Science and technology in catalysis (Amsterdam, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаScience and technology in catalysis: proc. of the fifth Tokyo conf. on advanced catalytic science and technology, Tokyo, July 23-28, 2006 / ed. by K.Eguchi, M.Machida, I.Yamanaka. - Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Ltd, 2007. - xxvii, 631 p.: ill. - (Studies in surface and catalysis; Vol.172). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.625-631. - ISBN 978-0-444-53202-2; ISSN 0167-2991

Оглавление / Contents
Board and Committee ............................................. v
Acknowledgments ............................................... vii
Preface ..................................................... xxvii

I.  Plenary Lectures

1   Opening New Avenues for Green Organic Syntheses Using
    Heterogeneous Metal Catalysts ............................... 3
    K. Kaneda (Osaka University, Japan)
2   Polymerization Catalysis by Post-metallocenes: Bridging 
    the Gap Between Ziegler-Natta and Single-site Catalysts .... 11
    J. Okuda (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
3   Structure and Reactivity of Solid Catalysts — Quantum 
    Chemical Approach .......................................... 19
    J. Sauer (Humboldt University, Germany)
4   Advances in Automobile Exhaust Catalyst .................... 27
    S. Matsumoto (Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan)

II. Oral Presentations

5   Cu-based Catalysis for Methanol Synthesis .................. 37
    J. Nerlov, S. Helveg, P.L. Hansen (Haldor Topsøe A/S,
6   Selective Catalytic Cracked Gasoline 
    Hydrodesulfurization ....................................... 43
    S. Hatanaka, K. Shimada, E. Morita (Nippon Oil 
    Corporation, Japan)
7   New Catalytic Technologies for the Industrial Production 
    of Ethylene and Propylene .................................. 49
    J.С. Bricker*1, J.E. Rekoske*2, B. Glover*1 (*1JUOP LLC, 
    USA, *2UOP Limited, UK)
8   Development of an Improved HC1 Oxidation Process: 
    Structure of the RuO2/Rutile TiO2 Catalyst ................. 55
    K. Seki*1, K. Iwanaga*1, T. Hibi*1, K. Issoh*1, Y. Mori*1,
    T. Abe*2 (*1Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan, *2Sumitomo 
    Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan)
9   Nanoporous Pt/WC as an Anode for Direct Methanol Fuel 
    Cells ...................................................... 61
    R. Ganesan*1, D. Ham*1, J.S. Lee*1, H. Kim*2, Y.J. Oh*2,
    J. Park*2, W. Lee*2 (*1Pohang University of Science and
    Technology, Korea, *2Korea University, Korea)
10  Recent Advances in Reforming Catalysis and Adsorption 
    Desulfurization of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels for Fuel Cell
    Applications ............................................... 67
    C. Song, J. Strohm, J. Zheng, M. Hoehn, X. Ma (The 
    Pennsylvania State University, USA)
11  Development of New Phosphazene Catalysts and Their 
    Industrial Applications .................................... 73
    T. Nobori, T. Hayashi, A. Shibahara, S. Funaki, 
    K. Funaki, N. Yoshimura, Y. Inoue (Mitsui Chemicals,
    Inc., Japan)
12  Environmental Catalysis: A Push to the Development of New
    Catalytic Materials ........................................ 79
    G. Centi, S. Perathoner (University of Messina, Italy)
13  Hydrothermally Stable and Catalytically Active Mesoporous
    Materials .................................................. 85
    F.-S. Xiao, L. Wang, T. Tang, C. Yin (Jilin University, 
14  Crystalline Mo3VOx Its Unique Structural Property and
    High Catalytic Performance in Alkane Selective Oxidation ... 91
    W. Ueda, T. Kato, N. Watanabe, T. Kuranishi, K. Kodato, 
    M. Sadakane (Hokkaido University, Japan)
15  Catalytic Activation of C-H and C-F Bonds in Alkyl Groups
    Adsorbed on Copper Surfaces: α- and β-Elimination 
    Pathways ................................................... 97
    C.-M. Chiang, H. Kung (National Sun Yat-Sen University,
16  True Intermediates and Spectators in Reaction 
    Mechanisms: A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study ............. 103
    S.T. Oyama, C. Reed, Y.-K. Lee, Y. Xi (Virginia 
    Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA)
17  On the Mechanism of the Beckmann Rearrangement, 
    A Molecular Orbital Study ................................. 109
    S. Nakamura, K. Kanda, P. Turcotte, H. Itagaki, 
    M. Mikami, Y. Hara, Y. Saito, K. Sasaki, T. Matsuoka, 
    M. Teduka, T. Suzuki, Y. Mori, K. Tanabe, J. Takahara,
    T. Setoyama (Mitsubishi Chemical Group Science and 
    Research Center, Inc., Japan)
18  Development of Powdered Photocatalysts for Water 
    Splitting ................................................. 115
    A. Kudo (Tokyo University of Science, Japan, Japan 
    Science and Technology Agency (CREST, JST), Japan)
19  Computer Simulation of DOC+CSF Systems for Diesel 
    Exhaust Emission Control .................................. 119
    M. Nagata (N.E. Chemcat Corporation, Japan)
20  Modularity in New Chiral Ferrocenyl-based Ligands for
    Enantioselective Hydrogenation - From Concepts to
    Production Scale Applications ............................. 125
    B. Pugin, M. Thommen, F. Spindler, M. Lotz, 
    M. Kesselgruber, X. Feng (SOLVIASAG, Switzerland)
21  Autocatalytic Beckmann Rearrangement of Cyclohexanone-
    Oxime in Liquid Phase ..................................... 129
    T. Setoyama, Y. Kawaragi, N. Fujita, T. Suzuki, 
    T. Matsuoka, M. Fujii, H. Tsuji, K. Takizawa (Mitsubishi
    Chemical Science and Research Center, Japan)
22  Formed Zirconia Carriers .................................. 133
    M. Те*1, S. Dahar*1, P. Koradia*1, Y. Ono*2 (*1Saint-
    Gobain NorPro, USA, *2Saint-Gobain K.K., Japan)
23  New Direct Synthesis Technology of Dimethyl Ether ......... 137
    T. Shikada, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Mogi, N. Inoue, Y. Ohno (DME 
    Development Co., Ltd, Japan)
24  Development of CO2 Reforming Catalyst and Process ......... 141
    F. Yagi*1, S. Wakamatsu*1, R. Kanai*1, R. Kajiyama*1, 
    Y. Suehiro*2, M. Shimura*1 (*1Chiyoda Corporation,
    Japan, *2Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation,
25  Role of Nb in Rutile-type Metal Antimonates for Propane
    Ammoxidation .............................................. 145
    N. Ballarini*1, F. Cavani*1, M. Cimini*1, G.M.
    Mascanzoni*1, F. Trifiró*1, J.M. Millet*2, M. Banãres*3, 
    M.O. Guerrero-Perez*3, U. Cornaro*4, R. Catani*5 
    (*1University of Bologna, Italy, *2Institut de 
    Recherches sur la Catalyse, France, *3Instituto de 
    Catalisis у Petroleoquimica, Spain, *4EniTecnologie 
    SpA, Italy, *5Snamprogetti SpA, Italy)
26  New Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of p-Xylene to
    Terephthaldehyde (TPAL) ................................... 149
    W.-H. Lee, J.H. Chae, D.I. Lee, H.K. Yoon, I.K. Park
    (LG Chem, Ltd., Korea)
27  Pt-modified MCM-22. ZSM-5 and Beta Zeolite Catalysts for 
    n-Butane Isomerization: Influence of Structure, Acidity
    and Pt Modification ....................................... 153
    N. Kumar*1, O. Russu*1, P. Seelam*1, T. Heikkiä*2, 
    V.-P. Lento*2, H. Karhu*2, T. Salmi*1, D.Y. Murzin*1 
    (*1Åbo Akademi University, Finland, *2Turku University,
28  Formation of Co-Mo-S Phase on Sulfided C0-M0/AI2O3 
    Catalyst — Investigation by 129Xe NMR ..................... 157
    K. Hagiwara, T. Ebihara, N. Urasato, T. Fujikawa (Cosmo 
    Oil Co., Ltd., Japan)
29  Simulation Model of FCC Gasoline Hydrodesulfurization ..... 161
    W. Sahara, K. Shimada, E. Morita, S. Hatanaka (Nippon
    Oil Corporation, Japan)
30  Zeolite Plus: A New Technology for Zeolite Manufacture .... 165
    S.J. Miller (Chevron Energy Technology Company, USA)
31  Recent Advances in Catalyst Technology for High Quality
    Fuels and Lubes ........................................... 169
    G. Cao, T.F. Degnan, M.C. Kerby (ExxonMobil Research and
    Engineering Co., USA)
32  Recent Developments in the Industrial Application of
    Gold Catalysts ............................................ 173
    С. Corti*1, R. Holliday*1, E. Van Der Lingen*2, 
    D. Thompson*2 (*1International Technology, UK, *2Project
    AuTEK, South Africa)
33  Modification of Pt-Re/Al2O3 Naphtha Reforming Catalysts
    by Tin Tetraethyl Using Controlled Surface Reaction to 
    Reduce the Yield of Benzene and Aromatics ................. 177
    J.L. Margitfalvi, S. Gőbölös, E. Tálas, I. Borbáth 
    (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)
34  Activation of Hydrotreating Catalysts under Industrial 
    Conditions: Mechanism and Key Parameters .................. 181
    С. Geantet*1, T.S. Nguyen*1, T. Cholley*2, D. Schweich*3,
    M. Lacroix*1 (*1IRC-CNRS, France, *2Total Petrochemicals,
    Belgium, *3ESCPE-CNRS, France)
35  The Mechanism of Fructose Hydrogenation on Activated
    Base Metal Surfaces ....................................... 185
    D.J. Ostgard, V. Duprez, M. Berweiler, S. Röder, 
    Т. Таске (Degussa AG, Germany)
36  The Production of Biodiesel from the Esterification of 
    Free Fatty Acids of Palm Oil by Using Niobic Acid as a 
    Solid Acid Catalyst ....................................... 189
    A.T. Pereira*1, K.A. Oliveira*1, R.S. Monteiro*1, 
    D.A.G. Aranda*2, R.T.P. Santos*1, R.R. João*1
    (*1Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração, 
    Brazil, *2Escola de Quimica da UFRJ, Brazil)
37  Catalytic Activity and Sintering Behavior of Precious
    Metal Particles Located in the Mesoporous Grain 
    Boundary .................................................. 193
    T. Kanazawa (Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan)
38  Biorefinery with Heterogeneous Catalysts: Hydrolysis of
    Sugars .................................................... 197
    A. Fukuoka*1, P.L. Dhepe*1,2 (*1Hokkaido University, 
    Japan, *2CREST, Japan)
39  Templation via Fermentation: Where Biotechnology Meets
    Zeolite Science ........................................... 201
    S.A. Schunk*1, M. Lindén*1, J.H. Smått*2 (*1The
    Aktiengesellschaft, Germany, *2Åbo Akademi, Finland)
40  Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation and C-C Bond Formation 
    Reactions Catalyzed by Disilicoeicosatungstates ........... 205
    A. Yoshida*1, K. Uehara*2, S. Hikichi*2,3, N. Mizuno*1,2 
    (*1The University of Tokyo, Japan, *2Japan Science and
    Technology Agency (JST), Japan, *3Kanagawa University, 
41  Highly Effective Dehydration of 2-(4'-Ethylbenzoyl) 
    benzoic Acid over Citric Acid-modified Hβ Catalysts ....... 209
    R. Xu, X. Guo, G. Wang, J. Liu, Z. Zhang (Dalian 
    University of Technology, China)
42  Hydrogenation of Aromatic Compounds over Supported 
    Transition Metal Catalysts in Supercritical Carbon
    Dioxide Solvent ........................................... 213
    M. Shirai*1, C.V. Rode*2, O. Sato*1, N. Hiyoshi*1 
    (*1National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and 
    Technology, Japan, *2National Chemical Laboratory,
43  Isomerization of n-Alkanes under Supercritical 
    Conditions over Al-promoted Sulfated Zirconia ............. 217
    T. Funamoto, K. Narisawa, M. Nakamura, K. Segawa (Sophia
    University, Japan)
44  Novel Method for Preparation of Nanostructured Au/TiO2
    on SiO2 Support by Colloidal Synthesis .................... 221
    L. Guczi*1, A. Beck*1, A. Horváth*1, A.S. árk	ány*1, 
    G. Stefler*1, O. Geszti*2 (*1Institute of Isotopes,
    Hungary, *2Research Institute for Technical Physics and
    Materials Science, Hungary)
45  Carbon Nanofibers Grown on Metallic Filters as Novel
    Structured Catalytic Materials ............................ 225
    P. Tribolet, L. Kiwi-Minsker (Ecole Polytechnique 
    Federate de Lausanne, Switzerland)
46  Robotic Preparation of Catalysts: The Preparation of
    Hydrotalcites and Takovites by Coprecipitation and
    a Comparison with Conventional Methods .................... 229
    J.R.H. Ross*1, G. Grasso*2, R. Delaney*1 (*1University
    of Limerick, Ireland, *2CNRS - Institute de Recherche 
    sur la Catalyse, France)
47  Development of Bimodal Cobalt Catalysts for Fischer-
    Tropsch Synthesis ......................................... 233
    Y. Zhang, N. Tsubaki (University of Toyama, Japan)
48  Oxidative Propane Dehydrogenation in a Micro-channel
    Reactor Kinetic Data Acquisition and Modelling ............ 237
    N. Steinfeldt, N. Dropka, K. Jaehnisch, M. Baerns 
    (Leibnitz-Institut für Katalyse e.V. an der Universität
    Rostock, Germany)
49  Design of Structured Catalysts Based on Metallic 
    Monoliths for Syngas Production via Partial Oxidation of
    Natural Gas ............................................... 241
    V. Sadykov*1, S. Pavlova*1, O. Snegurenko*1, 
    Z. Vostrikov*1, S. Tikhov*1, V. Kuzmin*1, V. Parmon*1,
    V. Ulianitsky*2, O. Brizitsky*2, A. Khristolyubov*3,
    V. Terentiev*3 (*1Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, 
    Russia, *2Lavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Russia,
    *3VNIIEF, Russia)
50  Design of Capillary Reactor with Internal Solid-Catalyst
    Layer ..................................................... 245
    R. Takahashi, S. Sato, T. Sodesawa (Chiba University, 
51  CO2 Electro-reduction over Electroplated Cu and Co-Cu
    Electrodes: Fine Tuning of Hydrocarbon Selectivity ........ 249
    H. Shibata, R. Brand, G. Mul, J.A. Moulijn (Delft 
    University of Technology, the Netherlands)
52  Unique Active Sites for Selective Methanol Formation in
    CO-H2 Reaction over Rh Filled ТiO2 Nanocapsule Catalysts ... 253
    S. Naito, Y. Numao, Y. Ishimaru, T. Miyao (Kanagawa 
    University, Japan)
53  Imaging Promoter Atoms in Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch 
    Catalysts Using SuperSTEM Microscopy ...................... 257
    C.M. Lok*1, M.D. Shannon*2, J.L. Casci*1 (*1Johnson 
    Matthey Catalysts, UK, *2ICI Measurement Science Group,
54  Activated Carbon Supported Ni-Ca: Influence of Reaction 
    Parameters on Activity and Stability of Catalyst on 
    Methane Reformation ....................................... 261
    J. Matos*1, K. Díaz*1, V. García*1, С Navarro*2, 
    A. Albornoz*1, J.L. Brito*1 (*1Venezuelan Institute
    for Scientific Research, Venezuela, *2Central University
    of Venezuela, Venezuela)
55  Catalytic Activities and Properties of Pt-Re/TiO2 
    Catalysts Prepared from Various Pt Precursors for Low-
    temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction ...................... 265
    H. Iida, M. Someya, K. Kondo, A. Igarashi (Kogakuin 
    University, Japan)
56  Identification of the Nature of the Active Form of Gold
    in Au/ZrCeO4 Low Temperature Water Gas Shift Catalysts .... 269
    C. Hardacre*1, A.A. Foncesca*2, R. Burch*1, Y. Chen*1, 
    J. Fisher*2, A. Goguet*1, P. Hu*1, R.W. Joyner*1, B.S.
    Mun*3, D. Thompsett*2, D. Tibiletti*1 (*1Queen's
    University Belfast, UK, *2Johnson Matthey Technology
    Centre, UK, *3ALS, Berkeley Lab, USA)
57  High Sulfur-tolerant Pt/Doped-CeO2 Catalyst for Liquid
    Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing ............................... 273
    Y. Lu, J. Chen, Q. Xue, Y. Liu, M. He (East China Normal
    University, China)
58  Highly Efficient Process for H2 Production from Natural 
    Gas by Using H2 Permeating Membrane Reactor ............... 277
    T. Ishihara*1, K. Nishida*2, K. Chaki*3, M. Higashi*3,
    H. Matsumoto*1 (*1Kyushu University, Japan, *2Oita
    University, Japan, *3Japan Petroleum Exploration Co.
    Ltd., Japan)
59  Preparation of Plate-type Pd-ZnO Catalyst by Electroless
    Plating on an Aluminum Plate for Steam Reforming 
    Methanol .................................................. 281
    C. Fukuhara*1, Y. Kamata*1, A. Igarashi*2 (*1Hachinohe 
    Institute of Technology, Japan, *2Kogakuin University,
60  Preferential CO Oxidation over Pt-Ni/γ-Al203 .............. 285
    Y.H. Kim*1, E.-Y. Ко*1, E.D. Park*1, H.С. Lee*2, 
    D. Lee*2, S. Kim*2 (*1Ajou University, Korea, *2Samsung
    Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Korea)
61  Rh/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 Catalyst for H2 Production by Ethanol
    Steam Reforming: Impact of CO-CO2-CH4 Interconversion 
    Reactions ................................................. 289
    A. Birot*1, F. Epron*1, С. Descorme*1,2, D. Duprez*1 
    (*1CNRS & University of Poitiers, France, *2IRC-CNRS & 
    Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, France)
62  Methanol Steam Reforming over Copper Catalyst Prepared 
    from Amorphous Cu-Zr Alloy with Minute Amounts of Noble
    Metals .................................................... 293
    T. Takahashi*1, M. Kawabata*1, A. Yoshida*1, T. Kai*1,
    H. Kimura*2, A. Inoue*2 (*1Kagoshima University, Japan,
    *2Tohoku University, Japan)
63  Catalytic Production of H2: Evidences of Steam Reforming
    Mechanisms via Operando IR Spectroscopy ................... 297
    С. Verrier, P. Bazin, O. Marie, M. Daturi (CNRS-
    ENSICAEN-Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France)
64  Monolithic Microfibrous Entrapped Nickel-base Catalyst
    Composites for High Efficiency H2 Production from NH3 
    Decomposition for Portable Fuel Cell Supplies ............. 301
    Y. Lu, H. Wang, Y. Liu, Q. Xue, L. Chen, M. He (East 
    China Normal University, China)
65  Ethylene Homopolymerization and Ethylene/Norbornene
    Copolymerization by VСl2(N-2,6-Ме2С6Н3)(O-2,6-Ме2С6Н3)
    -Chlorinated Al Cocatalyst Systems ........................ 305
    K. Nomura, W. Wang (Nara Institute of Science and 
    Technology, Japan)
66  New Routes to Liquid Fuels via Acetylene 
    Oligomerization ........................................... 309
    D. Trimm*1, I. Liu*2, N. Cant*2 (*1CSIRO Petroleum,
    Australia, *2The University of New South Wales, 
67  Dynamic Kinetic Resolution Combining Enzyme and Zeolite 
    Catalysis ................................................. 313
    S. Jaenicke, G. K. Chuah, K.-L. Fow (National University
    of Singapore, Singapore)
68  Single Step Synthesis of Mesoporous Co-Pb/SBA-15 
    Catalysts ................................................. 317
    B. Акçа*1, М. Can*1,2, V. Deǧirmenci*1, A. Yilmaz*1, 
    D. Üner*1 (*1Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 
    *2Selcuk University, Turkey)
69  Formation of Size Controllable Sub-nanometer Metallic
    Clusters by Pore Radius of Curvature Effect and the 
    Stability Explained by Anchoring/Occlusion Effect ......... 321
    S. Lim*1, Y. Yang*2, L.D. Pfefferle*1, G.L. Haller*1 
    (*1Yale University, USA, *2Nanyang Technological 
    University, Singapore)
70  Analysis of Al Siting and Distribution in the Framework
    of ZSM-5 Zeolite .......................................... 325
    J. Dĕdeček, B. Wichterlová, V. Gábová, P. Sazama, 
    J. Brus (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 
    Czech Republic)
71  Characterization of Large and Extra-large Pore Zeolites
    via Isomerization and Disproportionation of 
    1,3-Diisopropylbenzene as a Catalytic Test Reaction ....... 329
    С.Y. Chen*1, S.I. Zones*1, A.W. Burton*1, S.A. Elomari*1,
    S. Svelle*2 (*1Chevron Energy Technology Co., USA,  
    *2University of Oslo, Norway)
72  Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Application of
    Mesoporous Silicalite-1 ................................... 333
    X. Li*1, S.-J. Kim*1, W.-S. Ann*1 (*1Inha University, 
    Korea, *2Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
73  Unique Property of Active Base Sites on Mesoporous 
    Alumina ................................................... 337
    T. Seki, S. Ikeda, M. Onaka (The University of Tokyo, 
74  Mesoporous Silicotinphosphate Material with High Anion
    Exchange Capacity ......................................... 341
    D. Chandra*1, N.K. Mai*2, A. Bhaumik*1 (*1Indian 
    Association for the Cultivation of Science, India, 
    *2National Institute of Advance Industrial Science and 
    Technology, Japan)
75  Organic-Inorganic Cooperative Nanocatalysts Based on 
    Mesoporous Materials ...................................... 345
    K. Inumaru, T. Kasahara, K. Yoshikawa, T. Nakano, 
    M. Ikeda, T. Ishihara, S. Yamanaka (Hiroshima 
    University, Japan)
76  Probing the Surface Organic Moieties on Organic-
    functionalized Mesoporous Materials Using 
    Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy ...................... 349
    S.-J. Huang*1, S.-H. Liu*1, W.-H. Chen*1, A.-Y. Lo*1, 
    P.-H. Wu*2, H.-K. Lee*2, S.-B. Liu*1 (*1Academia Sinica,
    Taiwan, *2Chinese Culture University, Taiwan)
77  Redox Catalysis by Transition Metal Macrocycle Complex
    Functionalized Mesoporous SBA-15 .......................... 353
    Sujandi, S.-C. Han, D.-S. Han, S.-E. Park (Inha 
    University, Korea)
78  Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Applications
    of Vanadium-containing Ethane-bridged Hybrid Periodic 
    Mesoporous Organosilicas .................................. 357
    A.P. Singh, S. Shylesh, P.P. Samuel (National Chemical 
    Laboratory, India)
79  Liquid-phase Ammoximation over Ti-MWW: High Efficiency,
    Reaction Conditions and Mechanism ......................... 361
    P. Wu*1, F. Song*1, Y Liu*1, H. Wu*1, Y. Jiang*1, 
    M. He*1, W. Fan*2, T. Tatsumi*2 (*1East China Normal 
    University, China, *2Tokyo Institute of Technology, 
80  Structure of Titanium Substituted Silicates and Their 
    Catalytic Properties ...................................... 365
    G. Sankar, N.R. Shiju, A. Welch (The Royal Institution 
    of GB, UK)
81  In situ Raman Characterization on the Rh/Al2O3 Calcined
    at Different Temperature for Methane Partial Oxidation 
    to Synthesis Gas .......................................... 369
    W.Z. Weng, J.M. Li, X.Q. Pei, F.Y Huang, С.J. Huang,
    H.L. Wan (Xiamen University, China)
82  Designing a Novel Heterogeneous Catalytic System for
    Cyclohexane Autoxidation .................................. 373
    I. Hermans, E. Breynaert, J. Peeters, A. Maes, P.A. 
    Jacobs (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
83  Combined DFT/Spectroscopic Studies of MoOx Species 
    Interacting with ТiO2 Support ............................. 377
    J.-F. Paul, K. Hamraoui, S. Cristol, A.-S. Mamede, 
    E. Payen (Université des Science et Technologies de
    Lille, France)
84  NH3-promoted Direct Phenol Synthesis from Benzene with 
    Molecular Oxygen on N-Interstitial Re10-Cluster/Zeolite
    Catalysts ................................................. 381
    M. Tada, R. Bal, T. Sasaki, Y. Iwasawa (The University
    of Tokyo, Japan)
85  Modulation of Catalytic Properties of VSiBEA Zeolite by 
    Controlled Introduction of V Ions ......................... 385
    S. Dzwigaj*1, M. Che*1, B. Grzybowska*2,I. Gressel*2,
    K. Samson*2 (*1Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France,
    *2Polish Acadamy of Sciences, Poland)
86  Production of Propylene Oxide by Homogeneous Chain 
    Reaction Initiated by Supported Ti-oxide and Mo-oxide 
    Radical Generators ........................................ 389
    N. Mimura*1, Z. Song*1, T. Akita*1, H. Yamashita*2,
    S. Tsubota*1, S.T. Oyama*1,3 (*1National Institute of 
    Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 
    Japan, *2Osaka University, Japan, *3Virginia Tech, USA)
87  Probing Surface Coverage by in situ Catalyst Potential
    Measurements .............................................. 393
    A. Tokarev, K. Eränen, E. Murzina, D.Y. Murzin (Åbo
    Akademi University, Finland)
88  A DFT Study of Activation of H2 and CH4 over Zn-MOR ....... 397
    L. Benco*1,2, T. Bucko*2, J. Hafner*2, H. Toulhoat*3
    (*1Universitaet Wien, Austria, *2Slovak Academy of 
    Sciences, Slovak Republic, *3Institut Français du 
    Pétrole, France)
89  Strong Base Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis: 
    Relating Reaction Energetics to Base Strength ............. 401
    S.D. Jackson, A.S. Canning, E. McLeod, G.M. Parker (The 
    University of Glasgow, UK)
90  Sulfonated Incompletely Carbonized Glucose as Strong 
    Brønsted Acid Catalyst .................................... 405
    M. Hara*1, M. Okamura*1, M. Toda*1, J.N. Kondo*1,
    A. Takagaki*2, K. Domen*2, T. Tatsumi*1, S. Hayashi*3
    (*1Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, *2The 
    University of Tokyo, Japan, *3National Institute of 
    Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 
91  Tracer Study of Skeletal Isomerization of Cyclohexane 
    and Butane over WO3/ZrO2 Catalyst ......................... 409
    H. Hattori, K. Kotoku, M. Miyata (Hokkaido University,
92  A "Heteropoly Acid-Fragment Catalyst" Active in the 
    Friedel-Crafts Alkylation ................................. 413
    K. Okumura, K. Yamashita, K. Yamada, M. Niwa (Tottori
    University, Japan)
93  A Combined Experimental and Computational Study of
    Alkane Activation over Ga+, GaO+, GaH2+ and H+ Ions in 
    ZSM-5 ..................................................... 417
    E. Hensen, N. Rane, E. Pidko, R. van Santen (Eindhoven 
    University of Technology, The Netherlands)
94  Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40-SiO2 Composite as an Excellent Water-
    tolerant Solid Acid ....................................... 421
    Y. Kamiya, N. Horita, M. Kitakawa, Y. Uchida, T. Okuhara 
    (Hokkaido University, Japan)
95  Conversion of Methane over In-loaded ZSM-5 Zeolite in
    the Presence of Ethene .................................... 425
    T. Baba, K. Inadu, Y. Iwase (Tokyo Institute of 
    Technology, Japan)
96  Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Estimation of Electron 
    Mobility in Titanium(IV) Oxide Photocatalysts ............. 429
    N. Murakami, R. Abe, O.O.P. Mahaney, T. Torimoto, 
    B. Ohtani (Hokkaido University, Japan)
97  Photocatalytic Decomposition of Water by a Novel 
    Photocatalyst, Ge3N4 ...................................... 433
    T. Takata*1, N. Saito*3, J.N. Kondo*2, M. Hara*2, 
    H. Kobayashi*4, Y. Inoue*3, K. Domen*1 (*1The University 
    of Tokyo, Japan, *2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan,
    *3Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan, *4Kyoto 
    Institute of Technology, Japan)
98  Preparation of TiO2 Nanopillar and Nanotube Array Thin 
    Films ..................................................... 437
    S. Perathoner*1, R. Passalacqua*1, G. Centi*1, D.S. Su*2,
    G. Weinberg*2 (*1University of Messina, Italy, 
    *2Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society,
99  Investigation of the Photoinduced Hydrophilic Properties
    of TiO2 Surface by Near Infrared Spectroscopy ............. 441
    M. Takeuchi*1, G. Martra*2, S. Coluccia*2, M. Anpo*1 
    (*1Osaka Prefecture University, Japan, *2Universita di 
    Torino, Italy)
100 Semiconductor Oxide Photocatalysis for Organic
    Synthesis ................................................. 445
    N. Grant, J. Storey, R. Howe (University of Aberdeen, 
101 Photocatalytic Activity of Nanocrystalline Silica-
    modified Titanias Prepared by the Glycothermal Method ..... 449
    S. Iwamoto, H. Ozaki, K. Saito, M. Inoue (Kyoto 
    University, Japan)
102 Selective Oxidation of Cyclohexane to Benzene on 
    Molybdena-Titania Catalysts in Fluidized Bed 
    Photocatalytic Reactor .................................... 453
    P. Ciambelli, V. Palma, D. Sannino, S. Vaccaro, 
    V. Vaiano (University of Salerno, Italy)
103 Photocatalytic Direct Conversion of Methane on Silica-
    Titania Catalysts ......................................... 457
    L. Yuliati, H. Itoh, H. Yoshida (Nagoya University,
104 Application of Photo-assisted Deposition (PAD) Method
    for Preparation of Nano-size Pt Metal on Ti-containing 
    Mesoporous Silica ......................................... 461
    H. Yamashita, T. Shimizu, M. Shimada, N. Mimura, 
    K. Mori, M. Sakata, H. Mori, T. Ohmichi, I. Katayama 
    (Osaka University, Japan)
105 Catalytic Combustion of Methane over Perovskite 
    Supported on Lanthanum Hexaaluminate Prepared through
    the Microemulsion Method .................................. 465
    E.E. Svensson, M. Lualdi, M. Boutonnet, S.G. Järås 
    KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
106 Performance of NiMoS/Al2O3 Catalysts Prepared by the
    Selective Deposition of Ni on MoS2/Al2O3 in the
    Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophenes ................. 469
    A. Cho*1, J.H. Koh*1, A. Wang*2, S.H. Moon*1 (*1Seoul
    National University, Korea, *2Dalian University of 
    Technology, China) 
107 Efficient Hydrogen Production via Stepwised Steam
    Reforming of Methane Using Nanocomposite Ni/ZrO2
    Catalyst .................................................. 473
    H.-M. Liu, Q. Ye, B.-Q. Xu (Tsinghua University, China)
108 Selective Hydrogenation of Acetophenone by Heterogenized
    Transition Metal Complexes ................................ 477
    A. Deshmukh, A. Ghosh, R. Kumar (National Chemical 
    Laboratory, India)
109 Performance Control of Hydrogenation Catalysis by Tuning
    the Percentage of Cationic Gold in Au/ZrO2 Catalyst ....... 481
    X. Zhang, H. Shi, B.-Q. Xu (Tsinghua University, China)
110 A New Strategy for Engineering One-pot, Multi-step 
    Reaction Sequences with Catalyst Recovery in Pure Form .... 485
    С.W. Jones, С.S. Gill, N.T.S. Phan, Z.J. Zhang (Georgia
    Institute of Technology, USA)
111 Design of Effective Ceria-supported MnOx Catalysts for
    the CWO of Phenol ......................................... 489
    F. Arena, A. Parmaliana, G. Trunfio (Universita degli 
    Studi di Messina, Italy)
112 Platinum Catalysts Supported on Hydrothermally Stable
    Mesoporous Aluminosilicate for the Selective Catalytic
    Reduction of Lean NOx with Hydrocarbon .................... 493
    K.-E. Jeong, J.-I. Park, S.-W. Baek, J.-R. Kim, S.-K. 
    Ihm (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
113 NOx Decomposition on a Mixed Oxide CuZrO2 ................. 497
    E.B. Silveira, С.А. С Perez, M.A.S. Baldanza, M. Schmal
    (UFRJ, Brazil)
114 Ag Active Sites, Surface Intermediates and Hydrogen 
    Function at Decane-SCR-NOx over Ag/Alumina ................ 501
    P. Sazama, B. Wichterlová, Z. Sobalík, J. Nováková, 
    J. Dĕdeček (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
    Czech Republic)
115 A Study of the Mechanism of Sulphur Deactivation and 
    Regeneration Using a Combination of Fast Transient
    Kinetics and in situ DRIFTS and EXAFS Analysis ............ 505
    J.P. Breen, R. Burch, C. Hardacre, С.J. Hill (Queens
    University Belfast, UK)
116 Kinetic Aspects of the Urea SCR Technology for Mobile 
    Diesel Engines ............................................ 509
    P. Hauck, A. Jentys, J.A. Lercher (Technische
    Universitat Miinchen, Germany)

III.Poster Presentations

117 Chemical Composition Distribution and Microstructure of
    Ethylene-Hexene Copolymer Produced by a Metallocene/
    Ziegler-Natta Hybrid Catalyst ............................. 515
    H.W. Park*1, J.S. Chung*2, S.-H. Baeck*3, I.K. Song*1 
    (*1Seoul National University, Korea, *2University of
    Ulsan, Korea, *3Inha University, Korea)
118 Trialkysiloxy-ethers as New External Donors in the 
    Ziegler-Natta Catalyst .................................... 517
    L. Xie, M. Gao, S. Zhao, J. Ma, Z. Sun, T. Li (Beijing
    Research Institute of Chemical Industry, China)
119 Ethylene/1-Hexene Copolymerization with Embedded 
    Et[Ind]2ZrCl2 Metallocene Catalyst ........................ 519
    D.M. Shin, G.B. Moon, V.H. Pham, E.W. Shin, J.S. Chung
    (University of Ulsan, Korea)
120 Ethylene Polymerization Using Group IV Metallocene
    Supported on Cation-exchanged Montmorillonite as
    Activator ................................................. 521
    H. Kurokawa, T. Takahashi, K. Fujii, M. Ohshima, 
    H. Miura (Saitama University, Japan)
121 New Bismuth Cocatalyst for Metallocene-mediated Olefin
    Polymerization ............................................ 523
    K. Takaoki, S. Nakahara, Y. Okado, Y. Seki, T. Miyatake
    (Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan)
122 Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene with Nickel(II)
    α-Diimine Complexes Combined with Ethylaluminum
    Sesquischloride ........................................... 525
    J.S. Kim, D. Chandran, D.-W. Park, C.-S. Ha, I. Kim 
    (Pusan National University, Korea)
123 New External Donor for High Hydrogen Response on
    Propylene Polymerization and Theoretical Study on Its
    Hydrogen Responsibility ................................... 527
    Y. Tanaka, H. Sato, H. Fujita (UBE Industries Ltd.,
124 Oligomerization of Ethylene Catalyzed by Palladium
    Complex Contacting P-N Ligand ............................. 529
    S. Oda, K. Iwakura (Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan)
125 Highly Enantioselective Hydrolytic Kinetic Resolution
    of Terminal Epoxides Using Novel Chiral Bimetallic 
    (Salen)Co Complexes ....................................... 531
    C.-H. Ahn, C.-K. Shin, W.-J. Li, G.-J. Kim (Inha 
    University, Korea)
126 Practical Access to Highly Enantiopure Chiral 
    Intermediates through Asymmetric Ring Opening of 
    Epoxides with Acids ....................................... 533
    C.-K. Shin, S. Chen, W. Li, G-J. Kim (Inha University, 
127 Novel Catalyst for Enantioselective Cyanosilylation of
    Aldehydes and Ketones Using Partially Hydrolyzed 
    Titanium Alkoxide as a Lewis Acidic Metal ................. 535
    K. Yoshinaga, T. Nagata (Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., Japan)
128 The Selective Hydrogenation of Unstaturated Fatty
    Nitriles to Unsaturated Primary Amines with Carbon-
    templated Activated Nickel Catalysts ...................... 537
    D.J. Ostgard, R. Olindo, M. Berweiler, S. Röder, 
    Т. Таске (Degussa AG, Germany)
129 Rapid Identification of Suitable Pd-catalysts for 
    Hydrogenation of Multifunctional Substrates ............... 539
    D. Wolf, K. Möbus, S. Seebald, Т. Таске (Degussa AG, 
130 Cycloaddition of Carbon Dioxide to Butyl Glycidyl Ether
    Using Ionic Liquids as Catalysts .......................... 541
    H.-Y. Ju*1, N.-Y. Mun*1, M. Mamparambath-Dharman*1,
    Y. Choe*1, D.-W. Park*1, I. Kim*1, D.-O. Lim*2 (*1Pusan
    National University, Korea, *2Seki-Arkema Co. Ltd,
131 n-Butanol Synthesis from Ethanol on Hydroxyapatite ........ 543
    T. Tsuchida*1, S. Sakuma*1, T. Takeguchi*2, W. Ueda*2 
    (*1Sangi Co., Ltd., Japan, *2Hokkaido University, 
132 Silica-supported Heteropoly Acid Catalyst for Newly
    Developed Ethyl Acetate Production Process ................ 545
    Y. Yamamoto, S. Hatanaka, H. Uchida, K. Tsuji (Showa 
    Denko K.K., Japan)
133 Dehydrogenative Esterification over Copper-based 
    Catalyst .................................................. 547
    K. Inui, T. Kurabayashi (Chisso Petrochemical 
    Corporation, Japan)
134 Microstructure and Catalytic Performance of SAPO-34 in
    Methylamine Synthesis ..................................... 549
    A. Hashimoto, S. Arie, T. Nomura, K. Higuchi, T. Kojima
    (Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Japan)
135 Liquid-phase Epoxidation of Propylene with Hydrogen 
    Peroxide Using Ti-MWW Catalyst ............................ 551
    T. Kawabata, H. Abekawa, M. Ishino (Sumitomo Chemical
    Co. Ltd., Japan)
136 A New Production Process of Propylene Oxide ............... 553
    J. Yamamoto, J. Tsuji (Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.,
137 Propylene Epoxidation Using Titanium-containing Zeolite
    Catalysts ................................................. 555
    H.-J. Ban*1, T.-J. Kim*2, W.-S. Ahn*1 (*1Inha University,
    Korea, *2SK Corporation, Korea)
138 Promotional Effect of Те for Direct Oxidation of 
    Ethylene over Pd-H4SiW12O40/SiO2 ........................... 557
    A. Miyaji*1, Y. Kamiya*2, T. Okuhara*2, T. Nakajo*1 
    (*1Showa Denko K.K., Japan, *2Hokkaido University,
139 Application of a Photocatalysis System to Wastewater:
    A Detailed Organic Removal of Different Fractions ......... 559
    H.K. Shon*1, S. Vigneswaran*1, J.-H. Kim*2, H.H. Ngo*1 
    (*1University of Technology, Australia, *2Chonnam 
    National University, Korea)
140 Preparation and Characterization of Visible Light-
    sensitive Textile-shaped Titania Photocatalysts ........... 561
    S.H. Kwon*1, G. Seo*1, J.B. Kim*2, S.-J. Song*2, J.-H.
    Kim*1,2 (*1Chonnam National University, Korea, *2Photo
    & Environmental Technology Co. Ltd., Korea)
141 Research for High Concentration of Precious Metal and
    Thin Layer of Catalyst Top Layer .......................... 563
    S. Inose, T. Okayama (Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Japan)
142 Development of Commercial Heterogeneous Catalysts by
    Means of Highthroughput Preparation and Screening ......... 565
    R.W. Mayer*1, K. Schimmer*1, U. Rodemerck*2,
    M. Stoyanova*2, U. Dingerdissen*2, Т. Таске*1 
    (*1Degussa AG, Germany, *2Leibniz Institute for 
    Catalysis, Germany)
143 Development of Higher Performance VAM Catalysts ........... 567
    R. Renneke*1, S. Mcintosh*1, V. Arunajatesan*1, M. Cruz*1,
    B. Chen*1, Т. Таске*2, Н. Lansink-Rotgerink*2,
    A. Geisselmann*2, R. Mayer*2, R. Hausmann*2, P. Schinke*2,
    U. Rodemerck*3, M. Stoyanova*3 (*1Degussa Corporation, 
    USA, *2Degussa AG, Germany, *3Leibniz Institute for
    Catalysis, Germany)
144 Advantageous Catalyst Manufacturing and It's 
    Application ............................................... 569
    S. Tanaka, K. Oguma, T. Kakuda (Nikki Chemical Co.,
    Ltd, Japan)
145 Catalytic Properties of Nickel Aluminate Spinel on
    Hydrocarbon Reforming ..................................... 571
    T. Matsuzaki, Y. Fukuda, O. Yamasaki (Ube Industries 
    Ltd., Japan)
146 Dry Autothermal Reaction (ATR) for Synthesis Gas 
    Production on MgAlOx-supported Catalysts .................. 573
    M. Harada*1, M. Inaba*1, M. Нага*2, К. Domen*3
    (*1Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd, Japan, *2Tokyo Institute of 
    Technology, Japan, *3University of Tokyo, Japan)
147 Magnesium Oxide-loaded Nickel on Al2O3 as a Steam
    Reforming Catalyst ........................................ 575
    M. Harada*1, T. Tatsumi*2, M. Hara*2, J.N. Kondo*2,
    K. Domen*3(*1Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd, Japan, *2Tokyo
    Institute of Technology, Japan, *3University of 
    Tokyo, Japan)
148 Development of DME Steam Reforming Catalyst for Fuel
    Cell Application .......................................... 577
    T. Fukunaga, N. Ryumon (Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.,
149 Characteristics of a Steam-reforming Catalyst for 
    a DME-fueled Chemically Recuperated Gas Turbine ........... 579
    T. Watanabe*1, T. Nakagaki*2 (*1Kansai Electric 
    Power Co., Inc., Japan, *2Toshiba Corporation, Japan)
150 Partial Oxidation of Methane to Synthesis Gas in Dense
    Perovskite Membrane Reactor ............................... 581
    M. Harada*1, T. Hayakawa*2, M. Hara*3, K. Domen*4 
    (*1Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd, Japan, *2National Institute
    of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan,
    *3Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, The 
    University of Tokyo, Japan)
151 Development of a High-performance Steam-reforming 
    Catalyst for LP Gas Processing in a Stationary PEFC 
    Co-generation System ...................................... 583
    Y. Kawashima, S. Nakai, T. Seimiya (Idemitsu Kosan
    Co., Ltd., Japan)
152 Development of Highly-active DME Steam Reforming 
    Catalyst and Reforming System for Fuel Cell ............... 585
    T. Takemoto*1, N. Matsuda*2, H. Hashimoto*3, 
    K. Tsukahara*4, O. Okada*5, S. Suzuki*6 (*1Osaka Gas 
    Co. Ltd., Japan, *2Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.,
    Japan, *3JGC Corporation, Japan, *4Mitsubishi Gas
    Chemical Co. Inc., Japan, *5Renaissance Energy 
    Research Corporation, Japan, *6Japan Oil, Gas and 
    Metals National Corporation, Japan)
153 Adsorbed Species on CO Preferential Oxidation in the 
    Presence of H2S over Ru/Al2O3 Catalyst .................... 587
    H. Wakita*1, T. Takeguchi*2, W. Ueda*2 (*1Matsushita 
    Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan, *2Hokkaido
    University, Japan)
154 Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide by Selective Oxidation over
    LaSrCoO4 and LaSrCoO3.6F0.4 Mixed Oxide Catalysts .......... 589
    D.-W. Park*1, X. Yang*1,2, M.-I. Kim*1, I. Kim*1 (*1Pusan
    National University, Korea, *2Jiangxi University
    of Finance and Economics, China)
155 Development of Highly Active Co-Mo Catalyst for Ultra-
    deep Desulfurization of Diesel Fractions .................. 591
    N. Nakajima*1, H. Kimura*1, K. Kiriyama*1,
    T. Fujikawa*1, T. Kubota*2, Y. Okamoto*2 (*1Cosmo Oil
    Co., Ltd., Japan, *2Shimane University, Japan)
156 Development of an FCC Pretreatment Catalyst with High
    HDN Activity .............................................. 593
    T. Homma, T. Nishijima, S. Abe (Nippon Ketjen Co., Ltd,
157 Aromatics Hydrogenation of Pre-treated Light Gas Oil
    Using Sulfur-resistant Noble Metal Catalysts .............. 595
    H. Konno, S. Takahashi, Y. Sugiura, H. Iki (Nippon Oil
    Corporation, Japan)
158 Catalytic Performance of Ru Supported on Manganese-
    Alumina for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis ..................... 597
    K. Sato*1, O. Iwamoto*1, S. Nakashizu*1, T. Shimizu*1,
    Y. Suehiro*2 (*1Cosmo Oil Co. Ltd., Japan, *2Japan 
    Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, Japan)
159 A Demonstration Plant for Novel High Severity Fluid 
    Catalytic Cracking (HS-FCC) Process ....................... 599
    T. Okuhara*1, Y. Fujiyama*1, H. H. Redhwi*2, С. Dean*3
    (*1Nippon Oil Corporation, Japan, *2King Fahd
    University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia,
    *3Saudi Arabian Oil Company, Saudi Arabia)
160 Behavior of the Oxygen Species Contained in Oxide in
    the Carbon Combustion Reaction by Cerium Composite
    Oxides .................................................... 601
    K. Harada, Y. Tsushio, A. Takami (Mazda Motor 
    Corporation, Japan)
161 Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Mixed
    Mesoporous Magnesium Oxide-Iron Oxide Catalyst and 
    Adsorbent ................................................. 603
    A.K. Sinha, K. Suzuki (Toyota Central R&D Labs Inc.,
162 Influence of Physico-chemical Characteristics of 
    Support on Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by NH3
    and SO2 Oxidation over V2O5/TiO2-SiO2 ...................... 605
    R. Kuma, M. Kobayashi, S. Masaki, N. Sugishima (Nippon
    Shokubai Co., Ltd., Japan)
163 Development of the NO2 Adsorbent for a Low NO2 
    Concentration Gas ......................................... 607
    H. Ono, H. Kondo, K. Yamamoto, S. Masaki (Nippon 
    Shokubai Co., Ltd., Japan)
164 Nano-composite of Al2O3 and ZrO2-TiO2 Solid Solution 
    as a Support for NOx Storage-reduction Catalyst ........... 609
    H. Imagawa, T. Tanaka, N. Takahashi, S. Matsunaga, 
    H. Shinjoh (Toyota Central Research & Development
    Labs., Inc., Japan)
165 Low-temperature Electrocatalytic NOx Reduction Using 
    Solid Polymer Electrolytes ................................ 611
    I. Ishibashi*1, Y. Fujisaki*1, S. Hamada*1, K. Ikeue*1,
    S. Yamauchi*2, M. Kimura*2, M. Machida*1 (*1Kumamoto
    University, Japan, *2Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan)
166 N2O Removal from Flue Gas Using a Nanoporous Catalyst ..... 613
    S. Asaoka*1, M. Miyazaki*2, S. Minohara*1, 
    K. Sakashita*2 (*1The University of Kitakyushu,
    Japan, *2Tsukishima Kikai Co., Ltd., Japan)
167 Effect of Oxygen Addition on Catalytic Decomposition
    of Ammonia in Coal Derived Gas Fuel ....................... 615
    Y. Ozawa, Y. Tochihara (Central Research Institute 
    of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
168 Preparation of Apatite-type Lanthanum Silicate 
    Supported Catalysts for Pollutant Gas Purification ........ 617
    S. Kato*1, T. Yoshizawa*1, K. Yokoyama*1, K. Kosagawa*1,
    M. Ogasawara*1, S. Nakata*1, T. Wakabayashi*2, 
    Y. Nakahara*2 (*1Akita University, Japan, *2Mitsui Mining
    & Smelting Co., Ltd., Japan)
169 Compact Heat Exchanging Reactor for Diluted VOC 
    Abatement ................................................. 619
    A. Obuchi, J. Uchisawa, A. Ohi, T. Nanba, N. Nakayama,
    A. Ogata (National Institute of Advanced Industrial 
    Science and Technology (AIST), Japan)
170 Mercury Oxidation by Hydrogen Chloride over the CuO 
    Based Catalyst ............................................ 621
    H. Kamata*1, S. Mouri*1, S. Ueno*1, K. Takano*1, 
    K. Watanabe*1, A. Yamaguchi*2, S. Ito*2 (*1Ishikawajima-
    Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Japan, *2Central
    Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
171 Real-time Observation of Platinum Redispersion on
    Ceria-based Oxide by In-situ Turbo-XAS .................... 623
    Y. Nagai*1, N. Takagi*2, Y. Ikeda*3, K. Dohmae*1, 
    T. Tanabe*1, G. Guilera*4, S. Pascarelli*4, M. Newton*4,
    H. Shimon*1, S. Matsumoto*1 (*1Toyota Central R&D Labs., 
    Inc., Japan, *2Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan, *3Toyota 
    Motor Europe Technical Centre, Belgium, *4European
    Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France)

Authors' Index ................................................ 625

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