hassouni, E Mohasseb,
   and A. Gicquel
   Introduction ............................................... 185
   6.1  Experimental Details .................................. 188
        6.1.1  MPACVD Reactor and Process Parameters .......... 188
        6.1.2  Arrangements for Spectroscopic Diagnostics ..... 190
   6.2  Fundamentals of Plasma Diagnostics .................... 191
        6.2.1  Optical Emission and Broadband Absorption
               Spectroscopy ................................... 191
        6.2.2  Plasma Modeling ................................ 199
   6.3  Investigations of Typical NCD Deposition
        Conditions ............................................ 202
        6.3.1  Deposition and Characterization of NCD
               Films .......................................... 202
        6.3.2  Plasma Diagnostics ............................. 207
        6.3.3  Conclusion on Plasma Characterization .......... 211
   6.4  Investigations of Ar/H2/CH4 Microwave Discharges
        with the Plasma Thermochemical Model .................. 211
        6.4.1  Parametric Studies ............................. 211
        6.4.2  Mechanisms of C2 Formation ..................... 220
        6.4.3  Conclusion on Plasma Modeling .................. 222
   6.5  General Conclusion .................................... 223
   References ................................................. 224

7  Nanodiamond Films Deposited from Energetic Species:
   Material Characterization and Mechanism of Formation ....... 229
   I. Gouzman, Sh. Michaelson, and A. Hoffman
   Introduction ............................................... 229
   7.1  The Deposition System and Deposition Parameters ....... 231
   7.2  Evolution and Properties of the Films Studied by
        NEXAFS: Coordination and Orientation .................. 235
   7.3  Phase Composition of the Films as Reflected by
        Raman Spectroscopy .................................... 240
   7.4  Crystalline Structure of the Films by XRD ............. 246
   7.5  Morphological Evolution of the Films by AFM ........... 248
   7.6  Surface and Grain Boundary Phase Composition
        Studied by EELS ....................................... 248
   7.7  Hydrogen Content in the Films by SIMS and ERD ......... 251
   7.8  Hydrogen Bonding Configuration in the Nanodiamond
        Films Studied by HREELS ............................... 252
   7.9  Density Evolution of the Films Examined by XRR ........ 257
   7.10 Visualization and Evolution of the Films Studied by
        HR ТЕМ ................................................ 257
   7.11 Formation Mechanism of the Nanodiamond Film
        Deposited from Energetic Species ...................... 260
   7.12 Summary ............................................... 266
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 267
   References ................................................. 267

8  Theoretical Studies of UNCD Synthesis and Properties ....... 273
   P. Zapol, M. Sternberg, and L.A. Curtiss
   Introduction ............................................... 273
   8.1  Computational Methodologies ........................... 274
   8.2  Carbon Dimer Growth Mechanisms on the (110)
        Face of Diamond ....................................... 275
        8.2.1  The (110) 1 x 1:H Surfaces ..................... 275
        8.2.2  Clean (110) Diamond Surface .................... 278
   8.3  Carbon Dimer Growth Mechanisms on the (100) Surface
        of Diamond ............................................ 279
        8.3.1  The (100) 2 x 1:H Diamond Surface .............. 280
        8.3.2  The (100) 2 x 1 Diamond Surface ................ 281
        8.3.3  Nitrogen Addition to (100) 2 x 1 Surface ....... 284
        8.3.4  A Model for UNCD Growth Kinetics ............... 285
   8.4  Electronic Structure of UNCD .......................... 287
        8.4.1  Grain Boundaries in UNCD ....................... 287
        8.4.2  Structure of High-Angle Twist GBs in
               Diamond ........................................ 288
        8.4.3  Electronic Structure of GBs with к bonding
               in UNCD ........................................ 290
   8.5  Electronic Structure of Doped UNCD .................... 293
        8.5.1  Nitrogen in Diamond and Amorphous Carbon ....... 293
        8.5.2  Nitrogen Impurities in the UNCD GBs ............ 294
        8.5.3  Other Impurities in the UNCD GBs ............... 298
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 299
   References ................................................. 299

9  Mechanical Properties of Undoped and Doped
   Ultrananocrystalline Diamond: Elasticity, Strength,
   and Toughness .............................................. 303
   H.D. Espinosa, B. Peng, N. Moldovan, X. Xiao,
   O. Auciello, and J. Carlisle
   Introduction ............................................... 303
   9.1  The Material .......................................... 305
   9.2  Experimental Technique ................................ 308
        9.2.1  Elasticity and Strength Experiments ............ 308
        9.2.2  Fracture Toughness Experiments ................. 310
   9.3  Experimental Results .................................. 314
        9.3.1  Stress-Strain Curves ........................... 314
        9.3.2  Size Effect and Weibull Analysis ............... 316
        9.3.3  Toughness Measurements ......................... 319
   9.4  Fractographic Analysis ................................ 325
   9.5  Theoretical Strength .................................. 327
   9.6  Conclusions ........................................... 328
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 329
   References ................................................. 329


10 On the Discovery of Detonation Nanodiamond ................. 335
   V.V. Danilenko
   References ................................................. 344

11 Synthesis and Post-Synthesis Treatment of Detonation
   Nanodiamonds ............................................... 347
   V.Yu. Dolmatov
   Introduction ............................................... 347
   11.1 Industrial Technologies of Detonation Synthesis
        of UNCD ............................................... 349
   11.2 Post-Synthesis Purification and Modification .......... 354
        11.2.1 Chemical Purification .......................... 354
        11.2.2 UNCD Modification .............................. 371
   References ................................................. 375

12 Characterization and Physical Properties of UNCD
   Particles .................................................. 379
   A.Ya. Vul'
   Introduction ............................................... 379
   12.1 Methods for Characterization of UNCD Particles ........ 380
        12.1.1 General Remarks ................................ 380
        12.1.2 X-ray Diffraction .............................. 380
        12.1.3 Small-Angle X-ray Scattering ................... 382
        12.1.4 Raman Scattering ............................... 383
        12.1.5 HRTEM and SEM Studies .......................... 386
        12.1.6 STM and AFM Studies ............................ 387
        12.1.7 Visible and Far-Infrared Spectroscopic
               Studies ........................................ 389
        12.1.8 NMR and EPR Studies ............................ 390
        12.1.9 EELS Characterization of UNCD Powders .......... 391
   12.2 The Structure of UNCD Clusters and the Aggregation
        Problem ............................................... 391
   12.3 Mechanical Properties ................................. 396
   12.4 Optical Properties .................................... 397
   12.5 Electronic Properties ................................. 397
   Summary .................................................... 398
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 398
   References ................................................. 399

13 Diamond Phase Transitions at Nanoscale ..................... 405
   V.L. Kuznetsov and Yu.V. Butenko
   Introduction ............................................... 405
   13.1 Stability of Nanocarbons .............................. 408
   13.2 Surface Chemistry: Stability of Surface Species ....... 411
        13.2.1 Surface Groups of NDs .......................... 411
        13.2.2 Thermal Stability of ND Surface Groups ......... 413
        13.2.3 Critical View of the Formation of
                sp2-Bonded Carbon in Pristine NDs ............. 418
        13.2.4 The Onset Temperature of ND Graphitization ..... 420
   13.3 Kinetics of Diamond Graphitization .................... 422
        13.3.1 Experimental Approaches for the Study of
               ND Graphitization .............................. 423
        13.3.2 Kinetic Parameters of ND Graphitization
               for the Temperature Range of 1370-1860 К ....... 425
   13.4 Mechanism of Diamond Graphitization ................... 431
        13.4.1 Diamond Surface Reconstruction ................. 431
        13.4.2 Cleavage Energies of Diamond Planes ............ 433
        13.4.3 Shape of Diamond Particles ..................... 434
        13.4.4 Graphite/Diamond Interfaces .................... 436
        13.4.5 Formation of Nanocarbon Species via "Low"-
               Temperature Diamond Graphitization ............. 439
        13.4.6 The Formation of the Closed Curved Graphitic
               Structure on the Surface of Micron-Size
               Diamond ........................................ 445
   13.5 Catalytic Graphitization of NDs in the Presence of
        Metal Clusters ........................................ 450
   13.6 Graphitization of NDs in the Presence of Oxygen-
        and Hydrogen-Containing Gases ......................... 454
   13.7 Properties of ND Annealing Products: OLC, spVsp3
        Nanocomposites ........................................ 457
   13.8 Conclusion ............................................ 461
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 463
   References ................................................. 463

14 Applications of Detonation Nanodiamond ..................... 477
   V.Yu. Dolmatov
   14.1 Electrochemical Coatings .............................. 477
        14.1.1 Chrome Plating ................................. 477
        14.1.2 Copper Plating ................................. 480
        14.1.3 Zinc Plating ................................... 481
        14.1.4 Tin Plating .................................... 482
        14.1.5 Silvering ...................................... 482
        14.1.6 Gold Plating ................................... 483
        14.1.7 Nickel Plating ................................. 484
        14.1.8 Anode Oxidation ................................ 484
        14.1.9 The Deposition of Alloys along with UNCD ....... 485
   14.2 Polymer Compositions and Antifriction Coatings ........ 486
        14.2.1 The Polyisoprene and Butadiene-Styrene
               Copolymer ...................................... 488
        14.2.2 The Polysiloxane Polyblock Cyclolinear
               Copolymer ...................................... 491
        14.2.3 Polyurethane Foam .............................. 492
        14.2.4 Frost-Resistant Butadiene-Nitrile Rubber ....... 493
        14.2.5 Rubbers Stable to Explosive Decompression ...... 494
        14.2.6 Gas-flame Deposition of Polymer Coatings ....... 495
   14.3 Polishing ............................................. 496
   14.4 Oils and Lubricants ................................... 504
   14.5 Diamond Sinters and Compacts .......................... 508
   14.6 Bioactivity of UNCD Particles ......................... 513
   14.7 Other Technological Applications of UNCD Particles .... 520
   References ................................................. 521

15 Nanodiamond: Designing the Bio-Platform .................... 529
   V.P. Grichko and O.A. Shenderova
   Introduction ............................................... 529
   15.1 Functionalization of ND with Heteroatoms and
        Chemical Groups ....................................... 531
   15.2 Modification with Nucleic Acids ....................... 536
   15.3 Interaction with Proteins ............................. 540
   15.4 Application in Biosensors and Medicine ................ 541
   15.5 Biocompatibility of ND ................................ 547
   15.6 Conclusion ............................................ 549
   References ................................................. 550

16 History of Russian Patents on Detonation Nanodiamonds ...... 559
   I.L. Petrov and O.A. Shenderova
   Introduction ............................................... 559
   16.1 Patents on Methods of DND Synthesis ................... 560
   16.2 Patents on Post-Synthesis Treatments .................. 563
   16.3 Patents on Composition of Matter ...................... 570
   16.4 Patents on Applications ............................... 573
   16.5 Conclusion ............................................ 580

Acknowledgments ............................................... 581

References .................................................... 581

Index ......................................................... 589

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