Theory and graphs and its applications: proc. of the symposium in june 1963 (Prague, 1964). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTheory and graphs and its applications: proc. of the symposium in june 1963 / ed. by Fiedler M. - Prague: Publishing house of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1964. - (Symposia CSAV). - Bibliogr.: p.171-234.

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 7

List of participants ............................................ 9


K. Čulik
   Applications of graph theory to mathematical logic
   and linguistics ............................................. 13

G.A. Dirac
   Generalizations of the five colour theorem .................. 21

P. Erdös
   Extremal problems in graph theory ........................... 29

M. Fiedler
   Some applications of the theory of graphs in matrix theory
   and geometry ................................................ 37

T. Gallai
   Critical graphs ............................................. 43

F. Harary
   On the reconstruction of a graph from a collection
   of subgraphs ................................................ 47

H. Izbicki
   An edge colouring problem ................................... 53

A. Kotzig
   Hamilton graphs and Hamilton circuits ....................... 63

C.St.J.A. Nash-Williams
   On well-quasi-ordering trees ................................ 83

G. Ringel
   Extremal problems in the theory of graphs ................... 85

H. Sachs
   On regular graphs with given girth .......................... 91

A.A. Zykov
   Recursively calculable functions of graphs .................. 99


A. Ádám
   Some open problems of the switching circuit theory ......... 109

J. Blažek, M. Koman
   A minimal problem concerning complete plane graphs ......... 113

J. Bosák
   The graphs of semigroups ................................... 119

G.A. Dirac
   Extensions of the theorems of Turán and Zarankiewicz ....... 127

P. Erdös
   Some applications of probability to graph theory and
   combinatorial problems ..................................... 133

B. Мišек
   Pólya's fundamental formula and incidence matrices .......... 137

J.W. Moon
   Simple paths on polyhedra .................................. 143

J. Sedláček
   Some properties of interchange graphs ...................... 145

A.A. Zykov
   Graphtheoretical results of Novosibirsk mathematicians ..... 151

Problems ...................................................... 157

Bibliography .................................................. 171

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