Superconductivity; Vol.1: Conventional and high temperature superconductors (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSuperconductivity. Vol.1: Conventional and high temperature superconductors / ed. by K.H.Bennemann, J.B.Ketterson. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. - xvi, 762 p.: ill. (some col.). - ISBN 978-3-540-73252-5

Оглавление / Contents
Volume I. Superconductivity: Conventional and Unconventional

List of Contributors ........................................... XV
1   History of Superconductivity: Conventional,
    High-Transition Temperature and Novel Superconductors
    K.H. Bennemann and J.B. Ketterson ........................... 3
    1.1   Introduction .......................................... 3
    1.2   Novel Superconductors ................................. 9
    1.3   Granular Superconductors, Mesoscopic Systems,
          Josephson Junctions .................................. 18
    1.4   Outlook .............................................. 23
    References ................................................. 25
2   Phenomenology and Microscopic Theory: Theoretical 
    L. Pitaevskii .............................................. 27
    2.1   Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order and Superfluidity ...... 27
    2.2   Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order in Superconductors ..... 31
    2.3   The London Equation .................................. 33
    2.4   Thermodynamics of Superconductors in a Magnetic 
          Field ................................................ 35
    2.5   The Intermediate State of Superconductors ............ 37
    2.6   The Ginzburg-Landau Theory ........................... 38
    2.7   Surface Energy at the Boundary Between Normal and
          Superconducting Phases ............................... 42
    2.8   Superconductors of the Second Kind ................... 45
    2.9   Quantized Vortex Lines ............................... 46
    2.10  Vortex-Vortex Interactions ........................... 49
    2.11  Cooper Pairing ....................................... 52
    2.12  Energy Spectrum of a Superconductor .................. 54
    2.13  Thermodynamic Properties of Superconductors .......... 57
    2.14  Elements of the Theory of Green's Functions .......... 62
    2.15  Green's Function of a Superconductor ................. 65
    2.16  Temperature Green's Functions ........................ 68
    2.17  Temperature Green's Functions for a Superconductor ... 70
    References ................................................. 71
3   Electron-Phonon Superconductivity
    R. Marsiglio and J.P. Carbotte ............................. 73
    3.1   Introduction ......................................... 74
    3.2   The Electron-Phonon Interaction: Overview ............ 74
    3.3   The Phonons .......................................... 92
    3.4   The Critical Temperature and the Energy Gap ......... 108
    3.5   Thermodynamics and Critical Magnetic Fields ......... 118
    3.6   Response Functions .................................. 122
    3.7   Anisotropy and MgB2 ................................. 139
    3.8   Summary ............................................. 145
    Appendix .................................................. 148
    References ................................................ 153
4   Coexistence of Singlet Superconductivity and Magnetic 
    Order in Bulk Magnetic Superconductors and SF 
    M.L. Kulic and A.I. Buzdin ................................ 163
    4.1   Introduction ........................................ 164
    4.2   Ferromagnetic Superconductors ....................... 169
    4.3   Antiferromagnetic Superconductors (AFS) ............. 180
    4.4   Magnetic Superconductors in the Magnetic Field ...... 183
    4.5   Josephson Effect with Bulk Magnetic 
          Superconductors ..................................... 188
    4.6   Superconductor/Ferromagnet Heterostructures ......... 189
    4.7   Conclusion .......................................... 196
    Appendix .................................................. 197
    References ................................................ 199
5   Theory of Superconducting Alloys
    I.P. Gor'kov .............................................. 201
    5.1   Introduction ........................................ 201
    5.2   Averages of Green Functions Over Impurities ......... 202
    5.3   Superconducting Alloys with a Small Gap ............. 208
    5.4   Paramagnetic Alloys and Gapless Superconductivity ... 216
    5.5   Eilenberger Equations ............................... 218
    5.6   Final Remark ........................................ 223
    References ................................................ 224
6   Impurity Nanostructures and Quantum Interference in
    D.K. Morr ................................................. 225
    6.1   Introduction ........................................ 225
    6.2   Review: Single Impurity Effects in Conventional 
          and Unconventional Superconductors .................. 228
    6.3   Formalism ........................................... 231
    6.4   Quantum Interference and Quantum Imaging in s-wave
          Superconductors ..................................... 234
    6.5   Quantum Interference Phenomena in dx2-y2-wave
          Superconductors ..................................... 244
    6.6   Molecules on the Surface of dx2-y2-wave 
          Superconductors ..................................... 250
    6.7   Conclusions ......................................... 253
    References ................................................ 256
7   Nanostructured Superconductors
    G. Deutscher .............................................. 259
    7.1   Introduction ........................................ 259
    7.2   Nano-structured Compounds ........................... 260
    7.3   The Granular Structure .............................. 260
    7.4   Normal State Transport .............................. 262
    7.5   Single Grain Behavior ............................... 265
    7.6   Weakly Coupled Grains: Granular Insulators and
          Super-Insulators .................................... 269
    7.7   Well Coupled Grains ................................. 272
    7.8   Critical Temperature of Granular Superconductors .... 275
    References ................................................ 277
8   Proximity-Coupled Systems: Quasiclassical Theory of 
    V. Chandrasekhar .......................................... 279
    8.1   Introduction ........................................ 279
    8.2   Transport Equations in the Diffusive
          Approximation ....................................... 280
    8.3   The Keldysh Green's Functions ....................... 283
    8.4   The Quasiclassical Approximation .................... 288
    8.5   Non-equilibrium Green's Functions for
          Superconducting Systems ............................. 291
    8.6   Quasiclassical Superconducting Green's Functions .... 294
    8.7   The Dirty Limit: The Usadel Equation ................ 297
    8.8   Parametrization of the Quasiclassical Green's
          Function ............................................ 302
    8.9   Applications of the Quasiclassical Equations to
          Proximity-Coupled Systems ........................... 304
    8.10  Summary ............................................. 311
    References ................................................ 312
9   Principles of Josephson-Junction-Based Quantum
    S.E. Shafranjuk and J.B. Ketterson ........................ 315
    9.1   Introduction ........................................ 316
    9.2   Josephson-Junction-Based Qubit Devices .............. 319
    9.3   Qubit Dynamics ...................................... 329
    9.4   Quantum Oscillations in Two Coupled Charge Qubits ... 345
    9.5   SISIS Two-Qubit Gate with Intrinsic Coupling ........ 350
    9.6   Conclusions ......................................... 361
    Appendix .................................................. 362
    References ................................................ 365
10  Fluctuation Phenomena in Superconductors
    A.I. Larkin and A.A. Varlamov ............................. 369
    10.1  Introduction ........................................ 370
    10.2  Ginzburg-Landau Formalism: Thermodynamics ........... 373
    10.3  Fluctuations Below the Critical Temperature ......... 390
    10.4  Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Fluctuations in 
          Transport Phenomena ................................. 396
    10.5  Fluctuations Near the S-I Transition ................ 405
    10.6  Microscopic Derivation of the Time-Dependent 
          Ginzburg-Landau Equation ............................ 410
    10.7  Microscopic Theory of Fluctuation Conductivity of
          Layered Superconductors ............................. 416
    10.8  Manifestation of Fluctuations in Various 
          Properties .......................................... 429
    10.9  Conclusions ......................................... 452
    References ................................................ 453
11  Universal Properties of Cuprate Superconductors:
    Evidence and Implications
    T. Schneider .............................................. 459
    11.1  Introduction ........................................ 459
    11.2  Critical Behavior at Finite Temperature ............. 465
    11.3  Quantum Critical Behavior and Crossover Phenomena ... 471
    11.4  Thin Films .......................................... 487
    11.5  Concluding Remarks and Comparison with Other 
          Layered Superconductors ............................. 487
    References ................................................ 489
12  Vortex Matter
    G. Blatter and V.B. Geshkenbein ........................... 495
    12.1  Introduction ........................................ 496
    12.2  Ginzburg-Landau and London Theories ................. 502
    12.3  Vortex Lines ........................................ 505
    12.4  Vortex Lattice ...................................... 512
    12.5  Layered Materials ................................... 518
    12.6  Anisotropic Scaling Theory .......................... 532
    12.7  Statistical Mechanics ............................... 538
    12.8  Quenched Disorder: Pinning and Creep ................ 566
    12.9  Uncorrelated Disorder: Collective Pinning and
          Creep ............................................... 575
    12.10 Correlated Disorder ................................. 605
    12.11 Surface and Geometrical Barriers .................... 610
    12.12 Vortex Glasses ...................................... 615
    12.13 Concluding Remarks .................................. 621
    References ................................................ 625
13  Unconventional Superconductivity in Novel Materials
    M.B. Maple, E.D. Bauer, V.S. Zapf, and J. Wosnitza ........ 639
    13.1  Introduction ........................................ 640
    13.2  Conventional Superconductors Containing Localized
          Magnetic Moments .................................... 641
    13.3  ƒ-Electron Heavy Fermion Superconductors ............ 659
    13.4  Organic Superconductors ............................. 696
    13.5  Layered Cuprate and Ruthenate Superconductors ....... 717
    13.6  Comparison of the Properties of Different Classes
          of Novel Superconductors ............................ 741
    References ................................................ 744

Volume II. Superconductivity: Novel Superconductors
List of Contributors ........................................... XV
14  High-Tc Superconductivity
    H.R. Ott .................................................. 765
    14.1  Introduction ........................................ 765
    14.2  Typical Structural Characteristics .................. 767
    14.3  Occurrence of Superconductivity ..................... 774
    14.4  Physical Properties of Copper Oxides ................ 778
    14.5  Physical Properties of Non-Cuprate High-Tc 
          Superconductors ..................................... 813
    14.6  Final Remarks ....................................... 823
    References ................................................ 823
15  Tunneling Spectroscopy of Conventional and
    Unconventional Superconductors
    J. Zasadzinski ............................................ 833
    15.1  Introduction ........................................ 833
    15.2  Basic Tunneling Phenomenology ....................... 835
    15.3  Tunneling and Strong-Coupling Effects:
          Microscopic Picture ................................. 841
    15.4  Tunneling Spectroscopy of Conventional
          Superconductors ..................................... 844
    15.5  Tunneling in High-Temperature Superconductors ....... 847
    15.6  Heavy Fermion Superconductors ....................... 861
    15.7  Organic Superconductors ............................. 862
    15.8  Other Materials ..................................... 863
    15.9  Conclusions ......................................... 864
    References ................................................ 865
16  Phase-Sensitive Tests of Pairing Symmetry in Cuprate
    С.С. Tsuei and J.R. Kirtley ............................... 869
    16.1  Introduction ........................................ 869
    16.2  Phase Sensitive Tests: Theoretical Background ....... 874
    16.3  Phase-Sensitive Tests: Experiments .................. 880
    16.4  Angle-Resolved Determination of Gap Anisotropy in
          YBCO ................................................ 901
    16.5  Universality of the d-Wave Pair State ............... 902
    16.6  Implications of d-Wave Pairing Symmetry ............. 907
    16.7  Conclusions ......................................... 912
    References ................................................ 913
17  Photoemission in the High-Tc Superconductors
    J.C. Campuzano, M.R. Norman, and M. Randeria .............. 923
    17.1  Introduction ........................................ 924
    17.2  Basics of Angle-Resolved Photoemission .............. 924
    17.3  The Valence Band .................................... 933
    17.4  Normal State Dispersion and the Fermi Surface ....... 935
    17.5  Superconducting Energy Gap .......................... 948
    17.6  Pseudogap ........................................... 954
    17.7  Photoemission Lineshapes and the Electron Self-
          Energy .............................................. 963
    17.8  Summary ............................................. 987
    References ................................................ 988
18  Neutron Scattering and the Magnetic Response of
    Superconductors and Related Compounds
    S.M. Hayden ............................................... 993
    18.1  Introduction ........................................ 993
    18.2  The Neutron Scattering Technique .................... 994
    18.3  The Static Spin Susceptibility of
          Superconductors ..................................... 999
    18.4  Magnetic Excitations in Metals and Weakly Coupled
          Superconductors .................................... 1001
    18.5  Excitations and Superconductive Pairing ............ 1003
    18.6  High Temperature Superconductivity ................. 1004
    18.7  Discussion ......................................... 1023
    18.8  Final Remarks ...................................... 1024
    References ............................................... 1024
19  Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity
    P.S. Riseborough, G.M. Schmiedeshoff, and J.L. Smith ..... 1031
    19.1  Overview ........................................... 1031
    19.2  Introduction ....................................... 1033
    19.3  Properties of the Normal State ..................... 1069
    19.4  Properties of the Superconducting State ............ 1103
    19.5  Heavy Fermion Superconducting Compounds ............ 1132
    19.6  The Conclusion ..................................... 1140
    References ............................................... 1141
20  Organic Superconductors
    M. Lang and J. Müller .................................... 1155
    20.1  Introduction ....................................... 1155
    20.2  Characteristics of Organic Charge-Transfer 
          Conductors ......................................... 1157
    20.3  Normal-State Properties ............................ 1162
    20.4  Superconducting-State Properties ................... 1182
    20.5  Epilogue ........................................... 1212
    References ............................................... 1214
21  Concepts in High Temperature Superconductivity
    E.W. Carlson, V.J. Emery, S.A. Kivelson, and D. Orgad .... 1225
    21.1  Introduction ....................................... 1227
    21.2  High Temperature Superconductivity is Hard to 
          Attain ............................................. 1230
    21.3  Superconductivity in the Cuprates: General 
          Considerations ..................................... 1234
    21.4  Preview: Our View of the Phase Diagram ............. 1244
    21.5  Quasi-ID Superconductors ........................... 1245
    21.6  Quasi-ID Physics in a Dynamical Stripe Array ....... 1257
    21.7  Electron Fractionalization in D > 1 as 
          a Mechanism of High Temperature 
          Superconductivity .................................. 1259
    21.8  Superconductors with Small Superfluid Density ...... 1262
    21.9  Lessons from Weak Coupling ......................... 1272
    21.10 Lessons from Strong Coupling ....................... 1277
    21.11 Lessons from Numerical Studies of Hubbard and 
          Related Models ..................................... 1286
    21.12 Doped Antiferromagnets ............................. 1300
    21.13 Stripes and High Temperature Superconductivity ..... 1310
    References ............................................... 1327
22  A Spin Fluctuation Model for d-Wave Superconductivity
    A.V. Chubukov, D. Pines, and J. Schmalian ................ 1349
    22.1  Introduction and Overview .......................... 1349
    22.2  Spin-Fermion Model ................................. 1358
    22.3  Summary of Strong-Coupling Theory for Electron-
          Phonon Pairing ..................................... 1363
    22.4  Strong-Coupling Approach to Spin-Fermion 
          Interaction ........................................ 1366
    22.5  Fingerprints of Spin Fermion Pairing ............... 1377
    22.6  Comparison with the Experiments on Cuprates ........ 1389
    22.7  Conclusions ........................................ 1403
    22.8  Note Added ......................................... 1405
    References ............................................... 1407
23  Electronic Theory for Superconductivity in High-Tc 
    Cuprates and Sr2RuO4
    D. Manske, I. Eremin, and К.H. Bennemann ................. 1415
    23.1  Introduction ....................................... 1416
    23.2  Electronic Theory for Hole-Doped and Electron-
          Doped Cuprates ..................................... 1428
    23.3  Electronic Theory for Ruthenates (Sr2RuO4) ......... 1451
    23.4  Results for Hole-Doped and Electron-Doped
          Cuprates ........................................... 1460
    23.5  Results for Sr2RuO4 ................................ 1485
    23.6  Summary and Outlook ................................ 1496
    Appendix ................................................. 1497
    References ............................................... 1511
24  Superfluid 3He and the Cuprate Superconductors
    A.J. Leggett ............................................. 1517
    24.1  Introduction: Bose Condensation and Cooper 
          Pairing ............................................ 1517
    24.2  The Normal State: Is the Fermi-Liquid Picture
          Valid? ............................................. 1522
    24.3  Response Functions: The MIR Peak in the
          Cuprates ........................................... 1525
    24.4  The Cooper-Paired States of Superfluid 3He and 
          the Cuprates: General Considerations ............... 1526
    24.5  Symmetry of the Order Parameter .................... 1531
    24.6  Conclusion ......................................... 1534
    24.7  Summary ............................................ 1534
    References ............................................... 1535

Author Index ................................................. 1537

Subject Index ................................................ 1545

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