From zeolites to porous MOF materials; 170A (Amsterdam, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFrom zeolites to porous MOF materials - the 40th anniversary of international zeolite conference: in 2 v. Vol.170A / ed. by Xu R. et al. - 1st ed. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. - xxviii, 1047 p. - (Studies in surface science and catalysis; 170A+B). - ISBN 978-0-444-53185-8; ISSN 0167-2991

Оглавление / Contents


Overview of zeolite synthesis strategies
   S.T. Wilson .................................................. 3
Designed open-structure heterogeneous catalysts for the
synthesis of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals
   J.M. Thomas and R. Raja ..................................... 19

Tuning functionality and morphology of periodic mesoporous
   T. Bein ..................................................... 41

Recent progress in the development of zcolitic catalysts for
the petroleum refining and petrochemical manufacturing
   T.F. Degnan, Jr. ............................................ 54

Metal-organic frameworks: the young child of the porous
solids family
   G.Ferey ..................................................... 66


Contributions of R.M.Barrer to zeolite synthesis
   D.E.W. Vaughan .............................................. 87

Zeolite membranes - from Barrers vision to technical
applications: new concepts in zeolite membrane R&D
   J. Caro and M. Noack ........................................ 96

Ion exchange equilibria and kinetics in zeolites:
influences of framework flexibility and charge density
   E.N. Coker ................................................. 110

Molecular simulations of the adsorption and diffusion of
hydrocarbons in molecular sieves
   B. Smit .................................................... 121


Kinetics of silicalite-1 crystallization
   J.D. Rimer, D.G. Vlachos and R.F. Loho ..................... 133

Biomimetic synthesis of micro and mesoporous molecular
sieves at room temperature and neutral pH
   A. Corma, M.J. Diaz-Cabanas, M. Moliner, G. Rodriguez
   and P. Serna ............................................... 145

TNU-9: a novel medium-pore zeolite with 24 topologically
distinct tetrahedral sites
   S.B. Hong, I.S. Nam, H.K. Min, C.H. Shin,
   S.J. Warrender, P.A. Wright, P.A. Cox, F. Gramm,
   C. Baerlocher, L.B. McCusker, Z. Liu, T. Ohsuna and
   O. Terasaki ................................................ 151

A family of luminescent microporous lanthanide silicates
   G.M. Wang, J.Y. Li, K. Qian, J.H. Yu and R.R. Xu ........... 160

Introduction and application of zeobank: synthesis and
structure databases of zeolites and related materials
   J.Y. Li, J.H. Yu, J.G. Sun, X.C. Dong, Y. Li,
   Z.P. Wang, S.X. Wang and R.R. Xu ........................... 168

In situ AFM of dissolution processes in zcolitic materials
   L.I. Meza, M.W. Anderson, J.R. Agger and C.S. Clinch ....... 177

Unusual framework stabilization of Cu(II) and Cu(I) ions
in a novel copper-substituted aluminophosphate with AEN
topology prepared by one pot synthesis
   Z. Gaheliea, A. Fernandes, M.F. Ribeiro,
   J.P. Lourengo, S. Valange, A. Louati and D.M. Murphy ....... 185

Synthesis of sulfate and selenate sodalites and cancrinites
with T-atom variations
   D.E.W. Vaughan ............................................. 193

Synthesis and general characterisation of RUB-22: a new
microporous silicate possessing an interrupted framework
   S. Latzel, B. Marler, U. Oberhagemann, C. Osterhoff
   and H. Gies ................................................ 199

Synthesis and characterization of zincosilicate and
pure-silica SSZ-42 and SSZ-71
   C.Y. Chen, S.I. Zones, S.J. Hwang, A.W. Burton
   and A.J. Liang ............................................. 206

Synthesis route of microporous metallophosphates by
in situ generation of the structure directing agent:
the gallophosphate Ea-TREN GaPO
   L. Lakiss, A. Simon-Masseron, J.L. Paillaudand,
   J. Patarin ................................................. 214

Investigation of crystallization of microporous 
materials by dry-gel conversion
   B.H. Chen and Y.N. Huang ................................... 222

lonothermal synthesis of aluminophosphate molecular sieves
    Y.P. Xu, Z.J. Tian, S.J. Wang, L. Wang, L. Hou,
    Y.C. Ma, Y. Wei, H.J. Ma, B.C. Wang, Z.S. Xu,
    J.Y. Yu and L.W. Lin ...................................... 228

Theoretical basis of the gel "memory effect" and its
implications on the controlling of the particulate
properties of zeolites
   B. Subotic, T. Anionic Jelic and J. Bronic ................. 233

Toward commercialization of nanozeolites
   R.R. Willis and A.I. Benin ................................. 242

Recent advances in low silica zeolite synthesis
   P.A. Barrett, Q.S. Huo and N.A. Stephenson ................. 250

Preparation of zeolite Y and ZSM-5 coatings for cracking
fuel in a cooling system for hypersonic vehicles
   M. Grill, M. Sicard, F. Ser, С. Potvin and
   G. Djega-Mariadassou ....................................... 258

Hierarchical zeolites: progress on synthesis and
characterization of mesoporous zeolite single crystal
   M. Kustova, K. Egeblad, C.H. Christensen, A.L. Kustov
   and C.H. Christensen ....................................... 267

Micro-meso-materials from TS-1 seeds: structure-properties
   M. Reichinger, H. Gies, M. van den Berg, W. Grunert
   and C. Kirschhock .......................................... 276

Zeolite crystallization from organofunctionalized seeds
   D.P. Serrano, J. Aguado, J.M. Rodriguez and A.Peral ........ 282

Composite porous materials containing zeolitic domains
prepared by controlled partial recrystallization of
amorphous aluminosilicates
   V.O. Pashkova, P. Sarv and M. Derewinski ................... 289

Transformation of 1 D chain-like zincophosphite to 2D
layered zincophosphate
   Y.L. Yang, F.X. Zhang, G.J. Wu, Z.Y. Wang, Q. Sun and
   N.J. Guan .................................................. 297

Synthesis of large crystals of zeolite EMT and zeolite
Y with elevated nSinAl-ratio
   C. Berger, R. Gldser and J. Weitkamp ....................... 303

Synthesis and sorptive properties of EMM-8: a new
   G. Cao, M.J. Shah, D.L. Dorset, K.G. Strohmaier and
   J.F. Brody ................................................. 311

Microwave synthesis of NTHU-4
   J.A. Losilla, D. Coutinho and K.J. Balkus, Jr. ............. 314

Discovery of a new catalytically active and selective
zeolite (ITQ-30) by high-throughput synthesis techniques
   A. Corma, M.J. Diaz-Cabanas, M. Moliner and C. Martinez .... 322

A new photochemical based route for the preparation of
organic structure directing agents useful for zeolite
   A. Cantin, S. Leiva, J.L. Jordd, S. Valencia,
   F. Rev and A. Corma ........................................ 330

UZM-13, UZM-17. UZM-19 and UZM-25: synthesis and structure
of new layered precursors and a zeolite discovered via
combinatorial chemistry techniques
   L.M. Knight, M.A. Miller, S.C. Koster, M.G. Gatter,
   A.I. Benin, R.R. Willis, G.J. Lewis and R.W. Broach ........ 338

Synthesis and characterization of the 12-ring zeolites
UZM-4 (BPH) and UZM-22 (MEI) via the charge density
mismatch approach in the choline-LiiO-SrO-AbOrSiCb
   M.A. Miller, J.G. Moscoso, S.C. Koster, 
   M.G. Gatter and G.J. Lewis ................................. 347

Direct synthesis of mesoporous Fe-MFI zeolite
   J.B. Tahoada, A.R. Overweg and P.J. Kooyman ................ 355

Counter diffusion self assembly synthesis of ordered
mesoporous silica membranes
   S.K. Seshadri, H.M. Alsyouri and Y.S. Lin .................. 363

Hydrothermal synthesis of a series of indium phosphates
in fluoride-amine-EhO system
   C. Chen, Y.L. Liu, M.H. Bi, S.H. Wang and W.Q. Pang ........ 371

Monitoring the formation of A1P04-11 molecular sieve by
dry-gel conversion method
   B.H. Chen and Y.N. Huang ................................... 377

Co-directing role of template mixtures in zeolite synthesis
   A.B. Pinar, R. Garcia, M. Arranz and J. Perez-Pariente ..... 383

Structure orienting role of germanium in zeolite synthesis
   J.L.PaillaUd, Y.Lorgouilloux, B.Harbuzaru,
   P. Caullet, J. Patarin and N. Bats ......................... 389

Effect of templates on synthesis of SAPO-41 and their
catalytic perfomance in n-octane hydroisomerization
   L.S. Li and F.M. Zhang ..................................... 397

Pages intentional blank ....................................... 403

Preparation of silicalite-1 microtube arrays supported on
cordierite honeycomb by using palm fibers as templates
   W.W. Liu, L.X. Zhang, H.T. Wang and N.P. Xu ................ 408

Synthesis and characterization of ZSM-5 with novel
ternary-particle morphology and pore structure
   L.R. He, W.S. Zhang, C.B. Gong, H.J. Zhao,
   P.H. Zeng and B.J. Shen .................................... 414

The transformation of acid leached metakaolin to 
zeolite beta
   Y. Zhang, W. Gao and L.S. Cui .............................. 420

In-situ growth of ZSM-5 zeolite on acid-activated metakaolin
   Y. Zhang, V. Gao and L.S. Cui .............................. 426

Rapid synthesis and morphology control of silicalite-1
crystals by microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis
   X.X. Chen, V.F. Van, J.H. Yu, X.J. Cao and R.R. Xu ......... 432

Synthesis and characterization of value added catalysts zeolite
beta using environmentally detrimental flyash
   M.W. Kasture, V.V. Bokade. P.N. Joshi and R. Kumar ......... 438

Dry gel conversion synthesis of zeolite EU-1 from low
alkali containing precursors
   S. Goergen, E. Guillon, B. Rebours, L. Sorbier,
   J. Patarin and L. Rouleau .................................. 444

Synthesis of titanium containing periodic mesoporous
   A.Melero, J.Iglesias, J.Sdinz-Pardo and J.M.Arsuaga ........ 450

Methylamine as true template and TEAOH as purifying
agent: unexpected roles of current organic additives
in the hydrothermal synthesis of microporous
   A. Fernandes, M.F. Ribeiro, S. Barroso, 
   Loureneo and Z. Gabelica ................................... 456

Hydrothermal synthesis of boron-free Ti-MWW with dual
structure-directing agents
   N. Liu, Y.M. Liu, W. Xie, L.L. Wang, M.Y. He and P. Wu ..... 464

Studies on synthesis and catalytic activity of
aluminum-free zeolite Zn-β
   H.Y. He and Z. He .......................................... 470

Microemulsion-directed synthesis of zeolite A nano-crystals
   N. Zhang, W.F. Yan, H. Ding, Y. Liu, K.J. Tang,
   J.H. Yu and R.R. Xu ........................................ 475

In-situ ultrasonic methods for monitoring the hydrothermal
synthesis of LTA-type zeolite from colloidal solutions
  H. Baser, T. Sclvam, J. Ofili, R. Herrmann and
  W. Schwieger ................................................ 480

Synthesis and catalytic activity of UZM-12
   M.A. Miller. G.J. Lewis, J.G. Moseoso, S. Koster,
   F. Modica, M.G. Gaiter and L.T. Nemeth ..................... 487

Crystallization of microporous titanosilicate membranes
from clear solutions
   Z. Lin and J. Roeha ........................................ 493

Nearly room-temperature crystallisation of Zn-doped
AlPC-based chabazite materials
   M. Sanchez-Sanchez, D.P. Serrano, R. van Grieken and
   J.A. Melero ................................................ 499

Role of heteroatoms in precursor formation of zeolites
   T. Wakihara, V. Fan, Y. Suzuki, M. Ogura, S. Kohara,
   G. Sankar and T. Okubo ..................................... 506

Synthesis of isomorphously boron-substituted mesoporous
   J. Izumi. H.X. Wang, I. Moriguchi and T. Terasaka .......... 512

Controlled synthesis of mesoporous NbMSU-X: influence of
the preparation route
   A. Feluzak and I. Nowak .................................... 519

Zeolite microneedles for transdermal drug delivery
   L.W. Wong, W.Q. Sim, N.W. Chan, W.Y. Lai, W.K. Leung,
   J.C. Tsang, Y.H. Wong and K.L. Yeung ....................... 525

Insertion of Fe2O3 nanoparticles in SBA-15 mesopores and
evaluation of their textural and redox characteristics
   S. Valange, A. Charmor, J. Barrault, A. Louati and
   Z. Gabelica ................................................ 531

Organic-bridged faujasite X zeolites ZOF-X
   B.L. Su, K. Vause, M. Roussel, L. Shi, X.D. Zou,
   E. Leonova and M. Eden ..................................... 539

Plasma and electron beam irradiation induced transformation
of V-modified MCM-41 to MFI-zeolite
   V. Pdrvulcscu, B. Mini, G. Dinescu and B.L. Su ............. 546

Controlled synthesis of hollow mesoporous aluminosilicate
spheres with ordered cubic (la3d) symmetry
   S. Li, J. Sun, Y.Q. Yang, M.L. Ruanand, J.L. Shi ........... 552


UV Raman spectroscopic studies on transition
metal-containing microporous and mesoporous materials:
active sites and synthesis mechanism
   C. Li ...................................................... 561

Modified colloidal silicalite-1 crystals and their use for
preparation of Langmuir-Blodgett films
   L. Tashcva, L.H. Wee, Z. Wang, B. Mihailova,
   С. Vasilev and A.M. Doyle .................................. 577

Structural incorporation of carbon and nitrogen into
B-SSZ-13: a spectroscopic and computational studies
   L. Regli, C. Lambert, C. Busco, A. Zecchina,
   C. Prestipina, K.P. Lillerud, S.I. Zones and S. Bordiga .... 585

Ultra-violet-assisted cure of spin-on silicalite-1 films
   S. Eslava, F. laeopi, M.R. Baklanov, C.E.A. Kirschhoek.
   K. Maexand J.A. Martens .................................... 594

Metal-modified MFI zeolite for enhancing propylene
selectivity in FCC process
   B. Lua, Y. Ouvang, X.T. Shu and M.Y. He .................... 600

Realumination of Y zeolite in ammonium salt solution
   O. Oumi, J. Takahashi, K. Takeshima and T. Sano ............ 604

Synthesis, modification and characterization of MWW
framework topology materials
   J. Pawlesa, M. Bejhlovd, L. Sommer, A.M. Bouzga,
   M. Stacker and J. Cejka .................................... 610

One-pot template extraction and alumination of BEC-type 
   V. Mahe and V. Valtehev .................................... 616

Influence of the lanthanum exchange degree on the
concentration and acid strength of bridging hydroxyl
groups in zeolites La.Na-X
   J. Huang, Y. Jiang and M.Hunger ............................ 622

Nanostructural modification of organic-tethered MCM-22
catalyst and its catalytic performance
   Y. Kuhota, M. Yosliida and T. Tatsumi ...................... 629

Postsynthesis and catalytic properties of metallosilicates
structurally analogous to MCM-56
   L.L. Wang, Y.M. Liu, I.V. Xie, H.H. Wit, Y.W. Jiang,
   M.Y. He and P. Wu .......................................... 635

The effect of hydrophilic agent on pores and walls of
SBA-16 type mesoporous silica
   S.H. Cho and S.E. Park ..................................... 641

Fenton detemplation of ordered (meso)porous materials
   I. Melian-Cabrera, A.H. Osman, E.R.H. van Eck,
   A.P.M. Kentgens, E. Palushkin, F. Kapteijn and
   J.A. Moulijn ............................................... 648


New advances in zeolite structure analysis
   C. Baerlocher and L.B. McCusker ............................ 657

Progress towards an atlas of designer zeolites
   M.D. Foster and M.M.J. Treacy .............................. 666

Influence of cations on crystal growth mechanism:
   D. Halil, B. Slater and D.W. Lewis ......................... 674

Design of three-dimensional open-framework structures
from inorganic clusters
   K.E. Christensen, L. Shi, L.Q. Tang, T. Conradsson,
   M.S. Dadachov and X.D. Zou ................................. 682

A Comparative study of three closely related unsolved
zeolite structures
   A.W. Burton, S.I. Zones, S. Elomari, I.Y. Chan,
   С.Y. Chen, S.J. Hwang and K. Ong ........................... 690

Characteristics of zeolite framework types
   H. van Koningsveld ......................................... 698


NMR of physisorbed " Xe used as a probe to investigate
porous solids
   J. Fraissard ............................................... 707

In situ filming of reactions inside individual zeolite
crystals using fluorescence microscopy
   M.B.J. Roeffaers, B.F. Sels, F.C. De Schryver,
   P.A. Jacobs, J. Hofkens and D.E. De Vos .................... 717

A novel experimental technique for estimation of
molecular orientation in zeolite
   M. Grahn, A. Lobanova, A. Holmgren and J. Hedlund .......... 724

Inter-relationship between the structures of
metal-organic frameworks: is there a role for an
   P. Mahata, P. Roy, C. Mellot-Draznieks and S. Natarajan .... 732

Looking into the crystallites: diffusion studies by
interference microscopy
   J. Kurger, L. Heinke, P. Kortunov and S. Vasenkov .......... 739

Understanding the crystallisation processes leading to
the formation of microporous aluminophosphates
   A.M. Beale and, B.M. Weckhuysen ............................ 748

A soft X-ray EXAFS study of the variation of the local
aluminium structure on adsorption of bases in
various zeolite types
   R.W. Joyner, O. Sonntag, A.D. Smith and M. Stockenhuber .... 756

A new model for acid sites in dealuminated Y zeolites
   V. Malicki, P. Beccat, P. Bourges, C. Fernandez,
   A.A. Quoineaud, L.J. Simon and F. Thibault-Starzyk ......... 762

An in situ XAS study on the incorporation of metal ions
into AIPO4-5 framework in hydrothermal synthesis process
   M. Dong, G.F. Wang, Z.F. Qin, J.G. Wang, T. Liu,
   Y.N. Xie and T.D. Hu ....................................... 771

In situ studies of the crystallisation of microporous
materials using synchrotron radiation based X-ray 
   G. Sankar .................................................. 778

Probing Bronsted acid sites in zeolite HY with low 
temperature 17 O MAS NMR spectroscopy
   H. Huo, L.M. Peng and C.P. Grey ............................ 783

The role of water in zeolite pores: the structure/property
relationship for ion exchange
   T.M. Nenoff, N.W. Ockwig, T.M. Alam, M. Hard and
   L.L. Daemen ................................................ 790

Mn and Fe ions and oxo clusters in ZSM-5: pushing the
limits of X-ray spectroscopy
   D.C. Radii, P. Glatzel, W.M. Heijboer, J.H. Bitter,
   B.M. Weckhuysen and F.M.F. de Groot ........................ 796

Dissociation, molweight. and vibrational spectra of
aqueous sodium silicate solutions
   I. Halasz, R.B. Li, M. Aganval and N. Miller ............... 800

A multinuclear MAS NMR study on the stability of
Ph3P-Rh/SBA-15 catalysts for hydroformylation of propylene
   X.J. Lan, W.P. Zhang, L. Yan, Y.J. Ding, X.W. Han,
   L.W. Lin and X.H. Bao ...................................... 806

Amorphous microporous molecular sieves studied by
laser-polarized 129Xe NMR spectroscopy
   M.A. Springuel-Huet, A. Vidal Maya, M.J. Diaz-Cabanas,
   A. Corma and A. Gedeon ..................................... 812

Investigation of the zeolitic nature of the 
microporosity inside the materials obtained
from the hydrothermal treatment of Al-SBA-15
in the presence of the ZSM-5 template
   F. Launay, S. Habib, M.A. Springuel-Huet and A. Gedeon ..... 818

Solvent effects on BMS silica formation in a 
base-catalyzed sol-gel process
   X.Z. Wang, X.M. Lv, W.H. Li, B.Zhang and K.C. Xie .......... 825

High resolution argon adsorption isotherms for various
   K. Nakai, J. Sonoda, M. Yoshida, M. Hakuman and H. Naono ... 831

Stability of AlPO and SAPO molecular sieves during
adsorption-desorption cycles of water vapor investigated
by in-situ XRD measurements
   J. Bauer, T. Selvam, J. Ofili, E. Che, R. Herrmann and
   W. Schwieger ............................................... 837


Gas permeation and diffusion in small and intermediate
pore zeolite membranes
   Y.S. Lin and M. Kanezashi .................................. 847

The selective adsorption of n-alkanes over breathing
metal organic frameworks
   P. Trens, N. Tanchoux, C. Serre, T. Loiseau,
   F. Millange, G. Ferey and F. Fajula ........................ 855

Ibuprofen delivery systems based on monodispersed
spherical MCM-41 materials
   W.J. Xu, Y. Xu, D. Wu and Y.H. Sun ......................... 861

Sorption thermodynamics of nitrogen-oxygen mixtures on Li,
rare earth-LSX zeolite beads for oxygen PVSA processes
   D.M. Shen and M. Bulow ..................................... 866

Structural properties of confined simple molecules (Ar,
C02, C2D2, CF4 and C(CD3)4 ) in AIPO4-5 model zeolite
   J.P. Coulomb, N. Floquet, C. Martin and G. Andre ........... 874

A quasi elastic neutron scattering and molecular
dynamics study of the rotational diffusion of n-and
iso-alkanes in the cages of zeolite MCM-22
   S.P. Huang, V. Finsy, M.T.F. Telling, G.V. Baron
   and J.F.M. Denayer ......................................... 882

H2 adsorption and ortho-para conversion on ETS-10
   J.G. Vitillo, D. Coeina, E.N. Gribov, G. Ricchiardi,
   A. Zecehina and G. Spoto ................................... 893

The adsorption, storage and release of nitric oxide
using ion exchanged zeolites
   B. Xiao, P.S. Wheatley and R.E. Morris ..................... 902

Adsorption and diffusion of thiophene, benzene, n-octane,
and 1-octene on FAU zeolites
   L.H. Duan, Z.L. Sun, D.S. Liu, Z.H. Dai,
   X.Q. Li and L.J. Song ...................................... 910

Derivation of new interatomic potential for flexible
metal-organic frameworks: a pre-requisite for
understanding swelling under adsorption conditions
   D.S. Coombes, R.G. Bell, С. Mellot-Draznieks,
   N.A. Ramsahye and G. Maurin ................................ 918

The energetic and entropic contributions controlling
the orientation of alkyl substituted aromatic molecules
in the pores of MFI zeolites
   A. Jams, R.R. Mukti and J.A. Lercher ....................... 926

Benzene adsorption and desorption in mordenite
   A.N.C.van Laak, Jong and Jongh ............... 934

Investigating mass transport in zeolite pores by tuning
the framework polarity
   J. Kuhn, J. Gross, J.G. Jansen, F. Kapteijn
   and P.J. Jansens ........................................... 942

Separation of p-xylene from multicomponent vapor
mixtures using tubular MFI zeolite membranes
   X.H. Gu , J.H. Dong, T.M. Nenoffand D.E. Ozokwelu .......... 949

Separation of branched hexane isomers using zeolite BEA
for the octane improvement of gasoline pool
   P.S. Barcia, J.A.C. Silva and A.E. Rodrigues ............... 955

Adsorption of amino acids on SBA-15-type mesoporous
   Q. Gao, Y. Xu, D. Wu and Y.H. Sun .......................... 961

Effect of microstructure of MFI-type zeolite membranes
on separation of xylene isomers
   Y.L. O'Brien-Abraham, M. Kanezashi and Y.S. Lin ............ 967

Separation of CO: and H: with modified MFI membranes
   J. Lindmark and J. Hedlund ................................. 975

Diffusion of n-alkanes in zeolites: the benefit of
observation over different length scales
   S. Brandani, J. Garo, H. Jobic, J. Karger,
   C. Krause and R. Staudt .................................... 981

Separation of benzene and its relatives by highly
hydrophobic microporous/mesoporous materials
   L.X. Guan, J.P. Li, X.Z. Wang, N. Zhao, W. Wei
   and Y.H. Sun ............................................... 988

Diffusion pathway for propylene adsorption in A1PO-14
characterized by molecular modeling and in situ 
synchrotron powder diffraction
   R.W. Broach, A.G. Gutter, N. Greenjay, S. Wilson,
   N. Yang, J. Karapetrova and P. Zschuck ..................... 994

A new type of diffusional boundary effect at the edges
of single-file channels
   A. Schilling, S. Fritzsche and S. Vasenkov ................ 1000

A multidisciplinary approach to understanding sorption
induced breathing in the metal organic framework MIL53(Cr)
   S.Bourrellv, C.Serre, A.Vimont, N.A.Ramsahye,
   G. Maurin, M. Daturi, Y. Filinchuk, G. Ferey and
   P.L. Llewellyn ............................................ 1008

Adsorption of small uremic toxin molecules onto zeolites:
A first step towards an alternative kidney
   D. Berge-Lefranc, C. Vagner, O. Schaf, P. Boulet,
   H. Pizzala, J.L. Paillaud and R. Denovel .................. 1015

Natural gas purification with a DDR zeolite membrane;
permeation modeling with Maxwell-Stefan equations
    J.Van den Bergh, W.D.Zhu, J.C.Groen,
    F. Kapteijn , J.A. Moulijn, K. Yajima, A. Nakayama,
    T. Tomita and S. Yoshida ................................. 1021

Preparation and performance of H-SOD membranes: a new
synthesis procedure and absolute water separation
   S.Khajavi, J.C.Jansen and F.Kapteijn ...................... 1028

Synthesis and gas separation performance of zeolite
membranes with orientation-controlled hexagonal crystals
supported on γ-AL2O3
   V. Parvelescu, T. Tablet and B.L. Su ...................... 1036

Adsorption properties and advanced textural
characterization of novel micro/mesoporous zeolites
   J. Rathousky and M. Thommes ............................... 1042

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